Is Alyx a tease?

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Where the hell did they pull you off of Gramaticon? U.S.S Voyager? And I noticed you got at least one spelling wrong and forgot to use a space on at least one occasion. So before you go off bitching at other people's spellings in places where they don't even matter, such as the internet, I suggest you use a spell and grammarcheck first. I'm sure this whole thread has gone off topic anyway, when is it going to close?
Mesz said:
Where the hell did they pull you off of Gramaticon? U.S.S Voyager? And I noticed you got at least one spelling wrong and forgot to use a space on at least one occasion. So before you go off bitching at other people's spellings in places where they don't even matter, such as the internet, I suggest you use a spell and grammarcheck first.
Warranty said:
GRAMATICON (trademark) is a registered product of Ivinu Industries. Ivinu Industries accepts no responsibility for inaccuracies, errors, oversights, insults, rants, mental ilnesses, deaths, hamsters or flash floods that may occur during the use of GRAMATICON. You're on your own, kiddo.
User error.
Dude, get off with that crap man, this whole thread has just become completely retarded now, due to you being such a smart ass know it all and correcting everyone spellings and saying, "It was Gramaticon and not me *runs away screaming*" just to save your ass from being flamed, just close this thread somebody before smart-ass here decides to give me a bitching with, "Gramaticon." What a load of crap.
Awesome. You completely missed the point.

First, I inserted that into my original post as a tacit admittal that my own writing is by no means perfect. I do know what I'm talking about most of the time (I hope), but typos are inevitable, as are small and ultimately insignificant mistakes. You know why that message is there? It's saying "Yes, I know there's probably going to be mistakes in this post." However, I'm confident that I did not display such a flagrant contempt for the conventions of the english language than using "your" instead of "you're". I'm also fairly confident they were typos and not me being stupid or not knowing how to spell.

Second, one does not need to be good at something to tell someone else they are crap at it. If you want to criticise someone's art, it helps to be a competent artist yourself, because you will be familiar with the craft - but someone who can only draw stick-figures has just as much right to criticism as you do. It should be noted that I did not claim my grammar and spelling were going to be perfect - quite the opposite, in fact. The only claims I made were regarding Blitz, and he asked for his mistakes to be pointed out.

Third, your attempt at flaming me is stupid. Far from trying to cover my arse, I'm being very frank.

Would you like to point out every error in my post? Be my guest. Kamkikaziblitz gave an open invitation to correct his grammar in a manner I detest: the ol' 'oh well if you're so clever' gambit. It's self-righteous prickishness that motivates comments like that. I refer to my second point - don't assume that to criticise something, you must be able to do better. That's generally not true.

I would lock this thread, but I don't have the tools or the authority to do so.

EDIT: This thread went to hell plenty pages ago.

Now, would you like to keep telling me why I shouldn't have done what Kamikazi asked?
Dude, get off with that crap man, this whole thread has just become completely retarded now, due to you being such a smart ass know it all and correcting everyone spellings and saying, "It was Gramaticon and not me *runs away screaming*" just to save your ass from being flamed, just close this thread somebody before smart-ass here decides to give me a bitching with, "Gramaticon." What a load of crap.

You're also an idiot and I hope you get coldcocked in open traffic.
I envy your common sense and your ability not to launch into long-winded arguments where it's not really necessary.

Honestly, I always start ranting when I could just stay out of things and make sarcastic comments on the side, sn!ggering to myself. :(
I envy your common sense and your ability not to launch into long-winded arguments where it's not really necessary.

Honestly, I always start ranting when I could just stay out of things and make sarcastic comments on the side, sn!ggering to myself. :(

It's certainly easier, at the risk of just being a dick. =\
It's certainly easier, at the risk of just being a dick. =\

Your 19 & your not of age yet to drink :LOL:. Teen drinking.

Well anyways this was a nice topic until 'they came'. People ruining it.

Also Absinthe I find it odd that you say that im wierd or creepy, but earlier in this topic people kept talking on how "Gordon & Alyx should have kinky butt sechs!!11111oneone" you never said anything then. Why me?
In England you can drink upon reaching 18, and as early as 5 if its a teeny amount and your under carer supervision.:|

You guys are soo lucky :(. 21 is the drinking age here, but all or most politians want to even higher it.
Blitz said:
Well anyways this was a nice topic until 'they came'. People ruining it.
You're right. It was better before I came. Now it's all messy.

