LOST: Destiny Found

I think they timed the series ending well. I thought it got way too ridiculous during all thr time travel crap -- even one guy I knew who completely loved Lost thought it was starting to get silly. And I never cared about any the extra videos/websites/speculation. But with only one season left, I might as well watch the rest of it.

Probably won't be watching any spin-offs or whatever they decide to do.
But the show has always been about time travel. Physical time travel was the anticipated next-step in the narrative framework. The meaning and nature of time and of its relevance to character has been a fundamental element of the show from day one. What is not resounding about them taking their fates into their own hands and literally attempting to change the past when so much of the series has been centered on the juxtaposition of past, present and future, and its relation to these characters' development and eventual redemption? In what was clearly a science fiction series from the moment an unknown threat greeted their arrival on the Island by knocking down trees and killing people Forbidden Planet style, it's amusing to me that there are those unwilling to swallow physical time travel in a show already so invested in the fantastical.
I'll be done after this season, when Damon and Carlton are.

Absolutely! As will I.

But the show has always been about time travel. Physical time travel was the anticipated next-step in the narrative framework. The meaning and nature of time and of its relevance to character has been a fundamental element of the show from day one. What is not resounding about them taking their fates into their own hands and literally attempting to change the past when so much of the series has been centered on the juxtaposition of past, present and future, and its relation to these characters' development and eventual redemption? In what was clearly a science fiction series from the moment an unknown threat greeted their arrival on the Island by knocking down trees and killing people Forbidden Planet style, it's amusing to me that there are those unwilling to swallow physical time travel in a show already so invested in the fantastical.

What better way to put it? Immaculately summed up.

It's obvious, you know, that those who share opinions similar to dfc05 just are not seeing the bigger picture.

Also the first minute was released of Season 6. It was provided to winners of an ABC contest with a note inside that said "nothing irreversible" and a USB containing the clip.
I'm not watching anything until Tuesday.
Can't ****ing wait.
Absolutely! As will I.

What better way to put it? Immaculately summed up.

It's obvious, you know, that those who share opinions similar to dfc05 just are not seeing the bigger picture.

Or maybe we just have issues with the concept of time travel itself. I have a very hard time suspending disbelief whenever time travel (and even teleportation, for that matter) is involved. Regardless of whether time travel is necessary for the storyline, I can't watch something that revolves so heavily around time travel and not find it at least a little bit silly. Whenever it's used, it automatically rings a "fake" bell, and for a show that actually tries to incorporate "real" elements with all their faked old videos and whatnot, there is a little disconnect. This is possibly why I have never enjoyed fantasy as a genre.

I wouldn't say this show has "always been about time travel" either. Flashbacks do not at all imply physical time travel. After Season 1, I'd guess most viewers thought the flashbacks were there for (1) character development, and (2) the theme of fate and new beginnings, rather than jumping to the conclusion of "a few seasons later they're going to start traveling both backward and forward in time." It would certainly have been possible for them to progress their characters and address major themes without having time travel. And I know it's meant to be a sci-fi series, but saying that I'm supposed to consider "knocking down trees and killing people Forbidden Planet style" to be equivalent to time travel on the ridiculous-ness scale is, well, ridiculous. At least knocking down trees can actually be grounded in something physically realizable. Knocking down trees with a smoke monster is admittedly crazy, but time travel pushes the bounds of plausibility for me by a lot.
Maybe you shouldn't be so dumb.

Watching the show from start to finish presents a world that is both like our own and exists in a manner that makes time travel possible. The show begins with odd things happening. John Locke can suddenly walk again? You see people who are dead walking around in the woods? There's a button that has to be pressed every hundred and 8 minutes to stop the world from ending? And Time Travel is the deal-breaker for you? That's what's ridiculous. The show has been "out there" since the beginning, judging it poorly because of one concept is silly.

Season 6 is supposed to be, in some degree, about alternate realities. Is that too much for you too?
I'm not watching anything until Tuesday.
Can't ****ing wait.


