Levels you'd like to see in AM

i'd like to see some battalistic scenes. Maybe a rush at the wastelands (with rebels screaming BANZAIIII!!!)
Max35 said:
Most likely, it will take place in the next expansion, which one primary focus is on vehicles, useful for traversing the wasteland.

You bastard that was my idea! :p
Samon said:
You bastard that was my idea! :p

I know you're joking, but if you had posted that idea before I was unaware and didn't mean to. It just seems the most logical to me anyway.
Sam-2k said:
It won't be.
;( ;( ;( yeah i need to stop lieing to myself, dam it well thats what all the mods are good for i guess, i personly think to be real aftermath will be all in the distroyed city
Max35 said:
I know you're joking, but if you had posted that idea before I was unaware and didn't mean to. It just seems the most logical to me anyway.

Yeah, I had done, but its no biggie :p
Even the setting for the wasteland is not a guarentee. I mean it's a barren wasteland devoid of life, whatever technology that was out there might have been destroyed or terribly mangled. Who knows? we might leave by train (doubtful) by C17 and end up in another city.

Another good scenario for the focus on vehicles is in a large, open city. Maybe even an episode taking place in the not-so-distant past in C17 as another POV. Vehicles are also useful for plowing through Combine controlled streets on occasion for a successful ambush. One can dream, eh?

And who is to say there is even a wasteland? True it was in RtB, but Valve hasn't confirmed (to my knowledge) to use that actual concept, we might see something resembling it, or the concept in it's full use, there's no way to tell.
Max35 said:
And who is to say there is even a wasteland? True it was in RtB, but Valve hasn't confirmed (to my knowledge) to use that actual concept, we might see something resembling it, or the concept in it's full use, there's no way to tell.

There is a wasteland. You teleport there in Red Letter Day.
Max35 said:
And who is to say there is even a wasteland? True it was in RtB, but Valve hasn't confirmed (to my knowledge) to use that actual concept, we might see something resembling it, or the concept in it's full use, there's no way to tell.

There is indeed a wasteland. Earth is the wasteland and Valve put that across throughout HL2, albeit more subtly than they originally planned to do so. The idea they wish to portray is clearly that of an empty Earth, baron of resources and populated with alien wildlife.

We visit it, do we not? The coast? That’s complete wasteland, and you also see what lies elsewhere in the teleport sequence. There is nothing left out there to be other than wasteland and the fact that the alien wildlife exist out there.

Yeah, there’s a few more Combine cities but the rest is simply wasteland. Earths a dead loss.
Samon said:
We visit it, do we not? The coast? That’s complete wasteland, and you also see what lies elsewhere in the teleport sequence. There is nothing left out there to be other than wasteland and the fact that the alien wildlife exist out there.

Yeah, there’s a few more Combine cities but the rest is simply wasteland. Earths a dead loss.

Well, I was going to say the Coast is a mild (in comparison) version of the wasteland (as in RtB) True, I forgot about the teleport sequence. But I don't think we will see it in its full concept as seen in RtB, a quote from that section "Nothing changed more than what lay outside the walls in C17." This could be in reference to just the hl2 exclusive levels, or the hl world in general.
I remember emailing Marc Laidlaw on the subject, and he replied with "Were you to follow the train tracks far enough out from City 17, you'd come across an area like that."
In reference to one of the wasteland RtB pics.

I don't think we'll see alot of those areas, its eastern europe...I really don't think enough of the planet has been reduced to desert like wasteland. Wasteland as in abandoned countryside populated by alien wildlife, rather than flat out nuclear deserts.
What also prevents us from seeing stuff like this is that Wastelands either don't make for interesting gameplay, or they make for gameplay that is simply too interesting to fit into a Linear game like Half-Life. Highway 17 shows us that Valve aren't too keen on creating anything but a linear trip with lots of confines to the gameworld that keep you on a straight-path. Though it is possible that Valve could try and do a HL episode in which you explore a non-linear wasteland, you have to ask whether it'd be all that interesting to actually play. Sure, it sounds like an interesting concept, but people moaned enough about the expansiveness of Highway 17 which wasn't even sparsely populated.

Edit: So basically, i'd say the wastelands are canonical, we just won't get to play them. Perhaps we could see them or something.
With all this in mind (a hellova lot, to be sure) will there ever be a final level, not necessarily in Aftermath, but some time in the future when we see the world back the way it was? Or the apocalypse, either way.

Whatever the levels are, I'd like to have a bit more story interwoven into them, and with variations of what could happen. Like an arguement between Alyx and Mossman for example. Both could storm off, leaving Eli telling you your choices of following one or the other, depending on your disposition. Or even something as simple as detecting which way you move the mouse, left and right for no, up and down for yes. I always wanted to say yes or no to Breen when he had me in the pod, just to see the looks on Eli and Alyx's faces before their inter-planar travel. Muaha!

And what I want is a submerged combine base where they breed synth leeches and ichthyosaurs! Flying around in a submarine would be fun too.
I really liked the "Follow Freeman" and the "Nova Prospect" level.
A level in City17 like the 11 and the 12 chapter but full of antlions and without any Striders.And without a bugbait.Just Gordon,the angry antlions and the combine soldiers.That would be cool.

