Is Alyx a tease?

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Shift said:
Oh, and people who actually use the term 'geek', is quite frankly a retard. They should take a good look at themselves to be honest, they are just jealous of other people's intelligence.

That, or they have a suspicious need to automatically categorize everyone. Maybe so they can more easily recognize which 'group' can be considered outcasts and ridicule them, making sure in the process that they themselves are safely in the 'accepted' camp. In the end it boils down to plain old insecurity.

I highly doubt that everyone who has ever admitted to finding Alyx's character attractive is walking around with pocket protectors and never had a girlfriend.
you got your thread closed.

Que-ever is right, Alyx IS a man,
LOL rambler, ok i fidn her attractive because of her personality (ok she is hot too) but she still is a computer game character lol

You are now offically a legend lol, but i think you need a doctor ^^
its a few minor adjustments like Lighting, Contrast/brightness, Hue/saturation, Curves, Levels, & Color balance.

If you want a "Photoshoped" job here it is.....

Alien or dead Alyx?

Alyx has bleu eyes.

Thank You!!!! i like the real life pix ritual posted on there media section of there site... beautiful... she hotter in the consept art then the game, same with alyx, i find the alyx in the art much hotter then the one in the game.

I think the E3/ Pre-release/ beta Alyx is much hotter than both HL2 & HL2:EP1

She definatly has a better looking body than the final product. Its such a shame that she was'nt in the final version, I would love to have kicked that guys arse that stole the source code because we would have seen the E3 alyx in Hl2 full.

by the looks of it she has lara croft type busts, lol.




Why has suddenly attracted a bunch of avant-garde artistic piss?
Why has suddenly attracted a bunch of avant-garde artistic piss?

I don't suppose you can do better?

Lets see what you can do, "Im so L33t at photoshop".

But also you must realize that I only just bought Photoshop CS2 for the the first time ;).
I never claimed to be good at Photoshop. I'm actually very shit with it, hence why I don't post any of it on the internet.

BTW, your sig...
I heard in the early version of HL2, Alyx's father wasn't Eli it was some named captain Vance. The HL2 beta Alyx have not really known Kliener, Barney, Eli, Mossman... She did'nt even know about or even heard about Gordon Freeman.

But I read on Wiki that Alyx met Gordon when some train crashed. I've also heard that even though ALyx never heard about Gordon & barely knew him but she still fell in love with him in the end & died..I think.

Good thing we have MI mod :)
Fell in love with him and died in the end...... Who the Hell said that? Never heard that about the beta, not even in RTB.
KaMaZi-BLiTz said:
I don't suppose you can do better?

Lets see what you can do, "Im so L33t at photoshop".
The notion that to criticise a creative enterprise one must be an adept creator oneself must be stabbed in the face repeatedly.
Fell in love with him and died in the end...... Who the Hell said that? Never heard that about the beta, not even in RTB.

I heard it that she fell in love with him in HL2 beta but later on a different approach came such as "The hinting" *wink*wink*.

Thats what I heard from other people.

Ok here's a quote from "Shadow]["
shadow said:
it was originally designed that alyx falls in love with you in the half life 2 beta, as a year ago some people released the whole dialog and it was completely different story, at the end alyx dies and her last words were "I always loved you gordon" and u know in the e3 2003 movies she says "Gordon snap out of it, you're staring at me again " and in codename gordon she says stuff like "Gordon its not pollite to stare" so i guess gordon would like her too, too bad the story was totally changed. but we still dont know
Well i think since the majority of the players have taken a 'shine' to alyx lmao, then i think Valve want to use Alyx a lot more. I could easily tell Alyx is already in love with Gordon, man i could that a mile away, im sure Gordon would vice versa, however since he will never talk, he can never show his true feelings, so its gonna be interesting how Valve work there way around this.
Well i think since the majority of the players have taken a 'shine' to alyx lmao, then i think Valve want to use Alyx a lot more. I could easily tell Alyx is already in love with Gordon, man i could that a mile away, im sure Gordon would vice versa, however since he will never talk, he can never show his true feelings, so its gonna be interesting how Valve work there way around this.

