Is there a god?

The Bible shouldn't be taken seriously, it's a story for us to reflect upon and think about.

'Nuff said.

And it's kind of comforting to think there's some kind of almighty being ready to react if something horrible happens, isn't it? :p
He must have a slowass reaction time if he's supposed to react when something horrrible happens.
It would be very comforting if there were! I wish I could believe, but his/her track record is, well... not so hot. It would be even more comforting to believe that there was life after death. Wanting to believe, indeed believing, doesn't make it true, however.

In my travels throughout various religious texts, I did find something noteworthy - they all preached peace and goodwill in various forms. The bible had some ambiguous parts in it about this, but overall this was the gist. If you can get around the dogma, the philosophy is usually pretty good.
In response to the original post in this thread:

Adabiviak said:
It would be very comforting if there were! I wish I could believe, but his/her track record is, well... not so hot. It would be even more comforting to believe that there was life after death. Wanting to believe, indeed believing, doesn't make it true, however.

In my travels throughout various religious texts, I did find something noteworthy - they all preached peace and goodwill in various forms.
Well, until you get to the parts about murdering non-believers, and throwing rocks at homosexuals.
No, some higher power yes, god no, heaven or hell no, if the bible was true, where do dinosaurs come into play. I personaly would laugh if I saw this Raptor chasing after Eve down the Garden of Eden, you know "AAAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHH ADAM KILL IT"
"God forbids it"
"God forbids it"
"He forbade the apple to remember?"
"<.< >.> Shut up"

Feel free to sig me :D
Nothing even remotely sig worthy there. :p

Try harder, next time.
i dunno, maybe. maybe god is a massive baby brb, back, and he said 'let there be light' in baby talk, and there was light and trees and people and stuff.

Then he did a big shit and the universe when 'wheeeee fizzle' and collapsed into 50 million pieces.
Cooper said:
I respect a person a lot more who can come to me and discuss the Bible and why Christianity is wrong because they have read the Bible, they understand the origin of it and have their own arguements against it.

That's not even necessary. Historical context alone alone invalidates it. An ancient text with no external validation, no witnesses, and no complementary substantiation that has been edited, gone through hundreds of interpretations (largely due to its ambiguous content), and has undoubtedly lost some of its meaning through translation.
If what I just described had been any other piece of text, it would have been dismissed. But for some reason the Bible needs to be an exception treated with kid's gloves because Christians need to feel special and cling on to their ridiculous faith.

I could find plenty of discrepancies within the Bible, but most of what I list would probably be challenged with "omg ur reading it wrong", a statement that could be made by any Christian when encountered with a contradictory interpretation. The great flood in which Noah sailed his freakin' canoe is a physical impossibility, but of course it's so obviously metaphorical.

Ambiguity. Nobody can definitively claim it's right or wrong because it has no concrete form and is filled to the brim with parables, doublets, unfulfilled prophecies, and metaphorical language. Two tales of creationism! Hardy ****ing har. That alone should make it clear that the Bible is not something you should depend your life on. At least if you're ****ing sane.

You want your faith to be some kind of special exception even though if "God" had been replaced by "a purple worm orbiting Jupiter", you'd be considered insane. Why society accepts one but not the other is ridiculous. I don't even know why anybody should feel the need to explain how Christianity is wrong when no serious time has ever been taken to show how it's right.
Absinthe said:
That's not even necessary. Historical context alone alone invalidates it. An ancient text with no external validation, no witnesses, and no complementary substantiation that has been edited, gone through hundreds of interpretations (largely due to its ambiguous content), and has undoubtedly lost some of its meaning through translation.
If what I just described had been any other piece of text, it would have been dismissed. But for some reason the Bible needs to be an exception treated with kid's gloves because Christians need to feel special and cling on to their ridiculous faith.

I could find plenty of discrepancies within the Bible, but most of what I list would probably be challenged with "omg ur reading it wrong", a statement that could be made by any Christian when encountered with a contradictory interpretation. The great flood in which Noah sailed his freakin' canoe is a physical impossibility, but of course it's so obviously metaphorical.

Ambiguity. Nobody can definitively claim it's right or wrong because it has no concrete form and is filled to the brim with parables, doublets, unfulfilled prophecies, and metaphorical language. Two tales of creationism! Hardy ****ing har. That alone should make it clear that the Bible is not something you should depend your life on. At least if you're ****ing sane.

You want your faith to be some kind of special exception even though if "God" had been replaced by "a purple worm orbiting Jupiter", you'd be considered insane. Why society accepts one but not the other is ridiculous. I don't even know why anybody should feel the need to explain how Christianity is wrong when no serious time has ever been taken to show how it's right.

Honest question:
Were you raped by a catholic priest? Did a Jehovah's witness break into your house? Or something similar?
Absinthe said:
That's not even necessary. Historical context alone alone invalidates it. An ancient text with no external validation, no witnesses, and no complementary substantiation that has been edited, gone through hundreds of interpretations (largely due to its ambiguous content), and has undoubtedly lost some of its meaning through translation.
If what I just described had been any other piece of text, it would have been dismissed. But for some reason the Bible needs to be an exception treated with kid's gloves because Christians need to feel special and cling on to their ridiculous faith.

I could find plenty of discrepancies within the Bible, but most of what I list would probably be challenged with "omg ur reading it wrong", a statement that could be made by any Christian when encountered with a contradictory interpretation. The great flood in which Noah sailed his freakin' canoe is a physical impossibility, but of course it's so obviously metaphorical.

Ambiguity. Nobody can definitively claim it's right or wrong because it has no concrete form and is filled to the brim with parables, doublets, unfulfilled prophecies, and metaphorical language. Two tales of creationism! Hardy ****ing har. That alone should make it clear that the Bible is not something you should depend your life on. At least if you're ****ing sane.

