Is your PC ready for Half life 2?

Is ur PC ready for HL2?

  • Hell yeah, full detail here I come

    Votes: 199 44.9%
  • I guess it will play HL2 acceptably..

    Votes: 179 40.4%
  • No, My PC doesn't meet the minnimum requirements

    Votes: 19 4.3%
  • I will be before the game comes out

    Votes: 46 10.4%

  • Total voters
Sieni said:

Intel Celeron 1,7 ghz <--- LOL!
40 gb <--- ROFL
GeForce FX 5200 128 DDR <--- LMAO!

It was a mistake to buy that 5200.
Hope I get a new computer before fall.

What's so bad about a 40 GB HD?
guinny said:
shit ur specs now kick hl2's ass as it is with full settings. :cheers:

Really, i was worried that my video card wouldn't be able to handle it with everything maxed, hence my reasoning behind getting a new computer. Yes I know it seems a littel stupid but I want the best experience possible.

P.S. I hope that wasn't sarcasm :(
Yea, I have a large (I consider it large) movie collection and I would not want a 40 GB hard drive either, but I have a friend with a 6 GB hard, that's right, 6, not 60, SIX GB HARD DRIVE.

So, 40 GB doesn't seem all that bad.

His computer isn't that bad..well, it's pretty bad, Duron 900, Geforce2 MX 400, but...6 GB kills it.
I got two 40 gig HD's, one for movies, backups, music, basically storage. And one that I use for all purpose except storage.

I know my comp can run HL2 (atleast I hope so) the only thing I hope is that my connec improves before it releases, its been going down/going at 10 kbs on DLs for the last month, ISP isnt doing a damn thing.
Colonel Sanders said:
Really, i was worried that my video card wouldn't be able to handle it with everything maxed, hence my reasoning behind getting a new computer. Yes I know it seems a littel stupid but I want the best experience possible.

P.S. I hope that wasn't sarcasm :(

dont waste the money then. u can definately run at full settings max without a hitch. dont use me as a guide cuz the only reason i have the tippy top of the line now is cuz im not going to be able to upgrade for a good year and a half so i want something that wont completely suck by then. ur current comp will OWN hl2.
woooooooooooo i feel good about myself. i think asus would agree with me with what i told u. save ur money, ull be much better off than i will in a year.
I just remebered that my motherboard doesn't support AGP 8x (4x only) and uses RDRAM (I bought all of my components in January of '03 when all of the big tech mags were recommending RDRAM). I hope that doesn't matter much in turms of performance.

And yes I am paranoid.
Look at sig to see my specs, and upgrade plans. And, if you're wondering about my current mobo, I didn't know much about motherboards back when I got it. I just went with price, which wasn't very smart. I still don't know too much, just more than before.
im running 0x agp right now, dont believe me ill show u the settings, its a problem with my 9800 pro. the card handles itself on its own apparently without the cpus help. 4x is great, and 8x is if u want like 5 extra fps.
i have a 9800 pro in here now, my xt i ordered a week ago, and its coming within the next few days. the 9800 is just a place holder right now and its on 0agp and running all my games (including ut2k4 and cod) without a hitch
9800 pro 128 MB with a 2.4 GHz processor and 512 MB ram

It'll run HL2 fine.
Guinny you play COD! What server are you usually on (if you have a specific server that is)?
getting this computer the 18th:
3.2 ghz
1 GB Ram
Radeon X800 PE

right now i have:
1.3 ghz
256 ram
Geforce 2 MX

So, im really happy, i dont think i have ever played a game on Max settings.
Current Specs:

AMD Athlon 1600
256mb PC2700
ATI Radeon 7000PRO 64mb

Will be building this in a week :stare:

AMD Athlon XP 3000+
512mb Kingston Hyper-X PC3200
ATI Radeon 9800PRO 256mb (might get an X800 if I save enough money)
Seagate 80GB 7200RPM
17" (maybe bigger) CRT

