Jack Tompson's at it again! :laugh:

May 30, 2005
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in 2003 18 year old Devin Moore shot three officers after stealing a car, Jack Tompson to the rescue! Jack Tompson tried to blame it on the kids father and he tried to say that GTA3 and GTA:Vice city programmed the child to kill :upstare:. The judge used his common sense and convicted Devin. the familly then hired Jack to help them in a civic case against, get this: walmart and gamestop for selling the games, take-Two interactive for MANUFACTURING the games, and Sony for making the PS2.

Jack again, why doesn't someone just shoot him and blame it on annoying lawyers?
99.vikram said:

America is always interesting!
Don't blame it in America; there are stupid people everywhere. :frown:
how rediculous. people were stealing cars and shooting people long before GTA, and they will continue to long after it is forgotten.
Some people who play video games kill people. Ban all video games.
Some people who drive cars are involved in car crashes. Ban all cars.
Some people who drink alcohol become alcoholics. Ban all alcohol.
Some people who own matches start fires. Ban all matches.
And so on and so forth.
Jack Thompson really has no life... he's beating a dead horse.
xlucidx said:
Jack Thompson really has no life... he's beating a dead horse.
He's getting paid for it, i dont think he really cares
I want to sue the mother's womb for making that walking monstrosity she called a child who was dumb enough to shoot 3 police officers
He's just digging his own grave. I haven't heard about him for a while- I get the feeling people are starting to realize just how imbecilic he is.
Jack's latest Bill closer to being passed into law. This new wording has a lot of dangerous precedents ...Jack shouldnt be dismmissed as a looney (even though he is) ...legislators are listening:

gamespot said:
According to the text of the bill, it would be illegal to sell, rent, or lease a game to a minor if it met the following three conditions:

(1) The average person, applying contemporary community standards, would find that the video or computer game, taken as a whole, appeals to the minor's morbid interest in violence.

(2) The game depicts violence in a manner patently offensive to prevailing standards in the adult community with respect to what is suitable for minors. [In other words: obscene, which is usually reserved for pornography, but since they dont use the word "obscene" it has a chance of slipping through]

(3) The game, taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value for minors. [sets up a debate on whether video games are a creative expression covered by freedom of speech]

The bill was based on obscenity laws that have previously withstood legal challenges. If it becomes law, violators could be fined between $100 and $2,000, imprisoned for up to a year, or both.

Jesus Christ, did the GTA series rape his dog or something?
Ok......parents will always buy there kids whatever they want. So idk what Jack is trying to do.
"prevailing standards" - erm, what!? Are they to do a census amongst the populous to find out precisely where such standards lie? Because if not, then that wording has absolutely no meaning whatsoever.
It's insane.
To Jack Thompson: Cry me a river and DROWN in it please.
What do sperm and lawyers have in common?

They both have a one million chance of ever becoming a human being...
Minerel said:
Ok......parents will always buy there kids whatever they want. So idk what Jack is trying to do.

label the violence in video games as obscenity so that it has the same restrictions in terms of distribution as pornography ...meaning that no big retailer will carry it ..so it could mean the legislated death of violence in video games
The guy's obviously a loon. I doubt many people will take what he has to say seriously.
The guy needs to get the electric chair. Jack Thompson is giving pity for the wrong sort, why isn't he prosecuting against this kid for killing innocent people? Why is he prosecuting for a criminal? Crime is crime and if he admits to doing it consciously then he is an incapable member of society, this is solved three ways - death,jail or the looney bin. No questions asked.
Haha, people dont read signs, especially adults. This includes the "M" for mature ratings.

So in order for parents to get the message, you'd need a banner, twice the size of the game's box in order it get their attention.
So may as well have that, if it'll stop moron lawyers sueing the games industry for producing something that makes you think...
I reckon, one of these days...he will get assassinated or brutally murdered by a bunch of skinny guys with Halo 2 t-shirts beating him with lightsabers.
WhiteZero said:
Haha, people dont read signs, especially adults. This includes the "M" for mature ratings.

