It's Time For Some New Speculation!

hmmmmm i dont think Gordan will go back to Black Mesa.... not in this isntallment anyhow..... i mean its like 6 months after the original and Opp For had the same ime frame..... 6 months is a long time. If it had survived the Militart wouldda done something to it by then.
Black Mesa was a great place but i think City 17 and the citadel could be even better.

As for Rossells comment about the off-world locations..... Gabe said there would be NONE... as in all the action takes place on Earth. which is a gd thing.


PS: Was the Lamda Facility part of Black Mesa??? or was it a seperate military installation??
Originally posted by Kamakazie
hmmmmm i dont think Gordan will go back to Black Mesa.... not in this isntallment anyhow..... i mean its like 6 months after the original and Opp For had the same ime frame..... 6 months is a long time. If it had survived the Militart wouldda done something to it by then.
Black Mesa was a great place but i think City 17 and the citadel could be even better.

As for Rossells comment about the off-world locations..... Gabe said there would be NONE... as in all the action takes place on Earth. which is a gd thing.


PS: Was the Lamda Facility part of Black Mesa??? or was it a seperate military installation??

Sorry if I sound rude but borrow a flaggin clue, Lambda Core, you don't know where it was?!:eek: Duuuh!

Of course it was a seperate facility, it was the aircraft carrier that gordon teleports to when he gets to the zoo. :burp:
it was a seperate facility, it was the aircraft carrier that gordon teleports to when he gets to the zoo.

Begining to wonder if ive Played Half Life Through.?
Gooochie Goochie Gooo...:bounce:

sorry I'm recovering from a massive flu, so the medication makes me a little silly.:cheers:

You know.. the zoo gordon gets to? after he wakes up in the tatoo parlor? Then he teleports to the aircraftcarrier where he fights the fat chinese guy from Goldfinger?

You should play the game again and pay attention.
Originally posted by Kamakazie

As for Rossells comment about the off-world locations..... Gabe said there would be NONE... as in all the action takes place on Earth. which is a gd thing.

OK right, since no-one seems to have noticed my repeated posts in the HL forum..... Xen is in HL2 I have up to date informations on this.... it is in PCGamer 123 (in the UK) and Gabe Newall himself states

Originally in PCGamer
we have been shown have been shown artwork of new teleportation shambers and told that ther will be off-world locations, Valve's Gabe Newall assures us that these visits "wouldn't be so jarring"

pay attention at the back there :flame:
Must admit i thought i read that there wasnt going to be any off world locations..

But mrBadger seem to have proof that there will be some sort of off world Jaunt.!
yep, and I can back it up 100%...... people didn't really want Xen again (hey that ryhmes) , so the people's sub-concious decided that if it said there was no Xen, then there would be no Xen (sorry, I'm rather tired, it makes sense up here :p )

for those outside the UK, or those who for some reason don't buy PCG..... PCG 123 was the June 2003 issue... I can assure you I am right :E
We will get to see a tatoo parlor, a zoo and an aircraft carrier like in HL1 right???
LordBlackadder, you forgot about the fun house with all of the monkey clowns flinging turds at you.

mrBadger im sorry to break this to you but you will not be going to Xen read this.
When asked about other locations for the game, Valve Managing Director Gabe Newell wouldn't give out any other specific locations, but he did reveal something of interest, saying "the entire game will be set on Earth," and that gamers won't be visiting the alien world of Xen this time around.

That was from the Gamespy preview of half life 2.
Here --->

EDIT: I know PC gamer says you will, but because they are a magazine they won't have the most up-to-date information.
Oooohhh that sucks!:devil:

well as long as we go to the gay bar and RuPaul backs us up with that huge penis shaped laser cannon.
When asked about other locations for the game, Valve Managing Director Gabe Newell wouldn't give out any other specific locations, but he did reveal something of interest, saying "the entire game will be set on Earth," and that gamers won't be visiting the alien world of Xen this time around.

Yup thats what i read.:)
Gooch the Goochster the Goocherino, the Goochmeister, the Goochinator, posting in the forum....
I know for a fact that there will be NO black messa in Half-life 2... how you ask? well gabe stated that freeman no longer uses them gay teleporters to get around... and that he'll do all this long distance travel with various vehicles. Now I dont see him flying/driving or what ever- to some **** off desert looking for some old facility.
As for Xen I dont think there will be any of that.... not this time round gabe stated that many times and PC gamer UK always gets shit wrong(i should know ive been getting it for 3 years)
i don't have the Gabe Newell quote on hand right now, but it goes something like "You'll see a whole bunch of locations in HL2...City 17, a dried up ocean bed, an icebreaker ship, and a few that we aren't going to reveal yet. There will be some familiar places..."

