Israeli airstrike kills 34 children

What about the US? The UK? Any other world power?
No other country in the world would get away with what Israel is doing.
Not entirely true: the U.S. has invaded Afghanistan with no repercussions, killing tens of thousands. The U.S. and U.K. invaded and occupied Iraq, killing tens/hundreds of thousands, again without repercussions. Canada plays a large role in the occupation of Afghanistan, and has also killed tens of thousands. The U.S., Canada and France overthrew the democratically elected government of Haiti, again, no repercussions. It's not only Israel that gets away with horrible things like this.

Is people doing immorals then you have to do the same, as revenge? Is this really make sense? Do we have to kill Lebanese kids when they have killed ours? Is "life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth" really correct?

My answer is, if we do the same to those Hezbollah, i.e. killing the innocent Lebanonese as revenge, we are as immoral as they are, and we will have no different with those terrorists. If they killed our citizens, we have to kill the people who do that, not slaying their citizens. Killing the Hezbollah is the right thing to do, not the so-called bombard revenge.
An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind.

that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. it is no more wrong when the israelis kill children than it is when hezbollah or militants in the gaza strip do it.

Israel has killed more civilians during the Qana airstrike than Hezbollah has killed during the whole conflict. How is that an equal reaction? Stupid eye for an eye mentality .....
Not entirely true: the U.S. has invaded Afghanistan with no repercussions.
You are deaf or something? Are you sure there is no repercussion. Did your Government block all the news source. Are you so sure there is no repercussion? Chaeck the history.

Israel has killed more civilians during the Qana airstrike than Hezbollah has killed during the whole conflict. How is that an equal reaction? Stupid eye for an eye mentality .....

Agree. What Israel doing is immorality for immorality. i.e. Israel is immoral. It has absolutly no difference with Hezbollah. Both of them are evil, genocide.
You are deaf or something? Are you sure there is no repercussion. Did your Government block all the news source. Are you so sure there is no repercussion? Chaeck the history.

Agree. What Israel doing is immorality for immorality. i.e. Israel is immoral. It has absolutly no difference with Hezbollah. Both of them are evil, genocide.

(random question)

Where are you from?
Honestly, some of the posts here remind me why Politics should be closed down.
Where are you from?

I am from People Republic of China which killed more than 2,000 students in 4thJune, 1989, and killed millions of people in the cultural revolution. What? Shocked? Is my arguement have something to do with my country's history? Are my words have something to do with my nationality? Or are you trying to draw off my attention because of your LACK of arguement and idea?
China which killed more than 2,000 students in 4thJune, 1989, and killed millions of people in the culture revolution. What? Shocked? Is my arguement have something to do with my country's history. Are my words have something to do with my nationality. Or are you trying to draw off my attention because of your LACK of arguement and idea?

Er, no actually I was just wondering where you're from..
Honestly, some of the posts here remind me why Politics should be closed down.
While others remind me why discussion, however vehement, should remain. Or shall we merely let the news pass us by without a whim or whimper.

I condemn these attacks. I am only further convinced that the Israelis are now provoking war and violence not for justice or anti-terrorism or "the rescue of two captured soldiers", but as an excuse to further slant the balance of power to their side.
It's a damn shame that the Israelis are continuing to justify their actions while the US, UK, UN (U-what??) continue to stand by and blah blah blah and not intervene. If you want to attack Hezbollah, I'm sure you can do it better than just launching missiles everwhere. Ever seen the first 10 minutes of Air Force One?
Insanity. That's the only way I can describe israels handling of the situation. Use special agents to infiltrate the terrorist network and bust them all at once, instead of bombing cities and killing innocent men, women and children. Just disgusting what israel is doing in lebanon.
I am from People Republic of China which killed more than 2,000 students in 4thJune, 1989, and killed millions of people in the cultural revolution. What? Shocked? Is my arguement have something to do with my country's history? Are my words have something to do with my nationality? Or are you trying to draw off my attention because of your LACK of arguement and idea?

....Yet our population is 4% of yours....
Boy, go figure what intelligence and care goes into selecting targets at Israel's ministry of defence.

Israel has killed more civilians during the Qana airstrike than Hezbollah has killed during the whole conflict. How is that an equal reaction? Stupid eye for an eye mentality .....

Please don't limit this conflict to what has happened over the last two weeks.

Further, what has happened in Qana is a tragedy. No question. But, what should Israel do? Based on footage I've seen, you see Hizbollah trucks launching rockets from civilian areas at civilian targets in Israel. So, let me get this straight....Israel is supposed to allow Hizbollah to threaten and kill it's civilians with rockets and not attack these sites for risk of killing Lebanese civilians??????? WHAT?????

Let's get this straight. Hizbollah has said repeatedly that it wants Israel to cease to right to exist. It has no interest in Israel's military. Make this very clear....Hizbollah is attacking jews. Hizbollah is just as ruthlessly attacking civilian least Israel is going after the enemy.
Putting words into my mouth, i said they hide amungst civilians. It is apalling that so many civlians died, but we dont know the true meaning to why they were targeted, some say Hizbollah fired rockets from the houses in that area. Some say they did not. Its a hit and miss with this organisation, whom cannot fight like propper soldiers, instead they blackmail their countries people, they offer to build back their homes after the war, give them food & drink, in return to use there homes & people for shields from the opposition (Israel)
The problem is that first off all Israel will not release surveillance pictures of the area before it was attacked. Second, the rockets they have can not be fired from inside houses. The launch pod requires a large out door area as a rocket like this creates a lot of explosions and needs to travel extremely high in to the air. And third, if there is one Hezbollah fighter among tens of civilians a rational country would not blow all those civilians away.

I am glad to see public opinion starting to shift on this, it is sad however that something like this had to take place for many to see what is really happening.
Hizbollah are attacking Israeli's, there campain of terror is not limited to Jews. When the British was fighting the likes of the IRA you didn't see them bombing civilians into submission but going on your logic this is the only way to fight terror.


Let the war of words start here:

If Israel wanted to finish this conflict we would have seen a full ground invasion, but instead they would rather bomb civilains and claim the moral high ground by stating we only precision bomb our targets.

Quite silly of them making that statement considering the Isaeli's have stated they will bomb 4 wheel drives as they are a valid looks like precision is a smoke screen for mass murder.
Please don't limit this conflict to what has happened over the last two weeks.

Further, what has happened in Qana is a tragedy. No question. But, what should Israel do? Based on footage I've seen, you see Hizbollah trucks launching rockets from civilian areas at civilian targets in Israel. So, let me get this straight....Israel is supposed to allow Hizbollah to threaten and kill it's civilians with rockets and not attack these sites for risk of killing Lebanese civilians??????? WHAT?????

Let's get this straight. Hizbollah has said repeatedly that it wants Israel to cease to right to exist. It has no interest in Israel's military. Make this very clear....Hizbollah is attacking jews. Hizbollah is just as ruthlessly attacking civilian least Israel is going after the enemy.

we're not saying they have no right to defend themselves however this goes beyond taking defensive measures no way can israel's attacks on lebanon be seen as solely defensive in nature
Funny how 80% of those spots are in the south of Lebannon, ... controlled fully by Hezbollah...

I think some of the comments here are sick on-sided biased bullshit. I condem this rocket attack, and the whole freekin bombardment is out of proportion, but i sometimes wish people would read a conflicts history or true situation before spamming crap.
Nobody seems to care Hezbollah fires an average of 140 missiles a day into Israel ever since the start of this conflict which THEY started (including the firing on Israeli towns).

No the answer is not to bomb Lebannon, but for gods sake, its not like there's "just a few" badguys firing Katyusha's. Look at the numbers, look at where they're stationed.
The house with the kids that was hit is terrible! and explains exactly why this Israeli tactic is such BS.
However, Hezbollah WAS firing rockets from that area, Katyusha's are very light and mobile, and can be fired from almost anywhere.
Leaflets were dropped by the Israeli airforce that people should evacuate.
Now before people suggest i'm "Defending this attack" i'm not, but its not like Israel is freekin out to anihilate civilians.
Israel is thinking F*#$k the world, we're sick of waiting on the UN who does nothing against these brutal assaults, we'll go in and take care of this organisation ourselves, who is only out for our complete anihilation anyways.
As for "balance of power" they dont need to, they have many nukes, and none of their opponents have them. Israel also has the most advanced weaponry in the world and one of the largest armies in the middle-east -> no need to balance the power.
we're not saying they have no right to defend themselves however this goes beyond taking defensive measures no way can israel's attacks on lebanon be seen as solely defensive in nature

