Jack Tompson's at it again! :laugh:

It's not on the same level as pornography here in the good ol' U of K. Now, I don't know the exact legal details to this, and can't search google for anything to do with pornography (at work), so unfortunately I can't provide any info.

But video games, even GTA, don't equal porn here.
Cormeh said:
It's not on the same level as pornography here in the good ol' U of K. Now, I don't know the exact legal details to this, and can't search google for anything to do with pornography (at work), so unfortunately I can't provide any info.

But video games, even GTA, don't equal porn here.
They both have a big 18 on don't they?

Edit: I'm wrong. Porn is rated R-18. And is sold only by licsensed stores.
Solaris said:
Well in the UK GTA is in the same catagory as porn and Asda sell it (Asda is owned by Walmart).

I'm not familiar with the rating systems in the UK ..however the games themselves arent deemed pornographic ...the pornography issue is just a loophole they can exploit to limit violence in video games (if it's equated legally to obscenity). They're not saying video games are like pornography they're saying that the level violence in some video games is so detrimental to youth that it is "obscene" ..that word is loaded because it's only resevered for pornography, pedophelia, some homosexual acts in public etc ..should the courts agree that some level of video game violence is obscene then it's easy to catagorize them as AO

Wording of proposed Bill said:
(2) The game depicts violence in a manner patently offensive to prevailing standards in the adult community with respect to what is suitable for minors
This is for the US of A and the UK, right? How does Australia deal with this?
no, why does no one understand what I'm saying? ;(

this only affects Louisiana (well as soon as it's passed) but it has wide sweeping implications because other states can then enact the same types of legislation ...so sooner or later publishers will have to re-evaluate which games they will fund ..if they're violent they could get slapped with a AO rating meaning that their distribution would suffer ..so even before a game is made publishers will decide whether investing in a certain game is worth the potentially legal and financial problems that the game may incur. SO even though you're not directly affected you are still indirectly affecte because even though the game is released in australia it will have been developed for the american consumer in mind ..so whatever affects them affects us
"Nobody shoots anybody in the face unless you're a hit man or a video gamer," Thompson told the newspaper
what about
civilians whit hate to someone else and insanity to pick up a gun and kill that person

seriously that quote should be show to the world to show how dumb this guy is
CptStern said:
no, why does no one understand what I'm saying? ;(

this only affects Louisiana (well as soon as it's passed) but it has wide sweeping implications because other states can then enact the same types of legislation ...so sooner or later publishers will have to re-evaluate which games they will fund ..if they're violent they could get slapped with a AO rating meaning that their distribution would suffer ..so even before a game is made publishers will decide whether investing in a certain game is worth the potentially legal and financial problems that the game may incur. SO even though you're not directly affected you are still indirectly affecte because even though the game is released in australia it will have been developed for the american consumer in mind ..so whatever affects them affects us

Oh, I see.

So, in other words... Bad?
I would make a long and boring post that would get a lot of peoples comets but... there is only one abbreviation to describe this... ROFL!
this guy seems to endlessly endevour to spew forth total lies and ridiculous insulting crap about the video game industry and related that you would only hear from a person either with an IQ below 70 or someone rooted in unethical work and stupidity!
Program_boy232 said:
this guy seems to endlessly endevour to spew forth total lies and ridiculous insulting crap about the video game industry and related that you would only hear from a person either with an IQ below 70 or someone rooted in unethical work and stupidity!

I agree.. He's just a raving lunatic. I hope some assasins come and blow up his head with a revolver.

Man, that Miami Gay just won't shut his trap.
What is your obsession with killing people with revolvers?
Sulkdodds said:
What is your obsession with killing people with revolvers?

What? Obession? I just don't like that Miami Lawyer. HES AN ANTI-GAMER AND CALLING US GAMERS KILLING MACHINES!
Double_Blade said:
it really makes me shiver and forces me to grab a revolver.
Double_Blade said:
This word she said in interview makes me sick and forces me to blow her head with a revolver.
Double_Blade said:
I hope some assasins come and blow up his head with a revolver.
Oh, because that Mrs.Fablish made me angry because she is a damn soccer mom! She doesn't even care about her son even her son dies!

And the shiver thing? That is, the news about pit bulls makes me grab the revolver and shiver for protection.

