Kerry or Bush ?

Kerry or Bush

  • Kerry

    Votes: 103 72.5%
  • Bush

    Votes: 39 27.5%

  • Total voters
I know this is a kerry and bush poll but there should be more choices: independent, undecided etc. I voted Kerry cuz Bush scares me
I'm reluctantly voting for Kerry (and I'm a Republican believe it or not!) but I'd much rather vote for the Libertarian party if they could only figure out a way to do something right!
i vote for the lesser evil who has america's needs more in plan so, Kerry.
I really don't want to have another 4 years of bush :(

I need to work on getting to sweden.
I want Bush to stay in charge, he gives us Brits something to laugh at. You just have to look at the programme called 2DTV
If Bush wins this election, I dont think one person will believe it was a fair vote (much like the last one wasn't).

There'll be riots :|
Voted the lesser of the evil; Kerry...still think Bush has a good chance of winning the election.
Tinneth said:
I want Bush to stay in charge, he gives us Brits something to laugh at. You just have to look at the programme called 2DTV

:rolling: I hope your joking, this is kinda serious ;)
Can anyone tell me Kerry's policies? I;d really like to know what they are since I can't seem to find any concrete ones anywhere. It just seems like info like that might be important before someone makes up their mind
did anyone else see Bush's inorguration day (typo?),, :O OMG lol. what a farce. How did that situation ever lead to people voting for the guy to stay in this year.
I seem to wonder if morals and character matter to people these days.
I know, it seems to always be about 'what they as an individual get out of it' *sigh*

but not everyone Asus
bleh, i'd vote for kerry, but it doesnt matter much anyway. their all the same
I just wish people would question the "facts" more, and I mean all the "facts", the ones we're getting from both sides, and the media, also,I wish people would realize that "facts" are not truths
,I wish people would realize that "facts" are not truths

I do :), but facts are all people go by. because thats all they/we know if your not that intuitive + if a fact isnt the truth then there's misinformtation or manipulation a foot,, and god forbid manipulation in an elelction :O
I'd vote Kerry, simply because I'm anti-Bush.
Pobz said:
If Bush wins this election, I dont think one person will believe it was a fair vote (much like the last one wasn't).

There'll be riots :|
/me bites flamebait repeatedly. With a bear trap.
In contrast, if Gore won, republicans could always whine "OOO, no it wasn't a fair election"

I think Nader won, but Bush and Gore just covered it up.
Arnie for leader of world :D

I voted kerryeven though im British so it dosen't count.
Kerry, but he is no angel neigther . All Bush talked about was Terrorism, now all Americans are scared to death when they hear that word. But just you know is not really the president who runs the US....
Adrien C said:
Kerry, but he is no angel neigther . All Bush talked about was Terrorism, now all Americans are scared to death when they hear that word. But just you know is not really the president who runs the US....

yup, capitalist corporation's run the US, and the rest of the world

finally someone nails it.
Also Jewish groups, they run most of the banks and big corporations. (Not trying to
sound racist, this days you just mention the word jew and people think that your a nazi)
I cant see how people want bush to be in office. Hes such a ******* dumb***.
He got friggen 500 on his SAT's! Not to mention he cant talk! The president is supposed to be a representative to his country and other countries. He made stupid desicions, such as an unneccessary war. Name 1 good reason we are in Iraq right now.
McFly said:
I cant see how people want bush to be in office. Hes such a ******* dumb***.
He got friggen 500 on his SAT's! Not to mention he cant talk! The president is supposed to be a representative to his country and other countries. He made stupid desicions, such as an unneccessary war. Name 1 good reason we are in Iraq right now.

easier access to Oil, and deals for american conglomorates, more power for America and other MEDC's. more enforced democracey and capitalist ideal's to 'try' and better economy, most immediately in the future the US will see the economic benifit's if that happens.

a load of deluded idea's that satisfy no great future cause, other than to keep those in big buisness churning in the cash.

the third world still gets screwed at the end of the day, except this time there's bells on the christmas tree :p
All im hearing is oil.....
We lost 1000 men for oil, thats it?
We dont need iraq for oil.
of course ;), but what I cant understand is why dont/did'nt they just say thats what its about, or atleast thats one of the reason's for the war, its so blatantly obvious.

I guess even the bush administration consider it immoral in some way, if they mention that it was one of the main causes for the war. So they dont say anything about it.

All im hearing is oil.....
We lost 1000 men for oil, thats it?
We dont need iraq for oil.

obviously some one does,, they where the first sites to be secured when Iraq was invaded.

some Iraqi groups tried to burn them to stop American troops securing all the oil in the fields.

+ oil = 40% of total energy/electricity

which sustains modern day life

the more the better

the more oil, the more money you have. Subsequently then.. the more power you have as an idividual, and in keeping people's dependance in modern society
It was allways the oil, but the plan went wrong. The US thaugt they could invade and keep Iraq peacefull, they did not really think about the guerilla war. Even the US has change the way they train their GIs.
Oil will mean power in the future. Acctually my mod is based on that, the soon to be true oil wars.

Sorry I forgot to Edit.
Kerry...the fact that my dog seem smarter than Bush scares me :]
He is, just a pree-teen looking for some power.
The votes were fake. I really prefered All Gore.
Adrien C said:
Oil will mean power in the future. Acctually my mod is based on that, the soon to be true oil wars.

Sorry I forgot to Edit.

intresting mod ;)

but yeh

it works like this,, like an importance chain,

Oil is at the top of the chain of everything, its the most cheap viable fuel for generating electricity., the plants for burning oil are also very cost affective compared to Nuclear, or any other forms.

without the 40% of oil, the economic world would collapse,, even if it dropped by 2%, we would suffer. its important, but what Bush seems to of done is lied to get where he wants to go, so he's had to ignore some moral issue's.

which to alot of people is unacceptable, because Presidents dont lie :dozey: , lol
Americans bitch about the oil price and you see them with their big V8 cars, they can't even walk a 100 meters that they need a car.