Maybe that's so, but you're at least limiting it's rights in the region. I want to know what percentage of Hezbollah's attacks are against Israeli military sites. I'm guessing it's a slim percentage. Further, when you're faced with Hezbollah launching attacks from civilian areas....the results are going to be guys want Israel to simply say that because Hezbollah is hiding among civilians, we can't attack. Hezbollah is launching attacks on civilian areas....Hezbollah is striking towns. What happens when one of their rockets kills hundreds of jews....will the same outrage exist? Just because it hasn't happened yet, doesn't mean it can't or won't. Again, at least the Israeli attacks are targeting Hezbollah forces. Hezbollah simply wants jewish casualties.

Think about that....a sovereign state (Israel) is going to allow it's civilians to be in grave danger because it's afraid to harm civilians of another nation. Then, Israel shouldn't be allowed to's govt has failed. The enemy is among civilians and it's Israels job to prevent the deaths of their citizens.

All that map tells me, Stern, is that Hezbollah is focused in the south and that's where Israel has attacked majority of the time. Other scattered forces in other regions of Lebanon have also been targeted.
Funny how 80% of those spots are in the south of Lebannon, ... controlled fully by Hezbollah...

I think some of the comments here are sick on-sided biased bullshit. I condem this rocket attack, and the whole freekin bombardment is out of proportion, but i sometimes wish people would read a conflicts history or true situation before spamming crap.
Nobody seems to care Hezbollah fires an average of 140 missiles a day into Israel ever since the start of this conflict which THEY started (including the firing on Israeli towns).

No the answer is not to bomb Lebannon, but for gods sake, its not like there's "just a few" badguys firing Katyusha's. Look at the numbers, look at where they're stationed.
The house with the kids that was hit is terrible! and explains exactly why this Israeli tactic is such BS.
However, Hezbollah WAS firing rockets from that area, Katyusha's are very light and mobile, and can be fired from almost anywhere.
Leaflets were dropped by the Israeli airforce that people should evacuate.
Now before people suggest i'm "Defending this attack" i'm not, but its not like Israel is freekin out to anihilate civilians.
As for "balance of power" they dont need to, they have many nukes, and none of their opponents have them. Israel also has the most advanced weaponry in the world and one of the largest armies in the middle-east -> no need to balance the power.
Look, I really am starting to doubt you think Israel's actions are BS. Am I right to assume that you are actually defending this attack? You say Hezbollah was in that area, why will Israel not release the pictures that prove it. You say people could have gotten out (blame the victim mentallity) you tell me how they can get out if Israel keeps bombing anything that moves on the roads, they take out bridges and main routes of transportation. The fact these people could not leave the area is not the fault of these people. And lastly how to you justify killing so many civillians to get one guy firing a couple rockets, something you can't even prove happened?
Maybe that's so, but you're at least limiting it's rights in the region. I want to know what percentage of Hezbollah's attacks are against Israeli military sites. I'm guessing it's a slim percentage. Further, when you're faced with Hezbollah launching attacks from civilian areas....the results are going to be guys want Israel to simply say that because Hezbollah is hiding among civilians, we can't attack. Hezbollah is launching attacks on civilian areas....Hezbollah is striking towns. What happens when one of their rockets kills hundreds of jews....will the same outrage exist? Just because it hasn't happened yet, doesn't mean it can't or won't. Again, at least the Israeli attacks are targeting Hezbollah forces. Hezbollah simply wants jewish casualties.

Think about that....a sovereign state (Israel) is going to allow it's civilians to be in grave danger because it's afraid to harm civilians of another nation. Then, Israel shouldn't be allowed to's govt has failed. The enemy is among civilians and it's Israels job to prevent the deaths of their citizens.

All that map tells me, Stern, is that Hezbollah is focused in the south and that's where Israel has attacked majority of the time. Other scattered forces in other regions of Lebanon have also been targeted.

