Is Alyx a tease?

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Even though I said this in another forum ( still I'll tell you guys.

Note: It may sound a little 'nerdy'

When I first played Ep1 for the first time during the part of the elevator to the core in the begining When Alyx gave that 'Look' of depression. you could see the concern on her face....I thought "Wow, Her eye' as if look's can kill. It was like her eyes pierced right through me."

KaMaKaZi-BLiTz said:
More like "uberhappenedtoyoutooandyouknowitsostoplieingtoyourself"!

Your a moron too.

I could be wrong, but it looks to me like SPARTACVS was telling bigburpco that he had likely experienced the Alyx effect that you described and that he was lying to himself by making his "ubercorny" comment. So he may have been defending you.
I could be wrong, but it looks to me like SPARTACVS was telling bigburpco that he had likely experienced the Alyx effect that you described and that he was lying to himself by making his "ubercorny" comment. So he may have been defending you.

Ohh whoops, hehe sorry if he was :cheese:

Also Bigburpco I think your a gimmick, I find it ironic that coment you said before. Let have a look at one of your coments. As I scaned through a old thread.

The quality Alyx exhibits is fear. A natural human trait. Based on this... evidence I shall conduct a simple calculation.

You don't like Alyx exhibiting a human trait. If you don't like Alyx doing that, you shouldn't like people exhibiting those traits as well (Alyx is lifelike enough). If you expect people to not exhibit those traits, they will be inhuman. If you want people to be inhuman, then you hate humans. If you hate humans, you most probably aren't human. Therefore, you are most likely inhuman.

Also, if you can't live without some interaction with NPCs (who help you in shooting baddies), you're most likely trying to be Mr. Machoman. Since I don't think you were bitten by a Macho, you're trying to show off. Therefore, you are most likely an inhuman show-off.

Oh yeah, and others give a shit whether Alyx dies or not, so STFU, thankyouverymuch.

Oh the irony.
It was corny. Every third post of yours is a god damn tribute shrine to Alyx and you often go overboard with your adorations.
It was corny. Every third post of yours is a god damn tribute shrine to Alyx and you often go overboard with your adorations.

Where the hell did you come from. A person that uses Nude models...shame.
For christ's sake, people! You're posting to a thread entitled "Is Alyx a Tease?" 20 pages? It kind of makes me ashamed to visit the forums...
Where the hell did you come from. A person that uses Nude models...shame.

That's great. You're still a corny, obsessive, sad twit.

Post up another screenshot of Alyx touching her hair. I haven't seen enough yet.
I like how he quoted Bigburpco twice, with different responses each time.
That's great. You're still a corny, obsessive, sad twit.

Post up another screenshot of Alyx touching her hair. I haven't seen enough yet.

Also your just even more sad you use Alyx for your arrousement. Your obsessed about the a stupid return for Shephard, say it one more time & I have'nt seen enough yet...
LOL! "Use" Alyx. That's rich.

Call me obsessed with Shephard if you want (I know I'm not), but I'm not the one with his name plastered in big red letters in my sig. :LOL:

Also, next time try making posts that make sense. You lost me at the end of yours.
Also your just even more sad you use Alyx for your arrousement. Your obsessed about the a stupid return for Shephard, say it one more time & I have'nt seen enough yet...

I agree, you call Blitz sad because he has a fasination for Alyx's character, but at least he hasn't downloaded the Alyx Nude Mod and openly admitted it and THEN defended the right to use. You really can't call anyone sad...
I agree, you call Blitz sad because he has a fasination for Alyx's character, but at least he hasn't downloaded the Alyx Nude Mod and openly admitted it and THEN defended the right to use. You really can't call anyone sad...

