Is Alyx a tease?

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Yeah good point, she is actually the first female character used in a game that I dont find myself shooting constantly at because they do my head in, you know the type, all hot damsel in the distress types, pointless characters in my opinion. Alyx is the first female character i have come to really like and enjoy having about, revolutionary gaming character me thinks, well done valve!
I extracted the dialogue files from the game the other day - man, she's got a huge number of recorded lines. Maybe three or four times what she had in HL2. It must have taken Valve forever to record all that.

They probably could have recorded Barney's/Kleiner's/Eli's etc. all in one day though. Not too much for those guys. Just goes to show you how much they've put into developing Alyx's character.

Add in all the AI development and testing that actually made her an asset to the player and it becomes quite clear that Episode 1 was really Alyx's game.
Yep, because one of the primary purposes of EP1 was to develop Alyx's character I believe
Personally imo like other's stated...I find her a quite an attractive 22-24 year old young woman, but thats not ultimately what makes her special, Alyx is not all about looks, she is much more than what she appears & of all of us should know...appearances can be deceiving. Alyx has a unique character that has truely believeable, realistic, very human, & very different.

Like Dr.Isaac Kliener once said "Alyx your talents surpass your lovelines."

Also I might add, Alyx is not one of those cliche'd female "Supermodels" that has poisoned gaming for quite some time... like Overly done breasts, Blonde hair, fat arse, & is barely wearing any clothes. Alyx is a little different she's a little short, her arse is alittle small lol but thats ok ;), but her cheast is alittle too big...thats the only downfall there (her breasts are little too big for her small body), & finally she is fully clothed which is a great change from what we've seen in the past. Alyx actually normal :).

Alyx is a change for the better.
Shes a character in the game. It ends there.

And she makes crappy jokes because she likes Gordon.
dang man, i really wish i got barney instead. Alyx is a bit of a noob. Barney had your back all through black mesa so I'd feel like I had a good fighter and friend by my side if it were barney. He deserved the side kick role even though Valve wanted you to have some sort of "attatchment" to Alyx. She is ok but annoying at times. Anyway enough of this thread it has to die now. Alyx junkies are worse than anti-shepards.
If you want this thread to die, why post in it? It's good for a couple laughs anyway. I say let them have their fun.
dang man, i really wish i got barney instead. Alyx is a bit of a noob. Barney had your back all through black mesa so I'd feel like I had a good fighter and friend by my side if it were barney. He deserved the side kick role even though Valve wanted you to have some sort of "attatchment" to Alyx. She is ok but annoying at times. Anyway enough of this thread it has to die now. Alyx junkies are worse than anti-shepards.

and America junkies are the worst of all...

Plus, let them talk about Alyx if they want to, nothing wrong with that, if dont like the topic or have some sort problem with it then why the hell post in it
Stop picking on madog already. Sure, you can do it in his thread, but not out of it.
Guess it's time for a new thread then: Is Dr. Kleiner a tease?

Or maybe: Is Dr. Kleiner a legitimate theoretical physicist?

Either of those would be really interesting. :rolleyes:
dang man, i really wish i got barney instead. Alyx is a bit of a noob. Barney had your back all through black mesa so I'd feel like I had a good fighter and friend by my side if it were barney. He deserved the side kick role even though Valve wanted you to have some sort of "attatchment" to Alyx. She is ok but annoying at times. Anyway enough of this thread it has to die now. Alyx junkies are worse than anti-shepards.

Well you know, Barney well he wanted to watch you get dressed "together" . He wanted you & him to get drunk "together".

Alyx is a bit of a noob
Well first of all Alyx is'nt certainly a 'n00b' she got us both out of tight when I needed to cover the antloins burrows with cars she did'nt die on me & she helped. Also When I was turning the 'wheel of fortune' to lift the garage door open, she stoped the naughty Poisonious Headcrabs from getting me.

She certainly not no "n00b", if she was...she would'nt have survived.
and may i remind you atthe start of half-life 2 when she knocks out cold those 6 metro cop after they attack you
and may i remind you atthe start of half-life 2 when she knocks out cold those 6 metro cop after they attack you

When she did that she did'nt even use her gun, she did it with her fists & some cool karate weapons, she used her strengh. I know I sure as hell would'nt want to be those Metro cop's :p.
and America junkies are the worst of all...

Plus, let them talk about Alyx if they want to, nothing wrong with that, if dont like the topic or have some sort problem with it then why the hell post in it

I'm really not like an American junkie in real life whos like, AMERICA FTW HELL YA, even though I know someone who is. Most of what I say on here is just to yank on all the Brit's chains. Calling Alyx a noob is perhaps a bit much. Alyx is some support no doubt, I'm just saying Barney would be the better fighter of the two. (Plus Barney isn't annoying like her and he actually says some funny things.)
Barney's wimpy ass couldn't even take out a couple of snipers. He had to sit there and hold himself until Gordon showed up.
he was pinned down, that could of happened to anyone. Even the most experienced fighters know it would be foolish to try and take on snipers when 3 of them (3 or 2) have you pinned down. He has done a good job as a leader of resistance. More so than Alyx. Alyx depends upon you waaaaaaaay more than Barney. That is why you have to baby sit her through the game. Lets face it. She doesnt have the experience of mesa and the guard training that Barney has had.
Barney's wimpy ass couldn't even take out a couple of snipers. He had to sit there and hold himself until Gordon showed up.

Without the multifunction Morphine adicting machine a.k.a HEV, Barney could not pull that off very easily. And plus if he stood up he would be popped off by 3 or 4 at the same time.

