Is "shit" a curse word?


Nov 1, 2004
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In sweden, cursing isnt looked down upon the same way as in USA. I remember i use to curse and say anything i wanted in school and in public, the teachers did the same, no one cared, it was a form of expression. It wasnt till i went to an American school were they had strict rules about how to talk that i had to force myself to not curse. I refrained to the classical words such as **** and **** etc. I frequently used the words PISS and SHIT instead, because in sweden those arent curse words...they are...piss and shit! Urine and fecal matter, nothing bad with that.

Everytime i said shit everyone looked at me weird, the teachers got a weird attitude and i couldnt figure out WHY??? They would say things such as "duuuuude dont say that out loud" etc. I was like "huh? what?". One teacher had to actually sit me down and argue with me that the word for fecal matter is a "bad" word. I would continously say "shit is what comes out of your ass, why cant i say it? Why can i say POOP and not SHIT?". As of now, a few years later, ive accepted to not say the word SHIT. But i stil think its ****ing retarded...

You americans need to lighten up a bit when it comes to curse words, its just a form of expression. Also, whats up with the "mr" and "mrs". Thats bullshit, i call my teacher his first name or give him a nickname, thats the way we do it in sweden and the teachers like it. A normal day at swedish school: "hey anders wuts up you shitface? i forgot to do my ****ing homework" and "this shit is hard as ****". The teacher would respond "its not that ****ing hard, heres how you do it". All expressed without anger or hostility, simply a part of everyday speech.

Im not talking for all of sweden tho, it might just been in stockholm.
I just want to know if "twat" is a swear word, my creative writing teacher said I couldn't use it in my short story.
Same in Canada, though some teacher dont really care that much. Doesnt bug me too much tbh.
Most American schools have unwritten decency guidelines and I never pay attention to. In most of my classes, I can swear and the teachers don't really care. Hell, three out of my seven teachers swear in front of the class on a regular basis. It really just depends on the school...
I reckon it depends where you are. Just don't assume that it isn't, I guess.
I just want to know if "twat" is a swear word

Yeah, people would probably take offense at that. I guess piss and shit is considered unacceptable because it's more vulgar than urine & poop/fecal matter/excrement. This is unfortunate because they are both great words. It'll usually depend on the instructor as well.
Sweden sounds like an awesome country filled with reasonable and intelligent people who are not uptight about this sort of thing.

The Dutch have the dubious honor of being the only people that I know of that use various lethal diseases as swearwords. :D
Sweden sounds like an awesome country filled with reasonable and intelligent people who are not uptight about this sort of thing.

The Dutch have the dubious honor of being the only people that I know of that use various lethal diseases as swearwords. :D

Cancer off you cancer typhussufferer!

Hmm... doesn't really work well in english.
This is a humorous thread. Shit is technically a curse word, but I don't do English Language, so I don't really understand it, or why a word is cursing. From what I'm aware, cursing comes from taking the Lord's name in vain, thus only words like "Blast", "Crikey" and the like are cursing. "Fuck" and "Shit" I believe are just bad words...
It is a curse word, but I use it all the time on these forums. It doesn't bother me. I try to limit my usage of it in real life though when other people are around.
In sweden, cursing isnt looked down upon the same way as in USA. I remember i use to curse and say anything i wanted in school and in public, the teachers did the same, no one cared, it was a form of expression. It wasnt till i went to an American school were they had strict rules about how to talk that i had to force myself to not curse. I refrained to the classical words such as **** and **** etc. I frequently used the words PISS and SHIT instead, because in sweden those arent curse words...they are...piss and shit! Urine and fecal matter, nothing bad with that.

Everytime i said shit everyone looked at me weird, the teachers got a weird attitude and i couldnt figure out WHY??? They would say things such as "duuuuude dont say that out loud" etc. I was like "huh? what?". One teacher had to actually sit me down and argue with me that the word for fecal matter is a "bad" word. I would continously say "shit is what comes out of your ass, why cant i say it? Why can i say POOP and not SHIT?". As of now, a few years later, ive accepted to not say the word SHIT. But i stil think its ****ing retarded...

You americans need to lighten up a bit when it comes to curse words, its just a form of expression. Also, whats up with the "mr" and "mrs". Thats bullshit, i call my teacher his first name or give him a nickname, thats the way we do it in sweden and the teachers like it. A normal day at swedish school: "hey anders wuts up you shitface? i forgot to do my ****ing homework" and "this shit is hard as ****". The teacher would respond "its not that ****ing hard, heres how you do it". All expressed without anger or hostility, simply a part of everyday speech.

Im not talking for all of sweden tho, it might just been in stockholm.

Piss and shit are swear words when you dont mean them as urine and feces. Same reason why f*ck is a swear word, because most people dont mean "sex" when they say it. Even when you do mean their literal usage, its usually frowned upon because they are more vulgar and thus more offensive terms than urine, feces, and sex. So it DOES make sense that if youre not allowed to say F*ck, you wouldnt be allowed to say piss and shit either.

I think another reason why its not accepted in schools, is that in America schools are considered more of a professional atmosphere. They're supposed to be preparing you for the business world, and making sure your language is clean and unoffensive is a major part of being professional.

That said, most people I know use vulgarities and profanity in normal social talk. Its just in places and situations that are considered "professional" that we restrain ourselves.
well why do you insist on using those words if you know that they will be frowned upon? Just live by the rules, even if they were sometimes dumb.
Because I dont ****ing wanna! It usually also signifies a sort of acceptance. Usually when we meet someone we watch our language, and the more we get to know them, the more we loosen our tongues.

