Loast Coast Thoughts and Impressions?

the fighting in hl2 is awesome - so kinetic, so explosive, so dynamic
its the damn crosshairs that annoy me :)
Average, old generation gameplay ;)

I know many of you guys love HL2's combat, which is all good :) - I just can't understand why.
FEAR looks pretty meh in my opinion, as for Quake 4, that looks ok. Not sure on the "better" part though.
he was referring to the ai
the fact that it looks great is beyond argument
I don't consider the combat to be HL2's greatest feature, I just find it pretty awesome. Fast paced and entertaining, I don't find many games (FPS's) match it really. FEAR I find to be dull, Quake 4 I look forward to playing and the rest, well, they really don't live up to HL2.

But like I said, its not the combat that makes it great for me.

No, Wilka was talking graphically hence
wilka91 said:
After playing FEAR, Quake 4 and SS2 I gotta say that the Source engine has faded with time
Half-Life 2's combat didn't break any new barriers, but it didn't do anything worse than any other FPS game out there. For example Halo's combat is almost identical to Half-Life 2's except you use a controller instead of a keyboard and mouse.

I loved F.E.A.R.'s combat, and the slo-mo did add a new dimension, but Half-Life 2 had strengths in other areas such as the environments, F.E.A.R.s environments were all pretty bland, some of the special effects were nice though.
mortiz said:
Half-Life 2's combat didn't break any new barriers, but it didn't do anything worse than any other FPS game out there. For example Halo's combat is almost identical to Half-Life 2's except you use a controller instead of a keyboard and mouse.

No way!

I couldn't think of 2 games that differ in combat more. Halo is super tough, requires oodles of skill and quick thinking on the move. HL2 is as 'run and gun' as it gets - no thinking required.

Which is the problem imo (and one shared by Doom 3) Games like Quake 2 and Doom got away with amazingly simple gameplay because they were tough and threw enough bad guys at you to keep it exciting. HL2 does neither. Not that this bothers me a great deal, it's everything but the combat that I love about HL2.
Warbie said:
No way!

I couldn't think of 2 games that differ in combat more. Halo is super tough, requires oodles of skill and quick thinking on the move. HL2 is as 'run and gun' as it gets - no thinking required.

Yes, because you're using a controller. Controllers are less intuitive for FPS games than the Keyboard and Mouse so therefore things are harder. If you'd played the PC version of HALO you'd realise this fact.

I still don't understand, if you don't like a major portion of a games gameplay how can you like a game?
mortiz said:
If you'd played the PC version of HALO you'd realise this fact.

I did. It lost pretty much everything that made it great on the Xbox.

The control method isn't an excuse for combat that is uninvolved are a little dull.

(Easier doesn't mean better btw, just different)
actually Halo 1 AI > HL2 AI

so sad but true

the other day I replayed Highway 17, jist to test the AI

I killed all combine soldiers except 1, and started running around him and the environments just to see his reaction

jesus, those soldiers are so static!!! and they can barely hear your footsteps ... they never hide from you, just stand still and wait for you to end their miserable lives
Warbie said:
I did. It lost pretty much everything that made it great on the Xbox.

The control method isn't an excuse for combat that is uninvolved are a little dull.

(Easier doesn't mean better btw, just different)

What did it lose though, specifically? What about the Gameplay changed between versions? I was under the assumption that the PC version was a direct port of the XBox version. I've only played the first few levels of the XBox version so you'd have to verify this one

Why was HALO on the XBox so good and HALO on the PC so bad?

There are probably many reasons that are difficult to pin down, but I'm willing to bet a major one is the user interface.
Sorry, i never intended to start bashing HL2 in this thread.

mortiz said:
I still don't understand, if you don't like a major portion of a games gameplay how can you like a game?

I like HL2 because wandering about the place and soaking in the sights and atmosphere is enough on its own. The reason the combat pisses me off this much is because it dstroys the illusion the rest of the game works so hard to create.

I'll be sneaking through a building, amazed by the visuals, the sounds, the physics, when I hear a combine soldier. I jump round a corner and start shooting. No flinch as the bullets hit home (a paintball gun should get more reaction than this), or rush for cover, he just stands there. More than in any other game it feels like i'm holding my cursor over the bad guy and pushing a button untill he falls over, rather than shooting him.
mortiz said:
There are probably many reasons that are difficult to pin down, but I'm willing to bet a major one is the user interface.


