Is Black Mesa Still Around?

Dark Auro

Jul 31, 2003
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This question has been puzzling me for quite some time now. In Half-Life, we see the military launching missles on the surface of Black Mesa which could still mean that the there is a still a good possibilty of most of Black Mesa still around since it was underground. But in Opposing Force we see a nuke on the inside on Black Mesa and at the end with the G-Man we see the big explosion. Now, if I'm not mistaken, but didn't at one point while we were asking Valve questions about Half-Life 2, they said that that the expansion packs like Opposing Force and Blue Shift would not be accounted into the story? If so, that would be that Black Mesa wasn't totally destroyed like in Opposing Force. So, is Black Mesa still around or not?
i was under the impression that op4 and blue shift were part of the story. i'd say BMRF is no more than a big big crater
I think its toast, got taken over when combin took over... i mean i doubt that it would still be standing
Gone. Nada. Dust City. Crater Face. A Big 'ole hole! Destroyed. Vanished of the face of the earth! Nuked! Bing-badaboom-boom gone!
this is Black Mesa-->
They - unfortunatly - are part of the story.
Turned to ash. The Gearbox mods are part of the storyline, but Valve stated they'd not be extending on them.

-Angry Lawyer
I dissagree, One nuke wouldnt be enough to destroy BM, not only that, it wasnt exactly a HUGE one either.
You guys forget the Size of BM, Its huge, I mean BIG BIG BIG, AND its mostly underground with layers and layres of Concrete. The nuke probably blew up part of it, but there are undoubtedly parts left as well.
How big was BM do you think? In spuare miles because I know the destruction distance of than bomb ;) .
Personally: The main part of BM (Mostly the Xen division, i think) was destroyed. But outlying areas may have survived.

Only time, and Valve, will tell.
The warhead in OP4 was a 5 megaton nuke, I don't think thats enough to take the entire place out, mabye it is just a radioactive ruin.

Ironic, the half-life of Black Mesa is probably 50 years.
Ok, correct me if I'm wrong but since when do underground structures react well to internal explosions? Then add the equipment (such as reactors, power generators, big test chamber thingy's and let's not forget the additional leftover nuclear weapons that were squattered here and there, creating that comfy but unmistakable afterburner sensation that only atomic bombs can create)
It's toast...
the radius of the blast of the nuke was 55km.
The bomb was set off at a surface level. The facility goes deep underground 10's of levels. Unless the bomb was set off from the bottom level of the facility at least 40% of the levels must have surived probably more. The explotion would have wiped out the entire surface causeing entery to the underground facility impossible unless you use teleportation.
its okay to accept the truth people, its gone. blow to smitherins... let go lol


If it was a nuke it would have air burst.

There would be very little surface penetration.

The best it would have done is seal it up like a tomb.

However...something has survived.
Its not normal nuke but more powerfull thermonuclear device !
Black Mesa is destroyed !
Automatic Kafka said:
If it was a nuke it would have air burst.

There would be very little surface penetration.

The best it would have done is seal it up like a tomb.

However...something has survived.

It wasn't an airburst, because it was set-up in one of the underground parking garages. UNDERGROUND!

-Angry Lawyer
The initial blast is fueled by fission, not from reacting oxygen and a chemical.

-Angry Lawyer
Lahire149 said:
nvr played opfor, so how do u know for sure?
I have, why do you think I haven't?
I'll go dig up a model viewer pic for ye.
Edit: OK, the safe distance is 55km, so I supose the blast would be 40-50km.


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Angry Lawyer said:
The initial blast is fueled by fission, not from reacting oxygen and a chemical.

-Angry Lawyer

But that blast would not be of a size great enough to penetrate what? Over 15 miles of winding corridoors reinforced with blast door and steal plates backagede between dense rock and compacted sand?
ríomhaire said:
I have, why do you think I haven't?
I'll go dig up a model viewer pic for ye.
Edit: OK, the safe distance is 55km, so I supose the blast would be 40-50km.

No. A nuke has a 1-2 KM blast radius where everything is converted to hydrogen, everything outside of that is only effected by the shock wave and the radiation.
Wouldn't the shockwave alone have caused most of the levels under it to collapse?
Well, if the bomb DIDN'T collapse the entire system, it's safe to assume the resulting fires used up all of the oxygen and made the place unbreathable - even without taking into account the lethal radiation levels.

But, yeah, a bomb that big detonated underground is going to cause the place to cave in on itself.