And last but not least, I don't like that Miami lawyer whacko Jacko because he stated that we gamers are terrorists.
But that sort of talk just perpetuates the violence thing. He'd claim you got the whole revolver idea from video games and confiscate your copy of Tetris.
But... if we introduce legislation against him, can he claim we got it from Law and Order videogames? 0_o
Jintor said:
But... if we introduce legislation against him, can he claim we got it from Law and Order videogames? 0_o

He always got tricks up his sleeves, but sadly, all his tricks failed. He never had any victories before.

It's sad that legislators listens to Jack's lies and propaganda.
Jack Tompson's impact on middle class american housewives:

- Jane, I think it's better for us to cross the street, there comes a VIDEO GAMER!
- I´m telling you Mary, that Anderson's kid is one of those drug dealer... gangster... VIDEO GAMER types!
- I don´t know honey, Maybe there is a VIDEO GAMER in this alley, we should find another way...
- I´m afraid that my boy will sell our stereo to buy more VIDEO GAMES! Is there a clinic for VIDEO GAMERS or something?!
Double_Blade said:
Oh, because that Mrs.Fablish made me angry because she is a damn soccer mom! She doesn't even care about her son even her son dies!

And the shiver thing? That is, the news about pit bulls makes me grab the revolver and shiver for protection.

And last but not least, I don't like that Miami lawyer whacko Jacko because he stated that we gamers are terrorists.

hmm you talk about shooting people in the head and extreminating dogs ...I wouldnt call you terrorist ...maybe a little unhinged, perhaps a little on the side of "omfgyou'restarkravingmadandhe'sgotagun" ...but not a terrorist
It would be funny if someone shot Jack Thompson and left a "GTA made me do it" note on his body. Irony to the max! Oh yeah and it has to be in the face.
Jack Thompson on the hunt!

LA Senate Passes Violent Game Bill 35-0

The Louisiana Senate has just passed HB1381, violent video game legislation proposed by Rep. Roy. Burrell (D). The Louisiana House had previously passed the bill 102-0. The measure will now go to Gov. Kathleen Blanco (D).

Assuming Gov. Blanco signs the bill, which seems likely given its overwhelming support in the legislature, it will take effect immediately and the video game industry's inevitable First Amendment challenge will ensue.

Speaking about the bill, ESA president Doug Lowenstein said earlier today, "We oppose HB 1381, which would add video games containing violent content to the State's 'Harmful to Minors' statute, and is no different from other laws already stricken by the courts."

HB1381 was drafted for Rep. Burrell by controversial attorney and anti-game activist Jack Thompson. Both are pictured above, testifying at the May 10th hearing of the Louisiana House Criminal Justice committee.

Sen. Craig Romero (R) presented the bill in the Senate of behalf of Rep. Burrell. Sen. "Rob" Marrioneaux attempted to amend the bill by adding language contained in another bill, SB340, which had already passed the Senate. It was unclear why Marrioneaux took this course. On one hand he seemed to be concerned about Louisiana being forced to wage a costly First Amendment battle over Burrell's bill. The ESA actively supports SB340, which only addresses explicit sexual content in games, not violence. But, oddly enough, he wanted to leave Burrell's anti-violence language in the bill as well. Whatever Marrioneaux was thinking, his amendment failed by a 20-14 vote.

If you'd like to hear today's Louisian Senate debate and vote on the bill, GP has a 16mb mp3 file available here.

There are links to some of the words, click the related site to this article in order to hear the file.

Note:Jack Thompson was testifying the bill.
:O :rolling: :x what is the world coming to?!?!
(all reasoning and logical abilities vaporise)
How much flipping pot where these sagging bags of crap on when they supported this!!?!!?! this disgusts me as much as a backed-up sewer exploding through one's toilet:flame:
Wow. While the city is still in ruins, the levees are shit, and the citizens are in poverty, the Louisiana senate passes an anti-videogame bill. Really, good job, government :|
Well, the battle is only just the beginning...

Louisiana's Looming First Amendment Fight: It's Personal

Let's call this one the "Battle in the Bayou."

Assuming that Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco signs Rep. Roy Burrell's video game bill into law, it will, of course, trigger a First Amendment challenge by the video game industry. Nothing new there. We've seen such court cases many times before, in Illinois, Michigan, California and elsewhere.

But this is shaping up as something far more than a court battle. This fight comes equipped with baggage. Lots of baggage.

Controversial Miami attorney and anti-game crusader Jack Thompson wrote Rep. Burrell's bill and testified on its behalf in the Louisiana legislature. Thompson's incessant e-mails are already crowing about yesterday's success in the Louisiana Senate, where the bill passed 35-0

Doug Lowenstein, of course, is the president of the ESA, and the video game industry's point man.