In answer to your previous question, Piggy: Magic.
If you're saying you are okay with typos then why were you bothering to correct them? We don't need a tutorial on the English language seeming as most of us come from countries where English is the native/most commonly spoken language, people just have lazy typing on the internet because we all know we shouldn't give a shizzle about how things are spelt. And yes I do go into a frenzy of rants after a while of complaining about nothing, and for that I apologize but let's just leave this subject now and move back on topic, I'm beginning to forget why this thread was even put up in the first place
Dude you can get pissed at any age, tis brill
Dude you can get pissed at any age, tis brill

Its brill on the night you are drinking say with mates, but the day after, completely different story, or so I have heard, forntuately I dont get hangovers regardless of how much I drink, although I haven't got properly pissed since I was back in high school, not had the time during college, just a few a beers with friends down the pub every thursday night, well most thursday anyway.

Anyway, this was a good topic, its primary purpose was just to discuss Alyx's primary attributes, her role in the game, and what people think of her, but people have come in being dicks and ruined it. So it might as well get locked now, even though it could have continued to be used in EP2 and what Alyx is like in that, but oh well...
Please read this post as if G-man were reading it aloud.

*G-man speech start*

Blitz, you are not getting the point at all.

There is one thing that sets everybody apart. It is called Point of FVCKING View.

Your comment may not have been funny to you, but I thought it was a little funny because of the way you described it. You did not agree. You called me a moron.

Having a different point of view does not enable you to call another people names and be disrespectful to them.

Also, there is no need for you to be so insulted. A different of point of view does not mean anything. Politicians do not make decisions expecting everybody to have the same point of view as they have.

I noticed that you thought my main point of my previous post was about your grammar. My response: Please read more carefully. Eyes are there for a reason, so use them.

Lastly, you have no right to go bossing around and forcing me to 'please explain'. Like you pointed out, this is the internet, and I am free to do as I like. But remember that there are others with this sort of mentality, and utilising bad grammar is just another of the ways that you can manage to piss them off. Having occasional typos is different from not bothering to type properly at all. You do not go onto the internet to piss off fellow users.

But ah well, that wasn't the main point. The main point is, other people have different points of views, such as Absinthe has one different from yours. You call him a troll when he isn't one. In fact, I would think you would be more of one.


As I was saying, you have to respect other people's opinions and not call them names such as 'moron', as you have previously shown. That is the way to truely have a beautiful argument.

Thank you and have a nice day.

*G-man speech end*

EDIT: And yeah, your grammar was just something I pointed out; not the main point of my previous post.
Just down a load of water when I come home after heavy drinking.

But I have made my point of Alyx being a tease, and yes she is(4th or 5th time).
For christ's sake, people! You're posting to a thread entitled "Is Alyx a Tease?" 20 pages? It kind of makes me ashamed to visit the forums...

Same here, this is a more or less pointless thread, get it closed someone please
lol yeah i suppose the topic did go overboard lol, might as well be locked
Please read this post as if G-man were reading it aloud.

*G-man speech start*

Blitz, you are not getting the point at all.

There is one thing that sets everybody apart. It is called Point of FVCKING View.

Your comment may not have been funny to you, but I thought it was a little funny because of the way you described it. You did not agree. You called me a moron.

Having a different point of view does not enable you to call another people names and be disrespectful to them.

Also, there is no need for you to be so insulted. A different of point of view does not mean anything. Politicians do not make decisions expecting everybody to have the same point of view as they have.

I noticed that you thought my main point of my previous post was about your grammar. My response: Please read more carefully. Eyes are there for a reason, so use them.

Lastly, you have no right to go bossing around and forcing me to 'please explain'. Like you pointed out, this is the internet, and I am free to do as I like. But remember that there are others with this sort of mentality, and utilising bad grammar is just another of the ways that you can manage to piss them off. Having occasional typos is different from not bothering to type properly at all. You do not go onto the internet to piss off fellow users.

But ah well, that wasn't the main point. The main point is, other people have different points of views, such as Absinthe has one different from yours. You call him a troll when he isn't one. In fact, I would think you would be more of one.


As I was saying, you have to respect other people's opinions and not call them names such as 'moron', as you have previously shown. That is the way to truely have a beautiful argument.

Thank you and have a nice day.

*G-man speech end*

EDIT: And yeah, your grammar was just something I pointed out; not the main point of my previous post.

Ok where do I start, Well...first of all, When I said Even though I said this in another forum ( still I'll tell you guys.

When I first played Ep1 for the first time during the part of the elevator to the core in the begining When Alyx gave that 'Look' of depression. you could see the concern on her face....I thought "Wow, Her eye' as if look's can kill. It was like her eyes pierced right through me."
When I said that, you comented it as being "Uber Corny". Do you know I put alot of feeling into that post, then you dare call it funny!!!!!!! You hurt my feelings! I got really offended by your coment. I thought it was very innappropriate, not very nice :(.