-Angry Lawyer
even if it didn't destroy everything, which i severely doubt, the explosion would have crushed any area not reached by the explosion. I'd imagine the only surivors of black mesa might be roaches, maybe
Nuked Mesa

When you take into account how many little passages and holes Gordon Freeman, Adrian Shepard, and Barney Calhoun found to get around blast doors, barricades, and the such (this includes ventalation shafts, among other openings), one needn't worry about there being a lack of oxygen for any resulting secondary fires from the nuke (that is, assuming a thermonuclear device doesn't incinerate the immediate area and then collapse everything else on itself). And as said before, don't forget the tonnes of fuel, rockets, and the such that were stored in Black Mesa, which, by the way, wasn't exactly new since it was built during the Cold War. This last fact alone (especially when you consider how many areas of the facility were ABANDONED) compromises the facility's structural integrity.

One last thing, don't forget the kilometres of abandoned and OPEN-AIR railroad tunnels UNDERNEATH the facility (along with the rockets and nukes that were transported and, probably, stored down there). If the explosion leaked in there and started spreading...let's just say Black Mesa would not have simply collapsed, it would have exploded like a volcano.
SOCL said:
When you take into account how many little passages and holes Gordon Freeman, Adrian Shepard, and Barney Calhoun found to get around blast doors, barricades, and the such (this includes ventalation shafts, among other openings), one needn't worry about there being a lack of oxygen for any resulting secondary fires from the nuke (that is, assuming a thermonuclear device doesn't incinerate the immediate area and then collapse everything else on itself). And as said before, don't forget the tonnes of fuel, rockets, and the such that were stored in Black Mesa, which, by the way, wasn't exactly new since it was built during the Cold War. This last fact alone (especially when you consider how many areas of the facility were ABANDONED) compromises the facility's structural integrity.

One last thing, don't forget the kilometres of abandoned and OPEN-AIR railroad tunnels UNDERNEATH the facility (along with the rockets and nukes that were transported and, probably, stored down there). If the explosion leaked in there and started spreading...let's just say Black Mesa would not have simply collapsed, it would have exploded like a volcano.

Better yet, the force of the blast would have collapsed the facility in on itself. Now, I'm inclined to think small parts of it may have survived. Mainly those deepest and farthest down. But thats not many parts when you think about it. And they're probably barely accesible. Black Mesa is stacked. Its one level on top of another, with a monorail accessing certain parts of the facility. I'm inclined to think a thermonuclear blast would be like an earthquake, and collapse the facility. But thats just BMRF. There was also an adjoining military base I think, or something on that order. Even then, with the military's extensive airstrikes, and the fact blackops was probably smart enough to use more than one bomb, BMRF is toast. Without a doubt.
I hate to refer to events like it but take 9/11, the plane crashed into it near the top which smashed the next level down, then the next with its weight and so on so forth, face it except for a few tunnels BMRF is stooged, noone can doubt that the nuke might not have hit all the places and even that say one or two tunnels might have survived but not enough for a game, hell even a level, lets say that it survived, air fuled the fire deminishing air and replacing it with god knows what, killing anything that breathes, plus any previous airstriking and C4 detonations by the millitary would have weakend the structure, also to anyone who thinks 1 nuke sets off another, thats bull, i know in HL hitting a tripy is BOOM but games are just that a game. long, extensive, three page story into 1 post, black mesa is gone bar a few tunnels, these are sealed (no more air) and innacseable bar teleport, even then any carbon dioxide would kill you as soon as you let out a breath
i belive this is closed
(increadably millitary "tool" smart 13 YO)
black mesa is gone bar a few tunnels, these are sealed (no more air) and innacseable bar teleport, even then any carbon dioxide would kill you as soon as you let out a breath
But if you have a modified HEV suit with a helmet...
The HEV doesnt have its own air supply so Gordon could only survive as long as the auxilary power lasted then he'd be dead. In short we're never, ever going back to the BMRF ever. It has been nuked, invaded by aliens, air-striked (is that a word?), parts blown up with C4, loads of it was falling appart before all this happened. There is nothing to very little left of the facility and any remnants of it are full of unbreathable gasses and raidoactive fallout. And I doubt that any of the parts of Black Mesa that survived have anything so valuable that it would warrant the risks of going there. In fact I doubt that there is anything valuable down there full stop.

Just face it, Black Mesa is gone and we're never going back.