These two do not like each other. In fact, they really don't like each other.

For his part, Thompson says such outrageous and ugly things about Lowenstein that GP wonders why the ESA boss doesn't sue the gadfly attorney for defamation.

The ESA, on the other hand, has placed Thompson on their "ignore" list. They like to pretend he doesn't exist.

Thompson has been issuing frothy assertions about video game violence for years, but 2006 saw his first real foray into the legislative arena. He's been studying past video game rulings, trying to craft a bill that will withstand the inevitable First Amendment challenge. In addition to Louisiana's Burrell, Thompson has been working with Delaware Rep. Helene Keeley (D), although it's unclear whether Keeley's bill will advance.

For his part Lowenstein has guided the industry with a steady hand for more than a decade. The ESA has never lost a constitutional challenge on his watch. Although he's too much of a professional to ever say it, you can bet he's determined not to lose this one. Especially this one.

Stay tuned. This is one fight you won't want to miss.

Links: http://www.cubed3.com/news/4171"Saddam+Hussein"&hl=en&gl=us&ct=clnk&cd=3

Lets start from the Saddam Hussein part shall we?

Jack Thompson labelling ESA Doug Lowenstein as Saddam Hussein said:
Florida Attorney Jack Thompson, famous for his crusade against entertainment industries, especially interactive entertainment, is once again grabbing headlines thanks to an open letter that puts Senator Hillary Clinton on a pedestal while attacking the Entertainment Software Association, its president, and the industry as a whole. Read on...

Miami lawyer Jack Thompson, who has been on a crusade against the video game industry for years now, has issued an open letter addressed to the Entertainment Software Association (ESA) and its member companies, including EA, Activision, SCEA and many others. The lengthy diatribe—which praises Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY) for her recent actions regarding the Hot Coffee mod for GTA: SA—criticizes the industry as a whole, President Bush, and most of all ESA president Doug Lowenstein, who he attacks personally.

Respect for Hillary
Thompson begins his letter by once again blaming the "violent video game industry" for the terrible Columbine tragedy, and he then praises Clinton, saying, "Millions of American parents should be thankful to the Senator for striking back against what can be fairly called 'Grand Theft Innocence' at the expense of our children by only some within your industry."

[ "Doug [Lowenstein] never met a pixilated prostitute he didn't like, and I'm sure James Madison would be impressed," Attorney Jack Thompson ]

Thompson, who stresses his pride as a lifelong Republican, believes, "The Republican Party would do well to wake up and realize that Senator Clinton is about the work that needs to be done. Today is a mere extension of her years of commitment. This is not politics. This is leadership."

He then states his distaste for our current Republican President, George W. Bush, who he says "has consistently turned away from parents who have asked him to speak out against the entertainment industry's assault on our children." But Thompson saves his true vitriol for Doug Lowenstein and the ESA.

Berating the ESA
"The inept fashion in which ESA has 'managed' the 'Hot Coffee' mod scandal swirling around your industry and Take-Two's Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas has given Senator Rodham Clinton a reason and a mandate to act," he says.

He continues, "Instead of acting like a responsible adult by trying to get to the bottom of this scandal, Doug Lowenstein did what he has always done at the ESA: He has first said there is 'no problem' and then he has embarked on his scorched earth policy to try to discredit anyone who suggests there is a problem. Lowenstein has unleashed his p.r. (pillory and ruin) squad on respected and powerful legislators like California Assemblyman Yee, also a psychologist, who have expressed concerns about Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas and the mod scandal."

"Highly-paid thug"
Thompson goes on to call Lowenstein a "bully" and a "thug." "Take-Two's new game coming out in October featuring violence by students in a school setting (the next scandal that is brewing on Lowenstein's watch) ought to be renamed 'Doug,'" he quips.

His scathing remarks continue, calling for Lowenstein to be replaced: "If the ESA wants as its president a thug who demonizes critics of your industry's criminal, fraudulent excesses, thereby earning their wrath and their determination, then by all means keep Mr. Lowenstein at the helm... His extremism has painted a bullseye on your industry. Doug Lowenstein has the brush and Take-Two has provided the blood red paint... get rid of this highly-paid thug and replace him with someone with sense."

