Is Alyx a tease?

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The biggest mistake had been made by the Valve is THE FRIGGIN SMILE, of Alyx.
Nah, the biggest mistake was not making the combine soldiers badass enough, in my opinion. Although I can see why, from a gameplay perspective.
check out this Edited photoshope'd Concept art, mmm id bet that would be close to the next full HL(after ep3) . mmmmm Graphics, now thats real tease, not alyx.


Im temted to photoshop the other concept art with both alyx & Gordon in it with free flowing hair but i cant find it.
how the hell is this photoshoped?! it looks like some one just made it brighter...

Back a few posts, graphics like that (Wind, rain, etc) adds an extra sense of realism that City 17 is desolate, lonely, and barren.
i dont understand what that has to do with the alleged "photoshopped" picture compared to the non-photoshopped one.
its a few minor adjustments like Lighting, Contrast/brightness, Hue/saturation, Curves, Levels, & Color balance.

If you want a "Photoshoped" job here it is.....

Alien or dead Alyx?

Alyx has bleu eyes.
That's horrible. :sleep:

it really is... I wouldnt really consider that a photoshop... and i know it was definatly not a "job" jobs are hard... that would take me 10 sec.

Im temted to photoshop the other concept art with both alyx & Gordon in it with free flowing hair but i cant find it.

how could you not find it... not only was it in one of my posts in the perevious page... but I found it by simply image googleing Half life 2.
I know, I cant find that thread I forgot, that was last night. Its like the thread was deleted. I will look up that pic on google though.
Photoshop filters ftw. All your missing now is the lens flare.
I actually MADE this one. I'm not going to say its the best, but it is somewhat near OK. Different lighting, but the face looks a bit pixelized, but the picture is hard to work with...

Photoshop filters ftw. All your missing now is the lens flare.

exatly... there just filters.. filters are as easy as point and click, there isnt much though or work involved. make something creative. I cant think of anything to do with it right now but if i ever do it would involve more then just that one pic..
Alyx was part man, well I found on face Punch Studios a Photoshop pic of Alyx & G-man infused, that changes them to be Alyx-man, MuHAHAHAA. WARNING: The Following WILL make your eyes Bleed, & YOUR eyes WILL hurt :D .






*fap fap fap*
I ****ing hate that i am late for this sort of topic but ill just try and sum it all up. I may repeat some things of what is already said. Ok, i would say i am attuned to what is normal and what aint this world. I love computer games as i see them as a great passtime and a good inspiration; a look into the future, im bright (i think), but im also in a small band playing the electric guitar (been playing for 8 years now, love to play Eric Clapton and Muse's work), i have had girlfriends but none of them really worked out, and i have great ambitions.

Ok enough of the life story

I am sick to death of hearing people say that its wrong to feel attraction to Alyx, its just a bunch of polygons, Alyx, i admit, is hot. But as it has been mentioned, its how well she is portrayed as a proper human being, with feeling and emotions, and how well she looks so real. Its her personality that is the attraction, just like (yes i know its been said) in fictional books, films etc. I for one haven't and still haven't felt any real strong feeling for any of today's women because they are too much like the cliche girls. To me, Valve created a unique women, someone who drives from her emotions, is definately able to take care of herself, is brave and doesn't flee at the first sign of danger, and has a big and warm heart. She has strong determination for any task, and frankly i love having her by my side. I think she is extremely attractive and i openly admit because there is nothing wrong with it. Im sorry to say, but in my opinion, if you play through Half-Life 2 and episode 1 and not feel at least an attraction towards alyx, you are either gay, not played the game properly or you are wally_breen.
Oh, and people who actually use the term 'geek', is quite frankly a retard. They should take a good look at themselves to be honest, they are just jealous of other people's intelligence, have they other the saying 'knowledge is power'. I mean look at Half-Life 2, humanity on the rocks and Eli and Kleiner are the last hope for freedom, both can be classed as geeks. Alyx, she can be classed as a geek. Even Gordon, a lifetime studying fusion in teleportation, i also read some background information on him in a prima guide, he wrote some award winning thesus of the fusion, he can be classed as a geek, but jesus christ look what he does. Without 'geeks' i would not be typing this in a forum on the internet on this computer. Anyone calls you a 'geek', tell them to **** off, or better, smack them in the mouth!
You're confusing geek with nerds. Everyone on this forum is somewhat of a geek, but there is such a thing as a cool geek ;)
no im just saying that geek and nerd shouldn't even be used, its ridiculous. Although there were a few at my High school who were like really bright, but incredibly wierd, but i just called them weirdos =D
give me a call when you come up with something offensive ;)
I am sick to death of hearing people say that its wrong to feel attraction to Alyx, its just a bunch of polygons, Alyx, i admit, is hot. But as it has been mentioned, its how well she is portrayed as a proper human being, with feeling and emotions, and how well she looks so real. Its her personality that is the attraction, just like (yes i know its been said) in fictional books, films etc. I for one haven't and still haven't felt any real strong feeling for any of today's women because they are too much like the cliche girls. To me, Valve created a unique women, someone who drives from her emotions, is definately able to take care of herself, is brave and doesn't flee at the first sign of danger, and has a big and warm heart. She has strong determination for any task, and frankly i love having her by my side. I think she is extremely attractive and i openly admit because there is nothing wrong with it. Im sorry to say, but in my opinion, if you play through Half-Life 2 and episode 1 and not feel at least an attraction towards alyx, you are either gay, not played the game properly or you are wally_breen.
I definitely agree. Funny how no one gives a second thought to people drooling over a celeb they see in a movie. But the reality is these celebs are no more real to the majority of people than Alyx or Gordon is.

I would probably take being called a geek or nerd as a compliment. Dork on the other hand, that's a fightin word :p Though the people most likely to use those terms are the guys that are still holding on to their high school football glory days from some 10 years ago. ;)
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