is hl2 too dated to be worth my time?

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Freakaloin said:
dunno man, there are some quake3 engine games that look as good as hl2...

Then let's hear some examples backed with some screens.
since most seem to agree with me the graphics aren't as new as could be...i'm just saying the gameplay has to be better then just needs be the best gameplay of all time or this game will dissapoint...

thats my point...
Put it this way, watching the HL2 videos is more entertaining that playing farcry.
Freakaloin said:
dunno man, there are some quake3 engine games that look as good as hl2...

Couldn't you be doing something more productive for society? Like trying to suck bullets from the barrel of a glock?
Absinthe said:
Couldn't you be doing something more productive for society? Like trying to suck bullets from the barrel of a glock?
why are u so angry?
Freakaloin - if you don't want to read the comments from other people that you asked for, then don't make a post requesting them. Otherwise, it just looks like you're deliberately trolling.

If you think HL2 looks that bad, and you don't believe that the gameplay will be any good, then don't buy it

It's not rocket science.
Freakaloin said:
since most seem to agree with me the graphics aren't as new as could be...i'm just saying the gameplay has to be better then just needs be the best gameplay of all time or this game will dissapoint...

thats my point...

Why not just "good" gameplay? Why does it need to be the best of all time? Because it isn't the shiniest and newest looking game on the market? You would actually pass off the game, despite the fact that it's gameplay would be well worth the purchase, if not perfect?

So you think the gameplay will be good?


Then why the Hell did you make this topic in the first place.
Freakaloin - Your posts imply that you believe that.

Way to ignore my other points, by the way.
Absinthe said:
Why not just "good" gameplay? Why does it need to be the best of all time? Because it isn't the shiniest and newest looking game on the market? You would actually pass off the game, despite the fact that it's gameplay would be well worth the purchase, if not perfect?


talking expectations man. this game has been hyped like mad for the past year and 4 months...if the gameplay isn't the best ever it won't make up for the dated graphics and the game will just be an average good game...a failure to some...
Freakaloin, i dont think you have too much to worry about, the game should be a hell of a lot of fun. Valve ar very good in the gameplay department (and yes i know they've only done HL to judge from, but still) and as long as you do value gameplay over graphics then you will hopefully be entertained by the game.

I think the game will probably be the best fps for the last several years, and maybe several years to come, so even though i do agree with you to some extent about the games visuals it does'nt bother me in the slightest.
Freakaloin said:
any q3 engine game in the past 2 years...u need the list, or do u already know?

Examples please, with screenshots. I'm waiting.
Half-life2 to me looks better than anything i've ever seen, especially the characters (did anybody check those 3 screenshots at the main page? *drool*).
This game is anything but dated, it was just waaayyyyy before it's time when it was shown at E3.
And furthermore, it's not just graphics, it's the "x-factor" the game has. Just go watch the trainstation and tenements bink and you'll see what i mean. Immersion is the key, half-life 2 is the door. Step through it and all doubt ever had will be gone :p

I rest my case ;) :D
Freakaloin said:
don't get me wrong...i want hl2 to be great. when i look at the new screenshots however, i am somewhat dissappointed...the game looks old and dated. it looks so pre-far cry...this game better have uber-gameplay and very few bugs or i'm afraid everyone is gonna be in for a gigantic let-down.


get lost Zombie....................... :p
go play doom3, has all the lovely graphics and shit gameplay all in 1 !
Yes but Far Cry does have on distinct advantage over Half Life 2: GREAT dialogue!

I mean how could Half Life 2 possibly top such Shakespearian prose as "I'm gonna shoot you in the FACE!" or "Where'd he GO?!?"
Freakaloin said:
if hl2 looks better then far cry, then the pope is jewish...

I hear the Pope is holding Shabbat services next week.
Freakaloin said:
if hl2 looks better then far cry, then the pope is jewish...

So what are you comparing between the two?

Aside from the fact that you're comparing (presumably) your live-action experience from Far Cry with static shots from HL2, that is.

Far Cry is set on a series of tropical islands.
HL2 is set in an Eastern European city.

So, unless you can show Far Cry in the same setting as HL2, and vice versa, there's no fair comparison.

Cease your trolling.
he's kidding right?

on the subject of graphics, half life 2 is better in my opinion.

what is the goal of "better" graphics? realism. right?

half life portrays the world as it is, gritty and dirty, industrial, and detailed... unlike other games (doom iii) everythings ****ing metal and plastic.
Pi Mu Rho said:
So, unless you can show Far Cry in the same setting as HL2, and vice versa, there's no fair comparison.

Cease your trolling.

I don't think he will comply :|
so u can't compare graphics unless they r in the same settings? o...ok
Freakaloin said:
so u can't compare graphics unless they r in the same settings? o...ok
Well it would be a heck of alot easier if we have actually played it already. All we have seen are some videos and screenshots.

kiva128 said:
I just hate you SO much! :frown:
Cheat Commando's... ROCK ROCK ON!
Hey, Freakaloin, I'm still waiting for that elaborate list from you with Quake 3 engine games that look better than HL2.
PvtRyan said:
Hey, Freakaloin, I'm still waiting for that elaborate list from you with Quake 3 engine games that look better than HL2.

keep waiting buddy...sorry u don't know already...
vegeta897 said:
Well it would be a heck of alot easier if we have actually played it already. All we have seen are some videos and screenshots.

Cheat Commando's... ROCK ROCK ON!

Clickity click, boo yah!
Freakaloin said:
keep waiting buddy...sorry u don't know already...

Well then, show me the obvious to my puny little brains.
And please, do post screenshots with your examples because my tiny brain is having a hard time comprehending words and letters, images are much easier to understand for me.

Right, so you can't actually back up your assertions.

I name thee troll.

Desist - final warning.
this is the laziest troll i've seen in months, and you're all falling for it.
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