It's Friday 9/26 7:00am in Tokyo!!


Sep 23, 2003
Reaction score
Well today is the day that HL2 will be shown in tokyo. I hope we see some new goods:)

there's bout to be 1 new screenshot with the delay and stuff....
Wow, you are actually going stand in the line to see 1337 hl2 movies?

I hope you will bring enought rice for your yellow friends with you cause it's gonna by a long line
"I hope you will bring enought rice for your yellow friends with you cause it's gonna by a long line"

That deserves a ban.
and as technohippychic posted in the offtopic forum, there was a big ass earthquake over there.
Wow Hudson, that was rediculously uncalled for and completely pathetic. It's always interesting running into racist punks.
The earthquake was in Hokkaido which is far from Tokyo. Plus there was no major damage from what I can tell (The 'No Call' list seems to be a bigger story on most news sites :|).

TGS is still on schedule, and hopefully some new HL2 info will be revealed.
i heard it was only going to be the E3 tech demo there showing to the guys in tokyo.


*i dont voutch for that in anyway its just something i remember reading on these forums*
Originally posted by Xtasy0
oh, how far is it between hokkaido and tokyo?

Several hundred miles. Tokyo is not going to be effected by this earthquake.
Originally posted by hudson
[I hope you will bring enought rice for your yellow friends with you cause it's gonna by a long line [/B]

agreed, racist shit like this deserves a ban!
and though this is my second post on here, iv been here for the past month reading...
omg omg lol always little whiners... didn't know japs were a race :/
Racist Disposal Instructions

1. Dig hole.

2. Insert hudson.

nuff said
Originally posted by axdenied01
When does the event start..? at what time..?

At 10:30 GMT+9

And one word, guys: tsunami. All of the Pacific Rim is under warning...
Originally posted by TechnoHippyChic
At 10:30 GMT+9

And one word, guys: tsunami. All of the Pacific Rim is under warning...

Exactly Tokyo good very well be affected by this earthquake.
Fuq yea nature is pissed just watch Mount Olympus in the Washington area will erupt and Valve's offices in Bellvue will be completely destroyed..
Why are you guys all over hudson for his Japanese people eat rice comment? They do, its a CULTURAL fact and one that should not be considered a racist remark. It would be the same as a japanese person saying that Americans eat alot of hamburgers. Would you take offense to that? Yeah, so stop whining and leave him alone, he's clearly smarter than all of you in that he's aware of at least ONE fact about japanese culture.
jesus.... whining little bitches...

let the jap comment go... he does have a point
I would say people are over him for calling them yellow as well... It wouldn't be cool to call africans the browns right?

He should be warned.
Originally posted by rluto
Why are you guys all over hudson for his Japanese people eat rice comment? They do, its a CULTURAL fact and one that should not be considered a racist remark. It would be the same as a japanese person saying that Americans eat alot of hamburgers. Would you take offense to that? Yeah, so stop whining and leave him alone, he's clearly smarter than all of you in that he's aware of at least ONE fact about japanese culture.

Oh please, don't give us that "he was stating a cultural fact" bullshit. It's quite obvious hudson wasn't trying to be logical and reasonable. Even though I say to just let it go, it was an immature and tacky line and it's implications should not be tolerated on this board. That's in my opinion though.

On-topic response:
Hopefully they say something about the delay and possibly even a mention of reasoning. I mean... they have to. I know it's definently going to be a hot topic among the press.
i thought it was pretty friggin funny actually, even tho i have japanese friends...

just let it go....
But blacks calling white people, whites and 'we' (white people) calling negros blacks. That isn't racism! Asian people we call: yellow people... Isn't racist either. What is the big deal?!

Isn't it true Japs eating most of the day rice ?
Originally posted by XtAkm4p
i thought it was pretty friggin funny actually, even tho i have japanese friends...

just let it go....

..yeah, I did sorta chuckle heh.
Hmmm, Gabe and Co. possibly in danger, or idiocy, wonder what people would focus on. Shoulda known...
Originally posted by TechnoHippyChic
Hmmm, Gabe and Co. possibly in danger, or idiocy, wonder what people would focus on. Shoulda known...

Relax.. Gabe just called me... He is alright and the show will go on :cheers: