Lost my respect of my own manhood

You're pretty pathetic if you think the sole requirement of being a man is having large muscles.

amen to that.. unfortunately, it doesnt seem to be part of the male general consensus these days
Any man can become stronger. Working out is easy, if you think about it. Just go to the gym and work out. I've done it and it's worked for me.
Really, its not hard to put on weight. Eat alot more protein, and do more excercise.
Really, its not hard to put on weight. Eat alot more protein, and do more excercise.

Actually it is for some. I, for example, couldn't gain weight even if I tried... because my metabolism is so freakin high.

Solaris is correct though -- eat protein (either in meat form or protein shakes if youre working out regularly) and work out at the gym. Schedule an appointment with a trainer for a day... it will cost $50 at some places but its good to get introduced to the equipment if you've never worked out. Plus, you only need to do it once... then just keep doing the things he recommended during your session.
Arnold schwarzenegger had a very slim ectomorphic build when he was a teen, look what he turned himself into.

The one thing you need for muscle is testosterone, weight training is irrelevant if you havn't got the right levels of hormones.
My testosterone is through the roof, it means i have lots of muscle without even working out.
You can increase your testosterone in many ways, effectively.
-Don't drink
-Take zinc and magnesium before bed.
-Work out
-Have high testosterone mental stimulation, fights, women, cars e.t.c
-Eat lots of protein
-Eat lots of raw vegetables, particularly cabbage, brocolli, sprouts e.t.c (cruciferous)
-Get plenty of sleep
-Have a healthy lifestyle and diet generally, avoid fumes, chemicals, bad foods (anything that isn't natural basically)

Women like a tall man, they don't like a tall skinny man but if you can add muscle and become "normal" build you've got the advantage.........at least you're not short like me, i'm 5' 11.5", thankfully i have muscles to make up for my lack of height.

If you want any tips e.t.c of how to get muscle e.t.c i know a fair bit, just pm me.

I`m the same height as you, wtf.
Ahh stop with all the food diet crap, you dont need it to have muscles, its a complete waste of time. First of all, as other people have said, you really dont know anything of life if you think that men need muscles to retain their manhood. In my college, practically 85% of the lads are skinny to well toned, while the rest are bulging muscle types (usually the lads who play rugby).

You are genetically light weight, as I am, so you never progress out of a light weight physique unless your appetite has a dramatic change and you start eating a shit lot more food than usual, or your become a protein junky. However, you can be light weight and still be very strong, just look at the light boxers, super powerful hits but light as a feather. Possibly the best example is Bruce Lee (my all time favourite icon since I do martial arts too xD), he was extremely light, but when he hit someone, believe did they feel it. He had a light physique but his body was practically full of muscle, I would say every inch of it.

I have done karate for 11 years now, and I have been made to follow a fitness routine (which is second nature to me now) since becoming a black belt, which involves running, weight training and sparring. Im 17 and I only weight 9 stone but im physically fit and have a very well toned body, plus I just thought I would add, karate teaches you that it doesn't matter how big your muscles are, if you perfect the technique of a move, then it will be powerful as it transmits your entire upper body weight into it.

Ok Ive droned on a bit but ultimately what Im saying is, you dont have to rely on drugs, on crappy diets, or 5 hour gym sessions everyday to get fit and tone your body. But really you just need to get off your computer and do something.
Men without muscular physiques can compensate by getting heavily shitfaced on bourbon and smoking cigars.
The cockslap is indeed integral. It's what separates the boys from the men.
Bunch of slack-jawed ******s around here.
The proper term is apatosaurus. Brontosaurus was a mistake- an apatasaurus skeleton with the head of a camarasaurus. The real head has since been discovered, and the skeleton renamed, but brontosaurus has continued to be in use despite its incorrectness. So, therefore, you are indeed a sexual apatosaurus.
I broke my weight bench a month ago and have;nt gotten around to getting a new one because the standalone benches are like $100 and some of the better stuff I don't need (I JUST NEED A DAMN BENCH) at about the same price.
The proper term is apatosaurus. Brontosaurus was a mistake- an apatasaurus skeleton with the head of a camarasaurus. The real head has since been discovered, and the skeleton renamed, but brontosaurus has continued to be in use despite its incorrectness. So, therefore, you are indeed a sexual apatosaurus.

I totally hated it when people called it a brontosaurus when I was a little boy who was really into dinosaurs. APATOSAURUS, LEARN IT BITCHES!

