Lost: Season 5

Ok finished watching the new episode and watched the teaser, what the hell is Ben past while he's still in future!

Yuk! brain hurts.
I really enjoyed the scene where Ben strangled Locke. And all through it, I couldn't help but still sort of feel for Ben. I don't know why, but I still think that deep inside he's some sort of good guy and I don't want to believe that he killed Locke simply to get himself back to the Island! I want to think that somehow he thought or knew that Locke wasn't supposed to kill himself, and that somebody else had to do it for him, to prevent him from committing the suicide for some strange reason.

And poor Locke man... I feel so bad for him, always being used as a puppet so easily by so many people. He really wants to fit in somewhere, somehow... be a part of something great, and in doing so he gets manipulated so easily on so many levels by so many people.
Then why did he say "I'll miss you John. I really will." with that evilish sarcasm of his?
Ben wants to get back. No matter what the cost is. Ben and Widmore are nothing but selfish bastards that want the island for themselves. John is the true chosen one of the island and both of them are manipulating him. Also, unlike them he went through hell to reach where he is at but he still doubts himself. The two arrogant pricks took the easy route and simply don't care how many lives are wasted.
I believe Ben killed him because Locke needed to die -- but he could not commit suicide; he could not die faithless, believing himself to be a failure. Had Locke done that, Widmore would have succeeded. I think it's a mistake to overlook Widmore's manipulations throughout this entire episode. If you remember, way back in Season 4, he clearly stated that the Island was his and it would be again.

He realises Locke is special and a significant threat to his future in claiming the Island. He can't kill Locke -- he already tried that with his freighter mercenaries, and their intention was very clearly to "torch the Island". So, instead, he must drive Locke down the path of suicide. He must strip him of his faith, and so strip him of his title of 'special'. Abbadon is quick to remind John of his failure in recruiting the Oceanic 6, and himself raised the idea of finding Helen. Not someone -- Helen. Widmore is a powerful man. He clearly had access to everything about John Locke. He wanted Locke to find out she had died, to further tear him apart. The last time Hurley saw Abbadon, he was questioned as to the survival of those still on the Island. "Are they still alive?" Abbadon was threatening and menacing. He could have stayed in the car as Locke went over to Hurley, but he made himself very visible. He absolutely wanted that to fail.

Ben ensured it looked like a suicide. With this, he can convince Widmore that it worked. Ben must have known that, having restored Locke's faith, he could be successfully resurrected on the Island. "We're going to have to bring him, too."

Then why did he say "I'll miss you John. I really will." with that evilish sarcasm of his?
Ben wants to get back. No matter what the cost is. Ben and Widmore are nothing but selfish bastards that want the island for themselves. John is the true chosen one of the island and both of them are manipulating him. Also, unlike them he went through hell to reach where he is at but he still doubts himself. The two arrogant pricks took the easy route and simply don't care how many lives are wasted.

Because the John Locke who comes back to life on the Island is not the same John Locke.
Ben is still a James Bond-ing mother****er


Yeah I know right? The guy popped in a pain pill that didn't take effect yet, bit down on a stick, and the guy fixed his compound fracture sticking out of his leg. What a major bad ass. :E
Uh, what? Faraday was present in the DHARMA period. I don't think the fact that he went back in time was a carefully hidden secret. And you know, lols, how is "I was right about this, I am probably going to be right again, too!" empirical evidence of any sort -- there's such an incredible gulf between the two things you said.
I was just wondering - 3 years passed for the Oceanic 6, since they left the Island. How much time has passed for the people on the Island, time shifts aside?
Ehm.. I guess that the next episode will answer that.
I believe Ben killed him because Locke needed to die -- but he could not commit suicide; he could not die faithless, believing himself to be a failure. Had Locke done that, Widmore would have succeeded. I think it's a mistake to overlook Widmore's manipulations throughout this entire episode. If you remember, way back in Season 4, he clearly stated that the Island was his and it would be again.

He realises Locke is special and a significant threat to his future in claiming the Island. He can't kill Locke -- he already tried that with his freighter mercenaries, and their intention was very clearly to "torch the Island". So, instead, he must drive Locke down the path of suicide. He must strip him of his faith, and so strip him of his title of 'special'. Abbadon is quick to remind John of his failure in recruiting the Oceanic 6, and himself raised the idea of finding Helen. Not someone -- Helen. Widmore is a powerful man. He clearly had access to everything about John Locke. He wanted Locke to find out she had died, to further tear him apart. The last time Hurley saw Abbadon, he was questioned as to the survival of those still on the Island. "Are they still alive?" Abbadon was threatening and menacing. He could have stayed in the car as Locke went over to Hurley, but he made himself very visible. He absolutely wanted that to fail.

Ben ensured it looked like a suicide. With this, he can convince Widmore that it worked. Ben must have known that, having restored Locke's faith, he could be successfully resurrected on the Island. "We're going to have to bring him, too."

Because the John Locke who comes back to life on the Island is not the same John Locke.

Wow... for once we see eye to eye! That's exactly the sort of shit I was thinking. I really want to believe Ben is still a good guy in a way. He has to be.
my guess is close to a day.

Considerably longer than that. Remember that when Widmore asked John how much time has passed since he last saw him on the island to where he was now, he said about four days. And it was CERTAINLY longer than four days from that point to when the island disappeared.

What makes things so bizarre for me, is that when they left the island and 3 years have passed... in that short period of time, how much ****ing time passed from when they first crashed on the island to where they left. I mean, that was months before they finally made it off the island... that's gotta be decades of time passed in the real world!