You want your faith to be some kind of special exception even though if "God" had been replaced by "a purple worm orbiting Jupiter", you'd be considered insane. Why society accepts one but not the other is ridiculous. I don't even know why anybody should feel the need to explain how Christianity is wrong when no serious time has ever been taken to show how it's right.
Although that great flood did occur, but there wasn't a guy sailing on it though :p
MiccyNarc said:
Honest question:
Were you raped by a catholic priest? Did a Jehovah's witness break into your house? Or something similar?

You think that my attitude is a result of some bad experience, but it's not. I just find it confounding that this kind of mysticism is allowed to be so pervasive throughout society and should be respected for some reason.

My problem lies not so much in the belief, but the methods in which people have come to the belief.
Beerdude26 said:
Although that great flood did occur, but there wasn't a guy sailing on it though :p

There was no great flood. Maybe a big one, but nothing near large enough to drown the Earth.
the answer to your thread depends very much on the person posting :)

i'd say in one form or another, yes a higher being exists.. but it is not my place to lable or decide who or what this force is and a creed to follow.
I have no time for spending on praying and preaching. I say there isnt a god (way to much evidence again him being real) but hey, this is my thoughts:

If somehow there is a god he will like me because I am a kind person who helps people, and if there isnt then no loss.
Absinthe said:
There was no great flood. Maybe a big one, but nothing near large enough to drown the Earth.
Lol indeed I forgot to tell that :p
It was somewhere near the Dead Sea (if you guys call it like that, I'm talking about that really salty lake around the Mediterranean sea.
If there is a god, how egotistical would he have to be to damn to hell those who don't worship and fear him. That would be a god I would not want to praise. If there is a god he should just look at the general character of the individual being to decide its fate.

"Maybe God doesn't like you, in fact, in all probability he probably he hates you. We are God's unwanted children, so be it!"
You think that my attitude is a result of some bad experience, but it's not. I just find it confounding that this kind of mysticism is allowed to be so pervasive throughout society and should be respected for some reason.

My problem lies not so much in the belief, but the methods in which people have come to the belief.
It's just that in every religion related threads you post quite angry responses, including mocking the death of a pastor.
It just escapes me why you do this. :-\
Jesus is my Homeboy. I shall not be moved.

...Well, maybe it's Saviour. Something like that. Jesus pwns me, whatever word you use.
MiccyNarc said:
It's just that in every religion related threads you post quite angry responses, including mocking the death of a pastor.

Because religion angers me. As for mocking the pastor, I'd like you to point out where I have done so.
Absinthe said:
Because religion angers me.
Oh my. Does this mean I shouldn't worship you?
<-- It's my worship dance ^_^
Absinthe said:
Because religion angers me. As for mocking the pastor, I'd like you to point out where I have done so.

Eh, I suppose. Its just religion that seems so fake as time goes on.
Organised religion is crap because if God damns most of the population to Hell(or whatever) because they don't go to a specific place of worship then he's an asshole who dosn't deserve our worship. True religion should be a personal thing and not done by group.
Because religion angers me. As for mocking the pastor, I'd like you to point out where I have done so.
Ah, I'm sorry, you just defended those mocking him and said you could find humor in his death.
Organised religion is crap because if God damns most of the population to Hell(or whatever) because they don't go to a specific place of worship then he's an asshole who dosn't deserve our worship.
Whether or not you go to hell has nothing to do with church-going.
ríomhaire said:
Organised religion is crap because if God damns most of the population to Hell(or whatever) because they don't go to a specific place of worship then he's an asshole who dosn't deserve our worship. True religion should be a personal thing and not done by group.

Feel free to exercise your free will ;)
MiccyNarc said:
Ah, I'm sorry, you just defended those mocking him and said you could find humor in his death.

Ever heard of the Darwin Awards? Undeniable proof that death can be funny.

Grasping an electric object while submerged in water does not strike me as intelligent.
True religion should be a personal thing and not done by group.
Does that mean HL2 should be single player only?;)

Sorry, off topic. Here's an opinion:

How do we really know that Julius Cesear (spelling) existed? Or Hitler? or Micheal Jordon? Not many of us has talked to them face to face. We simply have evidence which we feel proves they exist. We have faith in their existence. In the same way, there is evidence for God's existence (historical documents, testimonials, logical reasoning, etc..
Whether you have faith in God or a god or gods or no god is really up to you. Just realize that everyone, repeat everyone has faith in something. We can co-exist with each other (probably not peacefully though) and try not to kill each other. Are there absolutely no absolutes?
No i dont believe in god, since its obvious religion was originally created by an enlightened individual who wanted people to live happy lives. So he creates these ideals, but also creates a fictional character of some kind, a 'god', so that people will have something to aim for in there life. However then people come along and manipulate these principles to gain power and control of other humans, which still goes on today.

Also since in the modern day with all our technology there has been 0 reports of actual proven acts of god, then hats the chance that these messiah's are going to see them, a hell of alot less. Esspically since more of the earth was unpopulated and there was actually alot less people about. There is such a tiny chance they would encounter anything, except perhaps something natural which they didnt understand and attach a lor to it.

God defines everything that a person doesn't know, and is created from ignorance.

(in my opinion)
I think there is some kind of higher power.. there's gotta be..
And whats outside of the universe? is it heaven, or are all our souls stored out there when we die..? And whats after that? There's gotta be something that controls .. something..

Well if you really want to talk to god, here's his chat site Igod FTW
MetalHead said:
Do you believe in a higher power?

yes, no or undecided

this is for educational and research purposes please help me out here.

feel free to give me your thoughts on this.


Pray to the Lord Jesus Christ and he will forgive you for smoking pot and raping your hand and having sex with other men and masturbating, of course, you sick bastards.