Just F*cking Great- my mom thinks I'm gay

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Let her think that. My friend's mom thinks he is gay, but I don't think he is. He's bi. :x
As long as you don't like <10-year olds, it's all fine by me :)
JellyWorld said:
Ignore your mom. Simple as that.
I would, but the thing is Joe (the guy who slapped me with a weed) is one of my best friends, and since this little "incedent" I'm not aloud to hang out with him or even talk to him anymore.
Of course Joe isn't my only friend, but this still kinda sucks. :hmph:
Adidajs said:
there is no solution to your problem except marriage.

i'm quoting myself, weird. ok, i realize my statement above is actually not quite true. My parents once told me a couple who had at least two kids together and were married for a number of years before it came out that the husband had a gay lover. So, marriage won't be a solution. I don't think you intend to take it that far to prove your hetero-ness, but i just realized my mistake. My mom, besides the queries about me being gay (she claims she was joking), has told me before she doesn't care if i was gay, she would love me the same. well, at least i wouldn't have to worry about that. ok, that doesn't really help you. i'm sorry, man.
or you could just pretend that you are gay

ladies love a camp man :naughty:
Teta_Bonita said:
so I pull out a weed and c*ck-slap him back. So anyway, we have this little weener weed war
Are you sure you aren't gay?
Teta_Bonita said:
No offence to any, uh, "persons of special preference" here on the forums- but really, I prefer hot women to man-meat *insert barfing smily here*.
Anyway, here's how it happened- my friend Joe, who's kind of a wise-ass clown type, all of a sudden thinks it's it good idea to put a weed between his legs and slap me with it. Like most 14 your old guy's, I have a pretty crude sense of humor ( *cough* :E :naughty: ), so I pull out a weed and c*ck-slap him back. gosh that sounds awkward. So anyway, we have this little weener weed war, but little do I know my Grandma is in my garage watching the whole damn thing. not good. :eek: So she gets all concerned about it tells all to my mom.
To make things worse, just recently my mom overheard (read: eavsdropped) an aim conversation between me and Joe that involved some more uh... crude 14 year old humor ;) (just for the record, niether me nor Joe are actually gay, although he seems to find gayness to be extremely funny :D).
So what can I do? She's convinced that I'm gay- she can't seem to grasp that it's all just a joke. At least my dad know's I'm not gay (either that or he's in denial :rolleyes:) but it still bother's me that my own mom thinks I like my friend in a special way. this site really needs a barfing smiley. I've tried explaining the whole thing to her a billion times, is there any way to convince my mom that I like women?

if she looks your avatar she really will think you are gay:E
Teta_Bonita said:
I would, but the thing is Joe (the guy who slapped me with a weed) is one of my best friends, and since this little "incedent" I'm not aloud to hang out with him or even talk to him anymore.
Of course Joe isn't my only friend, but this still kinda sucks. :hmph:

Wow, Teta, you really got f'd in the a. Metaphorically speaking, of course.
Teta_Bonita said:
I would, but the thing is Joe (the guy who slapped me with a weed) is one of my best friends, and since this little "incedent" I'm not aloud to hang out with him or even talk to him anymore.
Of course Joe isn't my only friend, but this still kinda sucks. :hmph:

WTF are we living in the middle ages?

Open a can of whoop ass on your mum and then tell her to make you a pie!

Seriously though just don't listen to her, how can she physically prevent you from seeing your friend. Ask her things like "Are you homophobic?"

Actually, better not say that, you'll get in more trouble.
kirovman said:
WTF are we living in the middle ages?

Open a can of whoop ass on your mum and then tell her to make you a pie!

Seriously though just don't listen to her, how can she physically prevent you from seeing your friend. Ask her things like "Are you homophobic?"

Actually, better not say that, you'll get in more trouble.
Well, Grandma has poor vision, so I am sure what she saw was a little different. "Joe pulled his cock out and started beating Timmy with it, he just laughed and took out his cock, and them slapped Joe with it." And ya, I know that doesn't sound like Grandma, but I am too lazy to write like grandma, so **** yourself.
Teta_Bonita said:
I would, but the thing is Joe (the guy who slapped me with a weed) is one of my best friends, and since this little "incedent" I'm not aloud to hang out with him or even talk to him anymore.
Of course Joe isn't my only friend, but this still kinda sucks. :hmph:

Well now that is VERY stupid of her...and quite sketchy. Problem with gay people perhaps so she may kick you out of the house...Knock her unconcious and when she comes to...ask her if a stereotypical gay guy would do that.

