Is Alyx a tease?

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Even though I dont like alyx, I do Consider myself a Geek. I am a military Geek (I know alot about Military Hardware like Gun Tanks, APC's, IFV's, etc), PC Hardware(GPU's, CPU's, RAM, HDD's, etc.) Basically I am a Many Geek.
I am a geek of computer, as well as a geek of physics, physical chemistry, culture, histroy, etc. And I used to get 1st in school.

Well what can i say..? Every time i see her i'm like
"Would NOT mind givin her one, any day! *nods in agreement*"
But she is kinda hot and i sure as hell wouldn't mind goin for a reality check with her!

Again I am reminded just as I am always reminded after reading "Alyx" threads that there are some very odd, frustrated young men on this forum.
It's not anymore odd than the people that sit there and go on and on about a so called "celebrity" all the time or sports figures. No one blinks an eye about some guy not missing one game of a specific sports team to cheer for them, or a someone not missing a movie with a specific celebrity in it. To me that's sad.
This entire thread is scary and this is the society we're becoming. GAh. D: D: D:
Anyways, Whats so Great about Alyx? She's just a Bunch of Pixels. Prominent Pixelation IS not the one of the Qualities most of us look for in a Woman. Also Every time I play the game I get the feeling she wants some of Freemans FREE-MEN, ughh she like freakin' 16 years of age, & freeman is 27, NOT COOL!!!!!!
FREE-MEN? That's ****in awesome man! :LOL:

I'm sure you think Alyx would love to be covered in Freeman's free-men.
Oh noes, a character in a game is eminently likeable and mature!

Quick, discuss sex in a juvinile manner!

Also, she is ugly! This is an outrage, because women in games must be beautiful and attractive and desirable!
Oh no, sexual hijinks with a digital character. This is far too depraved and immoral for innocent eyes.
Just when i thought this forum was being filled with too many sexually experienced playaz who work the field with their crazy moves and manly allure..this thread comes along.

Well done guys. This is what it means to be a gamer! Faith restoration indeed!


Well yes, but to me not particularly in a physical sense - attractive enough, yes, but not overwhelmingly so - but rather in the inward sense. As in, she's a really awesome character/person. And she actually seems to be a human with a mind of her own.

They didn't take the easy route of basing her on a playboy model.

I just see people going "omg I hate alyx because she is ugly" (not using those exaxt words in this thread, but in others) and it's like "It's what's inside that counts lol!"


Wally_Breen said:
Anyways, Whats so Great about Alyx? She's just a Bunch of Pixels. Prominent Pixelation IS not the one of the Qualities most of us look for in a Woman.


I dont like Alyx because quite frankly she looks like a man.
HL2 isn't a dating service, for god's sake. Yes, she does appear to have rather a crush on Freeman (or she just never went to innuendo rehab) but it's more than just that - she's genuinely, emotionally attached. Just look at the scene near the climax of HL2 where you descend the elevator shaft while she looks down mournfully at you, receding into the distance. I can totally understand the player almost falling in love with her. But the thing quoted above just seems as if the poster has completely ignored the whole point of Alyx even being in the game.

Also, I hate Random capitalisation of Words.

All that said, I laughed out loud when she went "is there room for two in there?" :naughty:
All that said, I laughed out loud when she went "is there room for two in there?" :naughty:

So did I

Just look at the scene near the climax of HL2 where you descend the elevator shaft while she looks down mournfully at you, receding into the distance. I can totally understand the player almost falling in love with her. But the thing quoted above just seems as if the poster has completely ignored the whole point of Alyx even being in the game.

I must admit I felt a little sorry for leaving her up there o_O
I don't understand this notion that sexual attraction to a digital character is somehow wrong, unnatural, or wierd.
EDIT: Never mind. I think I misunderstood you.

EDIT2: Yes, I totally did. And I agree with your sentiment.
I don't understand this notion that sexual attraction to a digital character is somehow wrong, unnatural, or wierd.

It seems to me that it's not so important that she's a digital character, but that she's a fictional character. People discuss fictional characters from movies, books, etc. at great length. Yet some posters here would have us believe that to wonder about Alyx's motivations is, as you said, somehow weird or inappropriate.

That, to me, is weird. Maybe the result of emotional hangups or exaggerated self-consciousness, as if it's neccesary to quickly point out that "No, I've never looked at Alyx's butt while playing HL2 or wondered if she's coming on to me/Gordon. Absolutely not! I would never allow myself to become immersed in a fictional environment that way!" :rolleyes:
Yes, "fictional" is a better choice of diction.

I don't want to pull this off into a tangent, but let me just state that nobody is attracted to polygons, sprites, wiremeshes, or pixels except perhaps in the most rudimentary sense. Attraction lies in the character's concept. The same thing that applies to characters in literature.
Well, personally I am attracted to small triangular geometric surfaces across which an alluring texture is spread. But that's just me.
That's why I said in the rudimentary sense.

After that, your mind mind pretty much takes off from there.

Id perfered if G-Man put Gordon in an aditional 20-25 years in Stasis, Then Gordon comes back. When Gordon returns 20 or so years later, Alyx is Married to some dude & has kids :LOL: . Gordon Knocks on her door to say Whats Up? Wheres my HEV-suit? , Alyx faints(Thought Gordon was long dead). Then later Gordon goes over to see his old bud Barney Calhoun, Gives the beer He owes Gordon. He gets drunk, Gordon has a drinking problem....Goes to A.A. this is in the future, Peace is in the air.

P.S: Im back from week vacation at Lake George :)

Id perfered if G-Man put Gordon in an aditional 20-25 years in Stasis, Then Gordon comes back. When Gordon returns 20 or so years later, Alyx is Married to some dude & has kids :LOL: . Gordon Knocks on her door to say Whats Up? Wheres my HEV-suit? , Alyx faints(Thought Gordon was long dead). Then later Gordon goes over to see his old bud Barney Calhoun, Gives the beer He owes Gordon. He gets drunk, Gordon has a drinking problem....Goes to A.A. this is in the future, Peace is in the air.

P.S: Im back from week vacation at Lake George :)

Great story, we all missed you tons ;)
I think they went just a little bit too far trying to make the character likable. I hate having company in fps games and it doesn't help that they gave her some annoying lines.... for example, the 'zombie groan' that was supposed to scare Gordon, I didn't even realise it was 'zombie groan' until i read the subtitles. :p

I don't know, I suppose I just enjoy games without too much scripted content. At times I felt like Alyx is helping me out too much, so fewer puzzles. And having a character with you makes dark places filled with scary creatures less scarier. :/
I'll say it straight. Being a total loser/nerd/geek, I am totally attracted to Alyx, though I agree with the above post. I missed that feeling of isolation I got in HL2. Not only is she physically attractive (that picture of her on the valve developer wiki: wow) but she is a really cool character as well. just like all the other ones in HL2 and EP1. In fact, I i find her tomboyish traits most attractive, the way she doesn't just assume a really typical girlish role like so many girls I know.
I'm afraid many girls don't even assume that role, they simply are that way naturally. :p
You just have to look around, I'm sure there are some tomboys somewhere... :)
I didn't find Alyx a tease because I kept moving at fastish pace. I reckon she get annoying very fast if you played at slow pace like my brother. He practically crawls everywhere in all FPSs.
I hate guys who arrive at this forum and start shouting: "ALYX? UH, WHAT A UGLY BUNCH OF POLYGONS!!! Alyx isn't beautiful until we actually KNOW her. When I first met her in the game I was like "Who's this ugly girl??" But then she started to show her personality (one of the best characters ever made, congratulations Valve!) and I was thinking "well, she isn't that ugly... ,i'm starting to like her". So, you guys who say bad things about her... THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK!! :-(
I hate guys who arrive at this forum and start shouting: "ALYX? UH, WHAT A UGLY BUNCH OF POLYGONS!!! Alyx isn't beautiful until we actually KNOW her. When I first met her in the game I was like "Who's this ugly girl??" But then she started to show her personality (one of the best characters ever made, congratulations Valve!) and I was thinking "well, she isn't that ugly... ,i'm starting to like her". So, you guys who say bad things about her... THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK!! :-(

:x & :dork:. We all have are own opinions & I think I have a right to my own opinion no matter what the other party says. I think she's an ugly pain in the ass, plain & simple. I am not attracted to her nor Do like her character. Dr. Breen is a much more Interesting character that I dont want to see wasted. Every Inch me, every cell inside me wants her out the HL Universe before its too late. Before Gordon & Alyx get.....well, I think you get the idea I dont need to explain myself there, Its a no-brainer. Even Mossman is more cut than that ALYX!

It was said that 50% of the HL players will admit to "Fancy Alyx", while others will lie strait of their teeth, well I can asure you that I indeed dont facy alyx.
I'm sure Alyx doesn't mind that some people don't like her. :) Her personality is such that you either love or hate her. For most people anyway... at least her character creates a lot of discussion, which makes her an interesting and arguably a succesful character.
And yet you constantly wail on about how you vehemently hate her when we've all gotten the point already. It's like you have some kind of twisted fixation.

Enough. We get it. We ****ing get it already.
Why is this thread still going? BURN IT!
Dr. Breen is a much more Interesting character that I dont want to see wasted.


Even Mossman is more cut than that ALYX!

Cut or Cute? If you say Mossman is cute, well... I won't say a 30+ year-old woman is cute. She can be beautiful (in my opinion, no), but can't be cute. Alyx is so young that you she can be cute. And whether a girl is cute is not merely judged by her outlook, but her personality as well.

You have a Must-Tell-All-I-Hate-Alyx complex.

As a psychologist, I feel I am obliged to help.

p.s. perhap you like some girlishly girish girl so you don't like Alyx. Well, I prefer some girl similar to tomboy (with a girlish face, of course).
Anyway, maybe you are just trying to draw others' attention in this forum :/

Cut or Cute? If you say Mossman is cute, well... I won't say a 30+ year-old woman is cute. She can be beautiful (in my opinion, no), but can't be cute. Alyx is so young that you she can be cute. And whether a girl is cute is not merely judged by her outlook, but her personality as well.

As a psychologist, I feel I am obliged to help.

p.s. perhap you like some girlishly girish girl so you don't like Alyx. Well, I prefer some girl similar to tomboy (with a girlish face, of course).
Anyway, maybe you are just trying to draw others' attention in this forum :/

First of all STFU, I am NOT gay I told you this before, & I said Alyx is ugly EVEN MOSSMAN IS MORE CUT!!!!!
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