Life's Little Mysteries...

Back to the original numbering scheme...

33. Why sheep don't shrink when it rains.

Definitely some nice ones here. Hazza, they're supposed to remain mysteries...

These are all easily answered questions.... well, most of them... I have ways around those though...

1. Why the toast always lands butter-side-down.
The butter makes the other side heavier, giving it a better chance of falling that side down..

2. Why celine Dion is so popular.
A large population of the US was lobotamized in the late 70's and early 80's

3. Exactly what the Sphinx is smiling about.

He faces the rising sun... Need I say more?

4. The nature of the contents of George "Dubya" Bush's cranium.

It consists of grey matter mixed with a coctail of coccaine and good ol' Texas barebecue sauce

5. The location and status of Duke Nukem Forever.
Hmm, look at this flash while I put on my Men in Black sun glasses, will ya? Duke Nukem? There is no spoon, so TRUST me! There is no Duke...

6. Why traffic always slows down whenever you're in a hurry.
Murphy's law covers that pretty good

7. Who's on first base.
EXACTLY! He's the guy on first base!

8. HL2's release date. And plot. And performance on bottom-range PCs.
And the reason for it's delay. And...
September 30th. There is a new world order. It will run OK but look like crap. It's not done...

9. What Michael jackson will look like next week.
I think he'll either go with a retro look, or a Texas Chainsaw Massacre swing.. Gotta love the leather look. So manly

10. The identity of those green flecks in sausages.
Have a look at this flash again..

11. Boy George's actual gender.
He was actually born an XXY male. He was born with an extra X chromosome, which causes his femeninity...

12. Why what doctors do is called "Practising".
They still haven't got it down perfectly. The will be "practicing" untill no one ever dies.

13. What "Floccinaucinihilipilification" means.
/me flashes you again(I wonder if these cause brain cancer? Eh, nothing a good lobotomy won't fix...)

14. How much wood a woodchuck would chuck if woodchucks could
chuck wood.
IF they could chuck wood, they would chuck wood at 1 pound per minute per wood chuck

15. Where the bread goes when you put it in the toaster, and where the toast comes from.
I'm sorry, but that deserves another flash...FLASH!

16. The plot of both Matrix movies so far.

How could you not know the plot to both Matrix movies? I own both on DVD, and I am going to have to kidnap you and force you to watch both for 7 days straight untill you know them... that deserves a flash! /me flashes you
Okay, if we're going to get answers, those are the kind we want... though perhaps one or two were a little too... factual...

Nice ones anyway, oldi1knoby.

34. Who cut the cheese.
Originally posted by L33731
2873278491286: Why people insist on smelling there finger after scratching there ass??


i just did that, it smelt like nacho cheese cc's. yum.:eek:

32234234234234234234: Why do people always look at their snotty tissue after blowing their nose?
35. Why can't I feel my fingers?
36. Why can't I be playing Half-Life 2 now?
39. Why is it the day I said I have never broken a bone in my life I break my collar bone?
40. Why there is NEVER a cop around when you need one, but there is when you stopped paying attention, and sped up while going down hill....
41. Why do pimples always choose to pop up in the hour before a date?

EDIT: <backflip> I'm a Hydra now!
42: why is it that everyone seems to get better but im still a bloody headcrab?
43. Why do games get delayed?
44. Why do I always have bad luck?
45. Why is supertrooper so happy? :p
46. Why do sleepin tables have a warning that they may make you drowsy?
47.Why does all food products have the 'may contain nuts' warning on the packet??
48. Why does life have so many mysterys that we need to question and attempt to answer?
Originally posted by mrBadger
49. Why am I nervous around ONE girl, no other, yet I don't show it?

Because you like her.

<number>. Why have I been using my palm pilot as a tv controller when I have a perfectly good one?
53. Why is it that when you fart somebody will always come into the room at that moment?
Originally posted by Mitoboy
55: Will Duke Nukem Forever ever come out?

approxamately 37 seconds after the second comming of jesus