Is Hell freezing over?

It's probably just the announcement that WotLK is finally going gold. No news here.
Hell froze over when the new DNF media came out.
Everybody has a feeling it's WotLK, as that makes some sense. It COULD be Diablo 3, but I'd push against it. It could also be some new game completely!
As discussed in our previous thread about this topic, there were a couple of rune-like marks on the image but we couldn't confirm anything, however this picture clearly shows the same rune, and it's on Arthas' runeblade. Sorry Diablo fans, speculation squashed :(

from the link that Shakermaker posted. Seems consistent to me
That's obviously Frostbourne(mourne?), the sword Arthas wields, so yeah.
Blizzard's going to rape Warcraft again for monies. People, don't get your hopes up.

Arthas' going to become an epic loot dispenser and every rogue and their mother's gonna have Frostmournes handy.

Disregard the fact that Frostmourne was an unique blade that consumed souls. That NEVAH HAPPENED.
I ****ing hate WoW.
I wish they whould have made a warcraft 4 and not keep milking it for their neverending mmorpg.
Yeah i bet. I better replay starcraft soon. I heard they where planing a world of starcraft, what ever happend to that? Or am i imagining things?
It's really too bad it's going to be a WotLK announcement. I genuinely want Diablo 3 / Diablo MMO but I know it won't happen.
Yeah, pretty much. Although they're seeing stuff in that pic that I certainly am not.

The rune in question is circled here:

The only thing that could mean Diablo 3 is the red lining beneath the ice.
I love how people on an SC2 forum are going on about how it's impossible that it's for WotLK, because there is no point to release it.

When it IS that, I'm totally bumping the thread to say "Told you so"
Some people are reading into this way too much. There's a point where speculation becomes obsession, and it looks like this has already reached that point.


...better be Diablo 3...


...better be Diablo 3...

The funny thing is, they say, "The image is named 'ice04' and the 3rd letter of the alphabet is D, and rumor has it that the next letter will be 09 which is I...."
Seriously, get out of the basement...

*EDIT* ah, here it is

Joneagle_X said:
Here are the links to two of the hidden images:

Lipton from Starfeeder is speculating that since the second picture is named "04" and D is the fourth letter of the alphabet that tomorrow we will see a similar image titled "09" which is the ninth letter of the alphabet, I. He thinks they're going to spell Diablo 3.

Furthermore, the domain name is being groomed for something, and there are a number of other indications to me that a game is in the works.

I'm inclined to agree with him and I stand firm on my belief that D3 will be revealed at WWI. I will be sure to provide confirmation of this as soon as we know at WWI. :D

I very much doubt that there is another WarCraft or StarCraft title in the works ATM because of the combination of signs I have seen since March.

But good luck with deciphering these clues. While this isn't enough for a newsie, it's certainly interesting. :D
A... B... C... D... wait, no... wait... yeah... hmm...
Some people are reading into this way too much. There's a point where speculation becomes obsession, and it looks like this has already reached that point.

We are talking about the company who made WoW remember? :p

EDIT: more rampant speculation

personally i don't care i don't like WoW cos it's an MMO and I don't like diablo cos it plays like an MMO, just my 2 cents :|
Welp, looks like were finally getting our diablo 3 omigodohmygodohmygod (please)
I hope this is diablo 3...I've been playing diablo 2 a lot recently actually. They just reset the diablo 2 ladder and released a new patch last week, maybe it was done to coincide with the announcement of D3
No idea they were going to keep changing it each day, maybe it really is D3 o_O
i could do with some diablo 3.....
Imagining things. Not only is it too obvious, but frankly they'd be cutting into their own market. They have the Warcraft guys on a constant money tap, and can keep milking them with expansion packs much more easily than creating entirely new games based on different universes. There just isn't anyone who's sitting around thinking, "gee, I sure would like to play an MMORPG, if only it was in the StarCraft universe instead of the Warcraft one".
weird, since that's exactly what i've been thinking for years... wow doesn't interest me, but if it was based in the SC universe i would never leave my computer
Yep. That rune in the picture definitely IS the hel rune from diablo. No question in my mind.


Add 3 more days until Friday, add 3 more runes (from Diablo), they will form a pentagram around the "opening". On the 6th day (Saturday), something in the middle will take shape.

Also yesterdays image was 04.jpg (letter D)
Todays image was 15.jpg (letter O)

Leaves image numbers 09.jpg (I), 01.jpg (A), 02.jpg (B), 12.jpg (L) for the last 4 days up until and including Saturday. It could be that they are not in order since from 04.jpg we did not go to 09.jpg, but directly to 15.jpg. Maybe it's an anagram DIABLO, who knows.
All the other universes are being tapped right now, they have been hiring and have hired MANY people to the former Diablo II team. What else would it be? An IP? Incoming embarrassed as hell Bill R. with his failage that is Hellgate: London

/end flame
Really wish Blizzard would just make a new game already.

Give the other ones a minute to breathe. :p cant be cant be!:O is the wait finally over? IS IT?