I've just crashed....


Sep 18, 2003
Reaction score
...my car.

Well I didn't crash, some STUPID ASS woman decided to pull out of a junction right infront of me without looking. In the rain. So I swerved, JUST missed her, and skidded to a halt on a pavement after grazing a wall.

I got out, seriously adrenaline-filled and angry, walked over to her car (she was stopped in the middle of the road where she'd locked up after seeing me (dizzy cow was shaking like a shitting dog) and all she said was "I'm sorry, I can't see that way!" ... Right OK, it's raining, i've got my sidelights on, you still can't see me coming, but you pull out anyway. Smart move?

There was a kid in her passenger seat too (the side i'd have hit if I hadn't swerved). How stupid can people get? My poor car is wounded now. She drove off before I had time to get her details, which is a crime. I was checking out the damage on my car when she sped off, but I managed to get her license plate, so now the police are paying her stupid ass a visit.

I just hope she's insured. I'm going to have whiplash, flashbacks, and a new ****ing bumper, cheers love.
Wow, stupid woman.
Least you got her license plate.

Hope you're ok.
Wow, stupid woman.
Least you got her license plate.

Hope you're ok.
Yeah, i've got her license plate, and a chip shop full of witnesses. They saw the whole thing, one came running out and said "How on earth did you manage to miss her?!" Well, the hard part was missing the ****ing wall.

I'm OK though, I just feel sorry for my poor car, she's wounded. I'll develop flashbacks and whiplash if it means I can claim compensation though.
Keeps us updated. I want to know what the police do. She better not be able to talk her way out of it. Stand strong with it... people who just speed off like that deserve alot of punishment.
Yea, the least she could've done was wait for the cops to come.
was she obese? why did she say "I'm sorry, I can't see that way!" she couldnt turn her head?
Watch out, she might be the queen of the roads!!! And you dont wanna mess with her do you? :O
Sounds kinda like what happened to me, kinda wish I woulda done something.

I was at a stoplight, it was lightly raining, and some guy rear ended me. Granted, it was really light *5-10 MPH..* and no real damage done to my car. He hit my back bumper, and a couple small scratches on it..that's all. I got out, the man started appologizing and looked like he had no insurance....so I just said, watch what you're doing dickhead. and drove off..shoulda had some problems with my car after that. "AFTER HE HIT ME, MY TRANSMISSION WAS SCREWED UP!"..:D
Junctions where you have priority scare me more than other f*cking thing on the road. People are inherently dumb about pulling out without checking. I wish I drove a bulldozer or something so I could plow right into the bastards.
Yeah no matter how carefull you are, its the other dicks on the road you gotta' worry about most. Good luck with your case man, though, here in the states, since she didn't actually impact your car, it would be considered your fault, or no fault, and she would get off scott-free, and her insurance wouldn't pay ****-all.
Yeah no matter how carefull you are, its the other dicks on the road you gotta' worry about most. Good luck with your case man, though, here in the states, since she didn't actually impact your car, it would be considered your fault, or no fault, and she would get off scott-free, and her insurance wouldn't pay ****-all.

Sounds like a great law you have over there. So instead of avoiding an accident, you should actually try to make her impact you? That sounds so much better.
Don't want to sound sexist, but nine out of ten times, any stupid shit that happens on the road is due to women.
Sounds like a great law you have over there. So instead of avoiding an accident, you should actually try to make her impact you? That sounds so much better.

The sad thing is, it's probably how it's all going to happen. She can just deny it and might get out. *sigh*
Yeah me and my friend were in his car one night, and this DRUNK guy went to turn left, we were behind him, he turned left, and we kept going straight, then all of a sudden he comes back into the lane where he was, were we were now, and doesn't contact us, but forces my friend to swerve right, and go into a ditch, turning the car on the side, nearly slamming a lightpost...

He keeps going about 100 feet to the LIQUOR/BAR up the road, turns in and goes inside, never bothering with us, struggling to get out of the rolled car. The cops show up and DO NOTHING, becuase our cars didn't touch, and the officer told us he recognized the truck, and that they've got this guy for DUI a couple of times.

