Is your comp ready for HL2?


Jun 30, 2003
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I was just wondering if everybodys comps were ready when HL2 is released. When I talk to ppl about HL2 the first thing they say is " I have to get my comp upgraded ! " I was just wondering what comp spects everybody has and what they plan on upgrading before the release.

Mine " right now "

Comp Company name: none

AMD 2500 barton core
Abit NF7 mobo
1 GB of DDR 2700 RAM
ATI 9800 pro
SB Audigy 2 sound card.
450 power supply
Cable connection
Mine is ready,no need to brag so i wont post my specs.
Mine's ready, I'll brag. (jk, it's nothing to brag, but interesting read)

*REAL CASE (BLACK) 3G READY Tooless ATX Mid Tower Case with 400watt Power Supply. Two case fans.
*Two COOLMAX 80x80x25mm Smart & Quiet Case Fan w/ Double Ball-Bearing (Making for four total)
*Samsung 19" CRT Monitor
*Samsung SW-252BENB 52x24x52 Black CDRW Bulk
*Samsung 16X DVD Drive (BLACK)
*CORSAIR 1024MB PC3200 DDR 400
*Intel Pentium 4 (800 FSB) ATX Motherboard
*Intel Pentium 4 / 3.0CGHz 512k socket 478 Hyper Threading Technology 800 MHz FSB Processor
*Turtle Beach Voyetra Santa Cruz 6-Speaker DSP Audio Accelerator Sound Card
*Cable Connection (if that even matters:dozey: )
Mine's not really so I'm working towards a new processor and mobo right now.
I have almost the exact computer as themachine.. minus the Radeon 9800 and 256 megs less of ram and a Epox 8rda+ mobo :)

My Barton is overclocked to a stable 2.1 ghz right now, and my Geforce 4 Ti 4680 might not cut it for Hl2, but I just bought it not even a year ago and refuse to go with Ati!!

I might end up getting the Geforce FX 5900 Ultra, but at over 700 Canadian I think I can hold out with my present card til it goes down in price.
Only spent $1777 on it. I don't see why people buy that Alienware shit, or get something similar, but pay like $4000. I want to know what goes on in these peoples minds.
If by "ready" you mean "it can play the game" then yes, my comp is ready:
AMD Athlon 850MHz
ATi Radeon 8500LE 128MB

Yes it sucks, but as soon as I get the money (which should be before the end of Sept.) I'm upgrading to:
AMD AthlonXP 2400+
512MB PC2700 DDR RAM
some motherboard with 8xAGP

Once that's done, HL2 will run like... uhh... something that's pretty fast.

Edit: Yeah guinny, your computer is nothing to brag about... :rolleyes: :)
Originally posted by TAZ
and refuse to go with Ati!!

I'm sorry, but that was a really ignorant comment to make. ATI is the fastest, best IQ, AA, and AF out there at the moment, so I don't see where your hate for them comes from. I could easily say NVIDIA CHEATS BLAH I HATE THEM but I don't.

why buy a radeon 9800 pro now? get one later when they are cheaper.

edit: as far as i'm concerned ati has already won this generation, i dunno if nvidia will hit back.

edit: mine is ready for medium details high fps.
Originally posted by guinny
I'm sorry, but that was a really ignorant comment to make. ATI is the fastest, best IQ, AA, and AF out there at the moment, so I don't see where your hate for them comes from. I could easily say NVIDIA CHEATS BLAH I HATE THEM but I don't.

Futuremarks has taken back their comments about Nvidia cheating in 3dmarks 2003 so all that info was nothing more then rubbish. And my main love for Nvidia is that alot of the people from 3dfx, the best 3d accelerator designers from since the beginning, work for them and are designing the next generation of 3d cards. FX 5900 Ultra is faster then the 9800 in alot of benchmarks with AA and AF turned on max so I will stick it out with them eventhough they are pretty slow these days.
Its true, for example the 9800pro > The GF FX 5900.
BTW Does anyone have any idea how to access the bios on a BFG Asylum Geforce 4 TI4600? Trying to tweek my card some.
9800pro > FX's like basic math, everyone knows it. :p
Originally posted by TAZ
Futuremarks has taken back their comments about Nvidia cheating in 3dmarks 2003 so all that info was nothing more then rubbish. And my main love for Nvidia is that alot of the people from 3dfx, the best 3d accelerator designers from since the beginning, work for them and are designing the next generation of 3d cards. FX 5900 Ultra is faster then the 9800 in alot of benchmarks with AA and AF turned on max so I will stick it out with them eventhough they are pretty slow these days.