I may wait up till the early hours of the morning waiting for someone from America to upload it.
Or maybe we just have issues with the concept of time travel itself. I have a very hard time suspending disbelief whenever time travel (and even teleportation, for that matter) is involved. Regardless of whether time travel is necessary for the storyline, I can't watch something that revolves so heavily around time travel and not find it at least a little bit silly. Whenever it's used, it automatically rings a "fake" bell, and for a show that actually tries to incorporate "real" elements with all their faked old videos and whatnot, there is a little disconnect. This is possibly why I have never enjoyed fantasy as a genre.

I wouldn't say this show has "always been about time travel" either. Flashbacks do not at all imply physical time travel. After Season 1, I'd guess most viewers thought the flashbacks were there for (1) character development, and (2) the theme of fate and new beginnings, rather than jumping to the conclusion of "a few seasons later they're going to start traveling both backward and forward in time." It would certainly have been possible for them to progress their characters and address major themes without having time travel. And I know it's meant to be a sci-fi series, but saying that I'm supposed to consider "knocking down trees and killing people Forbidden Planet style" to be equivalent to time travel on the ridiculous-ness scale is, well, ridiculous. At least knocking down trees can actually be grounded in something physically realizable. Knocking down trees with a smoke monster is admittedly crazy, but time travel pushes the bounds of plausibility for me by a lot.

The writers have said this and it has been said many times by the characters. It's a leap of faith. It's kinda like believing in a religion because you don't know if God or whoever exists. You just know or trust yourself. If you really want a possibility though the Mythbusters have made a article on it somewhere that I can't find. Essentially they said an asteroid hit the island (and there is a major crater and I thought it was an asteroid impact too). Well they said if the asteroid was made of exotic matter that could bend physics as in things go up instead of down, and then harnessed that power, then yes time travel is possible.

You just have to be a main of faith instead of science though.
Maybe you shouldn't be so dumb.

Watching the show from start to finish presents a world that is both like our own and exists in a manner that makes time travel possible. The show begins with odd things happening. John Locke can suddenly walk again? You see people who are dead walking around in the woods? There's a button that has to be pressed every hundred and 8 minutes to stop the world from ending? And Time Travel is the deal-breaker for you? That's what's ridiculous. The show has been "out there" since the beginning, judging it poorly because of one concept is silly.

Season 6 is supposed to be, in some degree, about alternate realities. Is that too much for you too?

I don't see why this is even such a big deal that I have to be insulted by multiple people for finding something in a fictional television show to be silly. You guys are like those people who say, "You don't like this music? Obviously you're just too dumb to 'get it,'" but more like, "You don't like a certain element of this television show even though you have reasons to think it's silly? Idiot!" People question everything about this show, even "that guy with the eyepatch got up and swam to the window after he got harpooned, wtf?" well into the series, but thinking "wtf time travel" is now stupid? Besides, I recall a lot of people finding the time travel thing a little gimmicky/cliched when it first started, as in "Crap, they've resorted to time travel." Presumably all those people have gone off and stopped obsessing over this show.

In the first couple of seasons, there was always either a questioning of whether something was real or not (which I actually liked a lot), and nothing was as impossible as time travel.
John Locke: Extreme "medical miracles", while rare, have been reported
Dead people walking around in the woods: Originally thought to be hallucinations; while they're tending toward them being physically real, I don't think even that has been pushed on us to the extent that time travel has. Sure there was a time that more than one person could see a horse, but it's not like the whole season revolved around that.
Button pressing: You seem to have forgotten that one of the big deals about the button (and I thought the best thing) was that it was questionable as to whether it even physically "did" anything. Even a character inside the show itself thought it was pretty retarded. Then, it was shown to be connected to some giant electromagnet, which happens to be something physically realizable. Even then, not proven that it would destroy the entire world, just royally screw up an island.

