Is the Crytek engine amazing or what.

No Limit is there something wrong w/ the links? They won't work for me. doesn't work? It seems fine for me, maybe a router issue somewhere. Once you get there scroll down to "Newest Trailers" and click on the media type you want for FarCry.
I think the Crytek engine conserves processor resources by only calculating physics for objects that are currently in motion. Basically, if something hasn't got any "kinetic energy" (not really a function in the game, just a metaphor), then the code doesn't go into it's update loop for that object.
No I saw the movie(amazing by the way). But the techdemo link doesn't work. Also I thought this game was coming out in January/February. In the video is says Q4 2003.
I think the video is a month old and the game was just recently delayed, so that is probably why it says Q4 2003. The links for the tech demo are working for me but they are extremely slow, try it again but wait a while for it to load. The download of the files should be faster as its provided by a mirror.
NoLimit the game looks kick ass but what is so new about the engine? Seriously everything youve mentioned and Ive looked at can be done by Source. For example, the flying can be done for hl2 they just dont support it but they say it can be modded easily. Im not hating on the game Im just curious. And what is this about the editor? What is it different from other editors? How?
NoLimit, I've been watching this game (among others) for quite a while now, and I'm excited about it too. I'm especially interested in seeing what the AI does. One scenario that sounded cool was, a badguy gets to the radio to call for help before you get a chance to shoot him dead; other badguys (that have all spawned at the beginning, no extras spawning later) hop on helicopters, hummers, whatever, to come try and help at the point of distress call. Sounds challenging. Also love the open environments, the dizzying heights.
FarCry may not be the end-all game for the Crytek engine, btw; they developed the engine, then decided along the way to make a game too. They have every intention of licensing out Crytek, so who knows what kind of amazing stuff will come out when other companies push the engine's boundaries? Look at how far Q3 engine has been stretched, imagine what else we will see with these next generation engines?
Originally posted by Solidarnosi
NoLimit, I've been watching this game (among others) for quite a while now, and I'm excited about it too. I'm especially interested in seeing what the AI does. One scenario that sounded cool was, a badguy gets to the radio to call for help before you get a chance to shoot him dead; other badguys (that have all spawned at the beginning, no extras spawning later) hop on helicopters, hummers, whatever, to come try and help at the point of distress call. Sounds challenging. Also love the open environments, the dizzying heights.
FarCry may not be the end-all game for the Crytek engine, btw; they developed the engine, then decided along the way to make a game too. They have every intention of licensing out Crytek, so who knows what kind of amazing stuff will come out when other companies push the engine's boundaries? Look at how far Q3 engine has been stretched, imagine what else we will see with these next generation engines?
Yea that will definetly kickass, seeing how far the engines can be pushed. But when you were talkin about the AI do you mean that there is only a limited amount of AI characters in the game? Like say 500 and they are dispatched wherever but they dont just come out of nowhere? Im confused lol
Wow, that video was awesome. Shows how the landscape and physics really work into the game. The AI was terrible though. Hes walked right past a guy and around him and the guy just crouched, looking the the same direction. Maybe its just dumbed down, or just old AI, just it was bad. Engine looks extremely promising.

BTW, does anyone have an idea of wthere I should go with an ATI 9600 or an nvidia of around the same price? I want the best performance for my buck. I have am nvidia geforce 4 mx 440 64 mb right now.
Originally posted by mchammer75040
Yea that will definetly kickass, seeing how far the engines can be pushed. But when you were talkin about the AI do you mean that there is only a limited amount of AI characters in the game? Like say 500 and they are dispatched wherever but they dont just come out of nowhere? Im confused lol

No, you could probably set it up to spawn more if you wanted. I think he was talking about the realistic way in which the AI interacts between scouts/watchmen and reinforcments on standby.
Originally posted by Brian Damage
No, you could probably set it up to spawn more if you wanted. I think he was talking about the realistic way in which the AI interacts between scouts/watchmen and reinforcments on standby.
ahhh ok :P
Originally posted by mchammer75040
NoLimit the game looks kick ass but what is so new about the engine? Seriously everything youve mentioned and Ive looked at can be done by Source. For example, the flying can be done for hl2 they just dont support it but they say it can be modded easily. Im not hating on the game Im just curious. And what is this about the editor? What is it different from other editors? How?
Many of these things have been done in other games, yes. However, no other game has done all of this together as I mentioned before. The game will support heightmaps which make for extremely realistic terrain. This was done in BF42, however, because of this you couldn't have indoor scenes. Crytek got around this and now you can have full scale battles indoors and outdoors. I can go over everything but if you read my reply on the 3rd page you will see why this engine seems to be more advanced than anything coming out.
Originally posted by The Terminator

BTW, does anyone have an idea of wthere I should go with an ATI 9600 or an nvidia of around the same price? I want the best performance for my buck. I have am nvidia geforce 4 mx 440 64 mb right now.
Originally posted by No Limit
Many of these things have been done in other games, yes. However, no other game has done all of this together as I mentioned before. The game will support heightmaps which make for extremely realistic terrain. This was done in BF42, however, because of this you couldn't have indoor scenes. Crytek got around this and now you can have full scale battles indoors and outdoors. I can go over everything but if you read my reply on the 3rd page you will see why this engine seems to be more advanced than anything coming out.
Alright thanks.
Go with the ATI 9600, you get more 'bangs for your buck' with that compared to a similarly priced Nvidia Card.

