Looking: Programming Position

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stigmata said:
We? As in, YOU are a coder too?


I thought the post more or less insinuated that... :)

But yes, Off Limits coder am I. Check out my sig for more info about the modification. I was just surprised that there aren't that many coders around.
It's more down to laziness than anything. Most teams could produce some basic modding, if they would simply read a few books on coding and do it themselves, rather than hang around waiting for a coder that isn't likely to ever arrive.

-Angry Lawyer
Well, I don't think it would really take a great deal of knowledge to compile some modified scripting in the SDK, It would simpley be a matter of examining, using them as a refferance, and make some small changes.

But some things require a bit more knowledge, and a commitment to just the coding itself. Some leaders has multiple-talents, but dont specialize in anything other than having 'an idea' they'd like to turn into a mod.

No one will follow a leader who isnt valuable on his own, and has a speciality.
Im not a coder, but I am the leader of a mod, but I do think it is probably best to have the ability to code if you're the leader.

But I am also about as rare as a coder, I make music, and sound editing.
It's difficult to find a music artist or sound engineer in it self.
Same goes for a coder. They tend not to take 'leaders' who are mappers, or modelers seriously unless they have some great skill in what they do, and can produce fantastic work quickly.

I believe it all comes down to looking good and appealing to people who wish to join, then when they want to learn more you need to show them that you're well organized, you're busy, you're a driver, and you need a good platform for communication, and the ability to give 'work blocks' to people on what they should do, and a time line to do it.

It's a bit of a catch-22. No pretty sparkley stuff for coders to look at, they will pass you off for the next group who looks good, but may not be as good of a team or leader.

Modelers, mappers, and concept artists may not join because you don't have a coder, no coder, no mod.

If a team had the choice of having a coder over any thing else, modeler, mapper, sound artist, they'd choose the coder.

But try playing a mod with lame models, no custom sounds, and doom95 maps.
Angry Lawyer said:
It's more down to laziness than anything. Most teams could produce some basic modding, if they would simply read a few books on coding and do it themselves, rather than hang around waiting for a coder that isn't likely to ever arrive.

-Angry Lawyer

that's pretty much what I did for my ut2k3 mod,,

unfortunately we had to pick and choose features that weren't too server side because I couldnt figure out this damn replication net code stuff in 2 months

but once I got going we had plenty of coders willing to help out here and there
DooVoo said:
Hi Everyone,

I'm an undergraduate student, who's just finishing my degree (2 weeks to go!), who is looking to join an organised MOD team over the summer and, possibly beyond that, in a programming role to help continue / complete a MOD. While starting a new MOD from scratch is very appealing, I would rather join an existing team for the experiance of working in such an environment.

I have 4 years of C++ programming experience as well as dabbling in MFC, Java, VB, BASIC, Assembly and UScript. I also spent 18 months as a full-time PHP developer for online cms systems.

The kind of position I am looking to start with is one where I can contribute specific sections of code as dictated by the MOD spec. While I don't mind adding creative input as well, it is not a requirement for me. While I am confident in my programming knowledge I do not have the time or MOD experience to be a lead programmer of any description at this stage.

I hope that gives a general idea of the position I am looking for.

If any people would like to contact me regarding a position, or would like more information, then please reply here or drop me an email (you should be able to do this from the forum). I'll do the best I can to answer any questions you have.



TBH at what point would 18 months of PHP development be useful in making a modification to half life 2? you could make a pretty menu system for the mod?

Where would VB and basic some into it, when apply for a CPP developers job ya mention purey just C work not all the other pretty useless information to the project

I want to become a modeller and i can bake cakes would of been just as informative

Surely if you were to become a programmer or lead programmer for a project you would mention something last past SDK work like working with OpenGL, DirectX and other numerious APIs and SDKs

just some friendly advice trying to not flame
OpenGL and DirectX are to do with the engine, which can't be edited. The SDK only deals with game rules, and it's pretty simple. Somebody who knows basic coding can get pretty far with the SDK, as long as they're prepared to experiment.

