

Mar 30, 2006
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Post you're creations here. Any theme. Any colour(Not to colourful might burn eyes, sunglasses should be provided if posting colourful ones). AND ANYONE!!!!
I built an artic base, unfortunatly blizzard season hasn't calmed down yet so it's hard to find a gap in the snow to take a picture of it.

I remember back in the day I made a Lego city that was awesome, had guys everywhere, traps here and there...Then I wanted to make a boat, so I used the pieces from the city...yeah....I liked the city more :(
Nice camouflaged base :p. I also made an artic base and my friend named some of the artic people inside artic avengers -_-. we also made a city and guerillea =D. his granma is continously telling us to pack up the lego D:
Nice camouflaged base :p. I also made an artic base and my friend named some of the artic people inside artic avengers -_-. we also made a city and guerillea =D. his granma is continously telling us to pack up the lego D:

Shoulda broke her hip. D: Teach her a lesson to tell you to stop.
if you look at that arctic base picture from an angle you can barely distinguish the silhouette of a buliding.
CyberPitz said:
Shoulda broke her hip. D: Teach her a lesson to tell you to stop.

the city is still up and ok. until she sends in a flight of megablocks troops which i have.
I made a hotel where the janitor murders everyone, but he does it in secret, it was so funny, I was 7 when I made this..

He had a storage closet full of brooms and stuff, and then above the door he had all kinds of guns and bows, and there were secret walls in the hotel, for example he strangled someone on the shitter from behind because of a secret wall. Whenever he kills someone he buffs the floor with a floor buffer (street sweeper part, looks like a floor buffer). I even gave him a name: Farmer Joe - He had the over-alls on his body body with blue legs, and was bald with a 5 o'clock shadow beard... I miss my childhood + legos...
I made a hotel where the janitor murders everyone, but he does it in secret, it was so funny, I was 7 when I made this..

He had a storage closet full of brooms and stuff, and then above the door he had all kinds of guns and bows, and there were secret walls in the hotel, for example he strangled someone on the shitter from behind because of a secret wall. Whenever he kills someone he buffs the floor with a floor buffer (street sweeper part, looks like a floor buffer). I even gave him a name: Farmer Joe - He had the over-alls on his body body with blue legs, and was bald with a 5 o'clock shadow beard... I miss my childhood + legos...

I think its a construction worker person haha. i have megablocks M16s which fit into the hands of my lego mecernaries just nice. Has anyone seen other custom lego guns? and start trying to post pictures =D!!!
I always used to make these awesome jet fighters. Don't think I have any photos, let alone on puter.

Really gotta get the lego out again one of these days :)
I once made a city out of Legos....It was phenomenal....

..........Until I busted out the Godzilla actions figures and tore it into a million friggin' bricks.
Haven't played with Legos in like... 8/9 years.
We (my brother and I) made a scale, but very crude, model of USS Voyager. It was awesome, you could lift off the decks and paly with the people inside and all... yeah... It got broked...
Why do Americans call it 'Legos' as if each brick is called a Lego?

It's Lego. Lego is the plural and the singular. Do you play with lego? Yes, I have lots of lego. And so on.

If you're going to use our language, at least use it properly.
Why do Americans call it 'Legos' as if each brick is called a Lego?

It's Lego. Lego is the plural and the singular. Do you play with lego? Yes, I have lots of lego. And so on.

If you're going to use our language, at least use it properly.

Each and every piece is a lego. When spoken of in the plural sense, they are legos.
Each and every piece is a lego. When spoken of in the plural sense, they are legos.
You are wrong. The word 'Legos' is only used by Americans. Look it up. Just not on stupid american sites made by stupid americans.

No offence to stupid americans.

Find me the word Legos used on the official lego site, please. Oh wait, you can't. Know why?
You are wrong. The word 'Legos' is only used by Americans. Look it up. Just not on stupid american sites made by stupid americans.

No offence to stupid americans.

Sheesh. Americans and Englanders have ALWAYS had differences in the terms they use for things. Are you going to call us stupid for saying crisps are chips? Or that 'chips' are french fries?