I seriously wouldn't touch an Nvidia card until they create a new chipset. Nvidia seriously ****ed up when they devised the FX chipset and all of their cards are woefully underpowered compared to ATI's offerings.
I've been watching this game for a while now too. I'm really excited for it. The AI sounds really smart and I like how guys just don't spawn from a barracks and keep coming.

The graphics look really awesome, I just hope it will run with max gfx on my comp. I've got a 9600 256mb, but I still wonder...
I've watched the footage, and the landscape looks impressive, but for some reason the game leaves me cold.
i hate to say it, but these interactive demos are from MARCH 2003. far cry engine has gotten a major facelift since then. you probally didnt know but far cry was planned to have dinosaurs, and the name was X-Isle. but they changed it into a real fps :) they delayed it a few weeks ago, to add multiplayer support. i hope they add co-op.

i had some screenshots from a few weeks ago on the demos. they are pretty big pics, but anyways here.

^not bad for a engine built around a geforce 3 ;)

anyways my comp stats are

1.5ghz p4
512mb ram
ti4200 gf4

it ran seamlessly, no loading times, and no laggin. i cant wait to see the updated engine next year.
Originally posted by azz0r
and it looks like crap...
and its built around a geforce 3...

The actual game has gotten a huge make over and will fully support DX9.
Fine, it looks good but it still doesnt look amazing and certainly doesnt have the artistic style or flare Half Life 2 has. It has more style than Stalker but otherwise its bland (in a basic generic beach forest setting type of way).
I'd say I prefer the look of stalker in all honesty, it seems a bit more gritty. Farcry looks a little too bright, is it going to console also? That might explain the glowiness of everything (catering to the TV output).
I like farcrys style. It stands out from the croud and says LOOK AT ME!!

The graphics now are only really limited by those who create it. Technology is ridiculasly advanced now. Almost anything we could want graphically is possible. (well kind of) :)
The other top games might look more gritty but arnt you as a gamer bored stiff of the same old gritty warehouse style maps and stuff.
Thats why HL2 stands out. Along with this and stalker. Stalker because its modelled on a real place.

Plus this game reminds me of holidays i never got to go on! :P
Originally posted by marksmanHL2 :)
Plus this game reminds me of holidays i never got to go on! :P

hehe :)

I admit i love those views, and the bit in the video where he goes underwater is very well done. Water transitions always have seemed a bit dodgy to me, but it seems very well done in Far Cry.
im excited about this game as well. iv been watching it for over a month now and love the massive maps and vehicle ability, but i agree with the statement from above, it lacks the depth, realism, and style which halflife2 stalker or doom3 have promised nad shown. the multiplier aspect gets me excited, as well as the mods that will be made for it. I WANT A MECH!!! the matrix 3 kind where not everyone gets one 2-4/30 ratio type and they are extermly lethal, therefore squads and teamplay would be based somewhat around them. err im rambling. im wondering if the crytek engine physically simulates wepons(pipes/swords) and if it will use hdr and other dx9 goodies. i did notice that some of the things in farcry are kind of cartoony ex. the bubbles in the water. and the voice acting is very low grade. but seeing as how its not finished im not going to judge. i still and looking forward to hl2 more than anyhting.
Originally posted by x84D80Yx
i hate to say it, but these interactive demos are from MARCH 2003. far cry engine has gotten a major facelift since then. you probally didnt know but far cry was planned to have dinosaurs, and the name was X-Isle.

Actually it was licensed separately, but that game development was stopped; they still have that tech demo stuff for X-isle around, it shows off the tech pretty well considering how old it was. Far Cry was never meant to have the dinos, it is its own game completely.

But really I think Stalker is the game for me; not only do I understand a fair amount of Russian/Ukrainian, but the whole look and ambiance is thrilling for me:bounce: I don't know how you can say above ^^^ that Far Cry has more 'style' than Stalker! It's oozing with style!
wow the guy in the front looks just like me!!!
Anyone got or know a mirror for the techdemos, that site redirects me to some search page aka the files are not there.
Originally posted by azz0r
Fine, it looks good but it still doesnt look amazing and certainly doesnt have the artistic style or flare Half Life 2 has. It has more style than Stalker but otherwise its bland (in a basic generic beach forest setting type of way).

You can't be refering to the Stalker I'm thinking of.
I hope you didnt misunderstanding my meaning to mean; stakers set on a basic generic beach with a forest.

Stalker is a bland, bland, bland game.