Magazine coverage of HL2

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Party Escort Bot
Jul 17, 2003
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The silence will finally be broken this month, when PC Zone comes with a hands on preview of HL2 on April 29th. From what I understand, PC Gamer will have it's mag out on april 15th, but it's unsure whether they have the playtest of HL2 too.
But take all claims of PC Zone of 'the first magazine to playtest HL2' and it's exclusiveness with a truckload of salt. Wasn't PC Gamer the first magazine back in 2003 to have a HL2 preview, or was that Edge?

So discuss it here :)
i will be getting that! 10 pages of HL2ness!! defo worth 5quid. hope we find out some multi information. doubt it tho :/
Well, PC Gamer says that it's "Inside Valve" so I think it's just Valve inviting all the magazine's over to see Half-Life 2 again. Hopefully it's all playtests but we'll have to wait till the magazines come out.

PC Zone claimed to have played it last year. But every other magazine said that they just watched videos. And the videos were of the same thing as PC Zone said they had played.
lol yer that was a bit was all for the sales as usual. its goin to be a long wait 29th is ages away. better be worth it!!
Yeah but PC Gamer comes out on the 15th. That's less than a week. And it usually comes out a few days before it says it would.

So I'm going to be going to the shops on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Bugging them about it.
<Abom|Away> Okay guys, I don't know if you know already, but I just got my PC Gamer and there aren't any new pics, sorry.

..... :(

Too bad....
I'm just reading it for any new information right now, but it doesn't look promising :hmph:
So you have it, and they lied? Man people will do anything for a buck won't they...
Grrrrrr! I say we burn them to the ground!
Well, they did only say "Inside Valve". It' s PC Zone that said about all the new screenshots and stuff.

Any new info though?
Technically speaking, wouldn't posting the "new" screenshots (the concept art, the resistance fighters fighting those manhacks and a capture from the strider vid) classify as "BRAND NEW screenshots"?
That would suck. Or did they already show those screenshots?
I have a snippet, but it's not really crucial (or even true, probably):

"When Half-Life 2 was first rumoured, there was some speculation that you'd be able to play as Alyx, as well as Gordon Freeman... *talk about character changes in Metal Gear Solid 2 - between Snake and Raiden*... We have a nagging feeling that Valve have something similar in store to surprise the utterly faithful Half-Life fans.

Let me also point out that there's another Part next month, which they claim will have "Fresh screens", "What it's like to play" and "The word from Gabe Newell"... this looks to be what Zone will have, but after them. You never know though, it could be totally new stuff.
Hmmm, I thought valve has went on record and said you would stay as gordon through out the whole game, as not to break the feeling of you actually being gordon freeman or something. Maybe I'm wrong, I dunno...
Either way it really wouldn't bother me I don't think. As long as its fun, and not made trivial. I just wish we could get some new info/screens to tide us over until E3....
And I swear, If all they do at E3 is show the same looping footage we saw last year, I will personally shove a crowbar into my skull.
Read faster next time Abom, before making claims.... ;)

But that's good news, I guess. But that part of switching chars is total BS. Because HL was always advertised with the fact that you ARE Gordon, and that you never hear him speak is because you ARE Gordon...
As I say, I doubt it's true... this is PC Gamer's own thoughts, not what was actually said. Plus that was the only real thing of interest in the 6 page article of recycled information.
well thats a dissapointment :/ waste of money then, PCzone was always the better mag :p
Headwires said:
well thats a dissapointment :/ waste of money then, PCzone was always the better mag :p

I'd like to see what Zone has in store for us, even though I hate them. Here's to hoping that they might have something new.
any hl2 news... is good hl2 news...

(except for: Hl2 is cancled... :p)

Makes me think that there was an NDA again. And PC Gamer didn't expect it. I mean, last month they said "inside Valve". This doesn't seem to be 'inside Valve' at all. And PC Zone is claiming that "No one can reveal anything before we do".

Maybe PC Gamer thought that there wasn't an NDA, and the new issue came out before it expired. So they had to write some speculative stuff.