What the map tells you is that this has little to do with defending Israel. Many of those targets are too far north to be able to be used by Hezbollah to attack Israel.
And lastly how to you justify killing so many civillians to get one guy firing a couple rockets, something you can't even prove happened?

No Limit, where do you think that "one guys" rocket was going?

If they don't attack, rockets will continue to pour out of that location and further endanger Israeli civilians. Why are Israeli lives being discounted in this conflict? Lets all continue to pretend that Hezbollah and Lebanon have all the victims of this conflict....Hezbollah doesn't attack civilian locations and only launches at military targets in northern Israel??!!?? :rolleyes:
What the map tells you is that this has little to do with defending Israel. Many of those targets are too far north to be able to be used by Hezbollah to attack Israel.

Hezbollah controls the entire South of Lebanon, but that doesnt mean it has nothing in the north :smoking:
And according to the Israeli's they are also trying to prevent Hezbollah from transporting the soldiers into Syria=> also might be a reason..
Maybe that's so, but you're at least limiting it's rights in the region. I want to know what percentage of Hezbollah's attacks are against Israeli military sites.

I dont understand this reasoning, Hezbollah isnt a sovereign nation, it's a terrorist organisation (or so the world would have you believe) why would you uphold them to the same standards as the israelis?

I'm guessing it's a slim percentage. Further, when you're faced with Hezbollah launching attacks from civilian areas....the results are going to be guys want Israel to simply say that because Hezbollah is hiding among civilians, we can't attack. Hezbollah is launching attacks on civilian areas....Hezbollah is striking towns. What happens when one of their rockets kills hundreds of jews

....will the same outrage exist?

yes I believe so

Just because it hasn't happened yet, doesn't mean it can't or won't.

still doesnt justify israel killing 34 children ..reports say the attack came during the middle of the night and that some of the children were handicapped

Again, at least the Israeli attacks are targeting Hezbollah forces. Hezbollah simply wants jewish casualties.

are you comparing israel to a terrorist organization?

Think about that....a sovereign state (Israel) is going to allow it's civilians to be in grave danger because it's afraid to harm civilians of another nation. Then, Israel shouldn't be allowed to's govt has failed. The enemy is among civilians and it's Israels job to prevent the deaths of their citizens.

you tell that to the victems: said:
"I saw women in foetal positions, protecting their bodies, thinking the wall would protect them, but the opposite happened; the wall collapsed on them," said Naim Rakka, a civil defence worker.

The bodies of children were distressing: a little girl with an angelic face, her mouth overflowing with earth; small boys carried out by their spindly limbs, bruised purple from the weight of the concrete.

All that map tells me, Stern, is that Hezbollah is focused in the south and that's where Israel has attacked majority of the time. Other scattered forces in other regions of Lebanon have also been targeted.

as have roads, airports, infrastructure ..the targets havent been solely hezbollah said:
The Lebanese health ministry said that 700 Lebanese had been killed in nearly three weeks of war, and more than 2,000 wounded.

In Israel, 18 civilians and 33 soldiers have been killed.

disporportionate wouldnt you say?
What the map tells you is that this has little to do with defending Israel. Many of those targets are too far north to be able to be used by Hezbollah to attack Israel.

That map tells me that there's terrorist forces in northern Lebanon and, regardless if they can attack Israel, they are a destabilzing force/threat/etc in the region and need to be removed.
No Limit, where do you think that "one guys" rocket was going?

If they don't attack, rockets will continue to pour out of that location and further endanger Israeli civilians. Why are Israeli lives being discounted in this conflict? Lets all continue to pretend that Hezbollah and Lebanon have all the victims of this conflict....Hezbollah doesn't attack civilian locations and only launches at military targets in northern Israel??!!?? :rolleyes:

A lot of it has to do with proportion.

First off you are not addressing the fact that there is noway to prove hezbollah was there and Israel is refusing to release the evidance. Second, lets just say for the sake of the argument that this is the case, hezbollah rockets are extremely inaccurate. Thousands have been fired and only a few actually do any real damage. This is in direct contrast to what israel has. They can wipe out entire city blocks of civillians with a single bomb, something they have done many times in this conflict. This is certainly not the first time something like this has happened.
I dont understand this reasoning, Hezbollah isnt a sovereign nation, it's a terrorist organisation (or so the world would have you believe) why would you uphold them to the same standards as the israelis?

It's a functioning part of the Lebanese govt. and a terrorist org. Further, they're capable, otherwise Israel wouldn't be in the situation they're in, right. Even further, per UN resolutions, what has the Lebanese govt done to disarm and move them north away from their favorite target.

still doesnt justify israel killing 34 children ..reports say the attack came during the middle of the night and that some of the children were handicapped

It's Israels job to protect the rights and lives of its citizens. When were the rockets launched out of the town? What was the target of those rockets? I'm sure there were disabled children in the vacinity of Hezbollah's rocket attacks. And many of which struck at night in different areas of northern Israel.

are you comparing israel to a terrorist organization?

The fact that Hezbollah is part of the Lebanese govt makes that comment at least partially incorrect. Their actions make them terrorist...their affiliations make them capable and accountable.

you tell that to the victems:

I will. And you can explain the same to the families of dead Israelis when a rockets kills hundreds of them and Israel did nothing simply because these cowards hide with civilians.

Agreed, but again, the attacks from Hezbollah are almost solely against civilian targets. Whether they are effective or not should not be of consequence to Israels response. Mark my words, one of those rockets is going to do a lot of damage and I want to see the tune that is sung then.
Goddamit, you people are putting 40lb katusha rockets on the same plane as 1 tonne bombs. Wake the **** up and realize this isn't right. There always has to be an excuse.

God forbid 60 Israelis should die in a rocket attack, lest the world actually give half a shit.
It's a functioning part of the Lebanese govt. and a terrorist org. Further, they're capable, otherwise Israel wouldn't be in the situation they're in, right. Even further, per UN resolutions, what has the Lebanese govt done to disarm and move them north away from their favorite target.

same excuse used for iraq ..we all know how badly that turned out ...still I dont see how the civilians have anything to do with this

It's Israels job to protect the rights and lives of its citizens. When were the rockets launched out of the town? What was the target of those rockets? I'm sure there were disabled children in the vacinity of Hezbollah's rocket attacks. And many of which struck at night in different areas of northern Israel.

how does this excuse the fact that 34 children were killed by israeli airstrikes?

The fact that Hezbollah is part of the Lebanese govt makes that comment at least partially incorrect. Their actions make them terrorist...their affiliations make them capable and accountable.

so the deaths of 34 children is justifiable because of this?

I will. And you can explain the same to the families of dead Israelis when a rockets kills hundreds of them and Israel did nothing simply because these cowards hide with civilians.

pure speculation and again stop trying to defer blame by saying "wel they're just as capable" ..I rally dont give a shit who is capable of what ..the fact STILL remains that israeli airstrikes killed 34 children

Agreed, but again, the attacks from Hezbollah are almost solely against civilian targets. Whether they are effective or not should not be of consequence to Israels response.

the casualties figures for israelis seems to contradict that: said:
In Israel, 18 civilians and 33 soldiers have been killed.

Mark my words, one of those rockets is going to do a lot of damage and I want to see the tune that is sung then.

you're looking to justify your belief that anti-semitism will be the deciding factor if that scenario were to play out ..for far too long has this excuse been at the forefront, meant to silence any sort of criticism ...well I couldnt care less what ****ing religion/ethnicity they are a civilian death is still a civilian death
Goddamit, you people are putting 40lb katusha rockets on the same plane as 1 tonne bombs. Wake the **** up and realize this isn't right. There always has to be an excuse.

God forbid 60 Israelis should die in a rocket attack, lest the world actually give half a shit.

Really? Thousands of rockets on Israel is just "uhm, lets forget that part"?
Because the rockets arent extremely effective we should just forget about it?
Yes, you're right, lets just wait until Iran supplies some nice missiles.
There's got to be an excuse?
Well met us analyze this war:

Israel claims to be out to end Hezbollah's violance once and for all:
-Its spending billions on this attack
-Israel's crued tactics are ruining its international
reputation both in public eye as in UN
-there is no territorial gain
-there is no financial gain
-there is no power gain

Israel wins nothing out of this war, only (if they're lucky) the end of Hezbollah.
Whats the "excuse"? War is very expensive, there'd better be a really really really good excuse for it.
Shouldn't you?

