Kramer racial comments

Why can't celebreties understand that the world won't work until we all start pretending like we like each other?
There are way more important things than someone's feelings getting hurt.

Actually let me rephrase that: Who the f cares?
Oh no a side character from a long cancelled show made an offensive remark!
It matters to alot of fans who still watch seinfeld to this day (it airs like twice daily here).


Richards retorted: "Shut up! Fifty years ago we'd have you upside down with a f------ fork up your a--."
It's actually kind of terrible :\ if you watch the video he's clearly lost it completely. :| Bad press for Jerry as well, and possibly Larry David. I have to say this upset me big-time being a fan of the show myself from time to time. Blah.
Yeah it would've been sort of funny if he actually made a joke out of it, but it turns out he was serious. Some people aren't going to like it, and all you people who say its nothing to worry about, look at the ****ing world around you. You think racism is helping anybody? Sure we can joke about our differences and what happened to us based on our color, thats ok, but only because we're not really be hateful/malevolent about it. That doesn't seem to be the case with this kramer fellow and you're going to expect that reaction. :|
lets all start the photo editting :)

somebody photoshop him in a KKK outfit :D
This reminds me of that seinfeld episode where Kramer brings a date to Jerry's standup and she heckles him..........good times.
Oh no he says a word. Somehow no one is offended by the racial comment shot back at him.
= |
Blind or just taught to see everything monochrome? Can't decide, but it's pathetic.
It sucks. I've seen every episode of Seinfeld probably at least five or ten times. It's a shame, I'll never look at him the same.

I can easily forgive, but it doesn't mean I'll forget.

On another note, it's a month and two days away from Festivus!

Hmm. I'm all in favor of freedom of speech, but that wasn't even funny. He wasn't even going for the "OH MY GOD THAT'S SO OFFENSIVE IT'S HILARIOUS" bit- he just seemed to go off the handle. A little distressing, if you ask me.
Nobody is contesting that he didn't have the right to say what he did... but what they are outraged about is the fact that he said it. We just don't agree with those view points, and such view points are offensive to us...


I just watched his public apology on the David Letterman show tonight and it was one of the most sad things I've ever seen in my life. It was both awkward and sad.
Meh. He flew off the handle, he obviously had other shit going on at that moment, and in his rage he blurted out the first thing that entered his mind. He probably wasn't overtly trying to be racist. That's what I thought after seeing the apology anyway.

Still pretty bad... but it's actually gotten me a bit curious to check out some of his standup stuff >_>
So everybody has a heart-attack because kramer said ni**er, but nobody even cares that the black dude called him a "cracker-a** mother***ker"???

You can't just overlook black people's raciest comments! It doesn't matter if kramer called them ni**ers first. In fact "cracker" is even worse than "ni**er" because people walk around calling themselves and each other "ni**ers" but no white guy walks around referring to themselves or other white people as a "cracker".

I'm even MORE angry at the black guy because he knows what if it feels like to be called racial words, and he just goes right ahead throwing out more racial slurs. Clearly he didn't like hearing the word ni**er so what does he do? Call the guy a racial slur! Yea that's brillant! Besides my black friend said it best, "the only people who get angry at being called a ni**er are the ones to who the word pertains." (since not all black people are ni**gers)
So everybody has a heart-attack because kramer said ni**er, but nobody even cares that the black dude called him a "cracker-a** mother***ker"???

You can't just overlook black people's raciest comments! It doesn't matter if kramer called them ni**ers first. In fact "cracker" is even worse than "ni**er" because people walk around calling themselves and each other "ni**ers" but no white guy walks around referring to themselves or other white people as a "cracker".

I'm even MORE angry at the black guy because he knows what if it feels like to be called racial words, and he just goes right ahead throwing out more racial slurs. Clearly he didn't like hearing the word ni**er so what does he do? Call the guy a racial slur! Yea that's brillant! Besides my black friend said it best, "the only people who get angry at being called a ni**er are the ones to who the word pertains." (since not all black people are ni**gers)

You cant really thinkthat Cracker is as socially unacceptable as the N bomb, can you?

But I can see your point almost
You cant really think that Cracker is as socially unacceptable as the N bomb, can you?

Why not? What's the difference between calling a black person a ni**er, a white person a cracker, a Jew a kike, or a Chinese man a chink? But I guess I forgot it's alright for black people to call us crackers since somebody their same color was sold into slavery.

Why is it one racial slur gets no attention (cracker), yet if somebody calls a black person a ni**er, then their whole life is ruined? I mean clearly it's not the word itself, because black people take no offense when another black person calls them a ni**er. So it must be the person who's speaking it, and is that not racist in itself when you only consider a word offensive when the person who speaks it is of a certain color?

edit: normally I wouldn't ** the word, but this website blocks it. Go figure, you can call somebody a chink, raghead, queer, kike, or cracker all day long, but heaven forbid you call somebody a ni**ger...because apparently that's the only offensive racial slur. What if I said I was totally offended by the slur 'cracker', could I get that filtered also?
Now lets say if a black guy was saying this, then it would be fine, but as soon as a white guy does it, all hell breaks loose? Right, ****ing bullshit.
I agree, but then, how many white people were enslaved by africans? :S
So everybody has a heart-attack because kramer said ni**er, but nobody even cares that the black dude called him a "cracker-a** mother***ker"???

Nobody cares as much about people retaliating in kind. From what I can tell, he only called him those things back because Richards was shouting racial slurs at them. I'm not racist, but if somebody start maliciously insulting my ethnicity, I'll promptly return the favor.

Anybody focusing on the black audience member for shouting back is a true, blue, ****ing idiot. No, this is not some double standard. There was no shock or outrage because the reciprocation was expected. So stop pretending that the white man is getting a raw deal. If you want to draw comparisons, Richards' comments were far more elaborate and worse than the audience member's.

As for the severity of "cracker" and "ni**er", I argue that the latter is worse. Both are derogatory racial slurs, but only one has a powerful, historical context surrounding it. Whites have, throughout history, been the demographic in control and have never suffered the kind of segregation, mockery, and threats that black people have (particularly in the United States). "Ni**er" is a throwback to that kind of oppression. "Cracker" is... what? White people cracked whips? Big whoop. There's no comparison.
Now lets say if a black guy was saying this, then it would be fine, but as soon as a white guy does it, all hell breaks loose? Right, ****ing bullshit.

If a black guy was saying this, odds are it wouldn't be with the kind of malicious intent Richards' had. Surely you're not this clueless?
Many blacks find being addressed as "n1gger" by a white person offensive. Yes, one part of it has to do with some bad history. It's also a social thing.

You wonder why it's wrong for a white person to call a black person a n1gger, but yet black people address each other by it all the time? Over time, black people started addressing each other by "n1gger", trying to take the the negative and get as much positive out of it as much as possible. The word n1gger was given to blacks in a time where they have been oppressed and labeled. This label was then transformed with a meaning as if they were saying "brother" to each other. Earlier black generations would call each other n1gger to show that, that black dude was a "n1gger", he's been through that struggle and made it. Sometimes that is why some black people are proud of being mother****in' "n1ggers". As time has progressed it's "nigga" most black people address each other as "nigga" not "n1gger". Now, the word nigga is of slang usage, meaning "brother". And often times can be used by just about many minority groups.

I mean, white people just don't say "nigga" because socially white people generally aren't minorities. You don't see that many whites hanging out in the 'hood' with black people or anything... in America you mostly see hispanics and blacks in the 'hood'. So, white people aren't expected to call anybody a "nigga", put simply because a lot of blacks don't view whites as a "brother" - they haven't been through the same struggles that these urban black people go through. I guess, to many black people the word nigga is safeguarded as a word that only SOME people can use. Kind of like "mom" or "dad" nobody just addresses your mom or dad, as... mom or dad, only and if it is acceptable - there has to be some sort of reason why you are able to use it.
I'm not racist, but if somebody start maliciously insulting my ethnicity, I'll promptly return the favor.

You don't get anything accomplished when all you do is throw racial slurs at each other. Not only does that speak volumes about your intelligence (because typically people of low intelligence are the people who sink to name calling or swearing), it's also a good way to make a bad situation even worse (and that's a general "you", I'm not directly attacking your intelligence"). The next time a group of black people say, “yo man gtfo outta my way stupid cracka” just tell them “yo you betta step the fu*k off ni**a!” and see how well that goes…

Anybody focusing on the black audience member for shouting back is a true, blue, ****ing idiot.

I'm focusing on the black audience member because kramer did something stupid, but so did the black guy. However nobody is going to acknowledge the black guy's wrong doing. Everybody already knows Kramer was wrong, he shouldn’t have been saying racial slurs, much less at a comedy club while on stage.

As for the severity of "cracker" and "ni**er", I argue that the latter is worse. Both are derogatory racial slurs, but only one has a powerful, historical context surrounding it.

They both have the same powerful historical context surrounding them; slavery.

"Ni**er" is a throwback to that kind of oppression. "Cracker" is... what? White people cracked whips? Big whoop. There's no comparison.

So you're perfectly happy with people associating you with slave owners? Personally I don’t enjoy being associated with anything negative.

As time has progressed it's "nigga" most black people address each other as "nigga" not "n1gger". Now, the word nigga is of slang usage, meaning "brother".

The same people probably also say, "let me axe you sumtin..." or say (like my last, black, roommate did), "he so dumb!" I’m not trying to say they can’t talk, however some of them do speak differently. And saying there’s a difference between those words is like saying there’s a difference between “f*g” and “fa**ot”.

I guess, to many black people the word nigga is safeguarded as a word that only SOME people can use. Kind of like "mom" or "dad" nobody just addresses your mom or dad, as... mom or dad, only and if it is acceptable - there has to be some sort of reason why you are able to use it.

Not really, because if I called your mom, "mom" she wouldn't get upset. If I said, "Hey mom can I get some milk?" she'd probably smile and giggle. But if I said, "Hey ni**er (or even ni**a) can I get some milk?" I'd probably get a response similar to, "Boy, get your own damn milk!"
You don't get anything accomplished when all you do is throw racial slurs at each other. Not only does that speak volumes about your intelligence, it's also a good way to make a bad situation even worse. But do what you will, the next time a group of black people say, “yo man gtfo outta my way stupid cracka” just tell them “yo you betta step the fu*k off ni**a!” and see how well that goes…

I recognize the potential consequences of what I do. But thank you for the heads up.

I'm focusing on the black audience member because kramer did something stupid, but so did the black guy. However nobody is going to acknowledge the black guy's wrong doing. Everybody already knows Kramer was wrong, he shouldn’t have been saying racial slurs, much less at a comedy club while on stage.

I'm not saying that racial slurs are acceptable. But from what can be learned from that video, the audience member only resorted to them when Richards repeatedly and maliciously insulted him. So I can understand his retaliation, as should anybody else with a brain.

They both have the same powerful historical context surrounding them; slavery.

Who were the slave owners? Come on. Give it a guess.

So you're perfectly happy with people associating you with slave owners? Personally I don’t enjoy being associated with anything negative.

I personally couldn't care. Granted, "cracker" is still an insult. But trying to compare it to the connotations of "ni**er" is inane.
I like to think of it this way:

If the black guy was the first to call Kramer a 'cracker' and then Kramer retorts by calling him a ni**er, do you think things would of ended up any differently? I personally think they would of ended up the exact same, with Kramer being the one held responsible, with the black guy not getting any negative attention what-so-ever.

I believe BOTH of them were out of line for saying such things publicly. However, Kramer is mostly to blame because he initiated it all and it was in front of a large audience who were trying to enjoy their night out at a comedy club.
Could people stop saying Kramer? His name is Michael Richards.

I don't know what to believe here, his apology on Letterman seemed sincere, and from what I've heard about him he's got one hell of a temper, so I guess it could just have slipped out. But it sounded pretty mean-spirited for something that just "slipped out".
Whites have, throughout history, been the demographic in control and have never suffered the kind of segregation, mockery, and threats that black people have (particularly in the United States). "Ni**er" is a throwback to that kind of oppression. "Cracker" is... what? White people cracked whips? Big whoop. There's no comparison.

What a line of s***...I can give you numerous examples of where I (a white male) have been the victim of racism. And 'cracker' is a racial slur just like any other, it is offensive and should not be used in a derogatory manner. I've never owned a slave in my life, so I don't see why I should be treated like I have.
What a line of s***...I can give you numerous examples of where I (a white male) have been the victim of racism. Sorry but it just really drives me off the wall when people say crap like whites have not been the victim of 'segregation, mockery, and threats'. And 'cracker' is a racial slur just like any other, it is offensive and should not be used in a derogatory manner. I've never owned a slave in my life, so I don't see why I should be treated like I have.

I never said whites haven't been slaves. We're talking about an American context. Whites as an ethnic majority never experienced the kind of hardships that blacks had.

Nor have I ever stated that whites don't experience racism. Stop misrepresenting me. Although I do ask you to point out examples of when whites as a whole ever experienced something like what the blacks did in the course of American history.

The bottom line is that "ni***er" conjures up far more bad history than "cracker" ever could.
You don't get anything accomplished when all you do is throw racial slurs at each other. Not only does that speak volumes about your intelligence (because typically people of low intelligence are the people who sink to name calling or swearing), it's also a good way to make a bad situation even worse (and that's a general "you", I'm not directly attacking your intelligence"). The next time a group of black people say, “yo man gtfo outta my way stupid cracka” just tell them “yo you betta step the fu*k off ni**a!” and see how well that goes…

I'm focusing on the black audience member because kramer did something stupid, but so did the black guy. However nobody is going to acknowledge the black guy's wrong doing. Everybody already knows Kramer was wrong, he shouldn’t have been saying racial slurs, much less at a comedy club while on stage.

They both have the same powerful historical context surrounding them; slavery.

So you're perfectly happy with people associating you with slave owners? Personally I don’t enjoy being associated with anything negative.

The same people probably also say, "let me axe you sumtin..." or say (like my last, black, roommate did), "he so dumb!" I’m not trying to say they can’t talk, however some of them do speak differently. And saying there’s a difference between those words is like saying there’s a difference between “f*g” and “fa**ot”.

Not really, because if I called your mom, "mom" she wouldn't get upset. If I said, "Hey mom can I get some milk?" she'd probably smile and giggle. But if I said, "Hey ni**er (or even ni**a) can I get some milk?" I'd probably get a response similar to, "Boy, get your own damn milk!"

If you were a complete stranger saying, "Hey mom can I get some milk" then she would probably smile and giggle thinking you're one weird cat. BUT, if she somehow knew you or if I knew you personally, then yes it would be okay. That would be the REASON.

I believe there IS a difference between n1gger and nigga TOWARD BLACK PEOPLE. I say "nigga" a lot myself around many of the black people I know. But, I know damn well if I said, "Wassup my n1gger?" instead of "Wassup my nigga" that totally changes it up.