Like I said, I'm still watching the show. But time travel most definitely took the show to a new level of science-fiction. I mean, if you think analytically about teleportation, which is arguably the easier of the two technologies, how exactly would that happen? Are you disintegrating matter in one location, then magically shooting the atoms over to another location and reconstructing them? Or disintegrating it in one spot, then randomly grabbing atoms at the new location and assembling them? Now extend this to teleportation not just through space, but also through time. Now extend this to something that just randomly and spontaneously happens because someone turned a wheel. Then say the reason your brain is hemorrhaging is not something physical like "oh maybe it's from constantly disassembling and reassembling our atoms" but rather, "you have to know a constant person that you can refer to!" as if going insane is now somehow tied to fatal nosebleed migraines.

[edit] Thank you Hool for acknowledging that acceptance of time travel takes a huge leap of faith (or imagining), rather than going off and calling me stupid :).
I admit I was a bit skeptical when they introduced time travel but as the show went on it introduced rather fun twists that made me enjoy the aspect a whole lot more.(the islanders were part of the Dharma Initiative? Oh lawd.)

And it just really allowed the writers to explore other aspects of the show that were otherwise untouched.

I'd say that I got used to the idea of time travel after my second viewing of the 5th season.
But, you do have your right to dislike that aspect as it did take me a couple tries to fully grasp what was going on and I, like you, detest time travel whenever it's used in any way shape or form... it tends to gunk things up and provide easy ways out for other things... it's usually a ridiculous plot device.
It just seems to me that in a world where you have immortality (or seemingly), psychics, hallucinations, spirits(?) embodying dead people, "miracles", smoke monsters, and mysterious numbers, teleportation and time travel really don't seem out of place.

And teleportation wasn't new to the show, either. Jacob's Cabin had moved locations before.

I'm not arguing against Lost being a blend of Science-Fiction and Fantasy, I'm just saying that it has been from the beginning, and I don't understand why concepts such as time-travel moved people away from it.

And, as Lucid said, I think it added a lot to the show, and allowed us to see things that we otherwise wouldn't have.

dfc05 said:
John Locke: Extreme "medical miracles", while rare, have been reported

You obviously don't know anything about medical science if you think that can happen.

Locke's spine was shattered after his father threw him out the window. Even if a second trauma managed to fix it (which is completely illogical), there is such a thing at muscle atrophy. His legs would not be able to support his weight.
just saw the leaked first episode and holy shit this is gonna be the best season of them all.
I loved when some people stopped watching Lost because they realized it's a sci-fi...
I'm not watching anything until Tuesday.
Can't ****ing wait.

same i don't want to spoil anything because i like surprises. this season better answer like 500 questions!! and if it does i'm going to wet my pants while i watch
really looking forward to this. the thing i loved most about the last season was that i would have an episode by friday afternoon, so i would get home from college, grab some food in town on the train home then settle down in isolation and just watch. it felt so good because it was a friday man, a friday.

i'm a bit upset that this season is going to be out in the middle of the week as i won't be able to hold on til the weekend, so i will watch it tuesday/wednesday night, but **** it. it's gonna be great.
It just seems to me that in a world where you have immortality (or seemingly), psychics, hallucinations, spirits(?) embodying dead people, "miracles", smoke monsters, and mysterious numbers, teleportation and time travel really don't seem out of place.

And teleportation wasn't new to the show, either. Jacob's Cabin had moved locations before.

I'm not arguing against Lost being a blend of Science-Fiction and Fantasy, I'm just saying that it has been from the beginning, and I don't understand why concepts such as time-travel moved people away from it.

And, as Lucid said, I think it added a lot to the show, and allowed us to see things that we otherwise wouldn't have.

You obviously don't know anything about medical science if you think that can happen.

Locke's spine was shattered after his father threw him out the window. Even if a second trauma managed to fix it (which is completely illogical), there is such a thing at muscle atrophy. His legs would not be able to support his weight.

