Lot of activity lately...

Mad Dog

Sep 24, 2003
Reaction score
...specifically in the form of Valve communicating with us. I don't want to fill anyone with any false hope, but I don't think I'm alone in thinking that this waiting period is drawing to a close.

:afro: <------- Afro. Not exactly sure what that emotes, so I do hereby dub the Afro emotacon the official emote of the impending Half-Life 2 release!

:afro: AFRO! :afro:
Don't get your hopes up.

I think they are just opening up after the leak. But a nice surprise along the lines of "By the way guys, Half-LIfe 2 is coming out in 2 weeks" would be lovely.
Mad Dog said:
...specifically in the form of Valve communicating with us. I don't want to fill anyone with any false hope, but I don't think I'm alone in thinking that this waiting period is drawing to a close.

:afro: <------- Afro. Not exactly sure what that emotes, so I do hereby dub the Afro emotacon the official emote of the impending Half-Life 2 release!

:afro: AFRO! :afro:

I had the same feeling. Well I'm used to getting disappointed now, so what have I got to lose? I'm getting excited again. Maybe a new bink vid or two in a few days perhaps?
Feath said:
a nice surprise along the lines of "By the way guys, Half-LIfe 2 is coming out in 2 weeks" would be lovely.
Damn right it would, but I'm not getting my hopes up, April's not really that far away anymore, and for now I need time to learn the Vampire:Gehenna rules.
:afro: :afro: :afro:
Erm, what is all this activity you speak of? I mean really? I've seen bugger all...
I'm personally hoping it comes in Feb, which is only next month(incase you're not on the grogorian(sp?) calander), but April's pretty close too.
I thought I had annexed the afro :)

Anyway I think/hope the SDK will be coming soon, YEEEEEY!

The activity is mostly Rick Ellis talking about the SDK, Gabe doesn't seem to reply much anymore.
el Chi said:
Erm, what is all this activity you speak of? I mean really? I've seen bugger all...

Yeah i was thinking the same....
I think the HL2 SDK will be released late Januari. I think HL2 will be in store between March and April

I think there will be 2 months between the SDK and HL2... we have enought time then to get familiar with HL2 models/animations and some code.
It's still very quiet from the ppl that matter. The PR peeps are always going to be the first to start the comms. When Gabe makes a next anouncement I'll be happier.
I know this won't mean much, but i was reading a supplement magazine from the times newspaper (UK). and in the games bit there was an article about what to look forward to in 2004. ANyhoo, the guy said half life should finally be released in february... You think he just made it up?
pk1209 said:
I know this won't mean much, but i was reading a supplement magazine from the times newspaper (UK). and in the games bit there was an article about what to look forward to in 2004. ANyhoo, the guy said half life should finally be released in february... You think he just made it up?
Nah, he probarly doesn't know more than us.
I know this won't mean much, but i was reading a supplement magazine from the times newspaper (UK). and in the games bit there was an article about what to look forward to in 2004. ANyhoo, the guy said half life should finally be released in february... You think he just made it up?

I trust The Times implicitly, it being the well known and high standard gaming magazine it is.
Yea even if its not before April, then it still wont be to bad, I just dont understand why they dont release new video or 30 or 40 screenshots. Cant be that hard.
mrchimp said:
30 or 40 screenshots? thats a bit overboard.

Pffft. Have you no ambition?

Well, the screens and interview was already out a month ago, so no, I don't think I'd personally count this as "the spark" that will light the fire. But we can always hope so.
They should put another huge video clip, maybe 10 minutes, showing some stuff we haven't seen before, a couple of new monsters, maybe a new weapon. That would really rekindle the fire. :afro:
BlazeKun said:
They should put another huge video clip, maybe 10 minutes, showing some stuff we haven't seen before, a couple of new monsters, maybe a new weapon. That would really rekindle the fire. :afro:
Never gonna happen. Although I'd at least like them to show some of the old beasties rendered in Source. I can't wait to fight alongside the Alien Slaves. Oh baby.
Think of how much better the game will be if they dont release new videos and screenshots, much bettter imo :afro: :afro:
new media would definetally just raise the hype for the game, this forum would have tons more people in it talking!