WARNING: May still result in you being kicked out of the house...but hey...at least she wont think you're gay...
Foxtrot said:
Well, Grandma has poor vision, so I am sure what she saw was a little different. "Joe pulled his cock out and started beating Timmy with it, he just laughed and took out his cock, and them slapped Joe with it." And ya, I know that doesn't sound like Grandma, but I am too lazy to write like grandma, so **** yourself.
slash me is rolling on the floor laughing fit to burst.
Kill your grandma and bury her in the garden. Then let your grandpa know so he doesn`t repeat that mistake
I think you are already too far gone. Might as well join the pink team, fruitcup.
Kill a couple homosexuals. That'll show her! <chuckles>

Kidding, kidding.
I don't get this story, you were cock slapping with your friend? I don't think I have one friend that I would ever go "Hey, wanna pull your dick out?" infront of without getting hung on a tree like a minority in Alabama. So in conclusion, your friend is gay.
Both of you are pretty gay. How the hell do you even cock slap each other... nevermind that it is weed. Even at 14, with my retarded sense of humor, I found that sort of thing extremly gay!
I could possibly understand your actions if you were drunk or something...
Dalamari said:
I don't get this story, you were slapping with your friend? I don't think I have one friend that I would ever go "Hey, wanna pull your dick out?" infront of without getting hung on a tree like a minority in Alabama. So in conclusion, your friend is .
uhh... did you read my post? o_0 We were hitting each other with weeds. (that happened to be between our legs. :E )
Teta_Bonita said:
uhh... did you read my post? o_0 We were hitting each other with weeds. (that happened to be between our legs. :E )

So...you were making like you were cock slapping, and you did that because there was a want, which means you're gay
Yup. There's no way else to say it. You're gay.

Your name, location, and you and your friend hitting eachother with weeds between your legs all show it.

Now listen to Queen with me, please.
sorry Teta, joule is a girl, and possibly a lesbian...
Dalamari said:
So...you were making like you were cock slapping, and you did that because there was a want, which means you're gay

Yeah, that's right. :rolleyes:
I cock slap flies with my fly swatter all the time. I must be gay.
Just for the record you probably are gay, but whatever. If you're not gay ... then stop acting it. Get a girlfriend, get wasted and bring home a chubby ... or I dunno, maybe stop cock slapping your friends. Baby steps.
LittleB said:
I cock slap flies with my fly swatter all the time. I must be gay.

There is a difference between slapping a fly with your cock and slapping another man with your cock.
Dalamari said:
There is a difference between slapping a fly with your cock and slapping another man with your cock.

Yeah, or so you say.

...... :)


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Raziaar said:
Maybe you are gay. At least, thats what people will try to tell you. Don't listen to them...

Nothing wrong with being straight, and being proud of it. Don't let anybody convert you. If you're hot for women, you're hot for women. Being converted happens so often it seems to be "the thing to do". Don't give in to peer pressure.

converted? peer pressured into being gay ...now that's gotta be a first ...hmmm lets see "lets become gay cuz it's the cool thing to do ..all the coolest kids are doing it, even the jocks are getting into it! "

oh come on! could someone "convert" you? if you're gay you're gay ..no amount of "peer pressure" can make someone gay or straight

Teta_Bonita: it's normal for young teens to act out sexual scenarios without actually doing it ...just tell your mom "we just wanted to see what it feels like cuz all the cool kids are doing it"
CptStern said:
converted? peer pressured into being gay ...now that's gotta be a first ...hmmm lets see "lets become gay cuz it's the cool thing to do ..all the coolest kids are doing it, even the jocks are getting into it! "

oh come on! could someone "convert" you? if you're gay you're gay ..no amount of "peer pressure" can make someone gay or straight

Teta_Bonita: it's normal for young teens to act out sexual scenarios without actually doing it ...just tell your mom "we just wanted to see what it feels like cuz all the cool kids are doing it"

You're telling me you're so old that you've never heard young people people call their friends gay, no matter how much the person says they are not? They're trying to get the person to 'give in' to something they are not. Thats peer pressure in a different sense.

Heck, even older people do it.

"Are you gay?"

"No, of course not"

"Oh, yes you are! You are sooo gay!"

"No, i'm not!"

"Why don't you just admit it, why don't you admit you are gay? You know you are. Isn't he? Isn't he gay?"

"Yes... he is!"

"*NO* I am not! **** YOU!"
Raziaar said:
You're telling me you're so old that you've never heard young people people call their friends gay, no matter how much the person says they are not? They're trying to get the person to 'give in' to something they are not. Thats peer pressure in a different sense.

Heck, even older people do it.

"Are you gay?"

"No, of course not"

"Oh, yes you are! You are sooo gay!"

"No, i'm not!"

"Why don't you just admit it, why don't you admit you are gay? You know you are. Isn't he? Isn't he gay?"

"Yes... he is!"

"*NO* I am not! **** YOU!"

That's called bullying.
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