Is Alyx a tease?

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Thats because of what he has done in those amount of days. She already knew he was some kind of hero for what he managed to do in Black Mesa, not to mention how sodding inteligent he was. Plus he was risking his life form the good of the resistance and all the crap that gets thrown at him he guns his way through it and obviously Alyx is going to really admire what he is doing, he has unmatched bravery and just takes everything the combine throws at him and thats what many chicks fall for ;) Not to mention that he showed that he cared for her safety when he assaulted the Citadel himself, you know the rest. But out of pure interest, i hope they build on this relationship, really interesting how it develops and how Valve work with a character that just wont speak lol
A little off topic, but when your about to go into the portal reactor, after alyx tells you to charge up your suit, it';s kinda fun to do this... Press the use key on her, and she'll look at you, wide eyed, and then nodd, and she'll nodd back... Kindof small, but fun to do, like saying "I'll be alright, don't worry about me :)" and she is enlightened however much by her.... and then when you kill breen, when she comes out... I just realized she's not happy you killed breen... well... not alone anyway... She's happy your alive :) she does that lille thing where she kidof bends over, as if trying to take all this in, then she turns, and is serious... as gordon, i like to slowly run towards her while the g-man's talking, as if were worried she was going to be hit... :D
oh.... my... god.....

i think that was worse that rambler, at least he was kidding.
He fears there's something wrong with him because he can't feel the same way. That's what's scary about it.
You know what, I don't see anything wrong with developing feeling's for a game character....So I dont see what so Scary about that?

It aint because that was Valve's main intentions, to make the player feel for the characters ;)
It aint because that was Valve's main intentions, to make the player feel for the characters ;)

Well up to a certain degree, but in EP1 they wanted you to become attached. They wanted Alyx to be more likeable, more fun to be around, etc etc...
I'm just kidding around guys. I always do this when someone makes a thread about Alyx. :p
don't worry, blitz's justification is now my most recent scare.
Whats so scary about being human? Showing emotions is against the law, eh?

Or is it just too :dork:
There is nothing uncool about it Blitz, EXPRESS YOUR EMOTIONS FREELY! lol

I remember on Sky One ages ago there was this show that came on about the 50 greatest women action heroes, and Tomb Raider came up at like 4th but everyone thought she was hot (this is from the computer game perspective) and yeah she does kick ass too. Now that's like PS1 graphics, and Lara Croft if i remember did look like a blocky figure, if you look at Alyx, she looks practically real, and even acts practically real, so frankly, if soooo many people can vote for Lara Croft because she is hot, then i dont see any shame in finding Alyx hot either and I hate having to come back to this point.

Justice cleary, practically everyone who plays Half-life 2 and beyond will have feelings for Alyx and at the least think she is hot, well that male population anyway. Case Closed.
... I don't think anybody will be able to disagree with that :D gj man ^^

Alyx is definately in love with gordon (or if you would like, you :eek:) but then when I bring it up some people feel like this

:sniper: :x (sniper = them dead person = alyx)

but in reality, everyone who plays epi 1 is in <3 with alyx on some level. When i'm in the hl2 world I try my best to play the way gordon would actually be acting, which makes it feel even more real... even at this point, when I'm playing a game, I can't even pull the trigger on alyx, even though it wont hurt her, it gets embedded into your head that she's there, and real, even if it is the game. Do not deny your sympathy for alyx when she's pinned under the stalker. what if that was your gf? wouldn't you want to help her as soon as possible? and then afterwards when she breaks down you want to comfort her. It's human natre, so don't deny your instincts, and put them off as "nerdy" because of a video game, because as long as your holding the controler, you are that character. I wouldn't mind if gordon talked actually... cause him not talking makes him seem alien... so in ep2 I want to hear him say some shit... he kindof comes off as an asshole in the right situation. :p
Ok I Admit It I Want To Marry Her!! Are You Happy Now? Are You All Happy Now???
Outwitted by an automatic embarassing!
Oh shit yeah cherry is lesbian, well come on cherry, you like her too, dont deny it lmao xD
I can't even pull the trigger on alyx, even though it wont hurt her, it gets embedded into your head that she's there, and real, even if it is the game. :p