Okay, fair enough and I do agree on the impossibility of Locke walking again -- I wasn't thinking about the muscle atrophy, more thinking of a certain case where a blind guy suddenly regained limited vision out of the blue. Many things irked me along the way, but there's just a point of insanity beyond which I can't accept the plot as being serious, and that point was when every single episode involved time travel. And Lost, as a show that tries to maintain a serious tone, has now gone so far as to fail to be remotely serious to me.

If this last season is indeed about alternate realities, I probably won't like that either. I was under the hopeful impression that they were going to converge everything into continuous time (without splitting reality), with no flashbacks/forwards.

Anyways, moving on...

really looking forward to this. the thing i loved most about the last season was that i would have an episode by friday afternoon, so i would get home from college, grab some food in town on the train home then settle down in isolation and just watch. it felt so good because it was a friday man, a friday.

i'm a bit upset that this season is going to be out in the middle of the week as i won't be able to hold on til the weekend, so i will watch it tuesday/wednesday night, but **** it. it's gonna be great.

I'm also going to have issues with the time slot, as I don't even get out of class Tuesday until 8 pm after working for something like 11 hours, and by then I'm too tired and braindead to even watch tv (I fall asleep like 80% of the times I try watching movies at night). But I guess it'll be online.
Thread back up again....I don't know why it was closed. Well here is the Cuatro network trailer narrated by Terry O' Quinn (John Locke):
Finally here is the trailer with a couple of spoilers. Now if you see this, you will still have no clue what is going on but I can guarantee you that you will shat bricks:
Why the hell does it have to do that?

Well, you see, because well... um... uh...

It's the final season.

I certainly hope it answers a majority of the questions that I'm sure we all have.
To name a few...

What the **** is the island exactly?
How did the Others come to be?
Why were these specific islanders chosen?
Who or what is Jacob and his Nemesis and how did they come to the island?
Who the hell is Ilana and her group of Jacob lovers?
How did the smoke monster come to be and what exactly is it?
What's with the Egyptian writing and statues?
I don't think a specific answer for the Island is at all possible. Nor indeed is it necessary.
omg not too long before it starts! i believe its from 8pm-11pm tonight and thats just 2 hrs away!

and the 8pm episode is just a rehash of the the very last episode of season 5 but it goes into details not known. parts 1 and 2 are new episodes
just to confirm with folk, this is a two part episode, right? two episodes, if you will.

i currently have what's titled as LA X (1) which is 44 minutes, but i don't want to sit down and watch just yet until i'm sure.
Yes, it's a two parter.

And holy **** that was easily the best 2 hours of Lost I have ever seen.

Jacob's Nemesis is almost certainly a bad guy, I'd say this is pretty much confirmed now... and he's apparently the smoke monster too, which appears to be afraid of ash.(so that's why we saw what looked like ash trails all around Jacob's cabin?)
Poor Richard, he was flabbergasted at the realization of who the guy was and got his ass kicked... wonder what's going to happen to him.
The Other Others seem to be totally ****ing badass, living it up in what looks like a Mayan temple with a healing pool, I think we can expect some sort of epic stand-off at some point in this season between the man in black and the Other Others.
I cried at Juliet's death. :( Poor Sawyer.

So far, nothing of interest is really happening in the new alternate reality flashes, Kate's on the run again, this time probably dragging Claire with her... Jack's dad has gone missing.(the only thing that's got me interested atm), Charlie's going to jail and is probably never going to be seen again, Hurley's apparently the luckiest man alive, Locke's carefree, Sawyer's ...Sawyer, and Jin and Sun are going to have some interesting times ahead.

The one thing that really freaked me out had to be the fly by of the island... UNDER. WATER... the second I saw that I knew this season was going to be insane.

I really need to watch it again, it was definitely worth the wait and totally worth watching through series again.
ta, still waiting on someone to giz me episode 2 but **** this, once more into the breach!
I have not watched a single episode of LOST, but everytime someone explains a very small part of the plot I get really agitated.