Just like when people think raptors in Jurassic Park are an accurate representation of a velociraptor. People, they were the size of a turkey!
I totally hated it when people called it a brontosaurus when I was a little boy who was really into dinosaurs. APATOSAURUS, LEARN IT BITCHES!

Just like when people think raptors in Jurassic Park are an accurate representation of a velociraptor. People, they were the size of a turkey!

Yes! It still angers me to this day, though I haven't been close to my dinosaur peak for at least five years or so.
just get awesome at snowboarding, anyone can go to a gym, snowboarding is vastly more respectable.
Hey Cue, why don't you suck a BIG FAT JUICY BRONTOSAURUS COCK?
As long as my girlfriend loves me, I'm fine <3
You dont even need to go to a gym ; you can do excercise in ur own bedroom - push ups work loads of upper body muscles, and you could do sit ups too, all for free! Buy urself a pair of dumbells (weights) and you can do ur biceps.
I used to be a scrawny guy too, it doesnt take that much effort to build muscle especially when starting from scratch.
You have strong leg muscles and good stamina. If anyone tells you you're weak, kick em until they stop :)

Yeah, can't help you with beefing up, I'm the same way except without the tallness. But I do notice something in the way you were typing that I can associate with. The way you kept saying "nobody ever told me about this." I used to feel the exact same way about alot of things, and still do every now and again. And yeah it's frustrating when it seems like you're expected to know these things but nobody ever bothered to tell you. But in the end, you just gotta suck it up and find these things out for yourself. You have the greatest resource right here at your fingertips for finding out pretty much anything you want to know (half of it just on Wikipedia, I've found :)). And that failing, there's your parents or friends for some things, if you're comfortable asking them.

Trust me, you'll feel alot better if you go after the answers and nail your issues on your own. As for actually working out, I've been told push-ups and pull-ups when you wake up/go to sleep aswell, but really I can't see myself doing that either :p
Meh, if you're just trying to not look like a twat, I wouldn't worry about diet and stuff.

Rly, lift, AT LEAST (at least) once a week. If you're anything like me, you're a lazy ****er, but trust me, starting your workout for the day is the hardest part. Lifting is actually FUN (what aren't fun are body weight exercises).

If you want to LOOK strong though, work triceps. They make up a much larger portion of your arm than your biceps.

REALLY THOUGH, I wouldn't worry too much about looking good. I could never understand those people who make themselves eat a strict, workout in their free time, and pump supplements down their throat. If you ask me, life is all about having FUN. You can die a successful man, with lots of chicks, but are you having FUN??? Having a shitload of cash will only be entertaining for so long. Getting ass every single day of the week will (i'm betting :p) eventually get old.

Just have fun. Hang out with your friends, eat whatever shit makes you FEEL good, do what entertains you, so long as you're not killing yourself, I don't see why you can't just live your life for entertainment. You can workout just like everybody else, and die strong, or you can party, stay out late with your friends, drink, and die a fulfilled man.

TBH, if your friends really care about how you look, their either gay, or aren't really your friends.

But, from how you describe it, you don't have any friends, stay at home on your computer on friday nights, and are good at videogames (blech) and snowboarding...

Your like sounds like a shithole right now :D
If you want to LOOK strong though, work triceps. They make up a much larger portion of your arm than your biceps.

Yeah, was about to post that too. Triceps seem to be more important for 'looks'.
So today was the day...the day all men fear. I lost respect for my manhood. It might sound silly but we all know that we have a certain respect to live up to being a male...its just some areas where we have to show that we are best in and compete in. I have noticed lately that im slowly loosing my manhood. Today it was as if the devil himself yelled in my ear "YOU ARE NOT A MAN YOU LIL ****". Let me explain the situation:

Bla bla bla

sux to be me

It does suck to be you. Not only are you thin, lazy and obsessed of your own self image ,but you also have the grammar of a goat. Maybe you should try being that.
TBH, if your friends really care about how you look, their either gay, or aren't really your friends.
Not really, if one of my freinds came out looking like a twat, well we'd tell him to go back inside.
at your age i was 5'10"(still am) i weighted around 120-130 pounds, same as youm great elgs, but not so great looking arms. but i had a weird hidden strenght,. people used to bug me about the same thing, but i let it slide cause i didnt really give a shit. but the few pricks who decided it would be cool to start throwing me into lockers got a little suprise when i decided enough was enough.