I went to a pretty strict school, so officially it was looked down on or whatever, but it depended on the teacher. My form teacher in my last year of school was awesome, didn't care what we talked about as long as we weren't too rowdy. I even remember one time a mate and I walked past his window and said "Hey mr. <whatever>", and he shouted back, "HEY, F*CK YOU GUYS!" and gave us some double deuce.
I remember i use to curse and say anything i wanted in school and in public, the teachers did the same, no one cared, it was a form of expression.
If no one cares then, by definition, they aren't curse words.
Kyle has tickets to go to The Lion King, but Cartman tells him that the HBC crime show Cop Drama is going to use the word "shit." This broadcast leads to widespread acceptance of the word, even in schools, causing people to use it constantly, in casual and often illogical conversation. Furthermore, Ms Choksondik is forced to clarify the acceptable context of the word — as a noun or adjective meaning bad, or as an exclamation of disappointment, the word is acceptable, but as a noun or adjective referring to feces, it is apparently unacceptable — thoroughly confusing the children. Mr Garrison sings "shitty, shitty, fag, fag" to the tune of "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang" after he realizes that not only is he allowed to say "fag" on account of his being a homosexual, but he is also now allowed to say "shit." People start spewing up their intestines, so action is taken — the boys ask Chef to take them into the HBC Head Office to sort it out. Research proves that the word is actually a literal "curse(d) word," and its constant utterance has caused a resurgence of the bubonic plague. A special live event, "Must Shit TV," also called "The Night of a Million Shits," in which episodes of existing shows are taped live with almost every word of dialogue replaced with the word "shit," goes ahead anyway until the boys come back and tell everyone that curse words are actually cursed. However, by this point the word has been said enough times to awaken a demonic dragon called Geldon (with a voice just like Cartman’s; Cartman comments,"Man, what a stupid voice"), which Kyle destroys with an ancient magical rune stone belonging to a knight in the mystical Order of Standards & Practices. The moral of the story is not that saying "shit" is wrong per se, but saying it in excess leads to boredom with the word. And at that point, Cartman tells everyone to watch their language, which Kyle and Stan agree on.
You German by any chance?
1/3 Irish
1/4 Native American
French for the other fraction.

God damn I suck at math. Vut does Zermany have to do with zees?

Everyone around here is touchy about the use of profanity. Heh, strange really.
I don't use curse words unless I'm really pissed off or want to express something very passionately.

I facepalm every time I let out a curse word and someone's like, "Dude don't be so bad-mouthed." It rarely ever happens, though. My parents are real uptight bitches about curse words, it's annoying as ****.
My Biology teacher curses during class, let's us do it too. :D

She a bit of a beeyatch though.
Well us Swedes are an exception to the rule. No country where 90% of all furniture are from IKEA could survive without regular and prominent cursing.
Me, I curse quite alot in regular conversation. I don't even notice it anymore and I've only ever been asked by one single person who wasn't a teacher or my parents to mind my tounge. (For swedish people; she was often found to use the term: "H?lsingland ocks?!" when she was frustrated. This made me want to punch her.)

Shit a curse word? Haw haw. Teachers here usually stop at shit. No further.
I just want to know if "twat" is a swear word, my creative writing teacher said I couldn't use it in my short story.

Well if you are quoting a character in your story, I don't know why anybody would have a problem with that

But I guess a lot of people these days are prudes
I only use curse words when shit goes down. They are great words for expressing your anger at a particular subject or person. Other than that you'll find there are plenty words you could use instead in everyday speech.
Curse words are just words at the end of the day, just because someone finds that particular word offensive for some arbitrary reason is no reason to stop cursing. I find the words "Kaiser Chiefs" offensive because they produce the most ****ing twatish and painfully bad music i have ever heard yet no one recognises that as an offensive word.

What infuriates me the most is that there are words that i am not allowed to use in public under u.k law. You can be arrested under a public order offence for swearing here which is insane. this mans that someone has sat down in an office somewhere and decided on the individual words i can and cannot use, which i feel is a load of ****ing **** flicking cock chum.

In my family swear words have lost all meaning. Often i'll see my mum in a bad mood and ask her if anyone has been a "c u n t" to her at work that day.
Someone saying that Americans need to lighten up about swearing strikes me as hilarious. School and work are places where you're expected to curb your tongue, but everywhere else? Swearing's our national language.

Visit any major city to find out more.
Someone saying that Americans need to lighten up about swearing strikes me as hilarious. School and work are places where you're expected to curb your tongue, but everywhere else? Swearing's our national language.

Visit any major city to find out more.

I thought the OP was a bit odd... from my experience, most people in America swear.

Edit: everyone.
My bio teacher once told us a joke.

What is the female of a maggot? A faggort. (imagine the letter r does not exist)

Isn't it so cursefully awesome!!!!
My bio teacher once told us a joke.

What is the female of a maggot? A faggort. (imagine the letter r does not exist)

Isn't it so cursefully awesome!!!!

what school are you from?

R.I? lulz
:| :| :|

I am 17 and most people do know that. And yes, i lied about my age when I first joined. In fact, I did so much bullshit when I first joined. It's just be thread specific. And how the hell do you know its a RI thing...
So what else don't we know about you :D

Edit: Argh! How did this happen!?

Mod: Delete please :)
:| :| :|

I am 17 and most people do know that. And yes, i lied about my age when I first joined. In fact, I did so much bullshit when I first joined. It's just be thread specific. And how the hell do you know its a RI thing...

I dunno. I just randomly guessed a school.

And are you still indian?