Freakin retarded indeed. My friend ended up with a messed up car, and a 100 dollar tow truck fee to get his car pulled out of the ditch, the drunkard, he ended up with nothing.
Doesn't it feel good though that she sped away after the accident like a dumbass and now shes gonna pay heavy for it?

edit - oops... after reading some posts i guess she most likely wont be paying after all. F*CK that even pisses me off.
Damn man, that ain't good *shakes head*

Keep us informed!
Doesn't it feel good though that she sped away after the accident like a dumbass and now shes gonna pay heavy for it?

edit - oops... after reading some posts i guess she most likely wont be paying after all. F*CK that even pisses me off.
I'm in the UK, mate. Driving away from an accident you are involved in is a crime. Causing the accident (even though the cars didnt touch) is her fault, and all repairs and damages come out of her insurance policy - not mine. She'll pay heavily, don't worry about that.
lucky you have witnesses to describe the lady's car. But, even with that... it's going to be pretty hard to prove.
lucky you have witnesses to describe the lady's car. But, even with that... it's going to be pretty hard to prove.
I've got witnesses to the incident, and her registration plate. Nobody has to identify her car, the police already know her address etc. from the DVLA database. Now it's just a case of her insurance paying up, and her getting a bollocking for driving away from an accident she caused.
I've got witnesses to the incident, and her registration plate. Nobody has to identify her car, the police already know her address etc. from the DVLA database. Now it's just a case of her insurance paying up, and her getting a bollocking for driving away from an accident she caused.
You may have the car information and her information but that doesn't mean you can prove she was involved...

Otherwise people would just say "HE SLAMMED INTO MY CAR" accusing people they dislike or something.
You may have the car information and her information but that doesn't mean you can prove she was involved...

Otherwise people would just say "HE SLAMMED INTO MY CAR" accusing people they dislike or something.

My thoughts exactly... just because you have her plate # and have a bunch of people claiming she made you crashed and made a run for it doesn't prove that she's guilty now.
Oh, I forgot about the people who saw it... Then it's probably gonna be ok.
He has witnesses. I think they'll listen to a chip shop full of people rather than a single woman.
I drive aggressively because it's safer, if you're visibly aggressive people avoid your vehicle and such, and it means a clearer and safer path for you. Wheras defensive drivers are crowded and more likely to be creamed because people aren't concerned about being too close to them.

Logic FTW!
I drive aggressively because it's safer, if you're visibly aggressive people avoid your vehicle and such, and it means a clearer and safer path for you. Wheras defensive drivers are crowded and more likely to be creamed because people aren't concerned about being too close to them.

Logic FTW!
I understand and respect that logic, and do it myself sometimes - although this woman just plainly didnt even look my way. She couldnt even see my way. She just hoped for the best and pulled straight out. If I was "aggressively driving" at this point, we'd probably both be in hospital right now, and her kid would be in a morgue.

I've put a few pics here.
I drive aggressively because it's safer, if you're visibly aggressive people avoid your vehicle and such, and it means a clearer and safer path for you. Wheras defensive drivers are crowded and more likely to be creamed because people aren't concerned about being too close to them.

Logic FTW!

Utter garbage. You understand nothing about safety. Try taking some advanced driving lessons, you might learn something.
I understand and respect that logic, and do it myself sometimes - although this woman just plainly didnt even look my way. She couldnt even see my way. She just hoped for the best and pulled straight out. If I was "aggressively driving" at this point, we'd probably both be in hospital right now, and her kid would be in a morgue.

I've put a few pics here.

If you've got witnesses you'll probably be ok, her insurance company will pay out. But you will likely have to stomach a small excess until your insurance company receives payment (for the repairs), and your premium will almost certainly rise next year regardless of fault/blame.
I understand and respect that logic, and do it myself sometimes - although this woman just plainly didnt even look my way. She couldnt even see my way. She just hoped for the best and pulled straight out. If I was "aggressively driving" at this point, we'd probably both be in hospital right now, and her kid would be in a morgue.

I've put a few pics here.

thank god that you didn't crash into her first off.. and thank god that the damage wasn't super severe. For some reason I pictured a a whole ****ed up side.
Stop beign a dick. Thank you! @parrot, btw.

I hate idiots on the road. They're such idiots...
And yet Women get cheaper insurance here too.
Though men are more agressive drivers, but that doesn't mean jack. Insurance should be means tested for sure.

Uh sorry to hear of your car Pobzy, hope it ends up to be just fine.