I'll put the quote up tonight.
he probably means familiar from screen shots and stuff.... he doesn't refer to the original game.
He also says you dont teleport anywhere and have any skips in time
you play it as gordon sees it. Vehicles will be used to travel large distances.... but not across sea's
lol 'I wanna take you to a ga bar!'
random maybe, but very funny
one question: was the storyline of HL1 and OpFor designed so without ruining the storyline of HL2?

When they made the HL1 and OpFor storyline, did they thought about a sequal?
Originally posted by GOoch
Valve Managing Director Gabe Newell wouldn't give out any other specific locations, but he did reveal something of interest, saying "the entire game will be set on Earth," and that gamers won't be visiting the alien world of Xen this time around.
Originally posted by GOoch
Valve Managing Director Gabe Newell wouldn't give out any other specific locations, but he did reveal something of interest, saying "the entire game will be set on Earth," and that gamers won't be visiting the alien world of Xen this time around.

What if you get teleported to earth, but in a different dimension or something. Therefore Gabe wouldn't be lying when he said "you won't be leaving earth", but it will be an off-world location, because its another world. But still earth.

Am I making any sense?
Ya I understand what your saying, it would be interesting if HL2 takes place in a parrallel universe. I personally don't think thats going to be the case, but still.
Originally posted by howser
I know for a fact that there will be NO black messa in Half-life 2... how you ask? well gabe stated that freeman no longer uses them gay teleporters to get around... and that he'll do all this long distance travel with various vehicles. Now I dont see him flying/driving or what ever- to some **** off desert looking for some old facility.
As for Xen I dont think there will be any of that.... not this time round gabe stated that many times and PC gamer UK always gets shit wrong(i should know ive been getting it for 3 years)
Im pretty sure you will be travelling long distances. When Gabe says you will see some familiar places I doubt he means stuff in the screenshots, because that is just a no brainer. Of course we will be seeing those things, thats why there are screens of them. As for travelling to Black Mesa, well why not have Alyx be the one to pilot some really fast vehicle back there.
Originally posted by The Mullinator
Ya I understand what your saying, it would be interesting if HL2 takes place in a parrallel universe. I personally don't think thats going to be the case, but still.

Listen closely to what the G-Man says at the end of HL1:

" .. the BORDER world, Xen is in our control for the time being .."

hmm .. border world? .. what is that suppose to mean?? :)
You hear the term "border world" all the time in science fiction, it usually means a planet that is on the edge of the galaxy or the universe or in some stories on the edge of a galactic civilization.

An example would be Hoth in Star Wars: Empire Strikes back. Hoth would probably constitute a border world.
because the aliens are border than they would be on earth....
Do you think they will leave us guessing about the game untill its release or do you think we will be given little bits of info about it leading upto its release?
I just know their gonna give us a very tiny amount of info leading up to its release, just enough to make the forums go insane but not enough to actually get rid of any of the speculation.
everywhere you go in the game, other than being teleported to, you will drive or ride in a vehicle to.. so i don't see him going to black mesa as very likely.
Originally posted by sharp
one question: was the storyline of HL1 and OpFor designed so without ruining the storyline of HL2?

When they made the HL1 and OpFor storyline, did they thought about a sequal?
yes definately.
Originally posted by worldspawn
everywhere you go in the game, other than being teleported to, you will drive or ride in a vehicle to.. so i don't see him going to black mesa as very likely.

You could get on a plane and the screen could fade to black while you sleep. There was a fade to black which "broke" the continuity of the story in HL1 (when you get stripped of weapons and put in the trash masher). Also, you said it yourself: teleportation. Could take you back that way.

Originally posted by Straylight
You could get on a plane and the screen could fade to black while you sleep. There was a fade to black which "broke" the continuity of the story in HL1 (when you get stripped of weapons and put in the trash masher). Also, you said it yourself: teleportation. Could take you back that way.


Well, in the beginning of the game you're being teleported somewhere (according to the G-Man). There is no reason why it can't be done after that.
Yeah they never set off that nuke in the Op Force. I am certain of that, cause you kill the monster and then end up in the airplane i dont remember a nuclear explosion. You disarm the thing too, and you see G-Man messing with it but that doesnt mean he is arming it.
Returning to BMRF... niice
That'd be messed up, first you'd have to use the busted-up train, and knowing the physics it would snap off it's wire and abandon you in some hellhole.

Floors collapsing, cieling boards falling out, Oh the joy of pysics!
If Black Mesa was in HL2, maybe he needs to head back to Black Mesa to get something or to research something there. You never know..
Black Mesa was a heavily fortified underground facility. It would only be partially destroyed by a small nuclear weapon.
I thought I remember him saying that we _wouldn't_ be seeing Black Mesa again? I guess a teleportation chamber could do the trick, but i feel like we've really seen BM in the last game, and now its time for something new.

When Gabe says "familiar places" he could just as easily mean "familiar to you, personally" as in some actual real world locations.
the termonuclear bomb has put in the parking but how do you know that it explode? only you saw that gman were activating the bomb but didnt explode..