Lost: Season 5

I haven't watched past seasons so I am a bit confused. Where did Locke's body come from? I thought he was on the island. When did he hang himself? What happened in the well?

What the ****. You can't just start watching lost from one of the later seasons. WATCH IT FROM THE BEGINNING DAMMIT DAN!
You can't start watching it now, no way. You've gotta pick up Season 1 somewhere.
You can watch Lost on ABC.com. I'm almost done watching season 1, since I only watched half of it when it first aired.
I'll be sad if Jin and Sun aren't reunited.

Well unless Sun didn't end up on the Island I expect everything will go fine and dandy on that front.

What the ****. You can't just start watching lost from one of the later seasons. WATCH IT FROM THE BEGINNING DAMMIT DAN!

Agreed. LOST does really demand you to watch it from the beginning.

If you didn't watch season 1, you wouldn't have picked up the intro to the last episode though.

This. The show is chock full of little nods throughout the episodes it's worth the long haul.
What the ****. You can't just start watching lost from one of the later seasons. WATCH IT FROM THE BEGINNING DAMMIT DAN!

Pfft, why would I waste my time with that when I can just find out what happens in the end? That would be like reading a murder mystery from front to back and having no idea who the murderer was until the last page.

And I can't watch tv on ABC.com for lack of living in the USA
Well unless Sun didn't end up on the Island I expect everything will go fine and dandy on that front.

But Jin is probably in the 1970's with the Dharma Initiative, since we see Faraday infiltrating them, and the time shifts have stopped, so they are stuck there. And since we see the Ajira Airways bottles in the Losties Camp, the 06 must have been split up between time periods. So if Sun didn't get sent back to the 70's they are separated.
i think they're all back in the same time, just that sun, sayid, and ben are in a different location.
Who was that note that Jack got from? I couldn't read the sig... I'm guessing it was JL for Locke?
Pfft, why would I waste my time with that when I can just find out what happens in the end? That would be like reading a murder mystery from front to back and having no idea who the murderer was until the last page.

And I can't watch tv on ABC.com for lack of living in the USA
No, you cannot just do that with this show. Even if you saw the big reveal you would be confused as why it's significant, etc. When I first started watching LOST, I went to this site: http://www.cucirca.com/2007/05/12/watch-lost-online/ Then I went to: http://thepiratebay.org/ for the episodes which were hard to find on that site. Now if you can, you could go to a library and rent out the seasons.

Can I post my theory now without some mod humping this thread? Ok well my theory has just been posted in video form on sky1's video podcast: http://www.sl-lost.com/2009/02/18/the-lost-initiative-this-place-is-death-midweek-edition/ It's at 12:20. Now what probably will happen is and I think is a great theory is that the survivors will become very old like Other community elders. Then at the end of this season, they watch a plane in the sky break-up and fall on the island which is them. I really think it's just gonna be like a loop over and over again. I also thought the same thing with the smoke monster turning people into Others to protect the island and it's ancient kingdom. Also:

I keep saying to look at: http://www.sl-lost.com/ constantly and avoid the previews for next weeks episode and spoilers.
Why is the logo so high on his overalls?
Was the last episode completely in Spanish for anyone else? :|
I did not, I was watching Battlestar on my DVR and Lost came on and was playing in Spanish.
A. its a slighty different jumpsuit than what desmond wore, so the patch is covered.
B. because its covered, theres an added amount of mystery.

It's a five point star, it's easy to see! Has to be!

Anyway... episode tonight. Can't wait to watch.
Saw a bunch of trailers up at AICN:-


Looks awesome (can't wait).

Also judging by the fact that our Losties from last week ended up in the 70s it seems to me that it's the island that is moving through time & not the Losties themselves, which kind of implies that they should all be in the same time and not split up all over the place. With John having turned the wheel I suspect the islands stopped skipping, but it does mean that the Losties are now stuck in the 70s now. By the looks of Jin he's clearly been Dharming it up for a while I suspect.
I wonder what's going to happen to ben now that he's at locke's mercy...for the time being.
My parents have had a long standing of belief in this theory and I think it's now becoming credible. Ok some LOST fans think that the island is the kingdom of heaven and that smokey is hell. Well I have always made fun of my parents saying that it is not and it's not a Ghost Whisperer show. Well they don't think that but think the island does have some form of heaven in it.

