ITS AUGUST 17 HERE w00t HL 2 Preload :)

its 10:55 PM USA EAST. Its either in couple of minutes or from 11:00 to 12:00 IS POSSIBLE. IF NOT then we have to wait and see what Doug will say ;)
Here we go

1 'Day' - passage of time based on rotation of Earth in accordance with cycle of sun
1 'Year' - timespan of 365 days, complete Earth orbit of sun
1 'Lombardi' - 4th dimensional timeframe prone to 'slippage' (ref. black holes, p.1034. see also Hawking Vacant Time theories, p.3553).

Meh, I'm off to sleep now, hopefully it will be up by morning. And if not, it's not that big of a deal, it's not like the game just got delayed another 6 months (although this isn't sending the proper message...).
Conkorg said:
its 10:55 PM USA EAST. Its either in couple of minutes or from 11:00 to 12:00 IS POSSIBLE. IF NOT then we have to wait and see what Doug will say ;)

You know what, VALVe isn't using EST as standard time. So you 12 o'clock theory is wrong, they have till 3AM EST.
Valve won't be releasing this pre-load today, probably due to the fact that some nob started poking through one of the GCF files leaking HL2 spoilers, which is a shame.

The fact that they were intending to release content IMO is one sure-sign that they were either Gold, or very close to being Gold though.
benson said:
Valve won't be releasing this pre-load today, probably due to the fact that some nob started poking through one of the GCF files leaking HL2 spoilers, which is a shame.

The fact that they were intending to release content IMO is one sure-sign that they were either Gold, or very close to being Gold though.

yeah...but the hype is building again. Even the bit of info about gameplay from the other thread sounded great! The AI sounds better than i imagined...just at random things (such as the "soda can" incident).
LETS ALL SHUT THE **** UP UNTIL IT START PRE LOADING TIRED OF THIS SHIT :P They might start it pre loading during the time we sleep :P
Conkorg said:
LETS ALL SHUT THE **** UP UNTIL IT START PRE LOADING TIRED OF THIS SHIT :P They might start it pre loading during the time we sleep :P

True...i probably should go to bed. Good night all! :thumbs:
Conkorg said:
LETS ALL SHUT THE **** UP UNTIL IT START PRE LOADING TIRED OF THIS SHIT :P They might start it pre loading during the time we sleep :P

If you're tired of this 'shit', simple. DONT READ THE THREAD ENTITLED:

AUGUST 17 HERE w00t HL 2 Preload :)

noob! :laugh:
I am not saying its your fault. I am just telling everyone that we have to wait :P If anything was delayed they would tell us. I am sure it will preload anytime if we just wait :P
don't get your hopes up... but:

thehunter1320 (11:39:16 PM): did you ask anything about the HL2 pre-load?
VRclintPS123 (11:39:41 PM): he todl me hl2 will preload on wendday
VRclintPS123 (11:39:51 PM): jsut the audeo and textres or soemthign
thehunter1320 (11:39:53 PM): tomorrow wensday?
thehunter1320 (11:40:00 PM): or next week wendsday
VRclintPS123 (11:40:44 PM): tomarow i think
thehunter1320 (11:40:52 PM): coolz0r

VRclintPS123 = sHm0zY (he just came back from Valve)
Ah well, in all honestly I can't say im bothered that much.

I still won't be able to play the game until it goes gold. I have a HL2 voucher plugged into steam, so I'm sure I will be fully preloaded by the time the game is released and thats all that matters.

For now the CS:S beta will keep my busy, and I might even get around to finishing Doom 3.
Well I'm reluctant to believe that Hunter, but we get to play CSS on Wednesday anyway, so at least theres something to look forward to :)

Edit: Oh, anyone with an ATI voucher. Once HL2 is released and goes gold, does anyone know what happens to this 'Premier Pack' thats clogging up my account?
The premiere pack dissapears.

It's 9:13 PST as of this posting. Three hours until it's officially delayed.
brokenjago said:
The premiere pack dissapears.

It's 9:13 PST as of this posting. Three hours until it's officially delayed.

100% Agreed I am off to play CS:CZ laters :P
Come on VALVe, you can do it! You can't afford another missed HL2 date ;(

*crosses fingers for midnight*
Call me a pessimist, but I doubt it'll happen today. Oh well. Back to bed.
I'm gonna be staying up until midnight anyway, so I'll fill you guys in at 12 PST
No preload today.

Maybe its because theres guys waiting to get their greasy mits on the .GCF.
What does it matter if it preloads today anyhow, not like you'll be playing it.
[[LuCkY]] said:
What does it matter if it preloads today anyhow, not like you'll be playing it.

Preloading would simply be the biggest sign we've had that HL2's release is imminent
Shuzer said:
Preloading would simply be the biggest sign we've had that HL2's release is imminent

Yeah, except that it isn't. And it won't be.
Although I won't be doing the pre-load thing anyways, I would like to see Valve make this deadline. (Although it's not looking too good) They really don't need all the flak they'll receive if they miss it.
Beast206 said:
Although I won't be doing the pre-load thing anyways, I would like to see Valve make this deadline. (Although it's not looking too good) They really don't need all the flak they'll receive if they miss it.

Well. August 17th ends in 6 minutes VALVe time.. I think they've missed the deadline ;)
I still like to think there's some Valve guy is sitting there with his finger hovering over the button waiting for 11:59:59. hehe

(in my best Michael Moore impression)

Shame on you Valve, Shame on you!
Beast206 said:
I still like to think there's some Valve guy is sitting there with his finger hovering over the button waiting for 11:59:59. hehe

Well, Gabe told shmozy that it would preload on Wednesday (on his visit earlier), so, we can hope for tomorrow. But, I'd take it with a grain of salt.
Is anyone counting the number of times Valve have delayed anything? sigh.