-Angry Lawyer
Yes but I was using the OpenGL and DirectX as SDK examples of previous work because that is the sort of complexisity of the half life 2 SDK i mean it really ain't that hard to programming with those 2 SDKs if you have the experience but without that sorta knowledge yer screwed
I believe he said he was interested in learning the SDK. You'd have known that had you read all of the posts.

In addition, if he has 18 months of PHP, he could very well contribute to the site, he also shows he understands the syntax and logical aspect of coding from having so much experience with other languages that may not apply to the game, but the knowledge learned while using them would.

It also shows that if he doesnt know the SDK, as EVERY one didnt at some point that he is capable of understanding it versus some one who hasnt programmed in any other language and think in 1 fashion, 1 linear way.

Do you now understand why resumés contain information other than the exact applied skills of a job?
MajesticM00se said:
Yes but I was using the OpenGL and DirectX as SDK examples of previous work because that is the sort of complexisity of the half life 2 SDK i mean it really ain't that hard to programming with those 2 SDKs if you have the experience but without that sorta knowledge yer screwed

I managed just fine.

-Angry Lawyer
MajesticM00se said:
Yes but I was using the OpenGL and DirectX as SDK examples of previous work because that is the sort of complexisity of the half life 2 SDK i mean it really ain't that hard to programming with those 2 SDKs if you have the experience but without that sorta knowledge yer screwed

Not really,

But if you wrote your code with the grammar you do, and the spelling, you'd have a plethera of syntax errors.

I'm not trying to flame you, I'm simpley stating that DooVoo practices good syntax, and that's important when coding. That's why multiple languages are good, it developes keen precision in correctly typing out the syntax.
MajesticM00se said:
TBH at what point would 18 months of PHP development be useful in making a modification to half life 2? you could make a pretty menu system for the mod?

Where would VB and basic some into it, when apply for a CPP developers job ya mention purey just C work not all the other pretty useless information to the project

I want to become a modeller and i can bake cakes would of been just as informative

Surely if you were to become a programmer or lead programmer for a project you would mention something last past SDK work like working with OpenGL, DirectX and other numerious APIs and SDKs

just some friendly advice trying to not flame

I see your point Moose but I can't say I agree with it, in my experience you should always list your skills in the area, even if it is not 100% specific.

My work with multiple languages was supposed to show I'm not a one-trick pony and that I have experience of real development work as part of a team and on my own.

I think I did the right thing, as I got the opportunity I was looking for and I would recommend the same to anyone else in my position.
Considering this thread exploded, and DooVoo's PM box put on a few pounds, I'd say his approach was proffessional and objective, not to mention effective.
Calimaw said:
Considering this thread exploded, and DooVoo's PM box put on a few pounds, I'd say his approach was proffessional and objective, not to mention effective.

Well of course it was effective he said he was a programmer

If i posted

Thread: Programmer

Body: Me for teh win!

in the Help Wanted section it would be effective, too many programmers are needed so it's not hard to make an effective post on here
MajesticM00se said:
TBH at what point would 18 months of PHP development be useful in making a modification to half life 2? you could make a pretty menu system for the mod?

Where would VB and basic some into it, when apply for a CPP developers job ya mention purey just C work not all the other pretty useless information to the project

I don't understand why you made those statements. Any programmer worth his salt knows that it's the concepts of coding that matter, not the language itself. Knowing those basic concepts means that you'll be able to code in pretty much any language, and saying that you have proficiency in several different fields pretty much demonstrates that.
kronos2 said:
I don't understand why you made those statements. Any programmer worth his salt knows that it's the concepts of coding that matter, not the language itself. Knowing those basic concepts means that you'll be able to code in pretty much any language, and saying that you have proficiency in several different fields pretty much demonstrates that.

Amen. My point exactly.
Calimaw said:
Not really,

But if you wrote your code with the grammar you do, and the spelling, you'd have a plethera of syntax errors.

