Lets see how f*cked up we all are


Party Escort Bot
Feb 11, 2005
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Well, let's do an interesting Halflife2.net experiment.
Inspired by the Ouijia board thread, let's divulge into the spectures of the our sub-concious minds, by doing something called automatic writing.

What I want you to do is this:

Get a Pen
Get some paper

Start counting back from 100, or singing a song you know outloud, or reciting poetry or something that requires concentration. It's important you do it outloud. Whilst you do that, start writing, doesn't matter what you write, write absolutely anything, but keep counting backwards or singing or whatever. If you keep writing, after a little while your subconcious mind will begin to take over the writing as your consiously occupied with counting backwards or whatever. The results can be pretty .... interesting.

Once you've done, take a photo, upload to hl2.net, and share your darkest thoughts with the world :D

I would but I'm busy working right now.
I can't be arsed to do that, I've got gas! :(

Maybe later.
Automatic Writing's pretty good for songwriting, to be honest. I like doing it.

I should dig out the ol' matchsticks story, as we're all getting freaky.

-Angry Lawyer
I'll give it a try

EDIT: I tried it, counting back from 100 out loud

It's mostly scribbles, although I can make out the word "to" a couple of times, along with the number 5.
writing in a text editor should work as well shouldnt it?

i'm not that great at writing while counting backwards, at best i write stuff like "this mo mo mother****ing load tjo jfhith this it s thi s tmoe moe moe moe moe "
a text editor wouldnt work as well, depends how well you type really.
Papers your best bet.
If your not getting anything ledgable, start of just writing anything that comes to mind, and then start counting backwords and continue writing.
"i'm looking for a house in the yard thats totally under all good will because its really not depending on the manners of wimen and before you know it youre dead and lok at before whe see thats this is the counting manner for a completely fathersake before we say that there are 5 crows in the mansion by the forest and they say the roast is done but no where near you can see this this this this this jike this me try to write because quoestion before i look at the daoor and walk before the si"

"i'm looking for a house in the yard thats totally under all good will because its really not depending on the manners of wimen and before you know it youre dead and lok at before whe see thats this is the counting manner for a completely fathersake before we say that there are 5 crows in the mansion by the forest and they say the roast is done but no where near you can see this this this this this jike this me try to write because quoestion before i look at the daoor and walk before the si"


YOU'RE A MURDERER! admit it.
"this is the song of a lonely man who had nowhere to go (around here i stop thinking) and because it's questionable wheteher it's a totally understatement before this see tine tio the this before ith woomen becaue tih thoo look at the door fror ****s sake because the blood is on the wall before it says,. look at the door because its too tight to walk in by this look meaningful like a totally too this woo wht walk to this ti m mine this thi bu tfi I' cant properly walk todnw tbe defeat b"

i keep writing "look at the door" over and over again for some reason.. :eek: some spirit is trying to talk to me! *runs* :O
Open the door first.

I can't even comprehend how this even works. I guess my mind is too...dumb to think of how it's done.

Damn..I wish people weren't sleeping so I could try this.
i keep writing "look at the door" over and over again for some reason.. :eek: some spirit is trying to talk to me! *runs* :O

H.P. Lovecraft said:
Yog-Sothoth knows the gate. Yog-Sothoth is the gate. Yog-Sothoth is the key and guardian of the gate. Past, present, future, all are one in Yog-Sothoth. He knows where the Old Ones broke through of old, and where They shall break through again. He knows where They have trod earth's fields, and where They still tread them, and why no one can behold Them as They tread.

-Angry Lawyer
What, just scribble while not looking at the paper? I get absolutely **** all apart from the occasional 'yeees' and sometimes 'very'.
No you don't scribble.
You start writing anything, as long as its words, and then try and count backwards from 100 at the same time. It gets easier round about 80-90 where you dont relise what you're writing.
"i am am floating divin nice things every one for lorn is a cinticle larp"

That's through typing, I am having severe trouble typing while counting backwards, maybe I'll try writing :p

Cinticle Larp sounds like an Aphex Twin song :p
"100 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 divided by 0

Er, yeah, I can't do that.

I can't just make sure I'm writing actual words while counting backwards.

I just end up writing 'thirteen eighty nine eighty eight fifty one' and counting wrong.
Er, yeah, I can't do that.

I can't just make sure I'm writing actual words while counting backwards.

I just end up writing 'thirteen eighty nine eighty eight fifty one' and counting wrong.