Well, If there's a will there's a way :).
I wish i could exchange my girlfriend for alyx....

oh no! that sounds mean...

I wish i WAS my girlfriend and was going out with alyx... EVERYBODY WINS!!! where did i put my life......?
Or you could just say it plainly instead of that sarcastic garbage, and i think its impossible to judge whether someone has a life or not on a couple of views on a computer game character. You make actually be shocked to know that i have a perfectly good life, and thats a life outdoors, not on a computer...
This one of the reasons Im going to buy these episodes, my reasons are...

1) Will Alyx EVER admit her true feelings, quit being shy about it, & tell the freakin' truth?

2) Who the F**k is the G-man?

3) Did breen get his host body?

4) Who's gonna die?

5) how the F**k does the science resistence team know that Gordon is coming?

6) Will some of the stuff that was cut from the Half-Life 2 beta make its way back into HL2, like an expansion pack?

sorry if I went off topic.

Also me getting back on topic :) some what,

Before HL2: Episode One was released I pondered what a First Person hug would be like (especially because of no cut scene's), It came, & it was unusual, wierd(cant move), but cool.

Next I wonder how valve will pull this off (alyx admiting her true feelings for the person she cares for the most) this should be interesting...
Yeah to a guy who cant talk, its not the sort of respone a women wants from a guy after admitting her true feelings for him, just standing there silent lmao
Or you could just say it plainly instead of that sarcastic garbage, and i think its impossible to judge whether someone has a life or not on a couple of views on a computer game character. You make actually be shocked to know that i have a perfectly good life, and thats a life outdoors, not on a computer...

OH!! so THIS is the thread where you thought i accused you of having no life Shift. i wondered what you were talking about. if you actually READ my post however you'll see I was referring to myself.

i read your post clearly, and it was rather obvious to me what you were saying. Anyway just leave it now, pointless having rows of a sodding internet forum.
I wish i could exchange my girlfriend for alyx....

oh no! that sounds mean...

I wish i WAS my girlfriend and was going out with alyx... EVERYBODY WINS!!! where did i put my life......?

and this is refering to you how? I kinda feel the same way to be honest ^^

lets face it... alyx is hot... we all know it, and some of us are too short sighted to see that the majority rules in favor of gordon + alyx = love, instead of gordon + alyx = she falls to her death because a bunch of ignorant assholes think that having feelings for a computer game character is nerdy... yeah... it's no different than having a favorit toy, or having a favorit sport... it's your favorit game character, and you don't want anything to happen to them :)

I think that gordon does talk, we just don't hear it. I see in entanglement (on hl2... yeah... it's sad... I won't be able to play epi 1 till november ><) that sometimes alyx looks at gordon, and looks away, and sometimes smiles at him, if you look out of the corner of... the screen :D (this is on xbox.)Also, seeing the gamplay all the way through by habboi (on youtube) I can tell that she hears something... but we can't... maby valve's trying to do something...

well... i'm done :D
meh, but your right, if you look away, Alyx looks at you and then you turn to look at her then she looks away, like you do =)
:p thats how love starts... you stare at the person asking yourself "... am I... in... No... no... not me!" and the they look at you then you realize "ohh... was staring..." and look away :)

I hope they build on this more and more, but in epi 2 (whe alyx is awake) if she stares at you, and you look at her, they should have her wink, or something like that :D
:p thats how love starts... you stare at the person asking yourself "... am I... in... No... no... not me!" and the they look at you then you realize "ohh... was staring..." and look away :)

I hope they build on this more and more, but in epi 2 (whe alyx is awake) if she stares at you, and you look at her, they should have her wink, or something like that :D

Yep, I agree. Id bet if some one asked her, she'd shove it off. She'd pretend like she's not in love.

it will take some time before she says everything she feels.

Also Its funny of how quickly she fell in love with Gordon, especially in such a short period of time. She has only known him for only a couple of days.
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