The stance you have taken is pretty asinine.

Anyways, I made this. At least, I could if I had the time.

I was just saying you've all got it wrong. Lego isn't a word, it's a name ... and Legos is not the plural. OK?

Back on topic, I used to play with Lego a lot ... the best thing I made was a radio controlled Lorry (if you're a yank, read 'Big Rig'). Technic Lego ftw <3

At school I used to make robotic arms out of Lego in Engineering class. I failed GNVQ Engineering because I spent my time playing with Lego instead of doing any actual work, but i'd do it all again if I could.
I was just saying you've all got it wrong. Lego isn't a word, it's a name ... and Legos is not the plural. OK?

Back on topic, I used to play with Lego a lot ... the best thing I made was a radio controlled Lorry (if you're a yank, read 'Big Rig'). Technic Lego ftw <3

At school I used to make robotic arms out of Lego in Engineering class. I failed GNVQ Engineering because I spent my time playing with Lego instead of doing any actual work, but i'd do it all again if I could.

Yes... I KNOW that's how you englanders say it. But when it comes to plural, we generally provide an s at the end, because it's more comfortable for us to say. It feels more natural to us.

(if you're a yank, read 'Big Rig').

Big rig is a slang term. The proper American term is semi-trailer truck, or Semi for short.
I elect that we all break out the ole' Lego, and take pictures.
If you made gigantic legos... you could easily make a house out of them that would last for a long, long time. Heh.

That's alot of plastic though.
I move that the plural term "Legos" shall only become grammatically correct when referencing a number of items built out of Lego.

All in favour?
I move that the plural term "Legos" shall only become grammatically correct when referencing a number of items built out of Lego.

All in favour?

A loosely scattered pile of lego blocks is the construction of a debris field. So under your definition, they are essentially legos.

A loosely scattered pile of lego blocks is the construction of a debris field. So under your definition, they are essentially legos.

Semantic definitions of "items built out of Lego" produced specifically to piss me off notwithstanding, of course.

ohhh legoes... I need to get more. They where fuuuun.

I remember in school we had contests, where people would build lego cars. Then we would put them on the ground and push them at each other. The surviving one wins, the other one becomes scrap.

I won. I built this... well, tank. I even had a turret. It took me forever, and it was really fun. I crushed everyone who challanged me. Muahaha.

I also remember building this place out of a western set or something. It took awhile. I was so proud of it, it had a working trapdoor and all sorts of nifty stuff. Fun.
I remember when I was 5 (gee almost 20 years ago now) the teacher asked us to bring lego bridges into school.

I brought my uber-suspension bridge in, and I laughed at my friend who couldn't bring any bridges in, because his family was too poor to afford lego :laugh:

No they weren't poor, they were just misers.

I built a lot of crazy things, like a tower from my floor to my ceiling, and a 1.5 metre plane.

I had a lot of lego, before it was given to charity.
I call all lego lookalikes legos.
Kinda reminded of how mums call all gaming consoles Nintendos...

Also, duplo is good for making giant towers that stretch nearly to your ceiling... and then judo kicking it :sniper:
Lego > Mechano > Duplo.

End of.

Lego is awesome, it was better 5-10 years a go when they made big boxs of normal 2x3 blocks, now all you can get are crappy kits with instructions.
Lego owns my soul. But none of my awesome creations ever last long enough to get photographed. Except for my half-life lego, which I've posted about a million times.
I can't remember when I did this, but looking at the dust it was long ago.


Look it up. Just not on stupid american sites made by stupid americans.


I made a Harrier a few years ago...still have it..not perfect, but its close :)


I miss the classic legos....not this bionicle crap which is all they make/sell anymore :S
Big rig is a slang term. The proper American term is semi-trailer truck, or Semi for short.

We call it a Ute... you'll find in Australia that we have adopted slang from both countries, yet I have no idea where the american influence of it came from... Mabye it was John Howard trying to get into Jonny's Pants.

Also, it's Lego. Not Legos. I think most of this forum is based in britland is it not? They would all have to agree...
But since we all know America is the best country in the world, what we say goes! :D

J/k, j/k...