Without the multifunction Morphine adicting machine a.k.a HEV, Barney could not pull that off very easily. And plus if he stood up he would be popped off by 3 or 4 at the same time.
It's not too hard to get through that without getting hit.
he was pinned down, that could of happened to anyone. Even the most experienced fighters know it would be foolish to try and take on snipers when 3 of them (3 or 2) have you pinned down. He has done a good job as a leader of resistance. More so than Alyx. Alyx depends upon you waaaaaaaay more than Barney. That is why you have to baby sit her through the game. Lets face it. She doesnt have the experience of mesa and the guard training that Barney has had.

Love to know what version of the game you're playing, in EP1 she was a great ally with that weapon of hers, when I did it on hard once and ran out of ammo completey I let her do all fighting for me AND on Half-Life 2 when you are with Barney to knock out the supression device on top of the museum, he actually died a few times where Alyx has only died once on me
Even though it nothing to do what you guys are saying but....As Dr. Breen once said "My dear you have your mother's eye's but your father's stuborn nature.".

Alyx got her will to never give up & always be a fighter from her father, but she got her attractive looks from her late mother most likely.
Like Dr.Isaac Kliener once said "Alyx your talents surpass your lovelines."

Also I might add, Alyx is not one of those cliche'd female "Supermodels" that has poisoned gaming for quite some time... like Overly done breasts, Blonde hair, fat arse, & is barely wearing any clothes. Alyx is a little different she's a little short, her arse is alittle small lol but thats ok , but her cheast is alittle too big...thats the only downfall there (her breasts are little too big for her small body), & finally she is fully clothed which is a great change from what we've seen in the past. Alyx actually normal .

Sounds like even Kleiner wants to get in there.

For the record, I always thought her bust size was fairly normal. B-cup maybe? That's real-world.

Her butt, on the other hand . . . :upstare: The Valve guys must all be ass-men. ;)
Sounds like even Kleiner wants to get in there.

For the record, I always thought her bust size was fairly normal. B-cup maybe? That's real-world.

Her butt, on the other hand . . . :upstare: The Valve guys must all be ass-men. ;)

*HEV voice*
Sexual Excitement detected
Viagra Administered

Or not, but anyway Barney was pinned down so he could not stand up or he would've been killed.
Or not, but anyway Barney was pinned down so he could not stand up or he would've been killed.
True, he just expects me to go up 3 stories while dodging sniper fire, way to go Barney! I don't know why they chose Barney, but I don't like playing with him. Anytime you have him with you he talks to you like you're a 2 yr old. Making obvious observations or statements, telling to do things you're already in the middle of doing. Then he has the guts to sit there and whine his ass off and have you come save him. He probably throws like a girl too, which is why he couldn't take the snipers out with a couple nades. :)
Barney's wimpy ass couldn't even take out a couple of snipers. He had to sit there and hold himself until Gordon showed up.
He had snipers pinning him down that could blow his head off if he stood up. And he probably can't see the lasers like Gordon can (HEV suit). Of course he possibly could have jumped down to the next level and taken some cover, but hell, I know I wouldn't want to take that risk if I was in a war-zone.
In all honesty, I like Barney and Alyx, but I enjoyed having Alyx as an ally more, mainly because Barney just follows you around and shoots what you are shooting while saying random comments, Alyx does the exact same thing except at a lot of intervals she provides either more insite into her character, additional information about the story or the flirting, so its a lot more interesting and fun playing alongside her than Barney. It would be better if Barney could throw off a good joke abouth their situation at intervals.
For the record, I always thought her bust size was fairly normal. B-cup maybe? That's real-world.



I think big one's on her small body looks awkward, it looks big depending on what position she is in.

Now this conversations is getting a little weird lol.

Ok, I thought she was a big help in Ep1, if it was anyone else I don't think Gordon would have escaped City-17.
Ug, that crazy smirk looks terrible.

d00d said:
*HEV voice*
Sexual Excitement detected
Viagra Administered

*HEV voice*
Caution: if you experience an erection of four hours or longer, consult with Dr. Kleiner.
*HEV voice*
Sexual Excitement detected
Viagra Administered

Rofl, but still I don't Gordon would need viagra, maybe it should say lube admistered :naughty:

it would be more like this----

*VFOX HEV Voice*
*Sexual Hornyness hormones detected*
*Need medical assistance*
*Massive irrection detected*
*Administering emergency Condom*

Lol, this what happens when I read these posts I get completly of course...Damn you all :angry:.
it would be more like this----

*VFOX HEV Voice*
*Sexual Hornyness hormones detected*
*Need medical assistance*
*Massive irrection detected*
*Administering emergency Condom*

Lol, this what happens when I read these posts I get completly of course...Damn you all :angry:.

this thread went off course long ago dude how do you think it got so many posts
I hope I get the 400th post in this topic.
Because we don't yet have enough data to make a determination on whether or not Alyx is a tease. ;)

I'll stir up the pot again: I loaded in the Alyx nude skin the other day. Much like Absinthe (I believe it was) said, I found it momentarily intriguing, but it wasn't long before having her running around naked became sort of ridiculous and immersion-damaging. Therefore, I suppose she's more of an effective tease with her clothes on. :p So there.

Next up - more dramatic "this topic is terrible" thread condemnation! Don't miss it!
Bill, don't admit to such things! You subject yourself to the mockery of moronic masses! (nifty consonance, eh?)
It's just a risk I'll have to take for the sake of the work we're doing here. :thumbs:
Love to know what version of the game you're playing, in EP1 she was a great ally with that weapon of hers, when I did it on hard once and ran out of ammo completey I let her do all fighting for me AND on Half-Life 2 when you are with Barney to knock out the supression device on top of the museum, he actually died a few times where Alyx has only died once on me

That's because it's harder.
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