Is the Crytek engine amazing or what.

No Limit

Party Escort Bot
Sep 14, 2003
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Before I say anything, please don't make this my engine has a bigger penis than your engine thread, I am not here to do that, I am simply here to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each engine. With that out of the way I just watched the demo for the crytek engine again and I was completely blown away. It seems to support everything that HL2 and Doom 3 will support along with realistic terrain, amazing vegetation, huge view distances, vehicles, and enormous map sizes.

Does anyone know any down sides to this engine as surely there must be something wrong with it? I don't want to judge anything until I actually play a game that is using it but it seems like this will be the most revolutionary engine coming out. Don't get me wrong, I think HL2, Doom 3 and all the other new games will be great but it seems crytek took everything from those games, put it in a can, and shook it up producing something amazing. I am looking forward to this as I love the game play of BF42 but I absolutely hate the shitty engine. If the engine is as good as it seems to be I can't wait to start modding that baby.


Since almost everyone here lives under a rock :P and hasn't heard of far cry here is the link:

umm...What uses Crytek? And BF42 gameplay on it? huh?
I'm here to agree with you.

I can't wait to use the click and edit ingame editor type thing.
It sounds amazing, my only question is is the it going to allow it to be as scalable as source will allow? HL2 is supposed to be able to run on low end systems but what about this one? If it doesnt then i would say thats its only pitfall. Although i gotta say the game does look more exciting to me right now than they said they will be releasing a single player and multiplayer demo before their Q1 04 release.
Originally posted by mchammer75040
It sounds amazing, my only question is is the it going to allow it to be as scalable as source will allow? HL2 is supposed to be able to run on low end systems but what about this one? If it doesnt then i would say thats its only pitfall. Although i gotta say the game does look more exciting to me right now than they said they will be releasing a single player and multiplayer demo before their Q1 04 release.

The real time lighting didn't slow down the computer they were using one bit in one of the video's.

but who knows, they could be using 3.2 Ghz P4's OC'ed to 4.0 Ghz and 3024 MB ram and some crazy not avaliable on the market video cards.
Holy shit that is kinda badass heres something from their site:

Real time editing, bump mapping, static lights, network system, integrated physics system, shaders, shadows and a dynamic music system are just some of the state of-the-art features the CryENGINE™ offers.

The CryENGINE™ comes complete with all of its internal tools and also includes the CryEDIT world editing system. Licensees receive full source code and documentation for the engine and tools. Support is provided directly from the R & D Team that continuously develops the engine and can arrange teaching workshops for your team to increase the learning process.

The engine supports all video and hardware currently on the market. New hardware support is constantly added as it becomes available.

CryEDIT: Is a real-time game editor offering "What you see is what you PLAY" feedback.
Renderer: integrates indoor and outdoor technology seamlessly. Offers rendering support for OpenGL & DirectX 8/9, XBox using latest HW features, PS2 and GameCube.
Physics System: supports character inverse kinematics, vehicles, rigid bodies, liquid, rag doll, cloth and soft body effects. The system is integrated with the game and tools.
Character Inverse Kinematics & Animation Blending: Allows a character model to have multiple animations while looking believable.
AI System: Enables team based AI and AI behaviors defined by scripts. Ability to create custom enemies and behaviors without touching the C++ code.
Interactive Dynamic Music System: Tracks and responds to the player's actions and situations and offers CD Quality playback in full 5.1 surround sound.
Environmental Audio & SFS Engine: Ability to accurately reproduce sounds from nature with seamless blending between environments and interior/exterior locations in 5.1 audio. Includes EAX 2.0 audio support.
Network Client and Server System: Manages all network connections for the multiplayer mode. It is a low-latency network system based on client/server architecture.
Shaders: A script system used to combine textures in different ways to produce visual effects. Supports real time per-pixel lighting, bumpy reflections, refractions, volumetric glow effects, animated textures, transparent computer displays, windows, bullet holes, and shinny surfaces.
Terrain: Uses an advanced heightmap system and polygon reduction to create massive, realistic environments. The view distance can be up to 2km when converted from game units.
Lighting and Shadows: A combination of precalculated, real time shadows, stencil shadows and lightmaps to produce a dynamic environment. Includes high-resolution, correct perspective, and volumetric smooth-shadow implementations for dramatic and realistic indoor shadowing. Supports advanced particles technology and any kind of volumetric lighting effects on particles.
Fog: Includes volumetric, layer and view distance fogging to enhance atmosphere and tension.
Tools Integration: Objects and buildings created using 3ds max™ or Maya® are integrated within the game and editor.
Polybump™: Standalone or fully integrated with other tools including 3ds max™.
Scripting system: Based on the popular LUA language. This easy to use system allows the setup and tweaking of weapons/game parameters, playing of sounds and loading of graphics without touching the C++ code.
Modularity: Entirely written in modular C++, with comments, documentation and subdivisions into multiple DLLs.
The second demo won't run for me :(, probably because I don't have the defult nvidia drivers and that demo is designed for nvidia cards. The game looks like it will run fine on low end systems, the first tech demo seems to be a low quality version and runs extremely smooth on my GeForce 4 ti 4200 even with bump mapping. So I guess that most computers will be able to run it, even low end ones. If you haven't seen the game in action be sure to check this video out:

Will support vehicles, even air. Physics and lighting looks amazing. They were also able to use heightmaps to generate amazing outdoor terrain but somehow managed to modify it so they can also have great indoor levels, unlike the BF42 engine which also uses heightmaps but needs to use low poly models for indoor scenes which is extremely ineffective.

I know your talking about the engine, but just a step up from 2d?

Originally posted by Lil' Timmy
you're engine has a penis?
I think mine does..... :dozey: Anways engine looks great.Can't wait to play far cry.
Stupid techdemo's hate me just because I have a radeon.

damn nvidia acts like nazi's with techdemo's
Originally posted by The Terminator
Im debating wether to buy a newish nvidia or a newish radeon (9600 if I do).
Radeon, but if you can try and get the 9500 pro, its faster than the 9600 for around the same price.
Originally posted by The Terminator
but 9500 isnt dx9 compatible, is it?
Yes it is. All the cards 9500 + use the same DX9.

Good Luck,
You have to ge the "special" 9500 Pro, which is no longer in production and is really really damn hard to find one. It's "special" because it has double, or more pipelines then a normal 9500 Pro.
there was never any "special" 9500 pro

there was a 9500, and a 9500 Pro

the 9500 is shit, 64mb of ram, slower clock speeds, 4 pipelines (i think)

the 9500 pro isn't made anymore and it was damn good
I'm not sure if I'v seen the video your talking about, but I'v seen one and it didn't half look dodgy.
While we're on the subject of video cards, does anybody know if a 9600pro is much better than a GeForce 4400Ti ?

I want to upgrade but I can't afford the top-of-the-range. The 9600pro is only £120 which is good so long as I get a good enough perfomance difference compared to my current 4400Ti.
Originally posted by nw909
I'm here to agree with you.

I can't wait to use the click and edit ingame editor type thing.

I thought only companies who buy the engine licence can use that editor ?
Are you sure that the 9600 is 120 squid!
Is that the cheapest you could find it?
I'll have a look for you, I am sure you could get a better deal :)
Also, I "think" its quite a bit more powerfull. But there are more informed people on these boards to help you make that decision. :)
For some reason the techdemo links won't work for me.
Originally posted by jameth
there was never any "special" 9500 pro

there was a 9500, and a 9500 Pro

the 9500 is shit, 64mb of ram, slower clock speeds, 4 pipelines (i think)

the 9500 pro isn't made anymore and it was damn good

There still selling on ebay, and my deal (who sold me mine) is still selling em.

BTW, Half Life 2 pwns FarCry, not just saying that but farcry isnt anything special - the editor pwns but nothing more.
There was some 9500 (not Pro) cards built on the 9700 PCB, these could be converted by opening up all 8 pipelines. Which has a 50/50 chance of failing anyway.

Back on the topic, even if an engine is great, it needs a good game to be amazing. And I am still curious how on earth they manage to keep performance :)
50/50 is unrealistic. 90% are success stories.

Anyway, the editor will be available to the game maker but I think they will release an SDK which will have it built in.