Using a pad slows the game down, it becomes more measured. Sequences that were easy on the pc to clear pose a considerable challenge on the Xbox. With the challenge comes satisfaction.

It was the same with Golden Eye - getting a headshot often involves stopping and taking careful aim. Whereas getting a headshot with a mouse is pretty easy, even when moving about at speed. It takes a little time and precision with a pad - which is something I like, it feels more deadly.

Then there's the trigger buttons and rumble. Squeezing a tiggger and feeling the shake as you unload a clip can make a big difference (especially if you're playing on a big screen with surround sound)
Errr, dumb question. What do I do when the guy blows up the stairs? I can't see anwhere obvious to go...
StardogChampion said:
Errr, dumb question. What do I do when the guy blows up the stairs? I can't see anwhere obvious to go...

There's a thin little path up the face of the cliff, if i remember correctly.

Whilst Halo has those things you've mentioned (difficulty etc), you get bland environments, a not so interesting plot, very little enemy variation and next to no variety. Which, HL2 has. Or, don't you agree ;) :P
Oh man, that absolutely owns. I didn't mean it when I said up yours VALVe, I <3 you really :D
Samon said:
Whilst Halo has those things you've mentioned (difficulty etc), you get bland environments, a not so interesting plot, very little enemy variation and next to no variety. Which, HL2 has. Or, don't you agree ;) :P

It had as much enemy variation as HL2. I'll be the first to admit that some levels felt a little samey, but on the whole they looked great (for the time) The criticisms of sections being cut and pasted were definately over exagerated (it only happening at all in a few levels)

The variation was in the fighting, how you could tackle each situation in a variety of ways. It is far more involved in this respect than any single player fps I can think of. The vehicles were good, and co-op owns. Fully agree about the plot :)
Wow, I love the whole thing they've done with the commentary. It's really something I haven't seen before and want to see more of in the future.

As for Halo and Half-Life, I just consider them to be two incredibly different, but each exceptional, games. Halo involves huge events seen from a huge perspective, and Half-Life involves equally epic events, but seen from a very small perspective.

As for "variety," I think both had it. Halo has several inventive weapons and enemy design that really forces you to adapt your tactics. Half-Life 2 has a ton of its own cool weapons, but its the gravity gun and enemy AI that really make for some seriously inventive fun. Both would get boring after an hour if this wasn't the case.
Just came home from school and saw lost coas was out:P Finished now, used 25min o_O:P

Short, but fun.
Direwolf said:
Wow, I love the whole thing they've done with the commentary. It's really something I haven't seen before and want to see more of in the future.

Agreed. I liked the commentary in Riddick too.

Hopefully this will become as common as the extras that come with DVDs.
I crashed after getting to the top of the path ..hard crash too. It looks spectacular even though I didnt meet the requirements (it asks for 2.9ghz cpu, I have 2.8) it ran on my pc fairly well: only a few hiccups and a crash
Heh, my specs are only half the recommended. Looks like I'll have to buy a new PC someday soon if I want to try this.
Heh, my specs are only half the recommended. Looks like I'll have to buy a new PC someday soon if I want to try this.
i was below spec on every count and it ran like i was using a supercomputer with everything on high :D

John, im sure you havent got AA on now have you :)

Damn just my luck, my new pc is getting fixed so i cant play it before next week. Looks good :p
Warbie said:
It had as much enemy variation as HL2. I'll be the first to admit that some levels felt a little samey, but on the whole they looked great (for the time) The criticisms of sections being cut and pasted were definately over exagerated (it only happening at all in a few levels)

The variation was in the fighting, how you could tackle each situation in a variety of ways. It is far more involved in this respect than any single player fps I can think of. The vehicles were good, and co-op owns. Fully agree about the plot :)

Well, I wouldn't say as much as HL2...HL2 was lacking in the enemy dept, but not as much as Halo in my opinion. Your right about the tackling of various situations, but they do get hugely samey at times. Legendary is probably one of the only plus sides of Halo.
Alright, played it. I'm not going to rate it since I haven't experienced the HDR effects, but it was decent fun. I'm going to delete it for now until I get a new graphics card(hopefully within a month or so).

