LOST: Destiny Found

Wow, that was fantastic! Some really suprising answers were revealed. Really sad about Walt though. He was put in that nut house and Hurley has a big Jacob ego now. WHAT IS WALTS JOB THOUGH!?!? I'm like those poor DHARMA workers that needed more answers. I have been blue balled.....damn... ;(
I'm not sure Hurley's quite on par with Jacob's colossal ego. He's enigmatic, sure, but he's not so "Here's a bottle of wine to pass eternity."
****ing stupid. I'm really disappointed. All they ever did in the show was raise questions, and this video was no different. They answered a few questions, sure, but they raised a lot more questions (again). **** this bullshit.

What was the resolution of that tv they used to see the dharma video? How much money did Ben give to those workers? What's the name of that lady Ben talked to before visiting Walt, and what time was it when that happened?

Extremely disappointed. Waste of 12 minutes + 6 years for the show.

I love you.
Wow, that was fantastic! Some really suprising answers were revealed. Really sad about Walt though. He was put in that nut house and Hurley has a big Jacob ego now. WHAT IS WALTS JOB THOUGH!?!? I'm like those poor DHARMA workers that needed more answers. I have been blue balled.....damn... ;(

Walt's job is probably the same as what Ben's was and what John's was gonna be...the visible leader of the islands inhabitants. That is if Hurley is still doing the Jacob thing and being invisible to his people.
Appears as though LOST well, lost every Emmy nomination last night! The final nail in the coffin was Jimmy Fallon making a song parody of LOST and the lyrics basically as "I don't understand what happened on the show". Surprisingly enough every award went to Breaking Bad, a show with millions in production on cable network by Lionsgate Studios! Also Michael Giacchino did not win the best score for a drama series finale but rather 24! :LOL:


For the complete list of FAIL go here:
Breaking Bad deserved every award it got. Looks like a good list all Lost snobbery aside.
It's really unfair that LOST didn't win any of them. Breaking Bad is great and all, but LOST is on a different level entirely.
I thought Michael C. Hall deserved this one, because Cranston already won twice. As for best series, Mad Men winning AGAIN is rather disappointing. Either Dexter or Breaking Bad would do. Both had amazing seasons, and yes, were better than Lost this year imo. And yeah, I'm not one of the people who raged about it's final ep. All of them are great, really.
Dexter and Breaking Bad did both have fantastic seasons. But the LOST finale alone should have guaranteed they won at least something. It was one of the most wonderful pieces of television ever.
I thought Michael C. Hall deserved this one, because Cranston already won twice. As for best series, Mad Men winning AGAIN is rather disappointing. Either Dexter or Breaking Bad would do. Both had amazing seasons, and yes, were better than Lost this year imo. And yeah, I'm not one of the people who raged about it's final ep. All of them are great, really.

I don't think Michael C. Hall is on the same level as Brain Cranston, Brain Cranston feels like the friend next door with his acting, don't get me wrong Michael C. Hall is great too, but he in a different world, but he does a great sociopath. An unreliable character.
It's really unfair that LOST didn't win any of them. Breaking Bad is great and all, but LOST is on a different level entirely.

No it's not. The average episode of Breaking Bad is better than most episodes of Lost. But I think Breaking Bad is pretty much the best thing on tv since The Wire ended.
Nope. They really are. All of the acting, writing, directing, generally everything but the music is significantly better.
As a huge fan of both shows I can tell you this is a monstrous case of apples and oranges and this argument is going to be a waste of time.
As a huge fan of both shows I can tell you this is a monstrous case of apples and oranges and this argument is going to be a waste of time.

welcome to the films, tv and dvd section.
oh i agree completely, but it's just very common in this section of the forum for people to state very matter of factly what they think is the best show outright as if their opinion had any weight over the next guys and should be held to a higher degree. in this case, i'll agree that i find breaking bad the better show than lost, but that's just my opinion on the matter and i'm not going to step up when someone has a different opinion.
It's pretty easy to compare the acting and writing on the two shows to each other.
that's subjective. i agree with you that the acting and writing is better in breaking bad, but that doesn't still necessarily mark it worthy of anyone to come along and say ''no, it's better, i am right'' as it's still subjective. personally, i don't find the two comparable at all. if we're going to pull random shows together, it would be easier of me to call breaking bad terrible if it were to stand alongside the wire.

but it doesn't, and it never will. the only difference here is breaking bad and lost are standing next to each other at an awards ceremony.
Exactly, comparing a six season long mysterious sci-fi/fantasy show with dozens of characters and a very specific and unique storytelling format to a three season long realistic show about crime and drugs focusing on five or six characters is pretty absurd. I'd still probably give it to Breaking Bad, though I think Dexter wins out overall for me. I've always found it better because it strings along season long story arcs well, where as BB the story always seems to go episode to episode.