/me remembers the days when steam was releasing all the videos

over like... 600 people were viewing the forums, tons of people were!

but really

its true, I mean, even like a 3 min video of new stuff would make people go crazy lol...

And it really can't be that hard... like someone else said...

why wouldn't they though? the SDK will be nice and all but... most people wont understand it, basically just the modders and they wont be able to test their levels due to no built engine for them to test it on.. which kinda stinks..

I dunno, an SDK is nice for modders to get used to... but for the community... wouldn't a few screenshots or 3 min video satisfy most of us?
i think they arent releasing new video\screens til the game is closer to be released
Here is my line of excitement towards this game in the last 30 seconds:


The jump is when I scratched myself.
::thinks back to 1999:: Yeah! TF2 should be coming out in early 2000! Look at the PCG interviews! Look at the screenshots! Can't wait!

::5 years later::
All the game devs are quiet these days.
I don't see why they would rush the game now? The next milestone is E3 in May. And if it's not ready, they just release a a few screen shots, a video, and stay mum on the release date while giving out a bunch of fluff talk. We're used to it by now.
I've hoenstly just stopped thinking about HL2 - stopped posting in the forums and really only come to check on the "info from Valve" thread.

Its helped me deal with the lack of HL2 increadibly well. I fear I may be getting too excited and getting my hopes up again .. rofl :p

Anyway, the point of the post - try and forget about when HL2 is coming out, time will go by quicker and you'll be really surprised when it does come out.
I don't want to fill anyone with any false hope, but I don't think I'm alone in thinking that this waiting period is drawing to a close.
Yeah, that's what people were saying last September.
Mountain Man said:
Yeah, that's what people were saying last September.
and last may, when we were waiting on new vids.
oh the memories... or lack thereof ;)
April sounds nice and all, but I see a repeat happening. A full 1 year delay. Sept 30th 2004. Mark my words.
CreedoG said:
April sounds nice and all, but I see a repeat happening. A full 1 year delay. Sept 30th 2004. Mark my words.

I don't think you'll be far off the mark.

Aa rough guess based on media and time since dev started and the reputaiton and track records of the devs I would have to guess that the order of next gen games coming out in 2004 will be Far cry, doom 3, stalker and then half life 2.

Valve had the best rep in the business 6 months ago, sadly they are now last in the pecking order I'm afraid in many peoples views. It's a shame but the release of CS:CZ has been dragging on and and and that is a 5 year old engine that should fly off the shelves. The game was finished by all accounts in it's 4th incarnation over 2 months ago and no sign of a release. I can't see the hl2 release until at least a couple of months after cz to give breathing space to publisshers, printers and to fix steam after it falls over again when cz comes out.

I think hl2 will be a superb game and the source engine will fuel the fps genre for 3 or 4 years to come but sadly i think valve and vivendi just bit off more than they could chew at once. A new engine on a massive scale, new technologies, the online purchase and content delivery system, multiple sales directions and options (multiple pack options and versions of the same game). All this coupled with a criminal lack of bandwidth for steam and also the scheduled release of cz, the xbox version of cs and the poor performance of steam during the DoD and CS updates mean that anything that was released by valve and vivendi in 2003 or first quarter of 2004 was going to have a massive struggle. All this doesn't even mention the hack and the leaks and rumoured legal battles with Havok and vivendi.

In short until the infrastructure is in place and another smaller game is released first as a trial run I don't think you will see hl2. There appear to be changes afoot at steampowered.com lets hope it's the end of the final run in to release of hl2 but there are still a lot of milestones that need clearing first.
I'm starting to think that we will possible never see CS:CZ and that it's content will be updated and added to CS2. TF2 looked like it was ready to come out a long time ago but they decided it wasn't worth releaseing it in the old engine and that it should be postsponed and put into source, they could have just done the same with CS:CZ.

They have always said that they wouldn't delay HL2 because of CS:CZ and if you think about HL2 is far more important than CS:CZ so it wouldn't make much sense to do so. I think and hope that CS:CZ will be part of CS2 and that it is no longer a factor in determining HL2's release date.