Shift, you've proven yourself a dimwitted moron in the other thread, so unless you can actually a formulate an argument this time around instead of falling back on "common sense", I suggest you sit down and keep quiet before slipping further into trite banality, rendering your opinion completely worthless (instead of very worthless as it currently stands).
You didn't manage it last time. You probably won't this time. So please don't bother at all. :thumbs:

At the very least, I haven't dedicated a third of my postcount to expressing my undying, scary puppy-love for somebody or something.
You really are a twit and your posts are just laughable, I have better things to be doing then sitting here arguing with a sad, arrogant american on a HL2 forum. So go ahead, type all your bullshit, cause I aint replying to it anymore, you will always remain a complete sad ass to me ;)
You really are a twit and your posts are just laughable, I have better things to be doing then sitting here arguing with a sad, arrogant american on a HL2 forum. So go ahead, type all your bullshit, cause I aint replying to it anymore, you will always remain a complete sad ass to me ;)

Translation: "I realized I can't actually make an argument, so I'm going to feign business and superiority despite the fact this is a tell-tale sign of me being a stupid jackass. I'll keep saying that I won't reply any more, but rest assured I will cave in to the irresistable impulse of shooting myself in the foot."

The negative attribution of being American was also a nice touch. Congratulations! You've met all the criteria for a standard douche bag post. The "Village Idiot" position is now taking applications.
That's not how you reply, Absinthe. Let me help you! Fill in the parts I've left blank:

You are a ______ and a ________ ______ . Your arguments are _______ and _______ - and I'm being generous. There is no point me waisting my time with you, because it's clear you can't ______________ and nothing I say is going to make you listen. I've got better things to do than waist time on the internet arguing about something I've spent the last ____ page thread arguing about (I've suddenly seen sense after all this time) with a ___________ _________ _________ such as yourself. In closing, ___________________________________________________ your mother.
Absinthe, can I ask you a simple question...Do you think that you may be perhaps...Trolling?

This is a thread about Alyx is it not? If you don't like me talking about her lovely character...You don't have to view the thread.

On a side note, Think before you say something...odd, like trolling the forums & helling that for me to stop the facination of alyx's character but yet you look at pixilated Nude female.
No. I'm making an observation that your posts are disturbing.
No. I'm making an observation that your posts are disturbing.

Then walk away..its a simple as that.

It also disturbing that you look a pixilated nude female, think about that.

I walked away from the Shephard threads, despite how irresistable & tempting it is.

You defending the use of Nude female, is like Barry Bonds or Albert Pujols were to defend the use of performance enhancers.
It also disturbing that you look a pixilated nude female, think about that.

I'm thinking about it, and I'm thinking that you're a ****ing idiot. Like Shift, you've utterly failed to supply a rationale. And for the clearing of the record, I admitted to using nude skins. Not that it was an on-going, obsessive activity. I simply can't be bothered with them for the most part nowadays as I have little interest.

It's fine and dandy to discuss Alyx. I don't have a problem with this thread. You just irk me. You take it to a level of creepiness that nobody in else in this topic does.

ADDED: Just read your comparison to performance enhancers. Are you retarded?
Looking at porn != constantly talking about and idolising porn to a point where it becomes both slightly creepy and pretty monotonous. :O
You just irk me. You take it to a level of creepiness that nobody in else in this topic does.

This is the reason why I am more on Filefront's HL2 Gaming Forums than here now....I used to come on here alot. Well Actually im on both equally but....

Look at that thread, I made it & look at all the responses....

Alyx is very flirtatious towards Gordon!

In thread im not the only one that is creepy as you say I am

Edit: What creeps me out the most is that you want 'Shephard to get jiggy with Alyx & otis will tape it' now that is wrong & creepy.
What creeps me out the most is that you want 'Shephard to get jiggy with Alyx & otis will tape it' now that is wrong & creepy.

you do realize that when he typed that he was sailing a ship through a sea of sarcasim not yet charted by posters to date. Unfortunatly his ship was dashed against the rocks of seriousness. Figureativly.
For christ's sake, people! You're posting to a thread entitled "Is Alyx a Tease?" 20 pages? It kind of makes me ashamed to visit the forums...


I still don't quite get how this perplexing sensation of adolsecent embarassment keeps popping up here. Would the next poster who decides to boldly step forward to decry what I assume you view to be some type of puerile fantasy playing out here please tell me what, precisely, is wrong with discussing the motivations of a character in a work of fiction, whether they be sexual or otherwise?