But that's not the case. Obviously the story would be tons more convoluted and silly if that were the case.
Ok, I think I have a hunch on where everyone is. The people who were jumping through time end up with the Dharma initiative when Locke fixes the time wheel. And when Locke finally brought the Oceanic 6 back, there was another time flash. So i think Sawyer, Faraday, Miles, Juliet, etc. spent about 3 years with the Dharma Initiative and then flashed back into the present when Ajira Airways crashed. Since in the preview we see Ben behind Sun, and since I don't think only Jack, Hurley and Kate flashed into the 70's, Every main character is now in the present. Then we'll have flashbacks again, of what happened during the time in the Dharma Initiative and how the 06 got back for the rest of the season.

So I'm betting the next episode we'll have flashbacks of Sawyer in the Dharma Initiative as well as whats happening in the present with him.
No, Jack, Kate and Hurley are definitely in the Dharma period with those who were left behind. They are not in the present.
No, Jack, Kate and Hurley are definitely in the Dharma period with those who were left behind. They are not in the present.

How come? Jin could have been flashed in time with the van.

Maybe I just don't want to Jin and Sun separated. I don't know.
Yeah I was under the impression that Sun and Ben are in the present, with Jack Kate and Hurley in the past.
Where was Sayid? Can't remember if we saw him anywhere.
Considerably longer than that. Remember that when Widmore asked John how much time has passed since he last saw him on the island to where he was now, he said about four days. And it was CERTAINLY longer than four days from that point to when the island disappeared.

What makes things so bizarre for me, is that when they left the island and 3 years have passed... in that short period of time, how much ****ing time passed from when they first crashed on the island to where they left. I mean, that was months before they finally made it off the island... that's gotta be decades of time passed in the real world!

But that's not the case. Obviously the story would be tons more convoluted and silly if that were the case.

well mind you the island wasnt time skipping back then.
I believe Ben killed him because Locke needed to die -- but he could not commit suicide; he could not die faithless, believing himself to be a failure. Had Locke done that, Widmore would have succeeded. I think it's a mistake to overlook Widmore's manipulations throughout this entire episode. If you remember, way back in Season 4, he clearly stated that the Island was his and it would be again.

He realises Locke is special and a significant threat to his future in claiming the Island. He can't kill Locke -- he already tried that with his freighter mercenaries, and their intention was very clearly to "torch the Island". So, instead, he must drive Locke down the path of suicide. He must strip him of his faith, and so strip him of his title of 'special'. Abbadon is quick to remind John of his failure in recruiting the Oceanic 6, and himself raised the idea of finding Helen. Not someone -- Helen. Widmore is a powerful man. He clearly had access to everything about John Locke. He wanted Locke to find out she had died, to further tear him apart. The last time Hurley saw Abbadon, he was questioned as to the survival of those still on the Island. "Are they still alive?" Abbadon was threatening and menacing. He could have stayed in the car as Locke went over to Hurley, but he made himself very visible. He absolutely wanted that to fail.

Ben ensured it looked like a suicide. With this, he can convince Widmore that it worked. Ben must have known that, having restored Locke's faith, he could be successfully resurrected on the Island. "We're going to have to bring him, too."

Because the John Locke who comes back to life on the Island is not the same John Locke.
My thoughts on that scene was that Ben just wanted information from Locke before he died. He wanted to know who would bring them back (Eloise Hawking) and how to convince Sun to return (Jin's ring). Once he got that information, he killed him. Maybe Ben knew that Locke would resurrect, but I don't think so.

Also, do you think that the woman who went with Frank to the main island is Sun? It seems the obvious choice, but then again, why would she be the only one out of the O6 to appear on the Hydra Island rather than the main island?
Also, do you think that the woman who went with Frank to the main island is Sun? It seems the obvious choice, but then again, why would she be the only one out of the O6 to appear on the Hydra Island rather than the main island?

Maybe the flight attendant?
How come? Jin could have been flashed in time with the van.

Maybe I just don't want to Jin and Sun separated. I don't know.

They are most certainly in the Dharma period.

The spoilers have said so for next week's episode 'LaFleur'

The last time flash was when Locke adjusted the Frozen Donkey Wheel.
I saw these set photos back in the day. I'm pretty sure they are not spoilers:

Wow, their suits even got name tags on their chests.
I was watching the new Sky1 video podcast thingy and I got an excellent theory. They mentioned the wheel for the Orchid looked like a steering wheel for the Black Rock ship. They said it was too massive though. What if the wheel belonged to Noah's Ark though? :naughty: It would make perfect sense! The strange animals, the cradle of life, how the Black Rock got on the island. After the flood waters receded, the ship landed on a piece of Earth. A massive earthquake happened and the island separated from the world. Jacob is probably Noah. What do you guys think of that? :naughty: *D' OH: http://forum.lostpedia.com/showthread.php?p=1375802&posted=1#post1375802
Excellent theory, eh?
JJ Abrams and his team are not Jesus freaks. Wheel in the Orchid cave was probably build by the ancient civilization that inhabited the Island long ago, it also bears resemblance to Dharmacakra.
Good episode I thought.

Instead of LaFleur, the episode should have been titled "Three years"... rofl
the only good part of this episode was seeing the anubus statue, im pumped to see radzinsky next week though.
Tonights episode was pretty freaking awesome, also hool you are like the posters on SomethingAwful who read a bunch of spoilers then pass it off as "WELL THESE ARE MY THEORIES ON THE SHOW, I THINK THEY ARE RIGHT".


Who is radzinsky?


radzinsky was the stain on the ceiling of the swan that kelvin showed desmond during the season two finale. he was the guy do came up with the blast door map and was kelvins partner during the final years of dharma. this is what he looks like next episode:
