Leaf Portal flow problem! HELP!!!!


Jun 29, 2006
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I have a leaf portal problem.

I don't have a clue how to sort this. Don't send me the valve sesigner thing or whatever it is about leafs seeing as I don't understand that.

I would just a like a simple way to.

1. Find the leaf.
2. Understand what "Big leafs in the sky" are.
3. How do I open gl view. (yes I have compiled with gl view) But I don't have a clue what to do.

4. Thanks for helping or atleast ahving a look at this post.

PLEASE HELP! Crying or Very sad


Oh yeh and this could be a problem, I don't know if I need to fix this or if its already fixed but I can't find any water without a bottom.

And by the way this is all for a surf map!


This error will cause your map to fail compiling correctly

One of your leafs is neighbouring too many other leafs. (the 'doorways' between leafs are called 'portals'). This causes vvis.exe to quit compiling your map.
e.g. in the example picture, the center leaf would have 12 portals, and all other ones only one.

Find your leaf, and see if you can reduce the number of neighbouring leafs by adding world brushes or turning existing ones into func_detail (or clever placements of hints). Big leafs in the sky should also be avoided.
As the error says, open your map in Glview to find the exact location of the portal.
ok, the short answer to the 'leaf has too many portals' problem is to reduce the structural brush density of your map. only vis-blocking brushes (like walls of buildings, or the map hull, sky area etc) should be left structural - the rest should be made detail

ideally, all structural brushes should be flush with the grid (though obviously this isn't always possible)
1. Its a surf map, all the brushes are in the sky.

2. All the brushes are seperate func_details.

3. I need to find this leaf!
You will not find this leaf with glwiev, i think.

A portal is where one leaf connects with another. if one leaf has too many portals you get this error.

Your leafs are cut up in some strange ways, most likeley because if some strange architecture. I'm thinking this architecture is not your stuff in the surf map but in whatever surrounds it.

Oh, and big leaves in the sky are..... big leaves up in the sky. What else do you wish to know?
Yeh but all my brushes are in the sky because its a surf map!


Oh and I want to know how to solve the problem. How do I find wich leaf it is?
ah... yeas.

your brushes reside in the sky. If they are not func_detailed you are in trouble.

If they are indeed func_detailed then you should know that they dont affect VIS at all. I have little or no experience in looking for these leafs bcause I never had this error. But I'm thinking that you open up hammer and hide everything that does not block VIS you should sort of be able to see where that leaf could be... If you know what you are looking for.

look at this site http://www.slackiller.com/tommy14/errors.htm

this is for HL1 and not HL2 but leaves are pretty much the same in both. Look at the MAX_PORTALS_ON_LEAF section. Look at the image. You need to find something that resembles that. One big leaf (probably big) which connects to a lot of other ones. But you als have to take into concideration that leaves are cut each 1024 untits etc etc. I dont know if there is a tool that will find the leaf for you... sorry, seems like you are looking at some dull work:(
Thanks for help Unarmed.

There isn't a single world brush in the map. I made everything func_detail to stop lag and so I dont get the usual leaf protal problem that I am some how getting now. And yes all my func details are seperate brushes!
I do hope your skybox is indeed a world brush.

So start from there. Use the auto visgroups. Hide all non-brush stuff... and make your skyboxes and stuff as square as you can... no dents or bumps or suchlike. And then you should be fine.