Lots of new info coming tonight at 8

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mark my words. there will be no new info tonight. they didnt even say there was going to be any new info at the hlradio site

...misleading thread title

@ Gambone : Don't be so negative; it's always possible there'll be sóme new info.. And besides, old news is exciting too :cool:
I'll say it again for the benefit of the mouth-breathers in the audience:


Valve has had several chances to say, in so many words, "HL2's multiplayer is CS:Source" or "HL2's multiplayer is CS:Source and TFC:Source" or anything else. They have intentionally avoided saying that.

It says a lot about the radio guys' credibility that they would just now claim something as "exclusive info" when it was neither exclusive nor true.
I wonder what they'll talk about this time. The weather? Or maybe Gabe has a dog? Or maybe they give him the collectors item everybody wants: a HL Radio belt?

Haven't seen an interview of them that had information worth mentioning (oh wait: they found out that stuff is coming out in the future! © Apos) and I don't expect anything new now.
Im willing to bet everything I own that they wont do half of what they promise they would do.
Why are you all bringing down HL Radio? During E3 they promised to have an interview with Gabe, and they did. I don't see what horribly wrong they have done to gain such a poor status.
They didn't have the interview when they were suppose to have it. And it wasn't anything new... I could care less about the sdk. Release the game.
They dont know anymore then we do... Its just a missleading preview to get people to tune in. I will not be listening to that mindnumbing crap.
What do they know that we don't know?

Absolutely nothing.

Edit : OnBoardError, you beat me to it :(
HLRadio really is the filthy tabloid rag of the online Half-Life Community. :LOL:
Yea, they really bring down the whole hl2 community. They should be dragged out to the street and shot.
am i the only one who thinks half life radio is full of shit? most of what i've heard the few times i've listened has been almost 100% bullshit. i really do wonder where they get their hl2 information because alot of it is clearly ****ing wrong. heh.
HL Radio will deffinetly have a lot to answer for when HL2 is out (same with fragmaster).
Xtasy00 said:
am i the only one who thinks half life radio is full of shit? most of what i've heard the few times i've listened has been almost 100% bullshit. i really do wonder where they get their hl2 information because alot of it is clearly ****ing wrong. heh.

No, no you are not. :cheese:
HL Radio will deffinetly have a lot to answer for when HL2 is out (same with fragmaster).

What does fragmaster have to do with this? I mean, Fragmaster was actually right about HL2's delay, while everyone here (myself included) flamed him to hell like the obstinate fools we are.
Don't get your hopes up, I wouldn't be surprised if the interview goes in the usual HLR patterns.
FoB_Ed said:
What does fragmaster have to do with this? I mean, Fragmaster was actually right about HL2's delay, while everyone here (myself included) flamed him to hell like the obstinate fools we are.

Actually he lied, :-/ he said he was infront of Gabe himself and got lied, funny how gabe NEVER met him.
HL radio still is horrible. They make up soo much BULLSHIT so people will listen in. Its like this...

A) They wont get to the new info they claim to have cuz they mess around and its so unfunny.
B) They repeat the things we already know.
C) They will claim they will give it too us next week.

I really hate hl radio. They are nothing but BSers for ratings
Wow, wonder what it could be? another re-hash of old info? or actually something new.
MaxiKana said:
Wow, wonder what it could be? another re-hash of old info? or actually something new.

The radio thing or this thread?
Because it could apply to both....
Haha, i feel kind of sorry for ppl who trust this so called "radio", face it, they are full of shit, thats my opinion.

They just hype it up to get more listener and then come with some pathetic excuse, when the truth smash the listener right in the face.

So, i'll tell you again, do_not_trust_that_source_called_hlradio.

Thank you, and good night.
Insert said:
Haha, i feel kind of sorry for ppl who trust this so called "radio", face it, they are full of shit, thats my opinion.

They just hype it up to get more listener and then come with some pathetic excuse, when the truth smash the listener right in the face.

So, i'll tell you again, do_not_trust_that_source_called_hlradio.

Thank you, and good night.

Awsomely put. :thumbs:
You know what happens, people ask valve the questions and they just beat around the bush.


Gabe, what kind of MP game modes will there be

reply from gabe:

We have just updated our netcode to work well with todays MP standards


But what game modes can we expect


HL2 will be availible sometime this summer thats all the time we have for today thanks for tuning in!
To be truthfully honest, if they dont bullshit and what not tonite, I could give two craps about the MP issue. We will see what MP modes will be available at it's release; kinda look at it like a surprise. Like me, i'm sure alot of us care about when is the damn game gonna be released. That's what we wanna hear tonite.

And Zeus, I totally agree with ya lol. They do beat around teh bush.
Last time they started going berserk and swearing all over the radio because they were upset that people weren't too pleased that they listened in and got none of the new info they were told to expect, and the interviewers asked dumb-ass questions..

And the website said they would be talking to Gabe about TF2, and then they deleted that when everybody started complaining about their lies...

Seriously, I wa so annoyed, listening to some retarded imbecile rant through the radio at me about the fact that they failed to deliver. Truly unprofessional and utterly repugnant behaviour.
last time i listened in i was so amazed by the lack of professionalism, they sound like i did when i was five recording my voice on a recorder. they love the sound of their own voice and ramble on about dumb stuff, i have no respect for hlradio. if they found a few good dj's it would turn the radio around, but as for right now its a joke.
?? dont do that yet bate....

i hate hlradio because they said they knew when the sdk was coming out but nooooooooo they said it was coming out before the game......... they are just like us except they have a radio "show" to say exactly what we all know... it should be called halflife Noob radio.....
lol, I did like HL Radio at first, but then the more bs they put out kinda pissed me off...all they do is (as said above multiple times) rehash the same info out over and over, and nothing new comes out of them... Now I know that they are volunteering thier own personal time, and I do know that that they have the best intent, but they hype to much for what they put out...

This thread better be closed, its turning into a hl radio bashing...
How come every single thread attracts loads of people saying "in before close", "*closed*", etc? Is it like some weird, new surreptitious spamming method?
tokin said:
HLRADIO is complete crap, you will be wasting your time if you tune in. They hype up the show with complete bogus, its a joke.

posts like this one are unecisary, respect earns you respect. there is no other pattern.

If you dont like listening to HLradio DONT wait for other people to give you the information. I am going to do that.
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