Alyx is likely the single most developed -- and therefore interesting -- character in the Half Life universe. Add to that the fact that there seems to be some consensus here that she does, in fact, tease Gordon to some degree in Episode 1 and you've got the ingredients for a 20 page thread. Big deal.
Ehm... I really want to get back to the Alyx talk please.. I am not playing da Episode 1, and can now actually start talking about things she says.. and stuffs..
(Translation: SHUT THE ____ UP!!!!)


I wish I could play epi 1 tho -.-

I can't till christmas ;(

anyone wanna send me a computer? XD

I want to push alyx off that cliff in the beginning ;(

jkjkjk :p
Ohh whoops, hehe sorry if he was :cheese:

Also Bigburpco I think your a gimmick, I find it ironic that coment you said before. Let have a look at one of your coments. As I scaned through a old thread.

Oh the irony.

Hahaha, get your facts right first.

Since when have I said anywhere that I hate Alyx? Nope. You are assuming (wrongly) the meaning of my previous statement. It might have been a little vague, but you didn't have to go *Blitzkrieg on me.

Sorry, but your a moron.

Complete with bad grammar!

Anyway, I was just commenting to your description of 'Alyx's look'.

When I first played Ep1 for the first time during the part of the elevator to the core in the begining When Alyx gave that 'Look' of depression. you could see the concern on her face....I thought "Wow, Her eye' as if look's can kill. It was like her eyes pierced right through me."

I just find your description a little funny. :LOL:

Yes, it's fine to think that. You just phrased it weirdly.

'ubercorny'.....i really dont know how you can say anything

Whaz you mean? You know the meaning of 'uber', right? And, by the way, don't assume; it makes an ass out of you and me.

Lastly: Stop capitalizing my fvcking nick!

*It's a pun.
Hahaha, get your facts right first.

Since when have I said anywhere that I hate Alyx? Nope. You are assuming (wrongly) the meaning of my previous statement. It might have been a little vague, but you didn't have to go *Blitzkrieg on me.

Complete with bad grammar!

Anyway, I was just commenting to your description of 'Alyx's look'.

I just find your description a little funny. :LOL:

Yes, it's fine to think that. You just phrased it weirdly.

Whaz you mean? You know the meaning of 'uber', right? And, by the way, don't assume; it makes an ass out of you and me.

Lastly: Stop capitalizing my fvcking nick!

*It's a pun.

I just don't see how my coment was so damn funny, please explain.

Also point out the bad grammar if you'd like to, if your so damn perfect...Mr. n0e-it-all

Also if you don't know... this is the internets, when you chat or what ever. Grammar is not first priority. Quit being Mr. Intellectual, like as in you going to some fancy university.

Edit: As seen in in the FAQ, I noticed your a very bad comedian. Your worse than Alyx.

"I just saw a tumble weed go by as the town bell began to toll."

Id really like to get beack on topic & quit making making fun of my opinions.
Also if you don't know... this is the internets, when you chat or what ever. Grammar is not first priority. Quit being Mr. Intellectual, like as in you going to some fancy university.

In a medium where 98% of all communication is text-based, yes, grammar is very important.

Each post of yours makes you look more and more like an idiot. "OH YEAH?!?! OH YEAH??!?!! WELL... WELL... YOU MADE A STUPID JOKE!!!! WHAT NOW?!?!! WHAT NOW?!?!?!" Stop.
Each post of yours makes you look more and more like an idiot. "OH YEAH?!?! OH YEAH??!?!! WELL... WELL... YOU MADE A STUPID JOKE!!!! WHAT NOW?!?!! WHAT NOW?!?!?!" Stop.

Why do you continue to come back here? I believe you are trolling me :dozey:.

You love to flame.
I heard you say something in another topic, and it wasn't cool, and so YOU SUCK! :angry:




KaMaKaZi-BLiTz said:
Word not recognised. Did you mean "comment", a verb meaning 'to remark, put forward an observation or opinion'?



KaMaKaZi-BLiTz said:
I just don't see how my coment was so damn funny, please explain.
Your use of a comma to separate the clauses ' damn funny' and 'please explain' is incorrect. A comma is used to separate clauses and elements in a single sentence. However, two clauses that are joined by a comma cannot be independent - one clause must be dependent on the other.

An exampel of the correct usage:
"The man awoke before dawn, putting his boots on."

An example of the incorrect usage:
"The man awoke before dawn, he put his boots on."

This is gramatically incorrect. The two clauses ("The man...dawn" and "he...on") are independent. To fix this problem, try:

- Changing the comma to an appropriate symbol, such as a semicolon or hyphen:
"The man awoke before dawn; he put his boots on."
- Write the two clauses as two separate sentences:
"The man awoke before dawn. He put his boots on."
- Use a conjunction between the two clauses.
"The man awoke before dawn, and put his boots on."

Therefore, a correct way to word your statement would be:

"I just don't see how my comment was so damn funny. Please explain."



QUOTE=KaMaKaZi-BLiTz said:
Also point out the bad grammar if you'd like to, if your so damn perfect...
You have used two conditional clauses - "if you'd like to" and "if you're so damn perfect" in a very short space. While this is a grammatical grey area, it is not advisable.



QUOTE=KaMaKaZi-BLiTz said:
if your so damn perfect...
The use of the possessive adjective 'your' (usage: "All your base are belong to us") does not seem appropriate in the context of your statement. Did you mean to say 'you're', a contraction of 'you are' (usage: "You're winner!")?

Don't worry: this is a common internet error.



QUOTE=KaMaKaZi-BLiTz said:
Mr. n0e-it-all
You have failed to capitalise the first letter of "N0e-it-all" - a proper noun or name. You have also forgotten to finish your sentence with a full stop (usage: "No.") or exclamation mark (usage: "Yes!")!



QUOTE=KaMaKaZi-BLiTz said:
Also if you don't know...
Previously, the lack of a comma between "Also" and the rest of the sentence was agreeable as you were giving an instruction. When "Also" is used as a prelude to further information, however, as it is here, a comma should come after it.



QUOTE=KaMaKaZi-BLiTz said:
like as in you are going
From Wikipedia:
In linguistics, a copula is a word used to link the subject of a sentence with a predicate (a subject complement or an adverbial).

A copula is sometimes (though not always) a verb or a verb-like part of speech. In English primary education grammar courses, a copula is often called a linking verb.

The term is generally used to refer to the main copular verb in the language: in the case of English, this is "to be".
As you can see, this is missing from your wording. The correct variant of 'linking verb' would, in this case, be "are".



QUOTE=KaMaKaZi-BLiTz said:
like as in you going to some fancy university.
Are you a native English speaker? Many people who learn English as their second or third language find it hard to grasp some elements of English grammar. This is entirely understandable, since the English language can sometimes see a bit of a mess. "Like as in you going..." is a very strange construct that does not make much sense, in part due to superfluous words and redundancy. "Like you are going..." would have sufficed, as would "as if you are going..." Re-read everything you write and double-check that you have not cluttered your wording with superfluous terms!



Listen, you. Don't tell him "Grammar is not the first priority" as if it's your place, or your right, to decide. How do you know what the first priority on the internet is? Who told you? Al Gore? Tim fvcking Berners-Lee?

And many people are going to fancy universities. Cthulu forbid they try and maintain the same standard of language in their forum posts and everyday writings as they do in their theses. Yes, language is a liquid form, constantly changing, and yes, grammar is not god and rules are made to be bent or broken and yes, this is being pedantic and twatty and if the content of a post is intelligent and meaningful, then form be damned - but you asked for it!

And as one of the puny, ambulatory blood-blisters in this thread has already pointed out, the correct form does count for a lot when all communication is text-based and people have to read what you write. Anyway, only when you've mastered language can you say it is not necessary. Only when you know how to play by the rules can you break them.

That's right, fear the Gramaticon!









All mistakes in your post have been accounted for.

GRAMATICON (trademark) is a registered product of Ivinu Industries. Ivinu Industries accepts no responsibility for inaccuracies, errors, oversights, insults, rants, mental ilnesses, deaths, hamsters or flash floods that may occur during the use of GRAMATICON. You're on your own, kiddo.
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