Least Favorite Band and Genre

If that's a fact then I interpret it as speaking volumes about why the scene, and most of every one of its stupid ****ing facets, is so undeveloped, in terms of progressiveness, not attributes.

After thinking for a long time I can't actually say there is a genre I hate, since there is always something good to come out a genre.

But hmm id guess id go with country too, Cash is okish but I really can't stand his songs id probably have to go as far as say Dolly being the best artist for country but of course I tend to avoid the genre so I wouldn't know.

To add to discussion:

Lead Zeppelin- dislike overall but could listen to "stairway to heaven"
Emo- reasonable if you decide to ignore the lyrics as I do
Rap metal- Rage and Faith no more, therefore awesome
Cheesy pop music- Poor for general enjoyment but excellent entertainment at parties and such and/or comedy value
Hey, while we're at it, Lemme talk about Fall out Boy- their CD that came out last year, under the cork tree or something like that. I want to congratulate them- never before have I heard a CD where there was not a single tolerable song on it. I even involuntarily shuddered, and cross my heart and hope to die, one of their songs made me gag. I kid you not. It was that one with the vampire music video... the first line, "alright I messed up, drop it I'm sorry" or whatever... truly disgusting.
Hey, while we're at it, Lemme talk about Fall out Boy- their CD that came out last year, under the cork tree or something like that. I want to congratulate them- never before have I heard a CD where there was not a single tolerable song on it. I even involuntarily shuddered, and cross my heart and hope to die, one of their songs made me gag. I kid you not. It was that one with the vampire music video... the first line, "alright I messed up, drop it I'm sorry" or whatever... truly disgusting.

Yeah FOB make me want to vomit in rage too.
Emo bands.

Simple Plan, Fall Out Boy, Billy Talent...
I've said it before I'll say it again ...PHILISTINE!!!

By far, rap. I name a few "artists" I despise: 50 cents, Snoopdog, Ice T. I don't consider rap to be music at all.
Papa Roach and all this other shit like it, especially 3 Days Grace, My Chemical Romance and Fallout Boy. Pretty much every song I've heard is the same stuff. Nothing new

Jazz. Fuck Jazz.
D: Oh snap. NO SIR. NOS.
Jazz. Fuck Jazz.

YOU DARE DISS THE FATHER OF ALL MODERN MUSIC?! (I say music. Rap, and hip hop have nothing to do with jazz. I hate listening to those ****ers talk over a beet, and they slap the label MUSIC on it... Pisses me off. -.-)

Taxman said:
By far, rap. I name a few "artists" I despise: 50 cents, Snoopdog, Ice T. I don't consider rap to be music at all.

This sums it up for me:


Oh and FOB.
I'd have to say my least favorite genre of music would be death-metal, hands down. The only credit I can give it is that sometimes it has decent and interesting drumming, but it's a rarity.

Also, I know I'm going to get flamed for this, but Fall Out Boy is really not such a bad band if you listen to something other than the singles. Check out "From Under The Cork Tree". Incredibly well-written, catchy, fun songs. Believe me, when "Sugar, We're Going Down" blew up a few years back, I hated them as much as anyone. But a friend of mine played some of the album for me once and I just couldn't resist how damn catchy the music is. If you get off your high-horse, forget about stereotypes and fanbases, and perhaps go out with some friends with this playing on your stereo, you will find some really great music hidden behind the overwhelming annoyingness of their teeny-bopper fans.
my chemical romance is the biggest bullshit ive ever smelt, heard and seen

lol, to the xzibit song..i only liked him in "pimp my ride" on mtv
I'd have to say my least favorite genre of music would be death-metal, hands down. The only credit I can give it is that sometimes it has decent and interesting drumming, but it's a rarity.

Also, I know I'm going to get flamed for this, but Fall Out Boy is really not such a bad band if you listen to something other than the singles. Check out "From Under The Cork Tree". Incredibly well-written, catchy, fun songs. Believe me, when "Sugar, We're Going Down" blew up a few years back, I hated them as much as anyone. But a friend of mine played some of the album for me once and I just couldn't resist how damn catchy the music is. If you get off your high-horse, forget about stereotypes and fanbases, and perhaps go out with some friends with this playing on your stereo, you will find some really great music hidden behind the overwhelming annoyingness of their teeny-bopper fans.