They feel that people like Ms. Hawking, the dead survivors, and Abandon are angels. The Stand is a book that is favored by the writers and is made by Stephen King. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Stand

In this book a disease creates a massive plague or apocalypse called the Super Flu or "Project Blue". Nobody is really sure how it happened but this disease kills everybody in the world. Some survive though. These survivors are pregnant people, mentally disabled, old people, kids, good of heart people, etc. Now to help to survive after this horrific event are angels sent by God to help them. They don't look like a normal angel but like normal people.

Now there are some people who survived, but aren't so nice. They survived due to the devil. These people are murderers, rapists, etc. Well the devil appears on Earth and tells these people to kill the opposing side. Well in the end some people stay in Maine while the rest go in search of a nuke trying to reach it before each side. Well they both meet up and in the end, the hand of God comes down and everybody gets nuked, except the people in Maine. It basically ends with a sense of will life go on, etc?

Now this theory could be true because Abandon basically said that he delivers people to their fate, just like angels. His fate in the end was to take the bullet for John. Now what I think is that there are 2 sides to this show. You have the evil side which is Widmore and Ben who want the island for themselves. Then you have the good side which is the Survivors, Abandon, Hawking, etc. It makes sense too if you read my summary on The Stand. The nuke, angels, certain people surviving, a disease, etc. For more info on people talking about this: http://www.google.com/search?q=LOST...s=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a

Ok now Ben also did not kill John on purpose, err, well I'm not entirely sure on this theory but here it goes. Locke was told that he had to die but that didn't mean he would commit suicide. In the Bible, committing suicide makes you go to hell, etc. Well maybe Ben knew this and once Locke fulfilled his mission, telling him about Hawking, he took the sin on him. It doesn't explain the lies though, etc so that is why I'm shaky on that theory.

Also when Widmore said that we have to get you on the island before the war, he mean WW3. It all comes down to changing the Valezenti equation which was DHARMA and by watching the SRI-LANKA video:

On a quick note, John the new Alpert? Maybe after death John is fit to rule the island like Neo from The Matrix?

Please do not, I repeat DO NOT, disregard these theories as stupid because this show is turning into a man of faith type of show. Who knows, Ben and Widmore might be fallen angels. There are many biblical references in this show. I mean it's slowly becoming more and more part of the show and it was part of the start. Resurrection, angels, "God loves you as he loves Jacob", etc. Jacob could be some sort of angel manager for all we know.
Meh, does anyone else feel that the last two episodes felt kind of rushed?

Interesting stuff. But I don't think that the writers are ripping on King so much.

The way I figure the episode is that Ben saw an opportunity to hijack Johns mission in order to get himself back to the Island. He was never marked down as one of the people to return, that's why unlike Jack & Kate etc, he didn't disappear into the 70s time line but stayed in the present. John didn't disappear either because he was dead when he arrived.

Bit of a filler episode in some ways, but it was interesting to see how it all came together. Glad he went and saw Walt (Jebus that kid has grown..) even if it was all a bit awkward (wish they hadn't killed Michael myself tbh). Ben is such a little bastid though. Shocked by abaddons exit, but Lance Reddick is on Fringe now, so securing him for further work was probably always going to be an issue.

Curious to see what happens to the new castaways, and whether they'll be around for long. :)

Interesting stuff. But I don't think that the writers are ripping on King so much.

The way I figure the episode is that Ben saw an opportunity to hijack Johns mission in order to get himself back to the Island. He was never marked down as one of the people to return, that's why unlike Jack & Kate etc, he didn't disappear into the 70s time line but stayed in the present. John didn't disappear either because he was dead when he arrived.

Bit of a filler episode in some ways, but it was interesting to see how it all came together. Glad he went and saw Walt (Jebus that kid has grown..) even if it was all a bit awkward (wish they hadn't killed Michael myself tbh). Ben is such a little bastid though. Shocked by abaddons exit, but Lance Reddick is on Fringe now, so securing him for further work was probably always going to be an issue.

Curious to see what happens to the new castaways, and whether they'll be around for long. :)
That's what I think too. Ben stole Locke's spot and furthered the reenactment by putting Locke in Christian's spot. It didn't entirely work, since the island beat the crap out of him again.