I'm really tired so if any of the both doesn't make sense, I'm sorry.
The PC Gamer article was nothing new except a couple of mistakes that are never going to appear in Half-Life 2 :) I did think they were bloody cheeky though, most of the stuff was copied word for word from these forums and our Valve Speaks articles.
I think PC Zone is a pretty decent magazine. Although lately, they appear to have been going into 'lad mag' speak, which is somewhat offputting.

I think they were the first ones to break the story last year in the UK though. Although I didn't know about the whole did they really play it? dodgyness.
Well, it's not that dodgy, just a bit. It's a bit weird though that out of all the PC Gaming magazines in the world, one has played it. That writer must feel a bit special if it's true.

As for PC Zone being the first, I think it's because it comes out at the end of the month, whereas PC Gamer comes out in the middle. So it came out just after the NDA ended. Whereas, PC Gamer would've had to wait another two weeks before their issue came out.

Maybe there's another NDA that's why they'll be first again.
Feath said:
It's a bit weird though that out of all the PC Gaming magazines in the world, one has played it.
Not only one, the dutch gaming magazine PC GamePlay has also announced a preview for next month (coming may 1st :S).
h3llrazor said:
Feath said:
It's a bit weird though that out of all the PC Gaming magazines in the world, one has played it.

Not only one, the dutch gaming magazine PC GamePlay has also announced a preview for next month (coming may 1st :S).

Yeah but I didn't read anywhere it's a playtest. If they say it's a playtest, it's true. They are very reliable and don't throw around like mad with 'EXCLUSIVE PREVIEW' and 'YOU WONT SEE THIS ANYWHERE ELSE' and they attach no value to world exclusives. Which is a good thing.
I'm definately not buying any magazine, if there's new screens, I'll see them anyway and if they actually produce some information I'm not aware of already, it's probably not worth knowing.
Does PC Zone go by a different name in the states? I'm not big on magazines, lol, but I do wanna pick this issue up..
h3llrazor said:
Feath said:
It's a bit weird though that out of all the PC Gaming magazines in the world, one has played it.

Not only one, the dutch gaming magazine PC GamePlay has also announced a preview for next month (coming may 1st :S).

I'm talking about the original Half-Life 2 previews last year. Out of all the journalists in all the magazines that got to see it last year, only he apparently played it.

In fact, up until recently, he could've been the only person outside Valve to play it.
Just to clarify, abom, you have the June issue of PC Gamer, and it doesn't have the hands-on report about HL2 like the last issue promised?
Spiffae said:
Just to clarify, abom, you have the June issue of PC Gamer, and it doesn't have the hands-on report about HL2 like the last issue promised?

I don't think the last issue promised a hands on report. At the most they said, "inside Valve".
Spiffae said:
Just to clarify, abom, you have the June issue of PC Gamer, and it doesn't have the hands-on report about HL2 like the last issue promised?

I have the May edition, which is supposed to come out on April 15th. In the article, they say that next edition, the June edition, will have fresh screens, new info and an interview with Gabe.
godamn!! all these will only happen after my midterm
how can some thing like this always happen this way
!!! Is this a test!!!!
!!! or a sign!!!!
Munro said:
The PC Gamer article was nothing new except a couple of mistakes that are never going to appear in Half-Life 2 :) I did think they were bloody cheeky though, most of the stuff was copied word for word from these forums and our Valve Speaks articles.
omg sue!!11one
Abom said:
I have the May edition, which is supposed to come out on April 15th. In the article, they say that next edition, the June edition, will have fresh screens, new info and an interview with Gabe.

no no no. you have the issue that comes out in march. they are two months ahead of schedule. we all have the may edition, that has the little picture of the combine shooting the ant lion in the orange level and the little blurb in the blue box that says something about their shell-shocked and grizzled editors coming back from valve. that should be in stores the 16th of april. i'm pretty sure that PC Gamer US is two months ahead (e.g. the June issue comes out in april) the "may" issue has been in my local news stand for a while. the next issue comes out on the 16th of the month.
Spiffae, he's talking about the UK Version of PC Gamer.
Yeah, PCgamer UK are beggining to piss me off. They have said that they will have HL2 news next issue several times now with nothing to show for it.

Bah, I have it on subscription so its not like i loose anything anyway, but its still really annoying. :angry:
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