I listened to the album.

I threw up.

Who cares? Some caveman thousands of years ago was the father of ALL music, but I'm not gonna praise him for his musical qualities of hitting two sticks on a piece of animal hide. If it sounds like shit, it sounds like shit.

Also, on the subject of shitty music: Bee Gees. Fuck the fucking Bee Gees. Their music truly pisses me off.
Who cares? Some caveman thousands of years ago was the father of ALL music, but I'm not gonna praise him for his musical qualities of hitting two sticks on a piece of animal hide. If it sounds like shit, it sounds like shit.

Also, on the subject of shitty music: Bee Gees. Fuck the fucking Bee Gees. Their music truly pisses me off.

dear god man, I fear for you ..you have no soul :O

not the bee gees thingy, the jazz thngy ..NO SOUL, have you

oh and all you nubs slamming Ice-t need to listen to Bodycount
I'd have to say my least favorite genre of music would be death-metal, hands down. The only credit I can give it is that sometimes it has decent and interesting drumming, but it's a rarity.

Interesting drumming? Death metal? I always associated blast beat with death metal, and boy, don't get me started on how uninteresting blast beats are...

Also, I know I'm going to get flamed for this, but Fall Out Boy is really not such a bad band if you listen to something other than the singles. Check out "From Under The Cork Tree". Incredibly well-written, catchy, fun songs. Believe me, when "Sugar, We're Going Down" blew up a few years back, I hated them as much as anyone. But a friend of mine played some of the album for me once and I just couldn't resist how damn catchy the music is. If you get off your high-horse, forget about stereotypes and fanbases, and perhaps go out with some friends with this playing on your stereo, you will find some really great music hidden behind the overwhelming annoyingness of their teeny-bopper fans.

It's totally true, people like following the stereotypes of hating bands like FOB (Thinking they aren't following the stereotype at all sometimes... You know, that "I'm not conforming to MTV" bullshit that emos do too). Most of those people probably only hear a single, or none of the songs from these bands. They see these bands getting press attention and instantly think that they think they are so awesome. If you listen to an album, with UNBIASED opinions, and you hate it to guts, thats awesome, but if you listen to an album with BIASED "WTF I HATE THIS MUSIC I'M GONNA THROW THE **** UP!" opinions, then simply, "**** you".

Some of their songs are pretty damn catchy, I know lots of people who admit that much despite the fact of hating the band.

Nowadays music isn't about if it sounds good or bad, its more about what genre it's in, and since lots of these bands labeled as 'sellouts' are usually Pop mixed with say, rock or punk, it's pretty safe to say if a band has a bit of pop in it, it's labeled as a "Sell-out band" for the most part. I find that kinda funny actually, lots of great bands out there have pop influences (For the most part, songs written with a pop structure... 'specifically I'm thinking of NIRVANA!).

Btw: Jazz is the FATHER OF ALL MODERN MUSIC! Jazz is really great, boring to listen to, but the whole technical side of it is mind blowing.
Isn't the whole point of jazz music that everyone plays on the "jazz scale" and can thus play whatever the **** they like in time with the drums and it'll sound good?
dear god man, I fear for you ..you have no soul :O

not the bee gees thingy, the jazz thngy ..NO SOUL, have you

oh and all you nubs slamming Ice-t need to listen to Bodycount

You forgot I also dislike the Beatles! That Bodycount song is ace though :)

Btw: Jazz is the FATHER OF ALL MODERN MUSIC! Jazz is really great, boring to listen to, but the whole technical side of it is mind blowing.

I highlighted the problem for you. I can randomly generate music that's nearly impossible to play, but that technical side is worthless when it sounds like crap.

I really, really don't care about what jazz has meant for other music, it should stand on its own and on its own it's extremely boring as you say. Same for the Beatles, their influence on rock is meaningless to me, all that matters how they themselves sound.
You forgot I also dislike the Beatles! That Bodycount song is ace though :)

oh ya, I forgot ......DIE DIE DIE!!!

