Kerry or Bush ?

Kerry or Bush

  • Kerry

    Votes: 103 72.5%
  • Bush

    Votes: 39 27.5%

  • Total voters
not that I can vote or anything..
but I "would" vote for nader even if I lived in a swing state .. why? cuz kerry is taking the anti-bushes votes for granted, he must be taught a lesson! and I can't really see any difference between the two anyways, kerry will probably continue the campaign of wars.
I also don't see how is kerry a "lesser evil", in what sense is he less evil than bush?
I mean, I hate bush to the bone .. but I think he is less evil than kerry.

I think if I only had two choices, kerry or bush .. I would choose bush! atleast he's against gay marrige :/

but anyway I don't live in America and don't know what are the priorities of the american people so I don't know.
hasan said:
not that I can vote or anything..
but I "would" vote for nader even if I lived in a swing state .. why? cuz kerry is taking the anti-bushes votes for granted, he must be taught a lesson! and I can't really see any difference between the two anyways, kerry will probably continue the campaign of wars.
I also don't see how is kerry a "lesser evil", in what sense is he less evil than bush?
I mean, I hate bush to the bone .. but I think he is less evil than kerry.

I think if I only had two choices, kerry or bush .. I would choose bush! atleast he's against gay marrige :/

but anyway I don't live in America and don't know what are the priorities of the american people so I don't know.

Have you even researched Kerry at all? Cause it really doesn't sound like you know anything about him or his stance on politics or policies. And I think voting for Bush because he's, "against gay marriage" is one of the worst possible reasons to vote for him. Now I'm not saying that you can't think that way. I understand that people are uncomfortable with gays for either personal or religious reasons and even if I don't agree with that it is their right to think that way. However, even if you hate gays for some reason it still doesn't justify making an amendment to the constitution that takes rights away from americans and blurs, if not breaks, the line between church and state.

Plus, correct me if I'm wrong, but I think Kerry isn't for gay marriage either, although he supports civil unions. But atleast, he wouldn't try to make an illegal amendment to the constitution.

Don't take it personally, but frankly I'm kind of glad you don't live here. :)
You know, I'm a fan of political cartoons, no matter what party they cater to. So when I saw this cartoon it really made me laugh even though it's poking fun at the democratic party.

Check it out.

The Boston Common
I think that cartoon sums up this whole election pretty nicely doesn't it?

At least we know how Bush will act and what he will do, we have precedent but Kerry simply comes off as a wishy-washy candidate with no real stance on the issues except trying to steal votes from Bush haters. He rides on his "I'm a war hero" (heroes are not just random people who served in the army and got a purple heart) pedestal and funds a lot of his campaign from riches inherited by his wife. That alone should send off alarms to votes concerned about his economic plan. Do you trust Bill Gates on how to make money or do you trust a random hobo you found on the street?

For all you know Kerry could change his entire mindset as soon as he comes into power. A reliable tyrant (if you insist on calling Bush that... it clearly shows you haven't seen a real tyrant) is better than an unreliable "war hero" who could end up supporting the very things you are so opposed to at this time.

Hell I'd vote for Nader if the vote wasn't a complete waste on him.
come on guys, quit with the channel wars! both cnn and fox news are skewed the left and right. that's just the way it is. i think the biggest reason fox news has better ratings is because the anchors are so freakin hot.

EDIT: by that i mean female anchors
Rico his purple hearts are under extreme debate. People who had commanded him actually commented they (the wounds) look more like scratches than anything else. Oh lets not forget Kerry is a self admitted war criminal and accused the US Army of the same thing. And then there is the fact he voted continuously to cut back intelligence and military funding during the 90s and 80s, the time we needed it most.
I think FOX News has better ratings because the vast majority of reporters are extremely liberal, while America is in a conservative phase.
Warbie said:
Naw - it was because of 9/11. If that hadn't happened neither would have the war.
ya know, i think i'm gonna use that one from now on.

says some random liberal: "Bush is corrupt and went to war for no good reason!"

says moz4rt: "No. It was because of 9/11."


stupidest thing i ever heard.
seinfeldrules said:
I think FOX News has better ratings because the vast majority of reporters are extremely liberal, while America is in a conservative phase.

In all seriousness I think so too. I should have made myself clearer cuz I was half joking. But ya gotta admit the "hottest anchor award" goes to Fox hands down.
moz4rt said:
In all seriousness I think so too. I should have made myself clearer cuz I was half joking. But ya gotta admit the "hottest anchor award" goes to Fox hands down.

Meh, you seen Greta lately :x

seinfeldrules said:
Meh, you seen Greta lately :x


holy crap! i totally forgot about her. i'm goin to have bad dreams now. i say send greta :O to some other channel and replace her with jane skinner :naughty:.
Adrien C said:
Americans bitch about the oil price and you see them with their big V8 cars, they can't even walk a 100 meters that they need a car.

A lot do, but not all of us. I get just as pissed when I see gas hogging SUVs all over the road, driving like there's no tomorrow and being as obnoxious as possible. I drive a V4, some typical car I don't really care about (Daewoo Nubira). All I care about is how much I can depend on it to get me where I need to go, as I expect it to.

Edit: Oh yeah, Kerry, because my head isn't firmly lodged into my ass (that I know of).
umop said:
Edit: Oh yeah, Kerry, because my head isn't firmly lodged into my ass (that I know of).
when's the last time you checked?

Adrien: quit making generalizations about americans >_>

hell, in california you see a lot more japanese imported sedans or sports cars.
Neutrino said:
Have you even researched Kerry at all? Cause it really doesn't sound like you know anything about him or his stance on politics or policies.
No, but I know that when it comes to foriegn policies he's probably worse than bush. and AFAIK, the biggest reason for people hating bush is his foriegn policies? and probably cuz he ruined the economy too, but it's stil related t the war and stuff.

and um .. about gay marrige, I was a bit sarcastic (even thu I fully mean it) but my point was "since they are equally bad on the major issues, let's decide our choice based on the less important issues".

P.S. if I was the president I wouldn't let gay lobbies tell our kids at school that "gays are ok .." or that "gays are born gays .. " or imply that if you're against gays you're like a racist.
CyberSh33p said:
when's the last time you checked?

Well, I actually have a belly button made out of glass, so it's hard to tell if I'm looking at the world directly from my eyes, or from a glass pane. But I figure things would be a bit dirtier and scratched-looking if there were glass in front of my face. But then again, maybe it's nicely finished material.

Actually I tend to be very conservative, but I'm not voting that way this time. All of my reasons have already been posted by other people so there's no need to really explain anything.
hasan said:
No, but I know that when it comes to foriegn policies he's probably worse than bush. and AFAIK, the biggest reason for people hating bush is his foriegn policies? and probably cuz he ruined the economy too, but it's stil related t the war and stuff.

and um .. about gay marrige, I was a bit sarcastic (even thu I fully mean it) but my point was "since they are equally bad on the major issues, let's decide our choice based on the less important issues".

P.S. if I was the president I wouldn't let gay lobbies tell our kids at school that "gays are ok .." or that "gays are born gays .. " or imply that if you're against gays you're like a racist.

Well, personally I think you are "racist" or more accurately "biased" if you're against gays. But that's just my opinion.

But anyway, how in the world is Kerry's foreign policy worse than Bushes? I mean how could you even manage to do things worse than Bush has done? He's alienated practically the entire world against us. Plus, I don't really see anything bad about Kerry's policies. I'm willing to listen to why you think so, but so far you just seem to be making sweeping statements about Kerry being "bad" or "evil" without the slightest bit of evidence.
I like my new avatar.

Hehe, anyone agree?

Disclaimer: Doesn't mean I don't like Kerry, just pointing something out. I'm a Nader guy myself.
Rico said:
I think that cartoon sums up this whole election pretty nicely doesn't it?

At least we know how Bush will act and what he will do, we have precedent but Kerry simply comes off as a wishy-washy candidate with no real stance on the issues except trying to steal votes from Bush haters. He rides on his "I'm a war hero" (heroes are not just random people who served in the army and got a purple heart) pedestal and funds a lot of his campaign from riches inherited by his wife. That alone should send off alarms to votes concerned about his economic plan. Do you trust Bill Gates on how to make money or do you trust a random hobo you found on the street?

For all you know Kerry could change his entire mindset as soon as he comes into power. A reliable tyrant (if you insist on calling Bush that... it clearly shows you haven't seen a real tyrant) is better than an unreliable "war hero" who could end up supporting the very things you are so opposed to at this time.
1) Heroes are NOT random people.
2) Bush /= Gates, Kerry /= random hobo. And if we do subscribe to your weak analogy, Gates > Bush. Do you even know Kerry's economic plan which he only detailed tonight? Read his DNC speech to help you, cause it seems you're afraid of a ghost.
3) Saddam and Hitler were very reliable and efficient. Would you prefer them over an "war hero" whom you claim unreliable?
4) Once again, I see some paranoia in you of Kerry becoming some next dictator. There are reliable (there's that word again) checks and balances in our government that deter anyone from claiming that much power. A president takes office, not power. Power is how one uses his office.
5) Do not confuse "wishy-washy" with flexibility and a logical progression, again.
I have a friend who has an ugly girlfriend. We alternate between two nicknames: Horseface and John Kerry.

Not exactly political, but who cares?
You jerks, that has nothing to do with my avatar!