M4, SVD and Colt1911

Nice work m8 What program you use to create them ?

Did the colt only take you 10 hours from start to finnish .?
Very, very, very impressive! I love the SVD :bounce: :bounce:
And you kept the polycounts down to a very sensible level.
And you kept the polycounts down to a very sensible level.
Originally posted by GOoch
Nice work m8 What program you use to create them ?

Did the colt only take you 10 hours from start to finnish .?

2 hours modeling, 8 hours skinning
Awsome job man!. the polycounts look pretty high res 2000/3000? (wich is perfect for a HL2 weapon)
an elephant on a pogo stick, these models are amazingly .. AMAZING :eek:

I mean really, jaw droppage at it's best.
Very nice work! I also read on your site that you did service with the Norweigan Armed Forces.

Expect an E-mail ;)
Originally posted by EVIL
Awsome job man!. the polycounts look pretty high res 2000/3000? (wich is perfect for a HL2 weapon)

none of the weapons are over 1500 faces
Originally posted by SidewinderX143
Want yo work on a mod team?

I'm geussing he's already part of one, If not my friend OES is looking for some really talented modellers...

and Sidewinder, Long time no see :P
Yeah, I was away for a week with out sweet food, liquid other than water, Air conditiong and sleep.

I got up at 0545 every morning for running, then did some other stuff. it was fun tough, i got to play with an m249 SAW and a m240B gun, as well as m1a2 Abrams and a M113 APC. and i got to go repellling.
hmm, good refence for uniform...

Just one question, why is he firing with shades on?!?!?

here in britain, it's illegal (well basically)
Ahh, some explanation is required. He's not firing the gun. This is the Civil Air Patrol, not the military, although the CAP is the auxillery of the US Air Force..... but we did get to play with all the weapons, since we aren't actually not the military.
arr, ok, phew...
Should of known really, due to the fact that the pictures taken from in front of the weapon...

Same you didn't get to actually fire the weaponary as this would of been great for your mod....
Well, we getting to hold it was cool enough, and we got detailed descriptions of each, like the fact that the M240B that has flames shootign out of the barrel 7-8 inches when firing full auto.

not the same, but good info.
yer, well glad you got some info out...
hmm, i reacon you should try and get hold of some weaponary and go shooting, at a range, to get the feel of handling it...
Although getting hold of something automatic might be a problem, and the fact that diferent weapons handle completly diferently...
Oh, and for actually crits of the model....

the only flaw i see is the the M203 40mm grenade launcher looks a little too long.... otherwise, great models!
oh yer, forgot this was someone else's thread, thought it was yours sidewinders...

Sorry, CHRIS, once again great models, and If you want it, there's most definatly a place for you with OES
No, if you're interested, there's a place for you with CW:MP!

I want him Stone!!! ;)

I'm starting to feel sorry for all these new coders/models/texture artists that join these boards.... :)
yer me too, people are going to see some of the models posted on here, and just go and cry in a corner, thinking, i'll never be able to do that....hell, i saw these and I started doubting myself ... :(

And he can work for more than one mod ;)
Originally posted by SidewinderX143
Oh, and for actually crits of the model....

the only flaw i see is the the M203 40mm grenade launcher looks a little too long.... otherwise, great models!

there are different versions of it, I know there is a shorter one to... M203 I think this is, I mixed up the names then



hmmm, where'd you get your referance material Chris?!?
they're some pritty detailed imagary...
Originally posted by Stone
hmmm, where'd you get your referance material Chris?!?
they're some pritty detailed imagary...

If you want good details you have to search for 4 years, thats what it took me to get good at finding this stuff lol...

just kidding, well almost

use www.google.com its the best search engine for images... you just have to know what to type
yes, i usually use Google, or take the pictures my self of the actual weaponary... oh, well back to searching...
just thought you might of had a specific site....oh well
hhmmm, are there just me, you and Sidewinders modellers on this forum...?!? anyother modellers out there?
Well.... i'm not a hardcore modeler, in fact i'm pretty bad at it, but i like to htink that i know what i'm tlaking baout and i like to pimp my team's work, cause they deserve some regconigtion for it...

and it seems that we are the only ones who post on this baord...
what eva happened to submerge?!?

oh yer sidewinder... can you tell your modeller that, I can't get any images of the rifle, due tthat fact that the person in charge of the armour won't let me sneak some out, and the CO won't let me take any due to security reasons... I'd PM him but lost his name :(