"well they got off the island and then they went back to save the rest of their gang and then they got sent back to the 70s and decided that if they blow up the island, their plane would never have been sucked into the island in the first place .so they blew up the island-"

Is it as contrived and awful as it sounds? Jesus ****...
lost is amazing. **** them, watch it.
i really liked tonights episodes. really an eye opener yet it was somewhat sad. can't wait for more and I'm glad i can watch these as they air. for the last few years i haven't been able to see them all because of my work schedule
just watched the first episode - really enjoyed it. more comments after i roll back into bed after acquiring the second part and have watched it. probably tomorrow as i have uni in two hours.

fuuuuck todays studio time is going to involve lots of coffee and lots of lost banter, so nothing too out of the ordinary then.

brief thoughts:

underwater section looked horrible, or maybe it's because it's underwater. either way, i actually sat up and cursed the person who uploaded the files for changing them to some shit to **** around with me, then i saw the houses and eventually the giant foot. still though, bad.

the alternate reality/trousers of time stuff is REALLY ****ing cool. a brief wtf, then awesome. looking forward to seeing their lives actually running concurrent to their uhh... lives. hopefully going to see more of old characters - charlie, boone, etc. good to see claire again as well.

temple-others are very interesting, esp. the mix of people and cultures it looks to have. i'ma google the asian leader right now as it's doing my head in where i know him from, but yeah very cool. looking forward to seeing what ben and richard know of them, richard sadly getting his ass kicked before he could explain the flares saddened me, but was great all the same. i swear, first seeing ben so confused in the finale - and in these episodes, so terrified - and now richard being the same always gets a smile out of me. how the tables have turned.

err what else, oh yeah the sayid thing was a bit scary, having him die n' all. i couldn't believe it myself as it's no way for him to go, and lo and behold... well yeah i'm just glad it isn't the case.

gonna give these a rewatch tomorrow as they were seriously something. all in all, great start. this seasons gonna be great.
Really promising start. Better than I anticipated!

Also Lucid you queer you only get online when I'm already asleep. Get on earlier. god damn.
I think the biggest mystery is:

What the **** is Desmond doing at that plane?

Also, their haircuts are very different from how it originally was, although I don't know if that is intentional, or just due to practical limitations.

Solid episode overall, but nothing spectacular.
Do we really need to spoiler tag stuff and have people cry because they looked at this thread, AFTER the premiere?

When the Chinese guy (the guy from the Black Rock ship no doubt) fired off the flares the sudden realization came to my mom. The island is an elaborate prison. The island vast security measures such as time travel, you must follow a set of co-ords to get there, a Temple as the head control, and a Warden that is not human controls the best, and possibly oldest, prison ever. If they fail and let the smoke monster have his wish, by going "home", the world will go into apocalypse.

Tartarus in Greek mythology: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tartarus It's basically hell.

Juliet will no doubt become another smoke monster and convince Sawyer to become a pawn just like Ben I bet as well.
i'm still going to spoiler tag things. doesn't matter what logic you apply to thinking that people shouldn't come into this thread around the air date time, people still will, and if i can prevent spoilers to these sorry folk by simply adding in a little bit of easy code, i'm gonna do it.

it's not really a big problem to just do it, really.

edit: just realized that the japanese guy is the captain from sunshine. cool. that was really bugging me all episode.
so i take it
Sayid is now like Ben, tied forever to the island somehow

and who else thinks

Desmond was totally aware of where he was, and possibly is able to travel through time at will now. Jack and Desmond did "touch" right? Maybe Desmond is the new Jacob for the island.
I think the biggest mystery is:

What the **** is Desmond doing at that plane?

Also, their haircuts are very different from how it originally was, although I don't know if that is intentional, or just due to practical limitations.

Solid episode overall, but nothing spectacular.

id rather know
what happened to desmond after jack got done with charlie and why jack has the cut on his neck.