Killzone 2 footage!

It was confirmed by some guy at Epic I think that all of the shows except the technology demos (duck in bath tub) and EA's presentation were pre-rendered.

The guy did go on to say that image quality like that is acheivable, but we'll see I guess :)
This is like religious debates.

I say Killzone 2 exists. I think the grainy filter is throwing us all off, it hides a lot of the clearly "in-game" crappyness.
it's just like the Halo 2 bullshit presentation, pure scripting and overbloated graphs... The game will look nothing like that.
Absinthe said:
I've watched it again and I'm seriously having doubts as to wether or not that's in-game.

I know I late too much


he he he eazy dude

didn't you watch the sony coneference !!!!!

didn't you see the dock's video and the ability of cell ?!?!!!!!!!!

believe it

it's the next-generation

Pi Mu Rho said:
I doubt that he cares whether you believe it or not.

How about you prove that it's not pre-rendered?

How about you prove that it is?

You are the ones that made your conclusion.
come on ..the video is all the proof you need ...soon as I saw it I knew it was pre-rendered

oh and it's "hasty" conclusions not hazy ...hazy means foggy, cloudy
Chav said:
How about you prove that it is?

You are the ones that made your conclusion.

No, you've come to the automatic assumption that it's in-game footage. I was sceptical, and checked with people that I know (including a Guerilla Games developer). While, to you, this is only anecdotal evidence, I'm quite happy to believe it.
CptStern said:
come on ..the video is all the proof you need ...soon as I saw it I knew it was pre-rendered

oh and it's "hasty" conclusions not hazy ...hazy means foggy, cloudy

I dont know what you are talking about :p
CptStern said:
come on ..the video is all the proof you need ...soon as I saw it I knew it was pre-rendered

oh and it's "hasty" conclusions not hazy ...hazy means foggy, cloudy

Grammar nazi :smoking:
I'm also the "forum ogre", the "forum dad", the prerequiste "anti-american guy" and the politics whore ...but if you like, just for a second I can be the "punchy-face-y" guy ;) ..I'm kidding ...or not ;)
Chav said:
I wont believe you until you PROVE it.

Before the video was played didn't they say everything was running on renderware? ahh hell well know for sure when the thing is released and being played. lol
Well I have to say after watching the video that it is really nothing impressive at all. Yes it is the best looking thing I have ever seen but if you ask me its exactly what all high-end games on all the next gen systems should look like. Its really nothing incredible.
CptStern said:
I'm also the "forum ogre", the "forum dad", the prerequiste "anti-american guy" and the politics whore ...but if you like, just for a second I can be the "punchy-face-y" guy ;) ..I'm kidding ...or not ;)
forum ogre, havent heard that 1, care to explain? :hmph:
heh's 2 parts forum grammer nazi and 2 parts flaming ogre ...err dood ....or something like that :E
I don't see what the big deal is. Yes its really f***** awesome. Yes, the XBOX 360 is gonna get smoked. However, Im pretty sure, that by the time the PS3 is released, our PC's are gonna outperform any console. Once again. I can't really believe thats in game. The camera moves slowly, the AI is just retarded, and more importantly, we have several factors at work.
Its compressed. Its on a tv, and finally, will framerates lag (assuming its ingame)? I'll give you this though. Xbox 360 better pull some fancy tricks outta its @$$ if it wants to compete. Its looking abysmal.
The_Monkey said:
Looks 1000 times better than hl2. Screw X-box 360.

PS3 less than $500 = £280-£300

I m buying it....... :D

ahahahahahahaahaha look under my name :laugh: rofl
an article put the price at $465 US, more in europe

"But European consumers have traditionally paid more for their consoles than their Japanese and North American counterparts, meaning that if history repeats itself the PS3 could go on sale here at upwards of UKP 400 - making it into one of the most expensive consoles to be launched in the UK in recent years. "

Why haven't the killzone developers spoke out about this? they MUST know that everybodys talking about it....they are either feeling smug that they can indeed comfirm to the believers that it is indeed realtime footage.....or they are shitting themselves that once they tell everyone its an FMV that no one will go near it, and maybe even boycott the game.

I personally would LOVE this to be real-time.....not just because there will be a genuine leap forward in technology that can only be a good thing.....but all the people saying its not in-game SOLELY for the reason that it makes xbox360 games look like last-gen already, then I would love to see what they have to say then....

xbox360 is old already...............see you in 5 years time.........must try harder
hmmmmm last time I remembered real-time means in-game scripted or not... then again looks like they where talking about that boxing demo...

edit: maaan screw that its in-game with no crosshair, with scripted sequences. :borg: :farmer: :thumbs:

r2000 said:
I don't see what the big deal is. Yes its really f***** awesome. Yes, the XBOX 360 is gonna get smoked. However, Im pretty sure, that by the time the PS3 is released, our PC's are gonna outperform any console. Once again. I can't really believe thats in game. The camera moves slowly, the AI is just retarded, and more importantly, we have several factors at work.
Its compressed. Its on a tv, and finally, will framerates lag (assuming its ingame)? I'll give you this though. Xbox 360 better pull some fancy tricks outta its @$$ if it wants to compete. Its looking abysmal.

if you look at again it at certains times the camera jerks just like when you try to turn left or right quickly with an anolog stick (if you push the stick all the way instead of moving it slighty)....

also looks like Ps3 will probably let you stream media to the console wirelessly also :cheers:
r2000 said:
I don't see what the big deal is. Yes its really f***** awesome. Yes, the XBOX 360 is gonna get smoked. However, Im pretty sure, that by the time the PS3 is released, our PC's are gonna outperform any console. Once again. I can't really believe thats in game. The camera moves slowly, the AI is just retarded, and more importantly, we have several factors at work.
Its compressed. Its on a tv, and finally, will framerates lag (assuming its ingame)? I'll give you this though. Xbox 360 better pull some fancy tricks outta its @$$ if it wants to compete. Its looking abysmal.

PC's won't have PS3's technology until almost a year after it release so i read. Consoles will always be better than the highest-uber PC at the time the console is released.
With rumours of a £400 price tag in the UK (though it's cheaper abroad AFAIK), the PS3 won't be that much more inexpensive than giving my PC an overhaul next year... I'm definately sticking with PC gaming :)