Full Detail for me :naughty:
Im hoping that i can get my hands on pci express and ddr2 ram before HL2 comes out cause I got little over 3 large to spend on a new computer. :cheese: Right now I have:

P4 1.7
512 Ram
radeon 9800 pro
Audigy 2
My specs:

P4 2.8c 800mhz bus
Corsair Twin-X 1gb 400mhz
9800pro 256

Full detail here I come...
Sai said:
then i'd say leave antialiasing off all together and put the water and lighting quality to medium if you want a 55-65 fps as those two things take up the most resources

Thats crazy talk. Ill never ever play a game without AA and AF ever again.

The whole time i look at any building i just think man look at those jagged eges.


*Paid Announcment for the AA/AF Council*
^Ben said:
Can i get a wohoo for the durons?

Ok i'll get my coat.

Well at the moment im running a duron 1ghz with a ti4200 but i will soon be upgrading to :D

A 6800GT with a bad boy amd 64 :D

I upgraded to AMD64. Too bad it didn't work with my network card, so I had to dump it.
Where the hell do you all (most of you anyway) get all that money? With my:

P4 1.4 GHz (running at 1.5 GHz)
256 MB RAM (not DDR)
GF 2 MX (going to upgrade this soon)

I'll be able to run HL2, but I guess AA and AF just doesn't like me. I'm a patient man though. I played Painkiller with these specs at uber-low detail... and I had slowmo all the way to hell.
Yes i think it will work .... i ordered a new (cheap lol) PC before a week:

P4 - 2800 Mhz
1024Mb DDR 533Mhz RAM
PCI-Express Ati Radeon X800 XT PE (lol it was so expensive as the whole rest of the PC)

so i hope i can play fine :)
Perret said:
PCI-Express Ati Radeon X800 XT PE (lol it was so expensive as the whole rest of the PC)
Uhh, they've not even properly announced these yet, so unless you're on a long pre-ordering wait, there's no way you can be getting one.
Abom said:
Uhh, they've not even properly announced these yet, so unless you're on a long pre-ordering wait, there's no way you can be getting one.
they announced them...they didnt throw a huge party for them, but they did.
While ATI announced its PCI Express graphics cards earlier this month
Jun 1st, 2004 6:00 AM
Today, ATI fills out their new X series with three new PCI Express parts based on current technology that we are seeing. We will learn about a new process technology being used in the value segment, and some new mobile technology as well.

but your right, these will probally be hard to find for a long while.
Athlon 64 3400
1024MB DDR (400)
ATI X800Pro

I'm ready! They can release it now :)
Athlon 64 3200+
1Gb ram
radeon 9200se -_-;
Waiting for the x800xt to be released some day...
new one, what about internet connections? my internet cafe has a t1 line, and get laggy with bfv, so if hl2 is all nice looking, what will happen to my dsl connection? will it lagg?
I've never seen a forum with so many people that have awesome computers.

Mine is pretty good too, but I'm just saying....crazy!

The people with bad computers on here (below 1 ghz) must not be posting I guess.
AMD Athlon XP 2400+ (2 GHz)
NVIDIA GeForce4 MX 440

I am going to up RAM to a Gig and get a brilliant graphics card but at it's current state, could my PC run HL2? (I don't know anything about my graphics card!)
GSW said:
AMD Athlon XP 2400+ (2 GHz)
NVIDIA GeForce4 MX 440

I am going to up RAM to a Gig and get a brilliant graphics card but at it's current state, could my PC run HL2? (I don't know anything about my graphics card!)

It might on low settings, consider getting a 9800 Pro they just lowered the price to a cool $199 at Newegg
Its a shame i wont have money to uprade for a while...need a new graphics card

P4 2.53 ghz
512mb ram
gforce4 ti4200 64mb
80 gig harddrive

Anyone know where i can get a nice cheap ati radeon 9800 pro or XT? :borg: