Is this for real?!?!?!?!

If steam wasn't responsibile for the HL2 release delay, why is Chris so upset about what info was devulged?

Sounds plausible that steam IS the reason they didn't release on 9/30.
Yeah , because lombardi doesn't have a long history of lying or anything. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Xtasy0
doesnt sound like anything munro would say...although thats just my thoughts.

its almost taunting...

*shrug* maybe it was munro, who knows.

it really was Munro. You don't know him as well, he even told the site staff about this before you heard of it. :)
He is upset because he knows the fans will think it was delayed because of steam even if it wasn't. People always jump to conclusions.
Originally posted by Cooper
He is upset because he knows the fans will think it was delayed because of steam even if it wasn't. People always jump to conclusions.

Ha ha
How did that e-mail get intercepted? that's what I want to know!
Well how exactly was that e-mail intercepted? It does sound like Steam is the cause of the delay and Valve is now trying to cover their tracks.

Edit: Damn, you beat me to it Athlon.
Originally posted by synth
it really was Munro. You don't know him as well, he even told the site staff about this before you heard of it. :)

wow, quite an asshole he is, more so than i ever thought possible.
Originally posted by Xtasy0
wow, quite an asshole he is, more so than i ever thought possible.

I would think more that he's really just trying to make a point to VALVe and by not saying anything to us, is doing what chris asked him to do, which is not asshole-ish at all if you ask me.
I'm shocked at how nice the Valve employee was, considering. Munro hacked the system and the employee was Mr. Nice Guy. The scary thing in the exchange was the prospect of how long it would take to develop p2p for Steam.
well i personally don't think this is such a bad thing, as long as no one gets in trouble legally, and no one loses there job, all it really does is re-affirm the fact that us hl2 fans want the game so bad, or at least any new tid bit of info that we will go to crazy means to get something fresh, and valve is "all about the fans" but why do they have to be so secretive? Would it really kill them to give us a straight forward answer on things so we don't have to guess and snoop
I hope that the email was leaked by someone else besides Munro. He said he wouldn't and I have no respect for people who break there word.

/crosses fingers that it was someone else
Since the steam forums obviously don't have email authentication, sound to me like all munro had to do was open an account and use Lombardi's email address. Hardly what I would call hacking ... just mis-representing the facts in the registration.
FAK3R probably just sniffed the network segment for interesting info.
Munro didn't hack the system. Actually, he was wondering about the validity of Valve's Steam accounts a while back and wanted to see if he could sign up as Doug Lombardi. Somebody already dug up his post about it on this thread, I think. He signed up with Doug's e-mail, and he was talking about how they should have e-mail verification. I don't know why he let the Valve guy think it actually was Doug, though. And how did fak3r "intercept" the e-mail?
Originally posted by incorrigible
Since the steam forums obviously don't have email authentication, sound to me like all munro had to do was open an account and use Lombardi's email address.

The steam forums DO have e-mail authentication. I just signed up and it required me to authenticate.

It's just goofy how Steam itself doesn't do the same thing.
Very interesting, maybe this will teach valve not to be so tight lipped about everything.
Ugh, thats so confusing... hopefully it's coming out very soon, as much as I want the game though, but yet I dont have that great of a card (radeon9000pro - crap) so I guess waiting wouldnt be bad.
Anyhow, on the topic:
why would he say such things anyway, some person on here was right about how this sounds unprofessional, as it does.
The thread he linked to there explained that it was possible (and still might be) to register Steam using VALVE employee e-mail address. Erik Johnson knew about this (I mentioned it to him), but apparently Chris did not. This information was not meant for the world to see, and I hope it didn't get Chris into any trouble.
I wonder why Valve makes such a big fuss about it? Steam sucks right now and is too slow for distributing a game with several hundret mbytes. It even had problems serving that half meg of steam1.0 data.

And Valve should realize, that their customers are not stupid and can't handle that simple truth. Instead of playing games and using tricks, Valve should talk free and open. That would be MUCH BETTER and nobody would need to speculate and get angry because unexpected things happen.
welcome to corporate america... where the customers have no voice only a monetary value.
Well I guess it was Munro.. but one thing... if he intended to prove a point to Valve then why did he attempt to socially engineer information that could screw up Valve relations.. I mean, if he were to sincerely attempt to help Valve then he would and should have just emailed them saying "Hey, look what I can do!"... not try and pry information out from them.

I dunno Munro, but you sorta made look bad.
Originally posted by FriScho
I wonder why Valve makes such a big fuss about it? Steam sucks right now and is too slow for distributing a game with several hundret mbytes. It even had problems serving that half meg of steam1.0 data.

And Valve should realize, that their customers are not stupid and can't handle that simple truth. Instead of playing games and using tricks, Valve should talk free and open. That would be MUCH BETTER and nobody would need to speculate and get angry because unexpected things happen.

I agree with you there.