Nah...Without bugbait it would be impossible to escape the area.I take my words back.
Don't double post, there's an edit button there for a reason.
who are you talking to? and your post is worse than a double post, what relevance does it bear to this thread?

anyway, i just want more sections where people are talking, like alyx etc... i found myself often playing through the action solely to get to those points.
He was talking about Freeman, who's two posts I merge. Double posting is a pet hate of mine, I cannot stand it. One of those things that ticks you off....bleh. Stupid, perhaps, but how it is.
Riomhaire was merely pointing the fact that there is an edit button out to him. I can't remember his post dates.
I'd like to see seasonal effects. Weather makes the experience all the more immersive.
I kinda like cinimatic scens. Like a movie. But that whould kinda ruin the feel of "being" gordon.

Well i donnu. It might be cool.
I'm not reading this whole thread
a soviet-style metro station (ie outrageously deep and outrageously fancy) could be a nice setting
Wholly rampaged roads with dead bodies and crumbled buildings, flying debris and a few Combine soldiers missing limbs. Having to lead a siege, defend against a siege or move up against the Combine. Defending a building (not being inside it) from Striders, Gunships and rushing Elites. Clearing the train station and board the train, only to have it (train station) explode and mass numbers of Combine soldiers board the train to get you and other Resistance members. The train will not move until you kill them & proceed to activate the train once more. Once about 30 seconds from when the train started moving, a Strider starts blowing some parts of the train apart. You have to attack it for a while, until a part of the Citadel explodes and the carriages behind explode and some are flung into the air with a mass explosion of blood (and well, fire). The Strider gets knocked over (well, actually, flung) by the blast, smash into the ground and explode (yep, for once). The lights go off and debris starts to fall as the train moves on as some carriages at the further end get disconnected by falling debris (maybe explode). Then the Citadel blows up completely... And the whole train is flung intact out of its tracks and out much further. You get knocked out. When you wake up, you have little health, and a Gargantua starts wrecking the train and blowing it up even more.

That'll rock.
i don't know if anyone has said this, but i would like to see a lvl where you ride DOG and PWN EVERYONE!!!!!!!!11one
iLLiCiT said:
i don't know if anyone has said this, but i would like to see a lvl where you ride DOG and PWN EVERYONE!!!!!!!!11one

"wee ryd ongm an an t3h pwn evvybod wtih brweirfcasel ol"

My God, exercise some... self-control.
bigburpco said:
"wee ryd ongm an an t3h pwn evvybod wtih brweirfcasel ol"

My God, exercise some... self-control.
Who the Hell said anything about a briefcase?
ríomhaire said:
Er. The areas have to make sence. Why would you encounter a lab and are there subways in Eastern Europe(I think there is 1 in Moscow but I'm not sure)

I'm from Eastern Europe and yes there are subways:rolleyes: .

But back to the topic.

I would like to see a level with derelict buildings and plenty of striders outside. you would have
to hide from them inside and they would brake the walls looking for you. It would be better
if the fiering of the strider's big gun wouldn't be scripted.
The idea with a giant abandoned refinery sounds good, filled with zobies and giant aliens
a battle in your avarage day downtown shopping mall!

i want the feeling to be more realistic, taking place in real life style. I want antlions hording at a shopping mall! I want an zombie infested Theater, i want MacDonalds infested with headcrabs! I WANT DOWNTOWN STOCKHOLM GOD DAMNIT!

Also, a level up in the mountains with snow and ski lifts would be pwnage! Imagine being inside of a cloud and riding on a lift, you see only empty lifts and when you step of it there is zombies all over the slopes! :D
I know this sounds odd but I want at least 1 crossover with HL2. (don't say the citadel please because the citadel is a big place and I mean you come across the exact same place again)
Ravioli said:
a battle in your avarage day downtown shopping mall!

i want the feeling to be more realistic, taking place in real life style. I want antlions hording at a shopping mall! I want an zombie infested Theater, i want MacDonalds infested with headcrabs! I WANT DOWNTOWN STOCKHOLM GOD DAMNIT!

Also, a level up in the mountains with snow and ski lifts would be pwnage! Imagine being inside of a cloud and riding on a lift, you see only empty lifts and when you step of it there is zombies all over the slopes! :D

The feeling in HL2 is realisitc - its set in Eastern Europe. Something tells me there won't be any McDonalds in City 17....
...something tells me Samon has a very good point. Also, product placement and the half life universe is a no-no.
ríomhaire said:
I know this sounds odd but I want at least 1 crossover with HL2. (don't say the citadel please because the citadel is a big place and I mean you come across the exact same place again)

I don't want any crossovers, what would be the point of that? I mean, that would be just a recycled hl2 level. I want to see a lot more action in the city and I'm sure that's exactly what I'm gonna get. A lot more strider battles between the collapsing buildings and of course some new sinths. Personally I would love it if the part where the citadel explodes is playable and you run with some sort of vehicle dodging debris left and right, running away from the incoming blast wave.
I think people over cook that explosion at the end of HL2. Its not going to be that big. Ultimately, its the entire Citadel that explodes.
Samon said:
I think people over cook that explosion at the end of HL2. Its not going to be that big. Ultimately, its the entire Citadel that explodes.

I hope you're wrong though.
Samon said:
I think people over cook that explosion at the end of HL2. Its not going to be that big. Ultimately, its the entire Citadel that explodes.