Anyways, I know this is a bit off-topic, but how long do you reckon will the 6600GT remain up-to-date? I want something that will last me at least 2 years before I have to update, but the 6800's price tag is pretty hefty.
The 6600GT is slowly becoming out of date right now, so I would recommend saving some money for a month or two and get the 6800 or X800 series.
Anyway, since the new ATI cards are slowly coming to the market, I would expect a noticable price drop - for example, the ATI R X1300 cards perfom just like (or faster, can't recall at the moment) the R9800XT or X700Pro but cost like 100$.
So if you'd like to stick with nVidia, expect the 6600GT and 6800 series to drop their price in the coming months.

If I were you, I'd wait for the new year. In fact, that's what I'm doing right now ;)

Ofcourse, you could get the 6600GT now and then sell it as soon as the prices begin to drop and get something better, but it's a bit risky (no one may want the used 6600GT or you'll have to sell it a _lot_ cheaper than you bought it).

So this post's not going to be so off-topic, my Lost Coast is still downloading ;)
john3571000 said:
the fighting in hl2 is awesome - so kinetic, so explosive, so dynamic
its the damn crosshairs that annoy me :)

totally agree man. So many times i wished it could be darkened or something cuz i'd be like "shit am I actually aimin on him? especially trying to down targets at range with the .357 mag.
It's offical, Lost Coast has better graphics than my house.
the game was amazing! Luckely for me I could have full HDR on (didn't though I could) and .. wow!! From now on, every game from Valve will be a journey out of time and space! You really rocks guys!! *jumps up and down*
I have a problem , I don't take hits. The combine shoots and I don't lose health , the only case i lose health is when I fall from high places.

God mode is off of course , any suggestions?

I want to rub my but on the slippery wet rocks...
Warbie said:
No way!

I couldn't think of 2 games that differ in combat more. Halo is super tough, requires oodles of skill and quick thinking on the move. HL2 is as 'run and gun' as it gets - no thinking required.

Which is the problem imo (and one shared by Doom 3) Games like Quake 2 and Doom got away with amazingly simple gameplay because they were tough and threw enough bad guys at you to keep it exciting. HL2 does neither. Not that this bothers me a great deal, it's everything but the combat that I love about HL2.

Oddly enough, I found Halo (and Halo 2) to have a "run and gun" playstyle. Co-op and vehicles helped add a lot to combat though. And I will say that Halo 2 was more diffcult than Half-Life 2, especially on hard. Two different games, two different experiences.

Half Life 2 has much more going for it than just combat (and not just graphics). The physics engine is unmatched by any current game, and helps add a whole new dimension to combat. Overall, I found the combat to be entirely fun. I could have used less ammo and health packs...I found myself with full ammo, armor and HP way too much in HL2. And the Combine should hit harder and more often. Their AI though, while not mind blowing, seemed very good to me. Even in LC, I found myself flanked many times, and Combine would hide to reload, cover one another and perform manuevers.

If anyone wants a break from your average FPS or RTS, try out Indigo Prophecy. Phenomenal game. Very cinematic and just plain cool. Much more fun than F.E.A.R...besides being pretty scary, FEAR just felt meh. And the graphics made everything ahve a sort of "plastic"-like look.

Can you people please stop posting this wide ass screen shots on the forums? I hate having scroll over to read a post.....

Quick question:

How do I turn the commenatry on? The first time I played I turned it off, but when starting over again, I don't get the option again to turn it back on.

Only 1069 minutes and 18 seconds left till LC, lol
Apocalypse89 said:
Alright, played it. I'm not going to rate it since I haven't experienced the HDR effects, but it was decent fun. I'm going to delete it for now until I get a new graphics card(hopefully within a month or so).

Anyways, I know this is a bit off-topic, but how long do you reckon will the 6600GT remain up-to-date? I want something that will last me at least 2 years before I have to update, but the 6800's price tag is pretty hefty.

i have a p4 2.4, 1gb ddr400, and a 6600gt. played it @ 1024 on high, no AA/AF. ran fine for the most part, a few dips here and there obviously. average was probably 30-40 tho, certainly "playable".

Shakermaker said:
Quick question:

How do I turn the commenatry on? The first time I played I turned it off, but when starting over again, I don't get the option again to turn it back on.


options > audio tab