It's Friday 9/26 7:00am in Tokyo!!

You mean you wouldn't call Hudson? What's wrong with you! It's Hudson for elysiums sake!
Won't ign or Gamespot have a reporter go there and report the news to their websites?
I'm sure there will be plenty of press to relay the information they get. I figured the Japanese were so caught up in their funky console games, strange anime, and nifty vending machines that they wouldn't know what HL2 is :P Only kidding, now would be the best time to hire some ninjas to do some "lifting" of a certain prized posession.
I don't see anything on ign's front page, but I don't think they're really set up for this kind of coverage, maybe a blurb. It would be an hour before the show (woulda?) started... (now)
yeah how would we find out the news? All the sites will be in Japanese.

I'm sure a few English speaking sites would be there aswell. Lets hope and the press would be all over Valve finding out answers about the delay

Is Gabe going to be there?
It's an ATi event, that's it. They'll be showing the E3 demo.

Please don't expect anything new. Valve don't have anything to do with this.
No, Valve has nothing to do with this showing. Its all ATi.
oh right.

In that case just expect E3 movies. My God they are getting boring now. lol.
Originally posted by Alphy
No, Valve has nothing to do with this showing. Its all ATi.

i just got dont talking to John Carpenter on Steam..
i asked him about doug l. and
doug is in tokyo right now, so
valve has something to do with it
Originally posted by Dedalus
Racist Disposal Instructions

1. Dig hole.

2. Insert hudson.

nuff said

You forgot the part where he should be repeatedly kicked in the gut.
Damn racists.
I bet he's some pathetic wuss, and he gets kicks off of these comments on the internet because anyone in the same room in real life as him would slap him around.
I hope his parents beat him.
Originally posted by Mechagodzilla
You forgot the part where he should be repeatedly kicked in the gut.
Damn racists.
I bet he's some pathetic wuss, and he gets kicks off of these comments on the internet because anyone in the same room in real life as him would slap him around.
I hope his parents beat him.

no what happens is these negative racists feed off negativity and then you bitch and moan and say negative comments about them....yay
wait...racist agains racists?
I visited Japan this last summer and all I can say is wow! I dont see how you can make fun of them or any race for that matter

please ban him ... for me :-D
Originally posted by sayam
I visited Japan this last summer and all I can say is wow! I dont see how you can make fun of them or any race for that matter

please ban him ... for me :-D

japs rock, specially their music
Wait, so Valve won't be on hand at all?
If there are any Valve staff there I'm fairly certain they can and should mention it. I don't see how there won't be any Valve staff there at all.
I'm pretty sure Doug's there, at least.. read it in the translation of the Japanese press release (difficult read).

I think I'm gonna go watch CNN..
omg that is the guy from texas chainsaw masacre?

or an inbredd texan!
some how i see jason vorhees there...maybe its the huge ass blade, or maybe its just the big fat retarted looking guy...
Alas, the gene pool lifeguard quit his job many years ago and a replacement has not been found.
Originally posted by Owskie

i just got dont talking to John Carpenter on Steam..
i asked him about doug l. and
doug is in tokyo right now, so
valve has something to do with it

for somereason im quoting myself, because people keep asking if any of vavle is going to be there
I think if i figured out my times right the show starts in 3 hours and 20 mins.

Thats GMT +9:00. Show starts at 15:10
omfg you implied that people can be different from each other. You're all racist in that. All of you.

no it's that they are all fans of gay Anime you see thus, thinking that a culture owns from it's cartoons, well if thats the case they I guess France owns because, of venvdi.
11:59am over in tokyo now...what time was it supposed to start + end? ;x
Originally posted by Owskie
no what happens is these negative racists feed off negativity and then you bitch and moan and say negative comments about them....yay
wait...racist agains racists?
Yeah, I suppose I overreacted.
I was just reading one of the few threads that wasn't about the delay when I was hit in the face with stupid, stupid comments by hudson and dabinks.

Back on topic: Could this show signal start of more new info (such as the last bink videos) being released? Strider and Buggy were the best ones, IMO.
Hahaha. "yellow friends." So funny.


I happen to be of asian descent, and it's things like this that offend me to no end. In all my life, I have not been racist or discriminatory against any other race. So what have asians done to this person? Nothing. Not a thing.

And for hudson's information, a lot of Japanese boys prefer pizza over rice, as it is more exotic.
Exactly, calling me a hamburger-eating American is offensive, since hamburgers aren't the staple of my diet, racist asshole.
I happen to be of asian descent, and it's things like this that offend me to no end. In all my life, I have not been racist or discriminatory against any other race. So what have asians done to this person? Nothing. Not a thing.

Racists tend to sterotype all the people of one orientation into a single "person" in which they insult. It's not really what anyone did or didn't do, it's just the overall stupidity of the individual making the comment.

So, I guess what I'm trying to say is that racists are morons. If that offends anyone here, then I don't really give a damn.