Thompson also calls into question the ESA's claim that video games are protected as free speech. "I have never, in my eighteen years of public interest law practice against the excesses of the entertainment industry, run into an individual more devoid of even an elementary understanding of the meaning and scope of the First Amendment. Even Howard Stern's lawyers look like Alexander Hamilton compared to Lowenstein," he says. "Doug Lowenstein embarrasses each and every one of you when he holds forth about what the 'Founders' intended when they drafted the Bill of Rights. For Doug, the Founders are GTA's Tommy Vercetti and Carl Johnson. Doug never met a pixilated prostitute he didn't like, and I'm sure James Madison would be impressed."

This is hardly the first time that Thompson has lashed out at the industry and at ESA's Doug Lowenstein. He told GameDAILY BIZ last year, "Doug Lowenstein makes Saddam Hussein look like a post-reformed Pinocchio. He will say anything to protect the industry and his annual salary."

The ESA has decided not to respond to Thompson's letter. An ESA rep told GameDAILY BIZ, "We don't comment on what Jack Thompson says. If someone needs a reason why, all they need do is look at the personal, scurrilous, ad hominem, outrageous, contemptible attacks in that email."

You can contact that Miami asshole at: [email protected]

Jack Thompson criticized video games as porn: GTA:SA, Sims 2, Mario and a unknown game that I dont know.




99.vikram said:
If I were living in Louisiana I'd move :p

I would do the same too.

Thankfully I don't live there. I live in Asia. Anyway, people from Louisiana will surely move away to let zombies take over it!
CookieCuttah said:
It would be funny if someone shot Jack Thompson and left a "GTA made me do it" note on his body. Irony to the max! Oh yeah and it has to be in the face.

actually it would be ironic if someone who had never played a video game in his life shot Jack Thompson.

Please note I don't wish harm on Thompson, he's light entertainment. Living in the UK I don't think I can do anything to stop/hinder his crusade of ignorance.
Double_Blade said:
I would do the same too.

Thankfully I don't live there. I live in Asia. Anyway, people from Louisiana will surely move away to let zombies take over it!

There's nothing to worry about videogames at least in LA.

If you're over 18, you have nothing to worry about in the first place. Secondly, this law will be shot down as unconstitutional within 6 months, just as every single other law regarding videogames has been.
0mar said:
There's nothing to worry about videogames at least in LA.

If you're over 18, you have nothing to worry about in the first place. Secondly, this law will be shot down as unconstitutional within 6 months, just as every single other law regarding videogames has been.

Oh, thanks for the info.

On the side note to you guys,

And if you do threaten Jack Thompson with death threats, you're just being played right into his hands. And that will be the worst thing. I don't get angry of Jack Thompson's comments, they are plain funny. Especially he commented on Elder Scrolls: Obvilion saying that the nude mod is a secret cheat code that can be unlocked in the game, AHAHHAHAHHAAHAHAHA!

Nice try Jack, please, try that again.
I am physically unable to sigh enough after reading this garbage. I love how people in this society are MORE THAN CONTENT with blaming everyone but themselves for their problems and actions.

"The familly then hired Jack to help them in a civic case against, get this: walmart and gamestop for selling the games, take-Two interactive for MANUFACTURING the games, and Sony for making the PS2." -- This is truely embarassing as a citizen of this country that our government allows this to persist. Sickening is a better word.

When kids are still killing each other after this crusade against video games ends, what will you have to say then Jack??
Lt. Drebin said:
I am physically unable to sigh enough after reading this garbage. I love how people in this society are MORE THAN CONTENT with blaming everyone but themselves for their problems and actions.

"The familly then hired Jack to help them in a civic case against, get this: walmart and gamestop for selling the games, take-Two interactive for MANUFACTURING the games, and Sony for making the PS2." -- This is truely embarassing as a citizen of this country that our government allows this to persist. Sickening is a better word.

When kids are still killing each other after this crusade against video games ends, what will you have to say then Jack??

probably "but evil video games are now banned, that's all that matters"

hey wacko Jacko ..were there murders before video games or is murder a recent trend that began with the advent of video games? Hey wacko jacko, did the people who committed the murder ..where they of age to buy a gun? was it legal? If video games are the root of violence and guns the tool to mete out that violence wouldnt it be just as effective to ban guns? or are you just a ****ing hypocrite and only look at selective evidence to prove your idiotic pov?

I need his email so I can beat him over the head with logic
[email protected]

I believe thats it.

