Last game you were this excited about...


Sep 14, 2003
Reaction score
Seriously....if I had to think... i would say the original Doom (maybe Quake)....I mean i've been 'eager' to play certain games since then but few have had this incredible hype and introduced so many new things.

(Although i named 2 FPS' feel free to name games from all genres/platforms)

Originally posted by Magicpants
Seriously....if I had to think... i would say the original Doom (maybe Quake)....I mean i've been 'eager' to play certain games since then but few have had this incredible hype and introduced so many new things.

(Although i named 2 FPS' feel free to name games from all genres/platforms)


The first HL
GTA3 (Ps2)

I also really wanted MGS2 but I didnt buy it :)
In all honesty HL1 took me by suprise.... not to say i haven't played mainly HL (mods etc) for all these years since i got it 2 days after UK release :E
Max payne/Mgs2/Vice city

First time i ever played Hl was at a lan party, i think it was around christmas....i borrowed it from a friend of mine, i'd never heard of it--and well i decided to try it out----and it blew my goddamn head THAT is the single most incredible gaming experience i've ever had.

Hl was incredible, and i'm actually pretty happy about not knowing anything about it, up to the point when i installed the game :D
Originally posted by shapeshifter
postal 2, but then it let me down

Forgot that let me down to after hours of playin it
Hmm, for me the last game I was really looking forward to was probably Warcraft 3 (of course I was in the beta...) and the Frozen Throne (was in the beta for that too, though. Heh).
The last game I was excited about was Halo. Then Bunji sold out to M$ and hosed everyone.

I was never this excited about a game before... NEVER!!!!!
Ooh heres one - Global Operations. It seemed it sucked ass but tbh at the time i was excited because i was a big CS fan and i thought something commercial and polished was gonna replace that flawed old game.... roll on CS 2 already..
Originally posted by Malic
Diablo 2... but thats long time ago........
Same here. WarCraft III would be a close second, although I wasn't nearly as excited about it after Blizzard scrapped their original concept and went down the tried and true RTS path.
Halo till Microcrap bought em, and Team Fortress 2 (hopefully the excitment will be reborn).
tecmo bowl. bo jackson was unstoppable. seriously. un-freaking-stoppable. have any of you pube-less wonders even heard of that game? it was beautiful i tell you. beautiful.
Actually now thinking about it i was really excited about TF2 - i mean... lip sync... 'parametric animation', parachuting in to missions..... it was all too good to be true back then...
I was very excited pending the releas of Thief 2. And it didn't let me down :)
I would have to say Jedi Outcast. I played the original Jedi Knight for about 4 years straight (had a great mod community) until I found half-life.
Descent 3
Red Faction

Both of them, coincidentally, weren't as good as they were hyped up to be. Good reviews, but no real publicity besides that of their engines.
Probs, propper exited, when XBOX was launched, and playing halo.
Oh yeah...Red Faction was another....that let me down too;(
WWIIOnline. Boy, was I disappointed/pissed. What a steaming pile...
I dont think ive ever been this excited for a game, does that make me a motard? :/
No No No, mario 64, thats the only game that compares to the sheer brilliance of this.

And Goldeneye and perfect dak :)