BTW, Half Life 2 pwns FarCry, not just saying that but farcry isnt anything special - the editor pwns but nothing more.
Please, at least provide some backup for that statement. Yes, HL2 will be amazing but the Crytek engine has done something that no other engine can do, how is that not special?
Back on the topic, even if an engine is great, it needs a good game to be amazing. And I am still curious how on earth they manage to keep performance
I'm not sure how good FarCry will be but if it sucks there will always be mods that will make good use of the engine. Take BF42 for example, the only reason I still have it on my computer is because of good mods like Desert Combat. Also, in the demos the performance was very good, even with bumpmapping. However, the demo I was looking at wasn't anything that special other than great looking water and the bumpmapped dinosaur. I'm sure that they will release something that will run on a computer with around a 1 GHz processor and a 32 MB vid card. That obviously won't give you all the great looking goodies but I'm sure those will run fine on newer cards such as the radeon 9500 + and the new GeForce cards.


Ive seen pictures of Farcry where it looks like ass, and even the good shots look abit pants.

Sure it looks pretty but its nothing that rivals Stalker or HL2, its to plastic and blended.
No Limit: I don't actually see anything in the farcry engine that could be considered not done before. They've just used different words to explain things. I notice those people who didn't believe me that poly bump is nothing more than normal maps are being very quiet about that now its proven with the Maya plugin thats provided on that site. The rest is just word of the week stuff thats being done by other engines anyway.

Sure, it looks pretty, but its not special. even the editor method isn't new, thats been done years ago in games, and more recently DoomIII is doing it. But its certainly not original
Originally posted by marksmanHL2 :)
Are you sure that the 9600 is 120 squid!
Is that the cheapest you could find it?
I'll have a look for you, I am sure you could get a better deal :)
Also, I "think" its quite a bit more powerfull. But there are more informed people on these boards to help you make that decision. :)

Yup the 9600pro from ranges from £127 upwards. I'm not worried about the price really, its more the thought of whether it will be significantly better than my 4400Ti. I don't want to "waste" £120 on 10 extra fps!

I think the main difference is Dx9 capabilities. I could spend the next few hours researching it all but I thought I would ask just in case anybody happened to know already.

I'm not sure if we are all watching the same videos here :). Take a look at this video:

First, notice the water. It not only looks extremely realistic (just like HL2 and all the other new DX9 games do) but it also blends in with the ground using waves. This is something no other game has been able to do which makes all the difference.

Next, notice the amazing view distance. There is no fake fog or something of that nature so you will get better performance. This again is something that no other game has done (please correct me if I'm wrong on this).

Now notice the cave, it has full dynamic lighting just as doom 3 or HL2 has. The physics are also there with the objects interacting with the environment.

When he goes outside again take note of the amazing environment, it simply looks amazing. Once again you have the physics there for the barrels just like HL2 and Doom 3 has. The explosion effects are also pretty darn decent.

Then on to the hang glider. This is the part that makes me fall in love with the engine. Not only will there be vehicles but there will be air vehicles such as planes or choppers. This puts the engine at unlimited game play options (I just hope they allow vehicles in MP which they should). As he flies take note of the environment again. You have extremely long view distance, the water below looks amazing, birds are flying in the air, and it simply looks like you are actually in a jungle. I don't need to go over the rest as it basically demonstrates everything I said above.

Who knows, maybe I'm just an arrogant fanboy but to me the engine truly looks like it will be the most advanced engine coming out. It seems to offer everything HL2 and Doom 3 offers with full dynamic lighting, bump-mapping, and ragdoll physics. I'm sure that HL2 and Doom 3 are a little better in that area but you can't have everything. In addition to this you have large realistic environments, ground and air vehicles (HL2 will have ground, I don't think that air has been confirmed yet and I'm not sure about Doom 3), and basically anything else you would want. The only down side I saw to those videos was that the AI was extremely stupid, maybe this is for demo purposes so the main character doesn't get killed or maybe the AI is simply stupid. However, like I said, if you know anything negative to this engine please feel free to post as I would like to find out the negatives to it along with the pluses. I am simply amazed that they were able to combine amazing outdoor scenes with heightmaps while being able to provide full blown indoor fighting. All of this using dynamic lighting and a bunch of other little goodies. Sure, I am judging this engine from videos, but this is the same case for HL2, Doom 3, Stalker, and whatever.