60 Lebanese are dead and the most that happens is a ceassation of air attacks. For 48 hours.

What kind of response do you think the death of 60 Israelis would recieve?

By the way, just to make clear, I am not advocating the death of 60 Israelis. I am trying to point out that the already blatant bias of the world would become even more reinforced.

Israel claims to be out to end Hezbollah's violance once and for all:
-Its spending billions on this attack
-Israel's crued tactics are ruining its international
reputation both in public eye as in UN
-there is no territorial gain
-there is no financial gain
-there is no power gain

Unfortunately, I am not a member of the Israeli defence ministry, so I couldn't tell you what their agenda is except what they are announcing publicly. Israel is coming to the realization that Hezbullah is engrained in Lebanese society, so its tactics of brute force won't do anything but brew hatred against them.

Israel is just inept. They took a left turn on the situation when they should have taken a right.
Really? Thousands of rockets on Israel is just "uhm, lets forget that part"?
Because the rockets arent extremely effective we should just forget about it?
Yes, you're right, lets just wait until Iran supplies some nice missiles.
There's got to be an excuse?
Well met us analyze this war:

Israel claims to be out to end Hezbollah's violance once and for all:
-Its spending billions on this attack
-Israel's crued tactics are ruining its international
reputation both in public eye as in UN
-there is no territorial gain
-there is no financial gain
-there is no power gain

Israel wins nothing out of this war, only (if they're lucky) the end of Hezbollah.
Whats the "excuse"? War is very expensive, there'd better be a really really really good excuse for it.

What have we won in the war in iraq outside making huge companies tied to the Bush administration richer? You do not know the motives of Israel and propably never will. But trying to defend them by saying this makes no sense is not a very good defense.
Shouldnt i...what?
I havent seen much attention for Israeli casualties over the past years including this war, except when Hezbollah apologised it killed 2 Israeli muslim kids => yeah, this Hezbollah mentality has nothing to do with religion-> all about evil Israeli occupation of.... nothing lebanese...

@No Limit
Yes it is, since if people are throwing conspiracies, or crap like that, the burden is on them to "prove" it, or make sure it "makes sense".
Right now, none of the shit anybody posted about Israeli motives made even the slightest sense. Thats what i'm countering here.
Shouldnt i...what?
I havent seen much attention for Israeli casualties over the past years including this war, except when Hezbollah apologised it killed 2 Israeli muslim kids => yeah, this Hezbollah mentality has nothing to do with religion-> all about evil Israeli occupation of.... nothing lebanese...

The civilian Israeli casualties just add up to the toll of dead civilians that shouldn't even exist. It is just as terrible as the Lebanese people dying.

But, last I checked, 30 < 600. I cannot believe that such a disproportionate kill-fest on Israel's part can go so unimpeded by the rest of the world.
Israel can say it detests bombing civilians, that the death of civilians are terrible, but the truth of the matter is they are going to continue doing it because they can.

Someone with half a backbone needs to step in and end this mess.
Stern, I really can't keep saying the same thing. Isreal has a right to defend its citizens. The death of 34 children is attrocious and I'll never argue that with you, but in the broader context of this conflict....I'm forced to be as disgusted with Hezbollah for fighting among it's own people. Simply can't argue my point any further.
The civilian Israeli casualties just add up to the toll of dead civilians that shouldn't even exist. It is just as terrible as the Lebanese people dying.

But, last I checked, 30 < 600. I cannot believe that such a disproportionate kill-fest on Israel's part can go so unimpeded by the rest of the world.
Israel can say it detests bombing civilians, that the death of civilians are terrible, but the truth of the matter is they are going to continue doing it because they can.

Someone with half a backbone needs to step in and end this mess.

You think Israel is bombing Lebanon to "Get back at them" as a "you kill our civilians, now you must die"?
No offence, I'm just asking since alot of people's posts here are almost implying it.
Stern, I really can't keep saying the same thing. Isreal has a right to defend its citizens. The death of 34 children is attrocious and I'll never argue that with you, but in the broader context of this conflict....I'm forced to be as disgusted with Hezbollah for fighting among it's own people.

come on man you cant possibly put sole blame on hezbollah. Israel's response has been heavy handed, there is no disputing this