I must say that I have almost no fear of this man accomplishing anything. I mean, if he even gets even remotely close to passing anything to hinder video games, then another lawyer (a real one) will stand up and kick Jack's ass. For now, I am just loving his dumbass quotes.
he just passed a law in louisiana ...it just needs the governors signature to be enacted into law

the first mistake the industry made was writing him off as a nut

I think the comcast.com email address was his old one from stopkill.com ..which he took down after he had death threats
CptStern said:
he just passed a law in louisiana ...it just needs the governors signature to be enacted into law

the first mistake the industry made was writing him off as a nut

I think the comcast.com email address was his old one from stopkill.com ..which he took down after he had death threats

Thanks for the link.

Here's the latest breaking news,

Thompson Outs Police Benefactor Over Take-Two Connection

businessman and philanthropist who volunteers as chairman of the Seattle Police Foundation is under fire this morning for also serving on the board of Take-Two Interactive.

As reported by the Seattle Times, Michael Malone (seen at left), a music entrepreneur and hotel owner, was one of the founders of the Seattle Police Foundation, a non-profit organization designed to support and honor the city's police officers.

Yesterday, however, controversial Miami attorney and anti-game activist Jack Thompson happened upon Malone's name listed as a Take-Two director while researching the company's web site. Malone's bio on the Take-Two site clearly states his connection to the Seattle Police Foundation.

Thompson immediately fired off an e-mail to the Foundation's board of directors as well as various media outlets, informing them that Malone was a member of Take-Two's board. Take-Two, of course, publishes the Grand Theft Auto series which allows players to commit animated violence against police officers.

Reaction to Malone's Take-Two connection was swift - and negative.

"I don't think anybody would argue that these video games are a detriment to the safety of police officers," said Jim Johnson, who is CEO of a local athletic club as well as a fellow Seattle Police Foundation board member. "I don't think Mike would want to stay on, and it would be very difficult for the board to support that. It's a direct conflict."

Seattle Police Chief Gil Kerlikowske praised Malone's past contributions in obtaining bulletproof vests and other equipment for SPD officers but expressed concern about the GTA connection.

"We've had officers, because of that equipment, who are in a better position to go home at night," Kerlikowske said. "But an association with a company that manufactures those games, that's certainly something I'd like to talk to Mike about."

Malone told the Seattle Times that he joined the Take-Two board in January, but did not inform the Police Foundation.

"I'm playing a temporary role in a company, with a very specific purpose," Malone said. "I don't have the same sense of conflict that I'm living two lives here."

Malone also told the newspaper that he is disturbed by GTA's level of violence and claims to have tried to broker meetings between Take-Two and an unspecified video game watchdog group.

"Because of the temporary nature of what I'm doing, I did not announce it," said Malone, who told the Times he was embarrassed by the publicity. "But I did, and I'm there. I'm going to have to deal with that. The work of the foundation is far too important."

The newspaper quoted Thompson saying that Malone could not receive money from Take-Two and still "portray himself as a friend of the officers who lay their lives on the line. I think it's unethical, hypocritical and duplicitous. The Seattle Police Foundation and the men and women they represent should be pretty upset."

Concerns over video game violence against police have an especially high profile in Washington state. The nation's first-ever state-level video game law was passed there in 2003. The statute, sponsored by Rep. Mary Lou Dickerson (D) made it illegal to sell games depicting violence against law enforcement officers to minors. Jack Thompson testified on behalf of Dickerson's bill, which was later struck down as unconstitutional.

But, hey, pride goes before destruction, Jack Thompson testified the second bill, it was struck down as rubbish, first time lucky second time unlucky. What can I say?
The insantiy of the issue, is that Malone has equiped the police with body armour and additional equipment, yet is considered to be detrimental to the safety of the police.

Wonder what the police would say if Malone turned around and said 'You know you're right, I'll take my armour and leave, sure you'll be MUCH safer.'
Malone, who by all indications is a very good-hearted person & invests a lot in helping the community is bashed for a simple connection to a video-game manufacturer. What the hell is jack trying to do?
Ahaha, yeah, GTA is detrimental to police officer's safety. Because there is no such thing as common sense. :rolleyes:
There is no gamepolitics news yet. So we just have to wait and hey, you can also do your part by submitting news related to Jack Thompson.

Truth will later reveal in due time. Jack Thompson thinks that he can escape from his wrongdoings, well, he is wrong. Wikipedia and other news sites notably gamepolitics had already tracked down Jack's intentions.

So, as the Bible says, sin will surely find you out.