Israeli airstrike kills 34 children


May 5, 2004
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62 said:
QANA, Lebanon - Israeli missiles hit several buildings in a southern Lebanon village as people slept Sunday, killing at least 56, most of them children, in the deadliest attack in 19 days of fighting.

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert expressed "great sorrow" for the airstrikes but blamed Hezbollah guerrillas for using the area to launch rockets at Israel, and said he would not halt the army's operation.

The Lebanese Red Cross said the airstrike in Qana, in which at least 34 children were killed, pushed the overall Lebanese death toll to more than 500. Secretary of State


Lebanese Defense Minister Elias Murr questioned Israel's claim that Hezbollah fired rockets from the village. "What do you expect Israel to say? Will it say that it killed 40 children and women?" he told Al-Jazeera television.

Qana, in the hills east of the southern port city of Tyre, has a bloody history. In 1996, Israeli artillery killed more than 100 civilians who had taken refuge at a U.N. base in the village. That attack sparked an international outcry that helped end an Israeli offensive
Retards can't even aim missiles straight. If you can't hit your targets, just don't launch at all.
Well... I mean... They have every right to defend themselves.. you know, from these children....

Yeah, the children sure are dangerous. They kick shins pretty hard.
The Hizbollah are dangerous, so they hide amungst civilians, including children.
The Hizbollah are dangerous, so they hide amungst civilians, including children.

So the answer is to blow them all up?

These attack will cause nothing but hate and resentment towards Isreal. Every day they're creating more terrorists.
So the answer is to blow them all up?

These attack will cause nothing but hate and resentment towards Isreal. Every day they're creating more terrorists.

Putting words into my mouth, i said they hide amungst civilians. It is apalling that so many civlians died, but we dont know the true meaning to why they were targeted, some say Hizbollah fired rockets from the houses in that area. Some say they did not. Its a hit and miss with this organisation, whom cannot fight like propper soldiers, instead they blackmail their countries people, they offer to build back their homes after the war, give them food & drink, in return to use there homes & people for shields from the opposition (Israel)

I wasn't suggesting you advocate these actions btw
It's absolutely gobsmacking they've been allowed to do this, it's just so horrific.
It's absolutely gobsmacking they've been allowed to do this, it's just so horrific.

Its a war there is usally no guidelines to follow but to exterminate the enemy & its followers.

There is also collateral damage which in this case his horrendus, as it bombed alot of streets, where hezbollah was stayed.

How do we know these civis weren't with Hizbellah is the true question, and its just a propagana infuence on Hizballah.
A bullshit term so widely accepted that it trumps responsibility for careless and downright inhumane acts.

What a travesty. Israel can go on a rampage and the world can do nothing but discuss and debate. Wake the **** up and stop these lunatics.
And what is it really?
Collateral damage is a U.S. Military term for unintended or incidental damage during a military operation. The term started as a euphemism during the Vietnam War, and can refer to friendly fire or the destruction of civilians and their property.
(Source: )
A bullshit term so widely accepted that it trumps responsibility for careless and downright inhumane acts.

What a travesty. Israel can go on a rampage and the world can do nothing but discuss and debate. Wake the **** up and stop these lunatics.
Agreed. Quit the debate and let's see some action against these lunatics. This is the 21st f*cking century, countries should not be invading, rampaging and occupying other countries.

prove it, if its a fact, please.
And I can't read that leaflet, I can barely make out the picture, can you tell us more about it?
Here's video footage -,7340,L-3283816,00.html

Translation of the leaflet -
To all citizens south of the Litani River

Due to the terror activities being carried out against the State of Israel from within your villages and homes, the IDF is forced to respond immediately against these activities, even within your villages. For your safety! We call upon you to evacuate your villages and move north of the Litani River.

It's from July 25.

About Qana - The town has been used to fire about 150 missiles against Israel since the start of the conflict.
That there could have been hezbollah in that structure is merely speculation, not fact. You shouldn't go around touting it as such. If it were fact, they wouldn't need an investigation, would they? I admittidly couldn't watch the video, but it says they were being fired from the villiage, not the structure/building. I did read the article however, which is what I'm basing this on, if i'm horribly mistaken, then please forgive me. (interesting link as well, probably a little more bias than I'd care for but i'll take it atm)

And i dare say that leaflet doesn't do a damn bit of good when all exits out of these cities has been bombed out by air strikes, and many of the civillians don't have the supplies or means to escape, and are to affraid to move about, not knowing where the next target might be.
The Hezbollah would make as much use of that warning as the civilians.