I highlighted the problem for you. I can randomly generate music that's nearly impossible to play, but that technical side is worthless when it sounds like crap.

you're thinking improv or freeform jazz ...all they're doing is jamming, however that's not the entirity of jazz

there's a ton of different sub genres within jazz, from Ella fitzgerald to Dizzy gillespie to herbie hancock ..you cant peg jazz to a single style

I really, really don't care about what jazz has meant for other music, it should stand on its own and on its own it's extremely boring as you say. Same for the Beatles, their influence on rock is meaningless to me, all that matters how they themselves sound.

you're entitled to your opinion ..although you're missing out when you write off an entire musical form just because it bores ...I cant think of a single musical form that I dont admire in some way ..even diva pop which I absolutely detest has it's good points (although cant think of any atm)
Interesting drumming? Death metal? I always associated blast beat with death metal, and boy, don't get me started on how uninteresting blast beats are...

It's totally true, people like following the stereotypes of hating bands like FOB (Thinking they aren't following the stereotype at all sometimes... You know, that "I'm not conforming to MTV" bullshit that emos do too). Most of those people probably only hear a single, or none of the songs from these bands. They see these bands getting press attention and instantly think that they think they are so awesome. If you listen to an album, with UNBIASED opinions, and you hate it to guts, thats awesome, but if you listen to an album with BIASED "WTF I HATE THIS MUSIC I'M GONNA THROW THE **** UP!" opinions, then simply, "**** you".

Some of their songs are pretty damn catchy, I know lots of people who admit that much despite the fact of hating the band.

Nowadays music isn't about if it sounds good or bad, its more about what genre it's in, and since lots of these bands labeled as 'sellouts' are usually Pop mixed with say, rock or punk, it's pretty safe to say if a band has a bit of pop in it, it's labeled as a "Sell-out band" for the most part. I find that kinda funny actually, lots of great bands out there have pop influences (For the most part, songs written with a pop structure... 'specifically I'm thinking of NIRVANA!).

Btw: Jazz is the FATHER OF ALL MODERN MUSIC! Jazz is really great, boring to listen to, but the whole technical side of it is mind blowing.

I agree that blastbeats are the most unimaginative forms of drumming ever, but I've heard some clips that include some decent drumming (usually from posts on forums, as I obviously don't keep up with any death metal). Since the guitar is usually downtuned to the bowels of hell and EQ'd with icepick treble, the only thing you can actually make out is often the drums. As far as technical skill goes, there are a lot of talented death-metal drummers, but most of them never bother to try to do anything other than compete for the fastest double-kick BPM. But sometimes there is some cool interplay between the guitar and the drumming (well, I'm assuming there is since the guitar sounds like me taking a shit into a helium filled balloon tied to a garbage compactor :P)

I completely agree with the rest of your post though.
you're thinking improv or freeform jazz ...all they're doing is jamming, however that's not the entirity of jazz

there's a ton of different sub genres within jazz, from Ella fitzgerald to Dizzy gillespie to herbie hancock ..you cant peg jazz to a single style

OK, let me nuance that by saying I hate all jazz that sounds like it belongs in a club from the 1940's, or jazz that involves some sort of trumpet or saxophone.

you're entitled to your opinion ..although you're missing out when you write off an entire musical form just because it bores ...I cant think of a single musical form that I dont admire in some way ..even diva pop which I absolutely detest has it's good points (although cant think of any atm)

If it bores me, I'm not missing out on anything, am I?
Rap and all rappers are my least favorite genre and bands.
OK, let me nuance that by saying I hate all jazz that sounds like it belongs in a club from the 1940's, or jazz that involves some sort of trumpet or saxophone.

jazz in the 40's was mostly swing/big band ..you're thinking freeform from the 70's mostly ..lol jazz that involves trumpet of saxamaphone..there goes Dizzy "Satchmo" Gillespie, Miles Davis, John Coltrane, Louis Armstrong etc etc etc ..you might as well have said any jazz that has piano or drums ..or just said "jazz"

If it bores me, I'm not missing out on anything, am I?

