Last game you were this excited about...

Duke Nukem Forever! j/k...thank god! It would suck to be eagerly awaiting that game as much as HL2.

Black and White was the only other game I've been this excited about. And when it came out, it was everything I wanted it to be...awesome AI, awesome graphics, tons of possibilities. Unfortunately, it wasn't that much fun to play through the missions and things...I never even finished the Single Player portion...but my creature was cool!
perfect dark...

it let me down because it was goldeneye with a few extra features

goldeneye pwns
Mafia ? SplinterCell ?
huuuh... no

DeusEx was the perfect drug (my favourite game)
Oh, forgot about one... Duke Nukem 2

Now that was a kickass game. My first 256 color game.
Super Mario Brothers 3. I remember when Nintendo Power did this two-page preview of it a year or so before it came out. At the time, I didn't even know they were MAKING a sequel to Super Mario Brothers 2. Holy God, I must've read those two pages over seven billion times.
In fact, I'm now more excited about Super Mario Brothers 3 than I was about Half-Life 2. Luckily, I don't have to wait another two weeks to play it.
I would have to go with either FF VII or Halo for the XBOX. In both cases (IMO) I felt that the games lived up to the hype (except with the silent cartographer stage in Halo, JESUS CHRIST that stage blew!). The best game that I never knew was coming (a lot of people say HL), was Morrowind. Morrowind is THE best game i've ever played. Yeah go ahead and flame.....:dozey:
Good game, just got boring and redundant after about 3 months of non-stop play.
Black & White
Vice City Pc
1nsane (its true, i really longed 4 it)

edit: Im waiting 4 Deus Ex 2 almost as much as HL2 (wearing flame suit)
Unreal 2...

Dang I was disapointed...when reviewers started calling it the next half life, I REALLY thought it could be...

talk about a let was horrible.
Hmm, that's a really tricky one...

1. Quake
2. B&W

I never really knew about Half-Life, I bought it on a friends recommendation. Not disappointed at all!
MGS2 on Ps2


Max Payne

Red Faction on ps2 (think of it... they told you could destroy the whole level in real-time...!)
Frankly, I'm forcing myself to expect 10 hours MAX of dull gameplay.

I'm doing this for my own good, because I was anticipating 15-20 hours of good gameplay in Unreal2, and got 6 hours of average to annoying gameplay instead....
Grim Fandango from Lucas Arts. Maybe I was too excited about that game. naaaah. It was the best!!!
lol if it's longer than HL1 it's going to take me at least a month
I have never, ever been this excitied about a game before. Ever. Imagine hoe excitied id be if we knew more about it? Or prehaps knowing nothing is making me excited, as im not sure what to expect, although itll be brilliant. Its strange, A fortnight away from release and we know very little about the game we are all gonna buy.
I was anticipating 15-20 hours of good gameplay in Unreal2

Unreal II wasn't too bad. I've just finished it, it was far from a bad game, it just needed a little cohesion instead of randomly spread missions, and perhaps fewer weapons.

The storyline wasn't free flowing, that's what it's main failing was.

Hell was cool though, and I f*cking hate big spiders!
Vice City
I was so hyped and when I finally tried it I thought his way of running looked stupid. And after 6 hours of playing I thought it sucked, but I had the feeling that it couldn't be this bad so I came to like it. Then it got released on PC and now I love it!
The first two worlds were GREAT, I was really into it there, but then it just got stupid....

I had written an alternate ending that would have joined in the storyline better, added 5-8 hours of gameplay (on two places, a skarjj ship and a skarjj planet) and had the EXACT same ending, because well, the ending was the best ever, most games don't go for a sad ending.

although I DID have two options for the ending:
Where you push the button in the cutscene, and stear the ship into the sun, make that a PLAYER decision, where you can
A: Hunt down all the big arse creatures, basically descroying the ship, and evacuate
b: Hit the button and run to normal ending

if B, same as before

if A, your given a timer before the creatures destroy the ship, and a count of how many there are to kill. kill em off, abandon ship, land on the planet, head to atlantis crash...(Cut scene here on out)
you find you start to walk away, when you hear a "meep" you turn, and the seagoat falls out of one of the pick him up, say something...and walk back to base....then shows you playing the video on some computer, with the seagoat nearby....

oh well...thats how I would have done it...
No games at all this is a all new feeling for me and its strong, its like "delay" i cant even think that far, i would be so damn down if that happend! maaan
The last game I was this excited about was The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time.
BF1942, even on my shitty P3 800 I had then, I fell in love with the Wake multiplayer demo :cheers:

Played the 0.4 release of DC, and the love is still there :D
Elite 2 for Amiga, I think.

Edit: Oh yeah, and BF1942 .. too bad the demo was more fun than the actual game.
My Anticipation level is probably more then Zelda: Wind Waker, but less then Perfect Dark. Of course, with Perfect Dark's anticipation level that high, it couldn't have possibly met my expectations, so I've avoided anticipating anything that much...
I'd say Halo when it was still supposed to be a PC game. The game it would've been was awesome. The game it is now is still a great game. All the while I think about how much cooler it would've been... *sigh*