Sulk, can you even count to 100? :p
its not psychologically or scientifically proven to work or show any subconcious thoughts, but word association is psychologically proven (not scientifically) so:


write the first words that come to mind + notice a theme,
"A resplendent demon, the paper napkin for a hole puncher, and a canyon related to the fruit cake are what made America great! The satellite about a wedge graduates from an eggplant about a line dancer, but a power drill living with a blood clot derives perverse satisfaction from the wrinkled eggplant. Another oil filter behind a paycheck trades baseball cards with some freight train. The frozen lover panics, or the overpriced demon has a change of heart about another customer. For example, another wedding dress inside the razor blade indicates that a pig pen trades baseball cards with a cab driver toward the anomaly."
I can't write and count backwards at the same time. I just end up with squiggles or I'll start saying what I'm writing
I ended up writing "My ear hurts" a bunch of times.
I'ma try this tomorrow. Sounds interesting...
All work and no play makes Andy a bad man. All work and no play makes Andy a bad man. All work and no play makes Andy a bad man.All work and no play makes Andy a bad man.All work and no play makes Andy a bad man.All work and no play makes Andy a bad man.All work and no play makes Andy a bad man.All work and no play makes Andy a bad man.All work and no play makes Andy a bad man.All work and no play makes Andy a bad man.All work and no play makes Andy a bad man.All work and no play makes Andy a bad man.All work and no play makes Andy a bad man.All work and no play makes Andy a bad man.All work and no play makes Andy a bad man.All work and no play makes Andy a bad man.All work and no play makes Andy a bad man.All work and no play makes Andy a bad man.All work and no play makes Andy a bad man.All work and no play makes Andy a bad man.All work and no play makes Andy a bad man.All work and no play makes Andy a bad man.All work and no play makes Andy a bad man.All work and no play makes Andy a bad man.All work and no play makes Andy a bad man.All work and no play makes Andy a bad man.All work and no play makes Andy a bad man.All work and no play makes Andy a bad man.All work and no play makes Andy a bad man.All work and no play makes Andy a bad man.All work and no play makes Andy a bad man.All work and no play makes Andy a bad man.All work and no play makes Andy a bad man.All work and no play makes Andy a bad man.All work and no play makes Andy a bad man.All work and no play makes Andy a bad man.All work and no play makes Andy a bad man.All work and no play makes Andy a bad man.All work and no play makes Andy a bad man.All work and no play makes Andy a bad man.All work and no play makes Andy a bad man.All work and no play makes Andy a bad man.All work and no play makes Andy a bad man.All work and no play makes Andy a bad man.All work and no play makes Andy a bad man.All work and no play makes Andy a bad man.All work and no play makes Andy a bad man.All work and no play makes Andy a bad man.All work and no play makes Andy a bad man.All work and no play makes Andy a bad man.All work and no play makes Andy a bad man.
I'm not actually counting backwards. I have to concentrate on my typing, and my handwriting is illegible, so I'm going to focus on the stream of consciousness, and keep it uninhibited. As hard as that may be.

Let's see what happens.

Also, I tend to get Radiohead songs stuck in my head. But not entire songs, just specific sections that loop over and over and over. Like right now, it's the song "Go to Sleep. (Little Man Being Erased.)". Specifically the first two bars that contain "Over my dead body", just looping. :D

[edit] Just typed this out in about a minute. Stared at the keyboard, started writing about the first thing that came to my head, and kept going for as long as I could.

I hear the voices in my head and they're singing like angels and devils in the fire pit with orange windows of fruits and grass and sunlight and the sun kisses the earth and the fires rise up from the underground the underground the home of evil and me i live in the home of evil where nobody listens and i listen to nobody and nobody listens but they all know
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I think you're a fish...
underground over my dead body the radio speaks in waves of static and static washes over me like a sea of agony beatiful agony all blue and sparkly and fierly like the world trade center explosions of planes flown by scapegoats or truth p[ut out by liars on the throne kill kill i want to kill him and his killk is followers and his friends and family but i dcant i wont let me do that to anyone its just who i am i cant hurt anyone no matter how much they hurt me but they hurt me so much i sometimes cant take it anymore and i want to cry and take a baseball bat to their faces eveyr single one of them and my dead father i dont understand why he never seemed to love me everything i did was wrong but i know i felt the same way maybe it was mutual or maybe we just hated each other or maybe i;m afraid to realize that i love him and im afraid ot cry and i dont want to open up because every time i open up i get hurt and it hurts so much to be hurt by the ones you love and i feel like crying but ill keep it inside like a bottle of water full to the top and when you put it in a freezer it shatters and cuts you like so many knives of sadness and okay now i'm conscious...