So in order for parents to get the message, you'd need a banner, twice the size of the game's box in order it get their attention.
Just like the "R" on the back of movies? If I remember corectly, the ESRB rating is usually on the front cover in the bottom right corner.
phantomdesign said:
Jack again, why doesn't someone just shoot him and blame it on annoying lawyers?

Don't blame it in America; there are stupid people everywhere. :frown:

No, stupid people are just abundant in america. I'm leaving for japan or europe first chance I get.
Christ, Jack Thompson strikes again.

Thats like punishing the recruiting officer and drill sargeant if a soldier massacres 5 innocent civilians while on active duty.

CptStern said:
label the violence in video games as obscenity so that it has the same restrictions in terms of distribution as pornography ...meaning that no big retailer will carry it ..so it could mean the legislated death of violence in video games
Over here we GTA is rated 18. This means retailers can not sell games to under 18's by law. It seems to work, and we still have alot of 18 rated games around.
You in Australia? I've bought GTA of the shelf here.
Yep, it's that Miami Jackass alright.

Usually I tend to use violence on people who started it first.

And back to the topic again, here are the collection of what the Miami Jackass atrocious mails (WARNING!: Poor english and grammar, definetly not safe for work).


A collection of Whacko Jacko's quotes, you favourites from 2000 to 2006. All these mails are funny and childish.

Now, to send these to every single news organisation AROUND THE WORLD.

I feel like one of those guys made mad with power, sitting in a small board room someplace, plotting over the brandy. :D
Solaris said:
Over here we GTA is rated 18. This means retailers can not sell games to under 18's by law. It seems to work, and we still have alot of 18 rated games around.

yes but that's not the issue here ..if violence is considered "obscene" (it has to be that word) then it falls under the same rules and regulations as pornography meaning that no big retailer will carry the game ..therefore it becomes an instant liability to publisher ...distribution is key to video game sales ..pull a game out of major distribution and you will significantly reduce your exposure/customer base ...AO rating is the death of any game

so it's not whether the game in question will be rated 18+ in your neck of the woods, but rather whther the game makes it to your neck of the woods in the first place ...Publishers wont take a chance on a game if it means that they could potentially lose a huge portion of their buying audience should it be rated AO ..so they wont bother investing in it at the initial stages, or worse yet, remove the offending parts thereby destroying the developers vision as to what the game should be

I really couldnt care less if someone under 18 cant buy a Mature rated game ..it's more about overall self/forced censorship that's the bigger issue here
Isn't this, like, old news?

xlucidx said:
Jack Thompson said:
"Nobody shoots anybody in the face unless you're a hit man or a video gamer," Thompson told the newspaper
FFS... or maybe they're just a ****ing psychopathic-****tard? :|
Or, indeed, a US soldier.
CptStern said:
yes but that's not the issue here ..if violence is considered "obscene" (it has to be that word) then it falls under the same rules and regulations as pornography meaning that no big retailer will carry the game ..therefore it becomes an instant liability to publisher ...distribution is key to video game sales ..pull a game out of major distribution and you will significantly reduce your exposure/customer base ...AO rating is the death of any game
Why wouldn't they distribute it?
Over here porn is also hit with 18 ratings, the exact same labels on the case but the games are still distributed.
The point is that anything deemed as obscene would not be a widely stocked in shops, and would be harder to get hold of. For example: you don't just walk into the local Woolies for shaving ryan's privates.

Not that I've tried obviously.
Cormeh said:
The point is that anything deemed as obscene would not be a widely stocked in shops, and would be harder to get hold of. For example: you don't just walk into the local Woolies for shaving ryan's privates.

Not that I've tried obviously.
But the shops would know it's bs, and could still sell alot.
The public aren't going to care for the label.
By law they couldn't. At least as I understand it, they're bound by law to severely reduce availability to minors.

You'd be surprised about the public though. Not as an offense to our American forum folks, but the American public and British public are two different beasts entirely. I think this sort of thing escalates more among the American public. Especially with Jacko spreading the word.