I'm not trying to flame you, I'm simpley stating that DooVoo practices good syntax, and that's important when coding. That's why multiple languages are good, it developes keen precision in correctly typing out the syntax.

I found your comment quite amusing, don't mean to pick holes but if you are going with that argument then:-

developes = develops
plethera = plethora
simpley = simply
kronos2 said:
I don't understand why you made those statements. Any programmer worth his salt knows that it's the concepts of coding that matter, not the language itself. Knowing those basic concepts means that you'll be able to code in pretty much any language, and saying that you have proficiency in several different fields pretty much demonstrates that.

This is very true, a good programmer can learn a new language in less than a week.
This is very true, a good programmer can learn a new language in less than a week.

The basic syntax probably. There are quirks to each language that take some time to master.

And yes, I am a coder, and yes, I code for HL2... And no, I'm not looking for mod teams at the moment, so don't think about PMing me :P
p0tat03 said:
The basic syntax probably. There are quirks to each language that take some time to master.

And yes, I am a coder, and yes, I code for HL2... And no, I'm not looking for mod teams at the moment, so don't think about PMing me :P

I can agree with that.
Thank you fluxtah for correcting a musician on his spelling.

As you simpley just quote, and sputter 1 or 2 sentances its quite easy to error check.

Im quite sure, but I don't believe 100% accuracy 100% of the time is a major priority of mine.

If you're going to say anything, comment on my reasoning, not my simple typo's thank you.

Before Kronos corrected his mistakes it was quite an ugly set of grammar and spelling errors, a little more than just my few 3.

In addition Im not claiming I'm a coder, and running down a perfectly good and well formed resume.
I don't think Fluxtah was trying to put you down or anything, and he does say that in his post. No harm done.

(Out of curiosity, what mistakes did I make? I'm not a native English speaker)
Well, it looks to me like you corrected mistakes in your post, and I honestly didnt pay too close attention to what you did do. Your english is fantastic, and no need to worry about what people say about it. I was simpley making a point that all languages apply to programming, because it shows learning curve, and enforced syntax and logical composition.

The fact that Flux' mentioned my mistakes when I was simpley expressing this is what caught me as slightly offending.

Nothing more :>
DooVoo, are you currently looking for work at the moment?

I'm an IT Recruitment Consultant :D

EDIT: lol DooVoo and Devvo, meh.
Work? What work, he's on a mod team and has a job, but I'll let him know you asked this question if he doesnt visit the forum before I get ahold of him.
I mean a paid programming job. If he has one then no worries.
I know he has a paying job, doing what I dont know, dont exclude him until ya hear from him :> Ill see if I can get his attention and he can let ya know what hes doing.
From what he's told me Insurgency seems to be a good place for him to learn, he mentioned you guys have 3 or 4 other coders.

A bit much if you ask me, but it's a great environment for him to learn in.
Calimaw said:
A bit much if you ask me
have you seen that mod? they've got people from like every successful mod (red orchestra, day of defeat I think, desert combat) working on it.
Haha lol he joined Insurgency??

"However, I'm afraid a war modification really isn't for me." was the reply of my PM :p
MonkOnFire said:
Haha lol he joined Insurgency??

"However, I'm afraid a war modification really isn't for me." was the reply of my PM :p

I guess I should justify this one.

A war mod was something that, to me, has been done and done and done to death. However, as I made clear, the experience of learning the sdk in an established team was my priority and, while Insurgency is a war mod, it has some fantastic new ideas that I am very glad to be involved with as well as a team with experience.

From your reply, I can't tell if you are trying to be spiteful, informative or just childish so I hope I haven't taken the wrong opinion of the post. If I have, let me know!
Lol I was actually having a joke with ya, and I thought you would have guessed by the ':p'! But anyway I'm not like being spiteful or anything, and envy you that you got into Insurgency! I mean how could you turn that offer down!