I'm sorry TAZ, but you're wrong.
Futuremarks took its word back because nVidia surely found a way to make it happen ($$$ or lawsuit).

As for the 5900Ultra being faster than a 9800, wrong again, mate.
In fact, the 5900U - with its inferior image quality - is even slower than a 9700 PRO in some benchmarks (unbiased review):

Read it and open your eyes...nVidia is cheating you.
Nope. tomshardware is crap. dont believe them.
Funny, I've seen the exact oposite thing happen, where the 9800 pro owned the FX....
Its true. The 9800 pro does pwn the 5900.
LOL mine is ready
Pentium 3, 500 mhz
512 RAM
GF 2 MX;)

I'm gonna upgrade just before September, especially for HL2...
Yup, that what i had before i got my new one.
Guys will my comp run HL2 at max details with high fps?

Pentium .1 001mhz
4mb sdr ram
onboard sound
geforce 1 12mb

Idk i think i need to upgrade my processor.
i'm sure it'll run fine, that's top of the line right there.
guinny I think you should get 30-40 FPS at 1024x768 with that config but I might try to bump up the ram to 8mb. That will eliminate the need to boot via a floppy :)
LOL...yea I was considering upgrading something. I have about $.17 I'll go with the ram.
Make sure you get the the stick with ECC ... it makes a BIG difference.
ECC costs too much for me, and when i can get twice as much ram for about the same price....
If the price on ECC comes down within the next 2 years i would get it.

Edit ::

My rig

Athlon 2500+ barton
EPOX 8rka+ mobo
Kingston 512 pc3200 ram (im going to be ungrading to 1gb soon)
Radeon 9500
Aopen AW-850 (CMI8739 Chipset, sounds better than sb live)

thats all that effects the speed in anyway really.
just built it last weekend, so i'll brag a bit...

Abit IS-7
Intel P4 2.8C @ 3.1
1GB Corsair Dual Channel XMS TwinX 3200 RAM
Radeon 9700 Pro
althlon xp 2400+
radeon 9500 pro
512 pc 2700 ddr (underclocked to sync with 2400+ and aggressive timings)
soundstorm onboard audio
Well, I'm not sure what you consider 'ready', but here are my specs anyway:

- Intel P4 1.7ghz
- 256 megs of SDRAM (yeah yeah)
- geForce 4 Ti 4200

Upgrades in store: adding another stick of 256 megs of RAM, and buying a Radeon 9700. *Then*, I might be ready.
I've got:

- Biostar NForce2 Motherboard
- AMD 3000+ XP (clocked at 13 x 170 FSB)
- 512 MB of Corsair XMS DDR3200 (dual mode on mobo)
- ATI 9700 Pro
- onboard sound (plenty nice)

Think this will run HL2 at near max settings? That's what I built it for... pretty much. Taking it to college with me to do my 'school work' on in my dorm room.
My 486 still runs that spreadsheet so hl2 sould run like greased lightning,

only kidding mines a athalon 1000 with a geforce 3, around 800 meg of ram and a 120 gb hd
Mine ::
P4 1500MHZ
Geforce FX 5200 128MB

Hey How much to upgrade my ram to 1GB ?
my specs:

p4 2.26Ghz (could be o/c to 2.7Ghz)
asus p4s533
512mb (PC2700)
gf4ti4600 128mb

Could I run HL2 on a decent resolution with max visual settings?
sharp, good system to run it at max DX8 settings at a decent resolution.
With DX9 cards you can enjoy the game visuals even more ;)
P4 1.6Ghz
768mb sdram
radeon 9500 pro

should be enough to run HL2 well :)
Originally posted by emperorofchina
P4 1.6Ghz
768mb sdram
radeon 9500 pro

should be enough to run HL2 well :)


I have a 1300mhz athlon
640mb DDR Ram - upgraded from 128
32mb TNT graphics card
40gb super slow hard disk ;)


i am moveing house soonish and the profit should get me a super computer :D