People on this forum are human just like you & have human feelings just like you. I alse notice you like to joke allot & quite badly.

Im sorry if my grammar is not up to par, I type too fast & im too lazy to spell check but I do edit my post :). Its rather preferance.

Also I did'nt troll him, he trolled me. But then again we were trolling each other because I responded.

Anyways, I would really would like now to get back on topic. I will start ;).

I feel Alyx deserve's a much bigger role in the HL world. Not just in the HL2 story arc, I want her to be in future HL games (Beyond EP3).

I want her to play & even larger role than she has now. Could she be the wife of Freeman? Maybe :D.

Id like to see her in the future.
Nah I disagree, simply because with all the crap that is going on, they just simply dont have the time, I mean I can see them loving each eventually, but i dont think Valve will stetch it to marriage. But yeah, I think she needs a bigger role in the HL story in the future Half-Life games, as she only seems to be the daughter of Eli Vance at the moment, and a decent aid to Freeman and the resistance.
I really think you shouldn't feel that way over a video game character. Yes your feelings are meant to apply to what Freeman thinks but......don't take the mick. We all have human emotions but stuff like that you should really keep to yourself
What you on about? I just said I would like to see Alyx have a bigger role in future Half-Life games because she doesn't really have one at the moment. I really dont see what is wrong with that...
Some of these posts make me a sad panda.
What you on about? I just said I would like to see Alyx have a bigger role in future Half-Life games because she doesn't really have one at the moment. I really dont see what is wrong with that...

exactly, & infact We rarely spent time with her in Half-life 2, but up until Episode One did we spend time with her & she was more fleshed out.

Now it apears in the the first trailer for Episode Two that Alyx dies, thats too quick. I really want to see more of this superbly well done character that Alyx is.

Alyx deserves a much bigger role than she has now.

Some of these posts make me a sad panda.

Well yes, but to me not particularly in a physical sense - attractive enough, yes, but not overwhelmingly so - but rather in the inward sense. As in, she's a really awesome character/person. And she actually seems to be a human with a mind of her own.

They didn't take the easy route of basing her on a playboy model.

My thoughts exactly. I don't find her overly attractive physically, not that I think she's unattractive, shes just not my type, plus she's a li'l young for me I think (it ain't always kids who are videogamers.) But it's her personality and character which are her real attractions.

When I first played HL2: E1 I was slighty irritated to have her tagging along to be honest but over the course of the game I become very fond of her indeed, during the Lowlife levels especially I was very glad to have her company. When the HL2: E2 trailer played at the end and it looks like she dies again (of course, she won't) I howled an involuntary "NOOOOoooooo!" at that point. The developers have I think tried to create a believable character that you come to care about and I think they've succeeded brilliantly IMO.
My thoughts exactly. I don't find her overly attractive physically, not that I think she's unattractive, shes just not my type, plus she's a li'l young for me I think (it ain't always kids who are videogamers.) But it's her personality and character which are her real attractions.

When I first played HL2: E1 I was slighty irritated to have her tagging along to be honest but over the course of the game I become very fond of her indeed, during the Lowlife levels especially I was very glad to have her company. When the HL2: E2 trailer played at the end and it looks like she dies again (of course, she won't) I howled an involuntary "NOOOOoooooo!" at that point. The developers have I think tried to create a believable character that you come to care about and I think they've succeeded brilliantly IMO.

My thoughts exactly. I don't find her overly attractive physically, not that I think she's unattractive, shes just not my type, plus she's a li'l young for me I think (it ain't always kids who are videogamers.) But it's her personality and character which are her real attractions.

When I first played HL2: E1 I was slighty irritated to have her tagging along to be honest but over the course of the game I become very fond of her indeed, during the Lowlife levels especially I was very glad to have her company. When the HL2: E2 trailer played at the end and it looks like she dies again (of course, she won't) I howled an involuntary "NOOOOoooooo!" at that point. The developers have I think tried to create a believable character that you come to care about and I think they've succeeded brilliantly IMO.


Her personality is the driving force for why a lot of people like her, but I do find her very physically attractive (there i said it), i would love to meet a girl just like Alyx as i find her personality traits unique and she definately is my type ^^. Sad I know, but out of the girlfriends i have had in the past, she is a something special, although i do remember that she is just a computer game character, but one can admire her character if one likes, just like anyone can with other fictional characters in books and films. Yes i do realize I have drifted off here...

Back to topic lol
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