yes you are ... Portrait painting is boring (imho), however if I were to simply ignore it I would be missing about 75% of the world most important art ..from classical greek to the reniassiance etc. it's only boring if you choose to find it boring ..I readily admit that there's a ton of jazz that bores me to tears however there's alos a lot of jazz that I like ..i think you're stuck in a bit of a rut, expand your horizons you might be surprised what you may like ...I was a metal head in my late teens, didnt listen to anything but ..my old "me" would scoff at the current "me" ..but I'm not that same person who couldnt accept something just because it didnt conform to my narrowly defined tastes
Isn't the whole point of jazz music that everyone plays on the "jazz scale" and can thus play whatever the **** they like in time with the drums and it'll sound good?

Nah man, most jazz musicians are masters of music theory.
jazz in the 40's was mostly swing/big band ..you're thinking freeform from the 70's mostly ..lol jazz that involves trumpet of saxamaphone..there goes Dizzy "Satchmo" Gillespie, Miles Davis, John Coltrane, Louis Armstrong etc etc etc ..you might as well have said any jazz that has piano or drums ..or just said "jazz"

My point exactly. Hence the generalization of "fuck jazz".

yes you are ... Portrait painting is boring (imho), however if I were to simply ignore it I would be missing about 75% of the world most important art ..from classical greek to the reniassiance etc. it's only boring if you choose to find it boring ..I readily admit that there's a ton of jazz that bores me to tears however there's alos a lot of jazz that I like ..i think you're stuck in a bit of a rut, expand your horizons you might be surprised what you may like ...I was a metal head in my late teens, didnt listen to anything but ..my old "me" would scoff at the current "me" ..but I'm not that same person who couldnt accept something just because it didnt conform to my narrowly defined tastes

Difference with portrait painting is that both are hard to make, however a good portrait will also look good, while jazz is a boring, dreary wall of sound. And if a portrait doesn't look good, I'll gladly miss out on it, the same goes for jazz.

And expand my horizons? Aren't they wide enough when I like nearly everything EXCEPT jazz? I just find that a lot of old music is overrated, just because it's old and because it had an "influence" on future music. Which is completely irrelevant in my eyes.
Nah man, most jazz musicians are masters of music theory.

Well for all their mastery, they still manage to sound more generic than rap.


[edit] Also what PvtRyan said.
My point exactly. Hence the generalization of "fuck jazz".

philistine ;)

Difference with portrait painting is that both are hard to make,

not always


however a good portrait will also look good, while jazz is a boring, dreary wall of sound. And if a portrait doesn't look good, I'll gladly miss out on it, the same goes for jazz.

your opinion ..and "good" is relative

And expand my horizons? Aren't they wide enough when I like nearly everything EXCEPT jazz? I just find that a lot of old music is overrated, just because it's old and because it had an "influence" on future music. Which is completely irrelevant in my eyes.

now you're just being ageist ..music that survives the test of time doesnt do so because it had influence ..if that were true, Muddy waters would be more popular than the rolling stones because he greatly influenced them ..music that survives the ages does so because it's good, regardless if you like it or not ..not a fan of early michael jackson but I can recognise that his music is good
Screaming vocals FTMFL.
Interesting drumming? Death metal? I always associated blast beat with death metal, and boy, don't get me started on how uninteresting blast beats are...
Markdude said:
I agree that blastbeats are the most unimaginative forms of drumming ever
You guys are aware that a blastbeat in its simplest terms is just a sped-up basic rock beat, right...? And that there are many variations? And endless possibilities for innovation within a blast-centred song?

Fliko, your statement about jazz was so confused ("It's really boring and great!") that it's obviously pointless trying to appeal to your tastes. The idea of praising a genre for its importance despite the fact that you find it boring also runs against your anti-popularism points about MTV bands. Oh well!

@Markdude - you praise the intricacy you can hear in death metal but then slag it off for the fact that there are parts that you are failing to hear... That isn't a fault of the music, you just haven't invested the time to pick apart the different elements. Fair enough if you don't want to have to do that in order to enjoy music, but your not being able to decipher what's going on is not a criticism that matters to those who compose it, since they clearly can.