Pointless gesture.
The bitch of this whole thing is that alot of people are going to get angry and upset, but not a goddamn thing outside of that will happen.

What a cockeyed world we live in.
Considering how far they're into this conflict and the fact Hezbollah are still firing missiles into Israel suggests that Israel's current battle plan isn't working. Even the U.S.A. who've been content to let this go on for a while can't allow it for much longer if Israel keeps making these terrible mistakes.
I still smell a rat. I feel the bush administration has continued to overally condone Israels action not only because of their alliance and ties, but also because it provides another straw to grab at with Iran for possible military action.
How do we know these civis weren't with Hizbellah is the true question, and its just a propagana infuence on Hizballah.

So you mean children is causing threat to the Israeli army? Hell, no. They are children. "How do we know they weren't bleh bleh", why don't you say "How do we know they WERE?". Is this a reason for such genocide? If you don't know whether they are Hizballah, JUST DON't DO IT since they are a child only.

If you perfer kill all people in order to not letting a single Hizballah, why don't you simply nuke Lebanon? Wow there are terrorists in Iraq, nuke them all. Wow there are terrorists in Iran, nuke the all! Bleh bleh bleh. So when people suspect there is a terrorist in a New York Metro Station, why don't the police bring a chaingun there and kill everyone in the railway system just to prevent a terrorist escape? How do you know that person in the metro station is not terrorist? So we should kill all of the passengers!

Put yourself in Lebanese's shoes, please! MERCY FOR INNOCENT PEOPLE, PLZ!
hmm i wonder how many israeli women and children have been killed by suicide bombers in hezbollahs name
and how in any way, shape or form does that relate to lebanese children being killed?
and how in any way, shape or form does that relate to lebanese children being killed?
if you're going to post an article about israel killing children why dont you post an article about islamic fanatics from either palestine or lebanon killing israeli civilians. that way it almost would seem as though you werent a biased pooper :)
hmm i wonder how many israeli women and children have been killed by suicide bombers in hezbollahs name


And I wonder how many of those terrorist bombers where innocent children?

Oh yah, two wrongs now make a right in your world?

And I wonder how many of those terrorist bombers where innocent children?

Oh yah, two wrongs now make a right in your world?

no 2 wrongs make a wrong. im sick of everyone making israel out to be some monster. they live around some pretty monsterous neighbors.
So that gives them the right to bomb the crap outta children?
So that gives them the right to bomb the crap outta children?
yeah if you're country was bombed all the time and unable to defend itself per international sentiment, you'd be pretty callous too.

and no, they dont have the right to bomb the crap outta children. its wrong.
if you're going to post an article about israel killing children why dont you post an article about islamic fanatics from either palestine or lebanon killing israeli civilians. that way it almost would seem as though you werent a biased pooper :)

what does "islamic fanatics" have to do with lebanese children being killed by israeli airstrikes? ..are you saying it's justified because what exactly? what do the children have to do with the extremists? How are they in any way related?
So that gives them the right to bomb the crap outta children?

what does "islamic fanatics" have to do with lebanese children being killed by israeli airstrikes? ..are you saying it's justified because what exactly? what do the children have to do with the extremists? How are they in any way related?

k how does randomly launching a rocket into a city or bombing a cafe justify anything? the children have nothing to do with it, nor did i say it was correct that they killed children.
k how does randomly launching a rocket into a city or bombing a cafe justify anything? the children have nothing to do with it, nor did i say it was correct that they killed children.

then what's your point?
then what's your point?
that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. it is no more wrong when the israelis kill children than it is when hezbollah or militants in the gaza strip do it.
hmm i wonder how many israeli women and children have been killed by suicide bombers in hezbollahs name

Is people doing immorals then you have to do the same, as revenge? Is this really make sense? Do we have to kill Lebanese kids when they have killed ours? Is "life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth" really correct?

My answer is, if we do the same to those Hezbollah, i.e. killing the innocent Lebanonese as revenge, we are as immoral as they are, and we will have no different with those terrorists. If they killed our citizens, we have to kill the people who do that, not slaying their citizens. Killing the Hezbollah is the right thing to do, not the so-called bombard revenge.
No other country in the world would get away with what Israel is doing.