Really...:LOL: Well I payed a mod where you could kill all the characters once, I don't remember the name. Anyways there is this gun that can clone any object in the game soo... guess what I did. In that room at Black Mesa East when you meet Eli I used this gun and cloned Alix about 20 times and then randomly threw grenades all over the place and watched the gibs fly. Yes I am a sick bastard:LOL: . I also LMFAO when I kicked Breen in the face right in the middle of one of his speeches( yes I used NOCLIP):E
Van Halen said:
Do not deny your sympathy for alyx when she's pinned under the stalker. what if that was your gf? wouldn't you want to help her as soon as possible? and then afterwards when she breaks down you want to comfort her.

One thing that's kind of weird is your inability to do just that. Instead of comforting her, Gordon kind of just stands there, silent as ever, like he's waiting for Alyx to get over her 'girly-fit' so they can move on. Maybe they should have added a hug command. ;)

(That might silence all the 'Ep 1 is too short' critics too; players would be doing it all the time. Then of course someone would come up with a 'fondle' mod before too long . . . :LOL: )
Well you wouldn't believe the amount of times Valve have been asked about more character interaction, and that it seems pretty wierd that Gordon would just stand there while Alyx tries and re-corporates from the shock of a lifetime, so we may just see it in future games ;)
you don't tell you? what? you're sentences are getting harder and harder to understand.

i do think ramblers weird thread was funny though, shame it was locked. i think he was joking anyway.... i think..
lol nevermind, i sometimes miss interpret what is being said on a forum, ignore the post if it sounds a little odd ;)
Look at this....

You think Aylx is bad, you wait till Mossman fanboys releaze shes actually a man...
I don't mind it personally, but everybody at Facepunch uses them for Garry's mod Ragdoll poses, Comic's, & Movie's.

I think breen looks improved.
I just thought of something....Alyx is in a apocalyptic Russian city right, Well I don't understand why she dyed her hair once. Her hair has streaks of red, shades of of dark purple & mostly Black.

How can you change the color of your hair in a oppressive City like City-17.
You have to apply for a permit, and the dye is rationed, but it's possible!
Maybe dye is a popular product in the City 17 Black Market? :p
Yeah it would have been possible to put dye in her hair

Ok this entire topic seems to have come to an anti-climax, so ill just end it the best i can..

Alyx is not in love with Gordon...yet. She merely has a crush on him, she see's him as the resistance icon, basically a hero who take everything that is thrown at him and then deal the same back with 100x more effectivness, i.e. kill them. He stormed the Citadel itself, alone, just to save Alyx, and yes Eli too and too obviously stop Breen. He has done so much for the resistance, and coupled that with his certain traits, then its only natural that Alyx would have a major crush on him. But love? no...too early for that, they have only known each other a few days.

Personally I think they make an awsome couple (beleive me, I have said that 3 times about 3 of my mates and other girls, one week later they are boyfriend and girlfriend ;)) and I think Valve will most definately extend this relationship to indulge in love interests, but I dont think we will see this until after the aftermath, i.e. Half-Life 3 (yes i know these episodes are half-life 3 technically but the next half life game will be called half life 3 none the less).
I said this in another forum, I agree that it is still a crush...Right now its just a crush a small one because they've only known each other for Like a week & a couple of days. Alyx barely know's Gordon becides the tale's her father told her when she was just only a little slip of a thing.

I guess Gordon would like her too, because after she got knocked out & kidnapped by the Combine....Gordon just went after her all the way to the citadel to rescue her "Damsel in distress" becides getting Eli. Alyx was on Gordons mind, by playing hero like that.

Whenever Alyx is in-trouble He try's his best, to save her "Playing hero" lol.

But also...When Gordon tries to pull a stunt by playing hero sometimes, Alyx albeit would'nt forgive herself if he were to die while trying to save her from being stalkerfied in that Citadel (Martyr) in the end of HL2. Hence dying then reloading a saved game.

Same way around with Gordon, He would not forgive himself if something bad happened to her, she means everything to him, as seen i nsome Comic's.
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